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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2022 in all areas

  1. In another topic, I mentioned having my best sighting ever in a big highway reststop. I didn't tell anything about it, as the topic was about something completely different but @The99Club asked for some details, so here goes! It happened a couple of years ago on a Thursday night. I was driving home from work late. I always pass a big reststop with a big petrol station, restaurant, Starbucks etc. As it was late, I decided to pull into the rest stop and get some food there as I didn't feel like cooking anymore. Ofcourse after such a long day at work I didn't think at all about pee sightin
    10 points
  2. Dear Wet Carpet This is me with my three glamorous friends enjoying a day out at the races. I'm the big girl on the right.... Well, afterwards we all went back to mine for a few drinks. And somehow as we got increasingly tipsy we found ourselves looking at fetish sites for a laugh, where we found some letters from this magazine. And the letters about women peeing all over the place were highly amusing in a naughty kind of way but also weirdly erotic. Well we soon all needed a pee ourselves at which one of the girls joked that actually using the bathroom like a lady seemed
    5 points
  3. As someone who's about Naughty Peeing (watching or doing), my overall favourite is the sound. I love hearing the pee hiss out of my vagina and splash over my chosen surface.
    4 points
  4. Kitchen pee No video this time - just a couple of photos. Still horny after the pee on glass, so later I just released some more in the kitchen - and hands-free for a while too! OMG it felt gooood! When I'm in a that kind of mood, I need to do something about it 🙂
    4 points
  5. * those in the know, know my pisscapades rarely result in, nor are a result of, any sexual gratification. but, i rated my responses more on how exciting or fun i find each item.
    4 points
  6. i'm not sure if touch is referring to like the physical aspect of having pee on you (as in golden shower), or like in the sensation of it leaving you. maybe i should have voted for that instead. lol. i voted for sight because it always intrigues me to see things and wonder how it came about. like if a puddle that resembles pee is really that, and who did it, and why. but, i would say that i am more aligned with the feelings i get from peeing. like in a more emotional than physical aspect. though, that feeling of it escaping me and when i wet, definitely love the feeling of the dampness i make.
    4 points
  7. I guess touch is the only one that really applies for me. I enjoy the feeling of going, the warmth, the wetness etc. I have also enjoyed the feeling of being felt up while I pee. The other things don’t do much for me.
    4 points
  8. Just a quick story to fellow forum folks. Yesterday I was out having a cycle along my normal route by the river when I met a lady I have often seen walking her little dog. I stopped and said hello and walked along with her chatting. Out of the blue she asked me if I would hold her dog as she needed to pee, obviously I said yes expecting her to go and hide up but instead she stepped of the path, undone her coat and pulled down her trousers exposing herself clearly to me, I wasn't sure if I should be looking but in a half squat she let go in a hard torrent, she never batted an eyelid
    3 points
  9. In my experiences of requesting and getting pissed on by women, I have in a few instances been requested to piss on them. None of them had a piss fetish, though after pissing on me, they enjoyed doing it. I had just gotten pissed on. As soon as I arrived she began laying out the plastic sheeting. She started pissing as soon as she hovered over my face in a high squat. A hard stream. I could barely keep up swallowing. Just guzzling piss. She finished and there was a small puddle with a yellow tint that had pooled on the clear plastic sheeting, the piss I couldn’t swallow and got waste
    3 points
  10. I have been a lurker here for quiet some time and thought id share some of my own stories and reading doctor doctor story reminded me of a similar situation, ill start with my own then share some sightings and experiences. I was in hospital for some time when I was 22 (cancer) and this happened on my 3rd lengthy stay. I started to run a fever and anyone that has been in hospital knows that if that happens the doctors will order 3 or 4 test to figure out the cause. At this point I was hooked up to the machines on a portable arm so I can walk around with it and still be connected. This time arou
    3 points
  11. So I found out that @glad1 apparently has a Bacardi voodoo doll that he squeezes in the bladder every morning between 3 and 4 AM when he pees too. It's been happening every morning for the last week or so and it's the only explanation I can think of for finding out we are so in sync that we wake up at nearly the same time in the middle of the night to pee 🤣
    3 points
  12. Absolutely valid point there @puddyls that often gets overlooked on the site - we're pee-fans and that doesn't have to mean that everything ends in orgasm. Enjoyment of pee at any level is what matters and absolutely the scores above (or all content of the site) can be enjoyed in that way.
    3 points
  13. Started getting dressed and needed a piss, so decided to piss beside the bed.
    3 points
  14. My first piss of the weekend. Flooded the bathroom floor! https://imgur.com/a/0eJm2t4
    3 points
  15. Not myself but one of my favorite pee videos by Leah (which I currently can't find 😭) has her peeing in a hotel/apartment hallway and I am always amazed at the size of the puddle she leaves! I can't believe she had been holding that much pee and was so calm and collected the entire time.
