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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2024 in Posts

  1. Not a construction worker but a installer so I hope I can still put in here. When I was a teen in Germany my got this nice 4 room house we ordered a dryer and a washer a couple days later it came to our house. This tall and strong woman came with this short guy and installed both appliances. I was in the living room fixing some stuff and putting stuff in a tote plastic box so I could take the basement so I noticed the guy come up and get on the truck I assume the woman had gone before so I was taking the box down to the basement when I heard all to familiar hissing sound there was th
    5 points
  2. On the floor we couldn’t be bothered to look for the drain. Depends the girl really some would sit on the bench, some standing, some standing. Me I have to sit or squat because my messy stream. It would really depend because sometimes it would only be one and sometimes it would be the whole team
    4 points
  3. I’d like to have some kind of ‘magic touch’ that would make any man start peeing involuntary while giving him oral sex.. does that count? 😅☺️
    4 points
  4. For sure. Idk about the US (haven't witnessed it as much here) but in Germany e.g. you'd often see the phenomenon of these places sorta becoming the unofficial girls' toilet for the day/night. And then it wouldn't be just tissues, but also packaging and other stuff like feminine hygiene products... But I must admit I'm not innocent here, probably even less so than @Miss Piss lol, since I litter my tampons too 🙈
    3 points
  5. And it’s fat bottomed girls who make it rotate!
    3 points
  6. For example, i know a technique for almost certain squirting, at least it works for me: when i came for the first time with two wet fingers i massage the upper internal wall of the vagina in a rhythmic manner, then gradually increasing the pace. But since it's really too intense a sensation, i'll have done it a couple of times and that's it.
    3 points
  7. So many familiar stories in this thread, it's really great to read them! Like so many others, my first experience was around the age of 7, when I got to watch the girl next door pee in the garden. All I remember is that we decided it was too much trouble to go inside to pee and so we dared each other to go in the garden instead. When I saw her pull her pants down and squat, and then a stream of pee came out from underneath her, my mind exploded. I have no sisters, so that moment was when I discovered that girls are different from boys. I can picture it like it was yesterday, I couldn'
    3 points
  8. I admit that if there were some young workers with nice bodies, seeing them peeing in the open would be very sexy. 😇
    3 points
  9. bro I love it. Fuck yeah. When I used to work in construction, I was the same way. Bro I pissed everywhere, foundation, dry wall, insulation, bricks, ceiling, carpet. My friend sometimes warned me saying bro the place really smells. Lol,
    3 points
  10. Sorry for late response but for as long as i can remember my mom and i have been pissing in front of each other nothing sexual we just continue our conversations while peeing and that's how i learned i liked watching people pee and having people watch me pee.
    3 points
  11. Me and my dad live together my older brothers moved out so now I have my room and bathroom connected he has his room and his bathroom. We rotate who cleans the house and one day my jokingly asked me Skylar are you bringing guys over without my permission? I say no why he says because everytime I wash your toilet it has pee stains under the seat. I act like I don’t understand what he saying he was like oh wait my daughter pisses like a racehorse. I blush and giggle he then said you sometimes sound like a jet engine taking off in the middle of the night since my bathroom is in front of the door
    3 points
  12. Needed a pee at the airport after a couple of beers and a glass of bubbly. Of course the floor got the honors 😇
    2 points
  13. these days I've been craving for guy pissing in skinks. I can't seem to find a specific topic on this, so here it is. Please, share your stories, images and videos of guys using sinks as urinals here some:
    2 points
  14. I've been in the hospital for a few days, no roommate. At night they pull over my curtain and close the door. I can see light under the door and will spot feet if anyone is coming in. I awoke having to pee and although I can use a walker to get into the bathroom I remembered i was hooked up to an IV. I buzzed the nurse but she didn't get there fast enough so I grabbed a towel and put it between my legs and peed into it. She was understanding and put the sheet in a laundry bag and changed my chuck. I was only wearing a gown so nothing else got wet. I was having
    2 points
  15. I usually like female desperation more because i can identify with it. But i've always been excited by the idea of seeing boys desperate, because usually males are always proud, etc... Instead in those moments they seem very vulnerable and defenseless. I feel like cuddling them (even though i wouldn't make them pee eheh)
