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  1. No my stream is clean and goes straight down. I’m sure I watched a tv program where the doctor said the inner labia help direct the flow of pee. it was a plastic surgery show and the woman wanted a designer vagina and he warned her it could make peeing messier if they were gone/too short like she wanted. But maybe I dreamt that 🤣
    4 points
  2. Im a long time lurker here and I would usually just share these sorts of stories with my now ex-boyfriend who got me into naughty peeing. As thats no longer an option I thought I'd share with you all as I have a fantastic experience which just happened which I never thought I'd be brave enough to do! I had a flight coming up early in the morning. Had my usual coffee and got a taxi to the airport half asleep. Eventually after getting past security I felt hunger strike and settled in for breakfast at one of the cafes with a couple of large glasses of orange juice, a weakness of mine. I actu
    3 points
  3. I believe it was Patricia Yang of Georgia Tech, along with her colleagues, who concluded that nearly all mammals, no matter what their size, empty their bladders in about 21 seconds. I'm not sure yhat they've established what the standard variation is. I'm planning to do more research with human female volunteers.
    3 points
  4. K's experience was somewhat different. Natural births both times. But when our first child was born, everything was a little messed about down there in the immediate aftermath, requiring a stitch or two. When she needed to pee afterwards, she just couldn't. The doctor (who had been there with forceps / ventouse at the ready - not needed in the end) and midwife (who didn't win any sewing prizes at school) didn't want a catheter putting in at that stage and suggested a warm bath, and peeing in the bath. It worked, eventually.
    3 points
  5. I don’t really have issues with this, my pee goes straight down mess free. On rare occasions my stream goes slightly to the side and gets the top of my leg wet but I stop and rearrange and it fixes it (it only happens once a year if that). I’ve never got a wet bum and can’t work out how it would happen (for me). This is the same for sitting in the toilet, squatting or standing.
    3 points
  6. 💯 shaved! Lol I’m not a fan of body hair so keep it clean shaved all the time.
    3 points
  7. Wrote this in a couple of hours. Finally using a proper desktop computer to type rather than a friggin' phone. There will hopefully be a more substantial story soon. Contains some female semi-public pissing. *** This story takes place a few springs ago. I was in university at the time and had decided to take advantage of some of the first really good weather of the year to do some studying outside of my cramped dorm room. I grab a couple of textbooks and find a spot to read in the shade offered by an old oak tree located just behind one of the campus’s baseball fields. A pair o
    2 points
  8. I recall having read a post on Peefans last year, saying something like "couples who pee together stay together". I know it was last year because when I read it, my life situation was rather messy. I dreamed about being part of such a couple, but at the same time I had to face the reality of soon not being part of a couple at all. But sometimes bad things must happen just to create a space where good things can happen. Me and A are a married couple now, and we pee together as much as we can. When we get out of bed in the morning, we go to the bathroom together. She would sit on the wc, a
    2 points
  9. okay soooooo.... a while ago me and a old friend went out for a night or drinking, both of us got hammered and got a cab back to my place. We got out early to stop for food and more drinks, on the way back my friend announced she had too pee. (so did I desperately) We were about a ten min walk from my house I turn around to let her know how far we are and she's wondering off into a park. I rush after her trying to keep my own bladder composed, she ran under the slide area and removed both her thong and yanked up her dress. I watched as her stream gushed out causing a hiss while hitting the san
    2 points
  10. Our local mechanic gave M a couple of covers that she uses to protect client car seats. M still uses a couple of old towels though, these are stitched too, puddles may seep through. It really depends on how much you want to let go, lol.
    2 points
  11. Just lovely - as ever! Thank you for sharing this @Sophie - it is always a special treat to read your accounts of holding and wetting ... and more 🙂 Your delight in these experiences really shines through when you write. Thank you ❤️
    2 points
  12. Add a thick towel for extra absorbency?
    2 points
  13. I got my cath as soon as I got my epidural both times. Both times i was confined to my bed and couldn't move at all. Could still push but big headed babies (and a thin birth canal 😟) made it impossible. I do remember them telling me they had to crank the meds in my back up both times tho when it came time to go under the knife.
    2 points
  14. I agree it’s fun to drink as much as you want and never feel full or desperate or have to get up. The bag just fills up without you knowing. Having it pulled out is not so fun though!!