    3 points
  16. Not quite what you asked but I’ve occasionally been embarrassed by how long my pee has gone on for in a public toilet or at work and knew I still had quite a lot more to come so I’ve stopped my pee so people don’t think I’m weird and then came back a couple of hours later to finish 🤣
    3 points
  17. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a maths teacher in my late 30s at a London comprehensive. This is me.... I guess I am taking a chance posting that but the age verification stuff for your magazine is quite strict so none of my pupils should see this. As for their parents, if they are reading this they will probably be fans. Anyway.... I am generally regarded as a respectable woman, well thought of, living in a decent house in a nice area left to me by my ex-husband. I have actually been single for quite a few years now, and like it that way. That's because I can do my thing around th
    3 points
  18. I recently had a follow-up ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder from a kidney stone episode I had last year. (I wouldn't wish kidney stones on my worst enemy, but it luckily passed quickly.) Anyway, I was told to show up with a full bladder for my appointment. I did and then had to wait an extra 1/2 hour, because they were behind schedule. I was really, really full when the very young, attractive ultrasound technician called me in to the small, darkened exam room. She sheepishly asked if my bladder was full. I answered with a firm, yes! After getting on the table in only a gown and a pa
    2 points
  19. While this story doesn't really do anything for me (y'know, because it involves my mother) I thought some of you lot might appreciate it. So last night I went for a shower, I asked both my mum and my brother if they were needing in the bathroom beforehand, they both said yes and I let them get on with their business before I went for said shower. Anyway, once I was out I had to go and ask my mum something, so I knocked on the door, she let me in, I asked what I needed to ask. And she said to me "I had to pee in a bucket, I was bursting.", I looked over and saw this bucket about an in
    2 points
  20. I don't, but I do like what I call 'The Pee V'... If I'm not using the toilet, I will place my hand around the pubic area, not on the vagina, and pull backwards. I often do this using an upside down V shape like the picture (which also shows the right place, but maybe a bit close). Combined with being a 'forward pee'er', it just means that the pee clears me and I rarely have splashback. Sometimes I just do it with my whole hand. On the toilet there's no reason to do any of this. At least for me as I don't have big lips.
    2 points
  21. Yes definitely. Not only this but people with cellphones that can record me. The last thing I need while trying to enjoy a naughty pee is to end up on the internet somewhere I don't want to be lol. That's why I tend to enjoy my naughty pees at home where the only person that can record me is me!
    2 points
  22. Quick pee in the carpet before heading out. https://imgur.com/a/qdqgkEM
    2 points
  23. I think this is definitely something that's causing a lot more issues these days. Take a look at the older wet in public and British extreme series. Those ladies would wet, wet and wet themselves some more throughout a whole day! These days I doubt you'd get most of them even doing one wetting through fear of being filmed by a phone or spotted by CCTV. 😞
    2 points
  24. I think it's something that has to be taken into account these days, it's not just the cameras that have been put up by authorities but many private dwellings and businesses have cameras looking out over local areas. So yes being careful is now something we need to observe. I tend to go to areas that are less likely to have them but they can be hard to spot. A good question and one that needed asking.
    2 points
  25. @Sophie most of the time I'm perfectly content being single, but I do envy those perfect little moments sometimes x
    2 points
  26. Sound is definitely my favorite. There is a distict difference in my reaction to hearing the sound of pee hitting the tile/asphalt or something and the sound of it hitting the carpet. The second it starts to patter into the carpet I get so wet! Much more than just based off of visuals alone. I am not so much into the smell or the touch and I'm definitely not into the taste; very smelly and yellow pee is a turn off for me and I've never had it in me to touch my pee or anyone else's. That's just the way it is around here in my world!
    2 points
  27. i don't think he knows just how much i enjoying having pee shenanigans. he has kinda found clues i guess you could say. and so i do know he's not into it too😕. but that's ok because it's a personal pleasure for me. and yes, it would be exciting to be able to share in it intimately, but i'm perfectly content exploiting and exploring that stuff on my own. honestly, i'd do it anyway even if there wasn't an amazing place like peefans to commune with others over it. i don't think he realizes just how powerful a little exhibiting can feel. i can't speak for all women, but i know many who aren'
    2 points
  28. I realise that I am often creating new threads for fun things that happen with me that I share. I will compile them all into here from now on (as others have done with their threads). That way it'll keep it tidier in the forums. 🙂 16/03/2022 - A Desperate Drive Home I left work today at the usual time. I drank A LOT during the lunch break and in the hour or two following, and then left work with really rather full bladder. (I had actually drank quite a bit more than usual at work). I often do this to add a little excitement to my drive home. Today, however, it nearly caused an accid
    1 point
  29. We have an open relationship and my wife is a hotwife. She occasionally dates with other men. She has one big fetish: pee. She loves being peed over her breasts, over or in her pussy, peeing over a hard cock and fucking with a way to full bladder. Being peed upon and fucked in the woods is one of her favorites.
