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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2022 in Posts

  1. was feeling a little desirable. can you tell? 😇
    7 points
  2. I was masturbating on my couch growing up...my mom wasn't home, and I was in a very dirty mood. I let a little bit of pee dribble out of my pussy and onto the couch cushion. The feeling was fabulous, so I continued to empty my bladder on the couch. After I came, I flipped the cushion over. My mom never said anything about it, so I assume she never noticed?
    6 points
  3. Finally! Boyfriend 2 is also into piss and has been working on being less pee shy. He's been doing so well with it. I have some good stories but today I got to hold him and aim while he pissed. The first time I have ever gotten to to that. It was so hot to feel. I aimed his piss all over these dead plants we have in the garage that I pissed on earlier this morning.
    5 points
  4. In pre-school, my mom was frequently called because me and other kids were peeing outside on the playground. My mom was cool about peeing, so she did not care. At home, my mom and I were usually naked. We lived out in the country, so no one could really see us, and both of us hated wearing clothes. My mom would let me pee in the house in sinks and tubs. I ventured on my own and peed on the couch, the corner of the living room, and in my closet multiple times. I made half-assed attempts to cover it up, so I am sure my mom noticed, but she did not say anything. At my dad's house, he
    4 points
  5. My wife doesn't share my pee fetish, but yesterday something incredible happened. My wife has bad allergies, so lately there has been a lot of sneezing and coughing. She goes into coughing fits, and they have been bad enough that she has had a few small accidents, just enough to either send her rushing to the bathroom or needing to change her panties. Yesterday evening, she decided to wear a pad to keep from having to run to the bathroom every time she goes into a coughing fit. We were sitting together, and then she started coughing. When she stopped, she said, "I just peed myself, b
    3 points
  6. omg?! for reals? 🫣🤭 teehee. it always feels a little embarrassing knowing i inspired someone to do that. like i don't really think about it when i post stuff, though sharing on a site like this one, i guess i suspect that it happens. and i 💟 that my own shenanigans are enjoyed by others, but it's always surprising to find out. 💋
    3 points
  7. I thought I was gonna burst before I got the camera on (it threw up all these prompts like I had never used it before). The mirror is an old antique we got from a friend that we couldn't hang anywhere, so right before my shower, I decided to put it over the drain and burst all over it. I must have gone for at least 40 seconds. The video is too large, but here are a couple frames:
    3 points
  8. It makes me very happy that I have turned you on so 🙂 The decision to nurse is usually his...he needs to so often that I rarely get engorged. I drink quite a bit of water to make sure my milk production is supported, so I usually have to pee when he is ready to nurse. If I have to pee before he latches, I will typically ask him if he needs to nurse before I let go on the floor or go use the sink.
    3 points
  9. Back when I was breastfeeding my daughter, I loved the way my breast pump felt on my nipples. I would get so horny when it was time to pump. A few days in, I started peeing every time I pumped my breasts....my husband loved watching me lactate and pee; so much so, I started breastfeeding him after I weaned my daughter, and I now pee while he is sucking my titties.
    2 points
  10. Thank you very much for your appreciation. I have some other experiences that could be of some interest maybe. I will post them when possible. Thank you.
    2 points
  11. I don't think it is necessarily a question of what people "here" think it means so much as lately there have been a whole bunch of new terms related to gender and sexual identity and sexual orientation which seemed to appear out of nowhere without any authority giving any definitions of them as if we all were fully familiar with these terms and already know what they mean: I know I never got anything in the mail saying "here are a bunch of new terms, this is what they mean"...
    2 points
  12. I suspect there are more of us, erm I mean site users, who do too. But I won’t mention it again for fear of embarrassing you further. I’ll just leave it at ‘thank you for everything you post’ 🤭
    2 points
  13. Very much for real! I just woke up and thought I’d have a little browse on here.. then I came across this thread and the *incredibly* sexy contributions you’ve made to it.. Next thing I knew I was incredibly hard, and needing to take care of it! I particularly love that it caused exactly what this thread set out do discuss.. 🫢 You've no need to feel embarrassed about it though - it’s definitely a good, and very enjoyable thing! It was actually the post from this time last year with struggling to hide your panties under your denim miniskirt and using your vibrator in the park that tipped m
    2 points
  14. Haha I just know you. You should see the video. Barely had time to turn on the camera I was so desperate.
    2 points
  15. Oh wow that is so hot! 🔥
    2 points
  16. Okay now I know for a fact that you are stalking me on here. Because my god. I love watching men pee on mirrors 😭😭😭
    2 points
  17. Tights are real fun to wet. https://www.erome.com/a/FzdcoMey
    2 points
  18. It's a common thing to hear from long distance hikers, women especially, that they hate being back in civilization because they can't pee anywhere they want. I know my bladder goes feral and it's all I can do to not piss in my shorts when I decide to pee.
    2 points
  19. Usually once in the morning when we are about to get out of bed to get ready for the day. Then, after we are back home in the evenings, he will nurse every hour to hour and a half. I have stopped wearing shirts around the house so he can nurse whenever he needs to. I love when he nurses me while doing chores like washing dishes or cooking...I will release my pee right onto the floor ❤️
    2 points
  20. I honestly did not think my post would be this well-received! I am so glad you all are into it! Peeing while there are lips on my nipples is almost reflexive at this point....it has been years since we started this, so now when I feel the warmth on my nipples, my bladder automatically releases.
