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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2021 in Posts

  1. So I thought I had found a nice secluded spot on my side yard between my house and my neighbors. Our homes are separated by Italian Cyprus trees and my home being at the bottom of a incline about 50 - 60 feet (15 - 18 meters). I have a slight alcove I use which shields me from the street. Yesterday afternoon, I had purposefully drank a lot of liquids and waited until i could no longer. One of the access points to my spot is from my master bedroom sliding door and then thru the side gate. I walked to the side of the house, took off my athletic shorts (no underwear but still had my shirt on an
    4 points
  2. And to extend that, if something doesn't interest you, skip that content and read something else as there is plenty here for everyone - and just because one person might not enjoy specific content, that doesn't mean that other people wouldn't enjoy it. Looking at the feedback so far, there are plenty of people who have really enjoyed this series and would love it to carry on in exactly the same way.
    4 points
  3. Moderator's note - A couple of posts hidden just here. New members (and anyone who needs a reminder) is encouraged to read the site rules. In this instance Rules #9 & #15 - We all enjoy different aspects of the kink. Asking someone not to include detail on a certain aspect 'because you don't enjoy it' is not the way we do things here. It's completely deflating and discouraging, when they've gone to the trouble of posting content for us to enjoy. As my granny used to say "If you haven't got anything good to say, just don't say anything".
    4 points
  4. <Features drunken female public wetting and subsequent lesbian themes> Holly woke with a jump as the train rattled and shook over the rough tracks. Not so much woke up, but jolted out of a drunken stupor. It had been an amazing night in town, just like the old student days - a pub crawl around the university quarter pubs and then finishing the night at school disco club night. That sort of explained the outfit - over-tight white blouse, school tie loosely fastened, pleated loose black skirt, with knee length white socks and converse trainers. The night had been just wha
    3 points
  5. I may post later if I think of more, a lot of these may seem like minor OCD or may not be unusual. I must have my drinks coaster lined up with the edge of the table. If it's at an angle I correct it immediately. When I turn everything off at night I must turn off the TV before it shows the static. Same with my pc monitor, it must be switched off before it shows "no signal" and goes into standby. When I'm tired I am constantly playing with my hair, stroking it with my hand and twirling it around my finger. When making hot drinks I never pour and stir at the same ti
    3 points
  6. Exactly, you can't please everyone. And the last stories were just the way I like them. Whoever likes it should read it and whoever doesn't like it doesn't have to read it.
    3 points
  7. So, I'd an idea for some people that might want to get into writing but don't think they're good enough. The concept's to use 3 to 5 sentences to make a short adult scene. Hopefully concise and descriptive without being over-burdened. Folks can work on these, since they're very simple, then when they improve move on to the Wet Carpet Thread, and eventually to full length stories. My example here's an old joke to start, but it serves the purpose well: Two nuns are riding bicycles through an old town. They turn down an avenue and continue on their trip. "I've never com
    2 points
  8. I loved this! Quite often I picture myself there in the story, watching the characters and the plot unfold but in this case I pictured I was Holly. I could see myself sat on the train wearing a little uniform and peeing myself right there. I actually want to recreate the scene in my mind using Blender or maybe even a drawing but I am not talented enough. Thank you for this!
    2 points
  9. You have all taken the time to reply to my story, so it's only fair I reply back! Thank you very much! I'm starting to feel more comfortable with sharing what I think might be boring, so hopefully more in the future! Oh absolutely. It's something so simple yet so enjoyable. The woods are one of my, if not my favourite places to pee. Thank you so much Steve! I am so glad to hear you enjoyed my writing. I am a very lucky lady to have someone to share this with. He was going to join the forum but we decided against it because we enjioy sitting together and reading posts, a
    2 points
  10. You know you're a pee fan when you can recognise the company just from how the girls are squatting to pee outside. (legs parted wide, one hand behind them. You know the one)
    2 points
  11. I'm sort of feeling relatively cool and chilled now, or at least feeling suitably unconcerned about having too many odd traits. I do have a complete intolerance of the tinny grating noise of a mobile phone on speakerphone, when it's turned up to distortion. Just turn it down to the minimum volume necessary or better still take the call though the earpiece like it's designed for. I'm a bit possessive about some things being put away correctly - TV remotes, keys and kitchen utensils but then if you try and find some paperwork in my study it's exactly the opposite. So all in all I thi
    2 points
  12. I've never tried this, but willing to give it a go..... My sentences are a bit longer, but hopefully still meets the requirements of a short story in 3 to 5 sentences. The two striking young ladies were waiting at the bus stop to return home after a night of indulgence at their local bar. They had just missed a bus, the next one was not due for 30 minutes and they knew from the building feeling in their bladders that they were not going to survive the wait followed by the 45 minute ride home. Jenny bobbed down to dispel the sudden surge of desperation bearing down on her sphincter a
    2 points
  13. I'll revive this by taking the question a slightly different way. A sighting that was strictly dependent on body language. I was walking alone down a city street late one night. I'm always thinking about sightings in this situation but this particular area was not really one that led to much of anything interesting. On this one night though I looked ahead and saw a guy standing by himself on the sidewalk with his back to the street. As I got a little closer it just didn't make any sense for him to just be standing there, and I soon realized he was stopped by where there was a little openi
    2 points
  14. My Room used as Toilet 3 It has been 3 weeks since Linda started using my room. In the corner next to my closet, the wallpaper and carpet have yellow stains.Despite daily ventilation of my room, it smells slightly of piss.A few days ago I heard Linda say to my mom (Jule, also a redhead with big breasts and a big ass) she goes to the bathroom quickly. Of course she went straight to my room and Jule showed no reaction, apparently she knew that Linda was doing that. I spoke to my mother about it that evening. She giggled and said yes, I've known for a couple of days. I've already told
    2 points
  15. Pee on yourself in the bath or shower, or pee into the sink? Thats how I started
    2 points
  16. @SoggyShorgs my weekends recently have been peeing in my bed and not use the toilet. I try to see how soaked I can get my bed and blanket before I get to cold and have to stop. I will also pee before bed and sleep in my wet bed and pajamas. Then I pee again when I wake up, go to work and let it dry naturally. The smell of dried pee and to see the pee stains on my bed and blanket turn me on so much. It is heaven.