    1 point
  30. I met a girl at a pub once, we got talking, and as we progressed in level drunkenness, the conversation progressed in dirtyness; talk of fetishes and previous experiences, eventually she looked at me, embarassed, and asked whether I would judge her for having a pee kink, which of course made me very excited. I said that I did too and that I would love to hear more. On that spot, on the bench in the pub garden, she grabbed ahold of my hand, pushed it between her legs and let out a trickle of piss through her panties. I was in heaven and I wanted more, so we decided to leave and head to her hous
    1 point
  31. It was about 3,5-4 years ago so from way before Covid. So toilets weren't closed or anything! I was very surprised as well that nobody went inside, but there was a very exuberant atmosphere among the girls. They were dressed up, singing songs loudly and all a little bit tipsy (though not drunk!). About nobody going inside, that's technically not true, as 3 if the girls did go inside after they peed to buy more cans of beer in the petrol station's shop 😂
    1 point
  32. Yes. I will do a proper wetting another day 🙂
    1 point
  33. Same problem here, when I'm interested she's not 😢
    1 point
  34. We don’t actually do much swinging anymore, but we have looked for other couples over the years who are into pee like us and it’s REALLY difficult to find. Especially ones we are physically attracted to. It’s been a huge bummer for us.
    1 point
  35. I was lying on the bed and figured just let it flow 😏😏 http://www.xvideos.com/video68918167/bed_piss_on_the_floor
    1 point
  36. As I'm single I don't have any direct experience of other people peeing, apart from living vicariously through the lovely people here 🙂 It was a difficult choice for me as sight, touch and smell are all very enjoyable to me. Sight - a wet patch on a pair of panties is just lovely to see and watching it grow as they get wetter is a wonderful sight. Also a puddle of my own making somewhere naughty is fun. Touch - I only have experience of my own pee so it has to be from source, I love the trickling sensation when I let spurts of pee out in what I'm wearing, or the feeling of peeing on
    1 point
  37. I'm new to the site and I feel like really new to piss play and attraction and I've never had fun with someone else but to find a woman with the same interests... oof! 😉 1) Peeing on a partner - 8 2) Being peed on by a partner - 7 3) Peeing in your partner's face - 9 4) Having your own face peed on - 7 5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source - 9 6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source - 8 7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet - 8 .8) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner - 6 9) Wetting yoursel
    1 point
  38. I had to piss super bad and was also in a hurry to have the whole procedure done. It was also a medical procedure, so I didn't have a problem pissing near the ultrasound technician. I did turn away from her, for what's worth.
    1 point
  39. They are only celebrities on this forum I know. But I'd like to see a pissing contest between @Sophie and @MissAutumn, who can make the biggest puddle on my living room carpet. lol Mind you I'd love a pissing contest between Shakira and Angelina Jolie, to seewho could from a standing position pee the highest against my bedroom wall. Loser gets peed all over by me. Winner holds my dick whilst I am doing it.
    1 point
  40. Personally - and this is just a matter of my sexual orientations, the only man I'd really be happy with pissing around my home would be me. But I'd be more than happy to let any ladies around here have fun pissing wherever they want in my home. I have in the past posted a number of imaginary stories featuring @Sophie pissing in my flat. Eg on my living room carpet, lol. If she or any other lady here wanted to do it for real, they'd be welcome. But in my heart I know it will never happen. My flat is often very untidy. I would have to tidy it up somewhat to make it fit to pi
    1 point
  41. when you've gone out with tights instead of proper leggings, and also decided it'd be ok to wear one of your tiniest pairs of panties. ☺️🤫😇
    1 point
  42. She had on some tight black, dressy pants and a vertical striped top.
    1 point
  43. I love those vids too. No gender separation, noone to judge you for it, just a nice semi-public spot to tinkle where it will definitely leave a long-lasting mark. Seems like a dream
    1 point
  44. Probably one of my naughtier pees was on a family vacation. The house we were staying at had a little yard, but it was right by the road and not very private, so one day when no one was around and I really had to pee I opened up a little shed they had for storage, pulled my skirt up, parted my pussy lips, and peed all over a tool box and some rubber boots. It felt so good and naughty! I took a video, so here’s a screenshot from it:
    1 point
  45. I once pissed on quite a busy beach, in the middle of the day hehehe i was sat with a guy, he didn’t know about how I felt about pissing, but was pretty easy going. We were by the sea edge, the nearest people were 25 m away and I was desperate for a pee. I opened my legs a little, pulled my swimsuit to one side and just pissed. It was quite a thrill, sat next to him, in broad daylight with so many people around.
    1 point
  46. as an ex truck driver i often used to piss beside the trailer in a lay by, one time standing peeing, a car pulled up behind and an old lady got out ran to the trailer. she hitched her dress up pulled her panties down to her knees and squatted. she stated to pee right beside me , neither of us had any shame. i had a glorious view of her open pussy as she peed. then she asked me if i had any paper so she could wipe herself.i went to the cab and got some tissue for her, and she wiped herself , as she stood up to pull her panties up she realised that she had sprayed on them , so she took them
    1 point
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