    2 points
  16. If only I see a certain jet take off. Or even just listen.
    2 points
  17. I never really thought about it I really don’t care if they listen when you piss violently you can’t control your hissing or gushing
    2 points
  18. I had a good friend from switzerland who casually whipped out his cock and started pissing wherever he pleased. We had lots of fun everytime he came to visit. Back then I still was kind of timid and really amazed by his bold behavior. It took me way too long to figure out he really likes marking his territory and me watching him. One time we went out for drinks and I finally manned up and start pissing in a potted plant outside a restaurant that had already closed for the night. He laughed and stepped into the restaurant's doorway, opening the mail slot next to the door, and starts pissing ins
    2 points
  19. If you're just looking for someone to fuck you then ohhhh boy have I got news for... People offer to do that shit to women all the time, unsolicited
    2 points
  20. I'm law enforcement so I have had to pee many times in many weird and wonderful places whilst out and about with no loos, or at crime scenes etc.
    2 points
  21. Most of the people throw tissues away and dont consider it littering. What else to do with a wet tissue? But in some frequently used places (behind rocks or bushes in parks) you can find lots of tissues, so the amount of litter increases faster than it decreases. I try to hit them with my pee stream to help the nature deal with it 😄
    2 points
  22. I find desperate guys very sexy especially if they are very young, around my age, their vulnerability is evident in those moments. I almost want to go and console them hehe I remember in high school, traveling (o had a pullup so o often used the scheduled bathroom breaks to change), but of course the other guys didn't. There was this guy o had a crush on, who while waiting his turn jumped on the spot and got nervous because it was very urgent (it was very hot and we had all drunk a lot), so ok o was in the hormonal peak, that scene, it really turned me on. In my perverted mind, i imagined hi
    2 points
  23. Hot story! Wish I could find a piss budy too!
    2 points
  24. Yeah Bournemouth. Two popular porn star guys who do piss content too had got together and had recorded a piss behind the beach huts which I found out was in Bournemouth. I tried to find the video there to link but no joy, one was Scottish and they were called Marc and Iain I think. Most of their content was too staged and porny but this piss was to me just pure fun 2 guys messing about having a piss together and enjoying each others company. Well me being the dog I am and was going to be staying 1 night in Bournemouth off I went trying to find the location for me to piss there too. Well there
    2 points
  25. A well used stone stair path to a beauty spot, just nice to leave my calling card for all to see. https://www.erome.com/a/LtYMBnpp
    2 points
  26. Diapers, they're great. I wore a pair to the grocery store once and had a great time peeing while I walked down the aisles. I even peed while I was standing at the till talking to the cashier, it was such a thrill that she had no idea I was standing there pissing myself right in front of her.
    2 points
  27. The best site to post to - obviously Peefans. After all that's what we're all about - a community where we encourage and celebrate with each other. Once you start talking about other sites, it gets far to easy to fall foul on site rules - asking for and sharing off-site communication details for example. And encouraging people off to other sites really isn't the done thing.
    2 points
  28. I never thought me posting this series would be such a popular thing. Thanks for all the likes. Some of you have been messaging me showing support, giving advice or tricks of the trade, I really appreciate it. Meeting a bunch of you, talking with you has really allowed me to accept and affirm this persistent and somewhat unique facet of my life. I have become a lot more braver because of you. This really is a great site. So onto the day, yesterday actually avoiding the toilet again I have started jogging regularly, well as regular as I can, so I saved my morning piss for the run. Fo
    2 points
  29. The father of a childhood friend of mine used to work in a big factory as an electrician. Once at dinner he told how he had to use a bike to move quickly around then place. Then he told that him and many coworkers don't bother going to the toilets and just piss where they are inside the factory. I was still a young back then but I vividly remember this story.
    2 points
  30. http://youtube.com/post/UgkxoWYFBqCk7JKz8zQ59c1DHJYXxGppZv3o?si=aiePufv6VNdIgazX
    2 points
  31. Don’t we (girls) all litter while we when we throw the wipe in the puddle after wiping.
    2 points
  32. I did because me and brothers would declare war on the bugs in our backyard and treat them as invaders to our land
    2 points
  33. Pheeeeew.... More room for beer 😁
    2 points
  34. Special question, do you have the possibility to change sex for 24 hours, would you like to do it, maybe out of curiosity? I admit that it would intrigue me, let's say that I'm happy to be a woman and i wouldn't change. But if i would accept only 24 hours a day, i think it would be really fun to experiment. I would be very curious to pee with penis, or masturbate and ejaculate 😄 But also to go around and see what the world is like through the eyes of a boy. I imagine that i would love the greater physical strength since i am small and petite and am quite weak eheh 😄 Although i don't
    1 point
  35. This description is very sexy 🤣 I know that when guys have an erection, they have a hard time peeing, maybe by squeezing it and stimulating it a little making it partially stiff, you can resist better.