    2 points
  17. I passed by it everyday. It was part of my memories of youth. I squatted and peed in every room of the abandoned house on my street. Now it is being torn down for a strip mall. I hope to pee in a lot of the rooms there too.
    2 points
  18. "Forgive me father for I must sin." "I am sorry my child, sin is never required." "Unfortunately the ladies room is full and so am IIIiiiaaahhhh~" "Your meaning is now as clear as your stream, my child."
    2 points
  19. As a young girl I was taught a puddle was easier than wet clothes. As a teen I learned discretion meant freedom. In college they said, "Challenge The Social Norms!" Now as an adult, I pee openly in crowded spaces, without fear of consequence.
    2 points
  20. Some years ago my man and I made a nice trip to a sea place. In our tour of several days it was planned also to reach an area where these is a famous panoramic walk on the coast. So, that day we took the car and drove to the coast. The trip was pretty long and once we reached there it was extremely difficult to find a parking, so we ended up to park pretty far from the nice walkway. After such long driving we were both in the need of taking a big pee, so we thought that the first step would have been to take a pee and than to enjoy our walk. My man solved the problem immediately after getting
    1 point
  21. Sometimes an excellent sighting can be the result of overhearing a pee related comment or conversation snippet when you least expect it. Sometimes these conversations can get the hopes up but not lead to anywhere except in the imagination. What things have you overheard when not expecting it? I have posted several of these as part of sightings threads, but I also heard one yesterday. I was walking down a street returning to my car around lunch time. A group of four young women were walking towards me, carrying McDonalds take away bags and drinks. They seemed to be laughing and hav
    1 point
  22. A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy by brucejedi Numerous posts on omorashi.org inspired this story. The most immediate is Noface’s “An Inconvenient Entanglement” that imagines a world where all women are assumed incontinent. Readers will notice many similarities between his “green” world and mine, though also some important differences. A second inspiration comes from stories where girls must wait until adolescence to toilet-train, and thus experience it as a rite of passage. Satyr’s magnificent “Developmental Biology” is the best example I know. Both story types normalize female incontinenc
    1 point
  23. I've wanted to try playing with myself in bed while pissing all over it for awhile now, but I don't like dealing with mess on absorbent surfaces that can't be easily cleaned, so I've never done it. However, I recently got a new mattress, so I'm thinking I might as well fulfil my fantasy before throwing the old one away. I've only got one shot at this, so does anyone have any suggestions for positions to piss in, how to cover as much of the bed as possible, etc?
    1 point
  24. I was house sitting a few days ago and drank too much. I was too lazy and I just let it squirt out. Next to having a woman, this was almost as good but not quite. Enjoy 😏http://www.xvideos.com/video61158577/house-sitting_spray
    1 point
  25. Does anyone else have any unusual habits or quirks? I am something of an indoor nudist, I guess you could say. I live alone and have done for many years. It is my usual habit to spend all my time at home sitting around naked. When I come home from work I immediately undress. I was thinking today how unusual others might think this, so thought I would post about it. Anyone else got any similarly odd habits?
    1 point
  26. Thank you very much, it means a lot to me! ❤️
    1 point
  27. I'm somewhat late to the party - hopefully you're very well aware what effect every one of your true accounts has on me. As always a beautiful and heady mix of reality, natural warmth, brilliant description and gentle jealousy (on my part) of your husband. Anything else will pretty much be duplication of everything I say every time.... But still applies every time.
    1 point
  28. Haha! I was about to say if you do recognise me please come say hi, but I'd hate for you to say hi to someone else thinking it was me!
