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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2023 in Posts

  1. Me! Just a little bit tho lol. It's my hottest fantasy to pee in a carpeted dressing room. I get off to porn about it all the time. Back before I achieved this it was my ultimate goal before I died lmao. So around my birthday I was feeling on top of the world and decided that it was time. So I got some clothes to try on but was sad to see there was no carpet. But there was an old napkin in the corner! So I peed a little on that and then threw it away so no one had to clean up after me 😁 Still hoping one day I can leave a bigger puddle, but until then I have accomplished my gr
    6 points
  2. Do girls pee and guys piss or do girls piss and guys pee? In my humble opinion watching both genders pee I gotta say girls piss since we piss with such force and loudly meanwhile a guy pees is usually quieter.
    4 points
  3. Imo women are less vulgar when men are present. If they think nobody can hear the gloves come off.
    4 points
  4. It's my day off, so I'm drinking plenty and enjoying letting out little leaks. Currently I'm laid on the floor doing some diamond art, a towel under my crotch while I'm drinking. I've just let out the first tiny spurt of pee, feeling it cooling my knickers against my clit.
    3 points
  5. I don't know if this is the most public but it certainly was the best team effort pisses I have ever taken. There was a group of us getting back from drinking and we are at the back door to the dorms. There is a 3 foot or so wall where people normally sit to smoke cigs and we are coming up to it before we go into my buddies room. There are four or five guys a few girls. I know I will need to piss later so I seize the opportunity and pull my dick out. I knew the other guys would probably need to go too since we had been walking for a good while. I'm happy to say I told them to line up and p
    3 points
  6. Around seven years ago I decided for the first time to try a more open area whilst being nonchalant. I was bursting since I had been looking for an area that seemed like a good spot to try out. I stopped at a busy rest stop and sat on a bench. I pulled my dress up a little, sans panties, scooted forward and watered the sidewalk. Three people were making a beeline to the bench next to me so I tried to stop but couldn’t so I just pushed it out faster and left. I’m pretty sure they figured it out but I was already halfway to my car.
    3 points
  7. I just peed out of the window into the darkness!
    3 points
  8. Walking home this evening I was bursting for a piss, so I walked off the sidewalk a bit and went to the back door of the local movie theater, by the dumpsters. I was surprised to find the door open a crack - some of my piss may have splashed inside as I thoroughly hosed down the doorway. I just wish a cute theater employee would have walked out to put some trash away while I was standing there...
    3 points
  9. A different king of long... I was staying in a hotel in North Sydney (the Travelodge, ou f anyone is interested). This was back when you could open the windows. M uh room was on the 14th floor, one evening, needing a piss I opened the small window, and peed out of it. So, 14 floors, maybe 15 feet between floors.. over 200 feet to the ground. That's pretty long...
    2 points
  10. This is the dream. Every person should be so bold. I would die to find a guy who whipped it out to take a leak literally wherever needed.
    2 points
  11. @Someguyfromthenet You thought this out well and cover a lot of ground. Personally some of my earliest sexual experiences where from my fathers friends daughter accidentally on purpose flashing her pussy at me while we were camping etc. Seeing a shaved pussy pissing strait ahead pushed my younger self to almost cum in my shorts. It was the desired effect on her part. Fast forward I did bang here when she was 25 but I do regret not getting to do some nice raw cums in her while I was young. As for pissing I am curious how you include the naughty/exhibitionist angle into your theory. I