    1 point
  36. After having a large Coke at McDonald's, then shopping, then a 20 oz. Mountain Dew on the long bus ride home, my bladder was screaming for immediate relief when I got off the bus. I had been conversing with another guy about sports, and when the bus got to the final stop, we were the first 2 off. I explained to the other guy I had to pee really bad, and started heading to my usual spot. He mentioned he also had to take a piss, and asked me where I was going to go. I told him and he said he knew a better place, why not come with him. He took me to an alley/driveway behind some stores, and it
    1 point
  37. For a moment I thought @Alfresco had been kidnapped and swapped for an impostor
    1 point
  38. I was at Eastbourne (beach town on South Coast of UK) on Saturday with my wife and a young lad we sometimes look after. It was a lovely day and quite a few people about. I left my wife and the lad to go for a pee. I went up to the toilets by the pier and noted as I walked past the ladies that there was a queue out of the door. I actually went past the gents and sat on the top of the beach and peed out of the leg of my shorts because I prefer to pee outside, but that is an aside. I then went back to the toilets to wash my hands because they were sticky from ice cream. As I was coming out of the
    1 point
  39. Melissa fidgeted in her chair, barely able to focus on the study materials in front of her. The other students in the library paid no attention to her, absorbed in their own efforts. Melissa shifted again, the heat between her legs begging for attention, burning for her touch. What happened to me this morning? Marcus should have waited for a stall, and wiping his dick on me must be some kind of assault. She glanced down at her thigh, where she’d felt his cock press against her, where she’d seen the wet smear slowly dry all morning. The evidence was gone now, but her memory remained. I’m not ju
    1 point
  40. Picture from today's work 😁
    1 point
  41. Literally anywhere outdoor lol Especially I love to pee on the beach, pee off the side of the boat and pee off the top of the mountain. To be honest, peeing outdoor is my favorite part of outdoor activities haha
    1 point
  42. Yes, this is a yearly event, taking place every late June / early July. And it looks like nobody from the forum attended, or everybody is just too shy to be the first to recount something here, so let me start. This year again, I never used a toilet stall to pee. I basically tried everything else : grass, bushes, showers, male urinals, squat urinals (see below). There was a sign asking not to pee in or around the lake, and I tried to comply... except one particular afternoon, where I challenged myself to go for a swim despite the cloudy and windy weather, but I was specially cold, an
    1 point
  43. I get the best most strongest scents from portable potties. I would intentionally visit potty stalls set up in parks or at events to masturbate my wet pussy to the stench. The stronger the scent, the better. I just love filth.
    1 point
  44. https://www.erome.com/a/NPJJXXLd I woke up today and had to piss really bad, so like usual I got up and went straight to the closet to piss down the wall! It was super concentrated stank a lot! My apartment is starting to smell like the urinal it is and I love it!
    1 point
  45. I've got a silly idea here. Walk around the car like a reviewer. talk about the cars features and such, then open the door and just piss all over the passenger seat and floor. then continue the review like that was normal.
    1 point
  46. This is actually how my kink may have started. Back when I was 6 or 7 I had this friend at the time and we would play in the backyard of her house. This is one of the earliest memories I have, one day she told me: Wanna see something funny? And she pulled down her pants and peed on the grass. Of course she also encouraged me to do it at the time and we did ot many times over the course of a few months. At that time it wasn't anything sexual obviously, but from that first time seeing someone pee right in front of me, piss was never the same for me haha
    1 point
  47. Love a sunny lie in after a late night Saturday 😉
    1 point
  48. yes Speedy go for it! also anyone having a lazy sunday pee is welcome It doesn't have to be just for us guys 😋, talking of which.....was up really late so didn't feel like getting up yet
    1 point
  49. It's Sunday again so time for another lazy relaxing pee wile having a lie in 🙂 gone a bit arty this time as well 😂
    1 point
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