    2 points
  21. Version that is larger than a postage stamp
    2 points
  22. I totally agree. I would have loved to see you desperate. I just wonder if that would be so obvious or not. 😉
    2 points
  23. So next time I see someone breastfeeding in a library or café I am going to be wondering "Is she peeing now too?"
    2 points
  24. I read all your storieș and they were all amazing. Do you remember any more? I will be happy to read it.
    2 points
  25. The more I'm seeing red heads on here, the more I'm starting to love them and she is a fine example. Thank you
    2 points
  26. Me and my friend went car shopping for her me and her already had a big cup of coffee each we are drinking are Second Cup of coffee we were looking at cars and the sell man ask us what type of car she wants she said no vans or cars she wants a truck or suv he showed us a dodge truck she liked it but it had Leather seats she want cloth seats he led us to a another dodge truck with the seats she wants she asked if we drive it out he lets us drive it we a Away from the lot my friend said I need to piss I know she does not use public tolilet she told me I going use the back seat I told her go
    1 point
  27. I was drinking lots of water tea at home. I was home holding it and needed to pee. https://www.omorashi.org/topic/77550-male-close-up-pee-on-carpet/
    1 point
  28. Reading @Kupar's recent lucky experience in his garden prompted me to write about this one which happened very recently. It was a lovely evening and generally quiet. My wife and I were feeling a little frisky and decided to have some fun on the garden swing. It is one of those which is three seats long with soft cushions. She wore a dressing gown with nothing underneath and I wore some loose leisure wear. We went out to the garden and tried to be sure that nobody was looking, although it couldn't be guaranteed. We fooled around for a bit and got each other turned on. Mrs A then str
    1 point
  29. Hello everybody, I want to share one of my unusual pee experiences hoping it could be of some interest. It was in 2020 in full covid emergency. In my country everything was locked and only the basic services were granted with restrictions. A morning I was forced to go to a public office for some important paperwork that I could not postpone. This office was in one of the squares of the center of my city. The matter was very complicate and long because they only let one person in at a time and so there was a very long queue outside. When I am forced to stand in line I usually feel the
    1 point
  30. It's amazing that you reacted to my post right when I'm on the forum.
    1 point
  31. Some very lovely content on there. Thanks for always sharing with us. 😄
    1 point
  32. Wonderful @peecurious94 - I'm a huge fan of introducing the pee topic in a humorous way - it sort of gives a safety net that you can laugh it off as a joke if they look at you like something they trod in. "I thought about just popping a squat" (said with a laugh) is so much easier to sidestep away from than "Normally I just piss right there"
    1 point
  33. I'm loving the way this is developing, can't wait to hear more. It sounds like you've got a good set of tolerant neighbours, who've effectively blessed your attitude to clothing at least. And who knows how much you've enriched their lives. When you excused yourself to go inside, did you mention you were bursting? If not, now you know their sense of humour you could maybe touch on the subject in a lighthearted way "Sorry I rushed off so abruptly last night, I was absolutely bursting and me weeing on the grass may have been slightly more than you wanted to see." That could op
    1 point
  34. I’ve never actively timed myself with a stopwatch or anything, but based on videos I have made of me pissing, it’s usually one minute of continuous stream if I really need to go.
    1 point
  35. Staying in a hotel room this evening, and as a man who’ll piss wherever I want, wouldn’t it be wrong to actually use the toilet?
    1 point
  36. i swear i never set out masturbate outside. lol. only meant to go get gas, and then head home. but, after my escapades earlier in the morning after leaving the gas station, i was just feeling sooo naughty. like i kinda 🐌'd my car seat, and knowing my vagina had been seen by total strangers had me really excited. as the sun had risen, i decided to make one more stop, this time exiting my car without the cover of darkness, and with the threat of ever increasing encounters. sheepishly walking down the sidewalk as traffic passed was getting the best of my sensualities. but, i didn't want to draw t
    1 point
  37. when the outfit you’ve been out running errands in all day is litterally half underwear, and well the other half might as well been, it can be a little difficult not to feel incredibly sexy- especially when you know it attracted lustful glances from random people. i finally couldn’t put off pleasuring myself too, and the 1st time leaned longingly into the corner of a marquee letting it massage my muffin. but it didn’t quite quell the tingles i felt, and despite being right next to a pretty busy street, my hand found it’s way into my shorts as it helped rub my clit hoping to relieve the tension
    1 point
  38. this champaign bottle didn’t make it to the recycle bin when it went to curb. oops. so i was planning on running it out just before the trash truck showed up. had my coffee while i waited, but i kinda felt horny too. what to do, what to do? 😇🤔 oh my. i ended up sitting on it. ☺️😳 and kinda just meant to let the tip slide into my muffin while i keigled it. but, it felt too good, and i ended up bouncing and rocking my hips as i let as much of it as i could enter and pleasured myself til i came. i totally missed the recycle guy too, as i couldn’t bring myself to stop when he showed up. 🤪😬🤩
    1 point
  39. I told my step daughter back win I got with her mother to not where any clothes on her waste down so if she need to piss she could anytime anywhere in the car now my step daughter is naked at home she always pee on the floor or on furniture
    1 point
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