    2 points
  12. Actually it was today, twice. Both times in an old trash strewn alley.
    2 points
  13. I leaked, but I couldn't hold back anymore! The way it spread all down my thighs felt amazing, I just had to take the shorts off and finish myself off
    2 points
  14. I was until I made my anonymous Reddit. The feedback I had on it was so good
    2 points
  15. Finally i got some time to Write another Part My Room used as Toilet 7 2 weeks later My mother's birthday I had helped her a lot with the preparations. Two friends and a couple came to the Birthday. The couple were black and both of their friends were white womens. I was only there for dinner and then went to my room. The woman's husband walked in and said hello. He then went to the corner where my laundry basket was, pulled out his cock and just let him hang out. The cock was huge, a true BBC. I guess his BBC was about 8 inches long and really thick. He st
    2 points
  16. In a corn maze last Halloween 👻
    2 points
  17. My pee stop. Exercise seems to keep the blood elsewhere.....thats my excuse for my size lol
    2 points
  18. My piss kink was very much a progression over the years. I was never raised to be open about peeing and was always taught to only ever use a toilet, Itaught myselfto be more open/nonchalant aboutit over the years. I originally discovered my piss interest when I was around 10 years old. When I was around 12 I started peeing in my room as both a rebellious act and just sheer laziness. That's why I started pissing in between my bed and my wall in the middle of the night. At 14 I started peeing in other places around the house where I knew I wouldn't get caught like sinks, the yard, the basement,
    2 points
  19. My most public piss would probably the times I pissed in a craft store. I was getting some supplies for an art project, walking through the aisles as I felt an ache in my bladder. There was a decent amount of people around so I walked to an area were no one would get sprayed, I didn't care who saw me in the act (I never do) but I still didn't want to splatter/splash/spray anyone with my piss. So once I was a reasonable distance from everyone I whipped my dick out and pissed on the floor, leaving a good sized puddle behind as I walked away and continued shopping.
    2 points
  20. I work as a package handler for FedEx, anytime I'm loading a trailer I always think to myself "I wish I could piss in here" it's the one and only place I can't get away with it because there's a camera that's overseeing everything that happens. I have pissed in the parking lot a few times though.
    2 points
  21. Leaving a puddle in a corner
    2 points
  22. Just today at some sort of viewpoint on the lake. A nice belated morning piss on a wooden wall, aiming high and watching it drip down before some people came by on their bikes a few seconds after.
    1 point
  23. A couple of sightings from this evening came from the same place. A few times whilst I was scoping out the crowds and heard people moaning about their need to pee they suggested going to Tesco’s. After a few times of hearing this I was intrigued and whilst wandering around between the different hotspots I found what people were talking about. Along one of the main roads between two of the nightlife spots on the corner of a crossroads was a Tesco’s convenience store and just inside the main entrance was a customer toilet. After checking it out for a while it seemed a lot of people knew about it
    1 point
  24. Good start to the series @PeeOV330, looking forward to the next chapters.
    1 point
  25. One time, when I was first starting to explore my piss kink and become more comfortable with public pissing, I was at a grocery store, just getting a few things, as I was walking through the store I felt the need to pee. As I came up to a few vacant aisles, I decided I would piss on the floor since no one was around. I lowered my zipper, pulled out my dick and sprayed the floor while walking around hitting some of the shelves as well. When I was finished I put my dick away and continued on like nothing happened got what I needed and went home.
    1 point
  26. Very nice. I'm a little bit concerned about the insertions though as they're a good way of introducing infections and I'm not sure they're particularly safe either.
    1 point
  27. Without a doubt, having a corner sofa is the best thing to pee on, I have one and I love it and it's my favorite place to pee. Also, if the sofa is made of light green fabric and it always ends up very stained after urinating. By the way, sometimes I let the pee smell a lot or even dry because it's very funny to see how my sofa, which is not more than two months old, is gradually ruined.
    1 point
  28. In my case, while pee-stuff has often priority, I try to diversify as much as I can...
    1 point
  29. This is why I wish I knew of any Parking Garage Stairwells, since they'd already be be a prime target with puddles and because it'd be indoors, unless they're physically cleaned you could make a huge mess over time 🥴 Though carpets are indeed incredibly hot as well! Same with alleys, when I went to Spoons on Saturday I noticed two really smelly spots when I was heading to the train station near midnight, likely caused by the drunk patrons.
    1 point
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