    1 point
  29. The are like little pee haiku fictional stories. Interesting and a fun exercise.
    1 point
  30. https://metro.co.uk/2014/03/26/doggers-chased-out-of-oslos-neglected-ekeberg-park-by-statues-4678310/
    1 point
  31. Another great instalment. I’d love to see his mom pee somewhere really naughty in his sister’s room. Maybe his mom could also surprise him by peeing somewhere really naughty in his room. Looking forward to the next chapter.
    1 point
  32. The below thoughts are coming from someone who is not in to wetting clothes but maybe give you some ideas. Do you wash your own clothes? Do you have clothes washing facilities in your home? If you have clothes washing facilities in your home, don't already wash your own clothes, start taking over that task so you might wet your clothes then put them right in to the wash.
    1 point
  33. Chapter 3. Potty-Training “Hi honey!” Courtney called when she arrived at Kyle’s place that evening. “How was the game?” Then she smelled the wafting aroma. She found Kyle in the kitchen, a goofy grin across his face. “You didn’t watch it, did you? Never even planned to. You cooked for me instead!” She kissed him on the cheek. “What’s gotten into you, lately?” Dinner was exquisite; he even served wine. Then one thing led to another, and Courtney soon found herself in just her bra and diaper, lying against his chest. “Cute set,” he said. “I love that shade of pink on you.”
    1 point
  34. A different sort of parking space.
    1 point
  35. So this morning I really wanted to do my morning piss on carpet but I rarely piss on my own (and certainly never the first pee of the day) as I'm a clean freak. I have a pair of leggings with a hole in the crotch so I put them on and headed to the carpeted stairway of the flats I live in. There's one particular corner that's hidden from view and you'd be able to hear people coming in time to stop. I headed to that corner and squatted with my back to the corner, facing outwards. I opened my legs and pissed onto the carpet through the hole in my leggings. I could hear my pee hissing in the early
    1 point
  36. Chapter 2. Saturday Memories Courtney awoke the next morning to the smell of bacon. “Good morning, sleepyhead!” Kyle beamed, holding out a steaming plate. “Oh, you shouldn’t have!” She wiped the sleep from her eyes. “Want to eat in bed?” he asked. “Um, let me change first.” Courtney peered under the covers and felt around. No leaks, thank goodness, but her overnight was plenty full. It felt cold and damp against her skin—not the most pleasant thing to wake up to. The plastic sheets squeaked a bit as she scooched off the bed. A few minutes later, she was back unde
    1 point
  37. Hey there! First time posting on here, and I thought I’d share one of my favorite desperation stories with y’all! A few years back I went on a road trip with a man I was hooking up with (he turned out to be a jerk, long story), we were driving from Colorado to Nevada, it was about a two day drive. The first day went fine - we literally didn’t have to stop at all - so we stayed at a motel for the night, had some boring sex, and the next morning we got back on the road - not before getting a huge to-go coffee though. Coffee runs right through me. I’m usually okay for a few hours, but once
    1 point
  38. Looks like you were enjoying yourself, nice cock by the way
    1 point
  39. Decided to try something different and give my self a goldenshower hahaha. It was a pleasant experience
    1 point
  40. ...while in the shower in the evening you have to remember to pee, or else you will end up doing it in bed before you go to sleep.
    1 point
  41. You know you're a pee fan when you see a chair on tv and immediately think about how nice it would be to wet yourself while sitting on it.
    1 point
  42. I used to wet my bed quite a lot until the mattress springs rusted through and I had to get a new one. I really enjoy wetting the bed and if I go to bed tired I can sometimes find the urge to wet quite irresistible. I try and make sure that I have peed before going to bed so that if I do get the urge to wet I don't do too much. I don't like protecting the bed, I much prefer to let my pee soak away in to the mattress. Now although I wet the bed rarely, it is usually when I go to bed fully clothed (that's what happens when I go to be very tired!) and I hope that my clothes will so
    1 point
  43. You know you're a pee fan when the first thing you do in the morning is go online and immediately check out this site even before checking your emails and FB messages.
    1 point
  44. The siblings and Susan spent some time cleaning up the furniture cushions and floor as best they could and spraying some Febreze to cover the slight smell. Janice led Susan to her room to help her find some clothes. Both women had a similar figure, a little round in the bottom with curvy thighs and breasts to match. Janice smiled as she found a low-cut silver shirt with some kind of sparkly design on it and a short black skirt. She handed these to Susan. “Do you need panties?” Janice asked. Susan smirked. “That depends on how short the skirt is. I don’t want be flashing my lady bits
    1 point
  45. I'm going to try to post some of my best sightings. This was a classic late night sighting from a number of years ago. It was VERY late at night, 3am-ish, past bar closing. The trains were not running very frequently. On the platform were various folks waiting. There was one group of maybe ten or a dozen college-age kids that had obviously been out on the town. They were clustered in two groups, and my eye was drawn to one girl that had some of the classic signs of needing a restroom: fidgeting, pacing, looking around. It was in a station with two tracks, one in each direction. The train g
    1 point
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