    2 points
  15. Well...it has been a long time since I have posted on here, and let's just say I have my reasons. I have lurked around the past several years and have tried to keep my distance from people (everyone...no one is singled out). I might start frequenting this site more often, as it seems some of my posts have been hits. To confirm your suspicions, yes, hpz48 was me on peeingcupid. I just never got anywhere with that site and was frustrated more than anything. And yes, I have been in discussions with some individuals on this site who know more about me than others, but I am not ready to contin
    2 points
  16. Only the few who are lucky enough to watch me pee 😛
    2 points
  17. I took a quick road trip the other week, two nights in a hotel. When I arrived to my room at about 4pm I had to piss. I scanned the room for a good spot to piss. The urge was getting stronger, you know how it is when you have to piss, then you get in the bathroom and while your unfastening your clothes the urge gets worst. I went over to the window and pulled the curtains back which were only covering the wall, being the window didn’t run the whole length of the wall. I unfastened my noisy belt, belt buttoned my pants, snatched down my zipper, pulled my equipment out, and holding my
    2 points
  18. The twins and Bryony have some more fun in their leather skirts and get some news. Part 26 I was woken in the night by Bryony fondling my breast. It was nice but I did not know what to make of it. I was wondering if Bryony really was lesbian after all. I reached behind me and found Bryony's crotch. I extended my middle finger and found her clitoris and started to massage her as I would my own clitoris. Bryony continued to fondle my breast, and now I could feel her breathing deepen. I was wondering if perhaps she was still asleep and having Sapphic dreams. We contin
    2 points
  19. Ok I did it!! I filled my bladder up as much as possible and then peed into a jug to measure it, whilst timing how long it took! I have had a lot of comments about this so it was a challenge I decided to take on. I started at 5pm (although had last peed at 3pm and may have had a small drink of coke before starting) then I drank 1.5 litres of ice cold water, 330ml cold coke and held it as long as I could. I got to the point where holding it was pretty uncomfortable and even standing upright was a bit of a challenge. I eventually released it all at 11pm, so I held for around 6 hours (8
    2 points
  20. I am like you @Sophie, in that I love the idea but wouldn’t want to ruin the car. I Have done it once by putting a seat cover and a towel folded to be six layers thick. That worked fine. I am also very tempted to buy car seat covers by DryRobe. Link and photo below. They are designed for people you get into the car in wet swimwear or wetsuits after surfing, swimming, kayaking etc and have a waterproof layer and an absorbent wool layer. They also go in the washing machine. Lots of fun for £40 https://dryrobe.com/products/dryrobe-car-seat-cover
    2 points
  21. I'll let you in on a little secret, but you've got to promise not to tell a soul. It's a lot more common than you think. Almost everybody on his site has one.
    2 points
  22. Not generally but I will if I’m in a naughty mood and peeing for fun and want to get a good distance.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. hey y’all sorry for the break i’ve been super busy but i’ve had a pretty decent experience i wanted to share baxk in october i worked a job that required me to be out in the forest all night. we could not take bathroom breaks. So when i was alone i would squat wherever i could and piss for over a month every night it was the best job i’ve ever had
    1 point
  25. @PixieRyder @windy55 - Happy Birthdays to you both.
    1 point
  26. This is fascinating. I’ve heard of and watched some women who pee quite messy, and they can’t seem to control it. So I want to ask the girls here, when you are not trying to wet yourself, like when just peeing normally, do you have to deal with stray streams running down your butt cheeks or thighs? How wet can you get on a day when your pee really seems to have a mind of its own? does that happen to you a lot? It’d be amazing to know.
    1 point
  27. Mainstream UK Soap, Coronation Street has featured peeing recently. Sally Webster was previously a Mayor in the program and a supposedly upstanding citizen of "The Street". However, on New Years Eve, she complained about the queues for the toilets in the pub and then when they all went out on the street to watch the fireworks at midnight, she got her husband, Tim, to cover her whilst she peed in the memorial gardens because she was bursting and didn't want to miss the fireworks. This being despite her house being on the same street and she could have popped home at any time in the evening
    1 point
  28. That’s me today. I last shaved a couple of days ago so not quite as smooth as it could be lol
    1 point
  29. Lmao. I just sat down to pee and found out I've been wearing my panties inside out all day long 😂🥴 I took them off. Gotta shower anyway.
    1 point
  30. Most all the women I'm around are the outdoorsy, often athletic kind. So, it not surprising that I usually see them in sports bras, though a few (far too few if you asked me) prefer none at all. Usually, they're under a tee or polo, but many times they'll wear them alone. I've had countless opportunities to check out how visible are their nipples. Not that I would ever stare. 🙄 What I've found is that most modern fabrics do a good job to conceal in most situations. But, when the weather quickly turns cooler or there's a sudden rain, I'm often rewarded with a view that, er, peaks my intere
    1 point
  31. I was curious to read the comments to this, but since there aren't any yet I guess I'll chime in. I've always wondered this myself. I'm in my late 50s and grew up in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1970s it seemed to be more in fashion for women to go braless and for the outline of their nipples to be showing through their clothing. I didn't realize how common it was at the time since I was pretty young then and went into puberty toward the end of the 70s. But re-watching some of the old TV shows and movies from that decade on HDTV it's a lot more clear than it was on the older TV sets with l
    1 point
  32. it's not every day i see man doing it. lol. the car pulled up and he sat there for a few minutes before getting out. i thought he might just be getting something from the trunk. but then hearing the unmistakable sound of pee splattering on the sidewalk, it made me look up from my phone to see him like this. 😳 idk if he even realized i was here.
    1 point
  33. I cannot sit still at all and I feel like I could let go at any second. I still need to get out of these jeans and thong and into my nice new knickers so I am going to say goodnight now. Thank you to everyone who has joined me tonight, you have made it all worth while. You're amazing. I shall post the story of my release in the near future! ❤️
    1 point
  34. A couple of weeks ago I bought a multipack of briefs for everyday wear and I want to try them out... By wetting them! I'm going to start filling up now and once I have some privacy I'm going to let my husband pick a pair out of the five for me to let go in. He'll get a front row seat, of course.
    1 point
  35. A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @stan4444 and @Zovad ! Have a great day guys
    1 point
  36. Between consenting adults, legal - confirmed by the 2019 changes to the CPS guidance on obscene publications. See https://www.lawble.co.uk/obscenity-laws/ for a good explanation and page 13 of this https://gjss.org/sites/default/files/issues/chapters/papers/Journal-10-01--04-Antoniou.pdf the case R v Peacock specifically considered urolagnia and it was not considered obscene. prior to 2012 it was a grey area
    1 point
  37. 505 was a number that would stay lodged in Annabel’s mind for a long time to come for that was the number of the hotel room where she first learnt the joy of pissing in new and naughty places, an act that see her liberated from an otherwise mundane sexual existence. It was the smell of expensive perfume that caught her attention as the woman walked past. Annabel had been too engrossed in pushing her cleaning trolley along the plush corridor carpet that had seen her eyes averted from the hotel guest. With an impulsive reflex action she turned her head to spy the identity of the wo
    1 point
  38. You're absolutely correct in your recollection. Sophie had written the post in October last year https://peefans.com/topic/17367-couples-who-pee-together-stay-together/?tab=comments#comment-242338 That was then, and what a fantastic post now for you - I'm always a little jealous of those who get to share the fetish with a loving and sharing partner. But that's my hang-up and not yours. Full on kudos to you and your wife, may you pee together and stay together for many, many years yet.
    1 point
  39. I think my ability to hold generally got better as I got older... but I'd always rather pee outside than wet myself. Nothing specifically got me "into it" at school... my first memory of being fascinated with pee was sitting in my bedroom late at night, the girls in the house behind having a party in their garden and just peeing off the decking, butt's in full view of me some 50-60 meters away. Never deliberately went to see "how high" I could get it, but I did do that once in a school urinal with a few friends... seeing who could get it highest up the wall... Never really foug
    1 point
  40. Yes, sometimes I'll have a nice tidy stream and sometimes itll fall like a waterfall and cascade everywhere. I guess for me it depends how I'm squatting, and if my lips are blocking the stream somehow... I'll do some research and come back 😂
    1 point
  41. It varies for women a lot more than for men. I've seen videos of women with full bladders pee for over 2 minutes with a gentle stream. Others explode in a violent gush that you would expect to see only from a horse or some other large animal. And they often keep it coming for over 20 seconds which is very long with that much pressure. You just can't predict how a woman pees and that's what makes watching stay exciting for me as the years go on. Tall non obese women seem to pee the most and hardest. I had a hot counselor in high school that was 6 feet tall and in her 50's at the time. On 2 sepa
    1 point
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