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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2020 in Posts

  1. So.. I have gotten a few "would you pee here?" And .. "would you pee there?" messages so I figured I'd just put this out there cos I don't want to answer those constant questions. I wanna preface this by saying in no way am I saying what I like is right and what I don't like is wrong.. but I keep getting asked so here we go. Over the last couple years I have gone from wearing a pamper and wetting it once in a while to now, where I am in pampers 90% of my life. I love wearing them, i love wetting them and i LOVE wearing a wet diaper. Most tinkles go there! I guess the other 10% of the
    7 points
  2. Keep up with that attitude and you won't be a member of this site for long, I promise.
    6 points
  3. I've only peed in the bath once. No one was in it at the time. We were at a family party and a younger cousin was taking absolutely AGES on the loo because of her chronic constipation. I was really desperate. My aunt suggested that we "have a wee over the bath" because she needed to go too. So we did. I didn't stand, though. My aunt and I pulled our trousers and knickers down, sat over the edge of the bath and piddled into it - all whilst my cousin watched, trying to push out a stubborn turd. I was at the age where I had become a bit self conscious about people seeing me stand to pee. Th
    6 points
  4. My funniest memory would be when my ex's sister used to take me horse riding with her. She had several horses kept in a barn she rented in a nearby village. One of the first few times I went with her I found myself increasingly uncomfortable mid way through the day, needing to urinate but there were no facilities. I mentioned to her that I needed to wee. She pointed to the other side of the barn to where some rectangular straw bales were stacked and said "go and sit over there, I'll be back in a few minutes". I assumed she was going to get the car and drive to a McDonald's a few miles away so
    5 points
  5. While on holiday, whether in the pool or the cool water of the sea, I'll pick my girfriend up by the bottom with her legs warpped around my waste, and we'll pee together, feeling the warmth rise between our carressed bodies.
    4 points
  6. Anyone else routinely pee into their compost bin? Apparently male urine is better for this than female, but there's no reason for anyone not to add the nutrients ... the pic is from this morning
    3 points
  7. A couple to start I'll try to make more soon
    3 points
  8. Yesterday the pee play repertoire of my wife and me was expanded a little. We have a system that has helped our physical intimacy, suggested by a counsellor a few years ago when we were going through a really bad patch. It involves scheduling ‘sessions’, which alternate between me and my wife (let’s call her K) deciding what each session will involve, and if necessary, setting things up – making the room warm, putting music on, lighting incense sticks – that sort of thing. It was my turn to decide / set up yesterday. In the past K has not really been into sharing a shower together – she
    2 points
  9. Mr Eliminature and I used to go swimming every week. Unfortunately, the local baths are closed now because of this wretched pandemic. But I peed in the pool every chance I got. I was a lurker here at the time and I used to think of you, @Maggie_555 every time I let my bladder loose in the water. Like you, I was encouraged to relieve myself in the water, but I only recall it happening once. I was at the shallow end with my grandmother, wearing my armbands and said "I need a wee!" My grandma said "Just do it in the water. I always do." And I did. I'm still weeing in swimming pools no
    2 points
  10. Maybe I'm just pointing out the obvious here but what are you expecting to do??.. go into the ladies room with her?? Not sure how it is in other parts of the world but here in the States, going into the ladies room to watch a girl pee will have you calling a friend for bail money ... and get you a date at the court house.
    2 points
  11. So inspired by a post somewhere else (that I can't now find) here's a pic of me peeing on a tree branch. Not against an upright tree, but sitting on a big dead branch. I saw the tree on a walk the other day and it was too good an opportunity to miss.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. I always pee in the compost bin when I get the opportunity. It really helps it rot down. I sometimes have to empty the five gallon urine bottle from the composting toilet in to the compost too which can be interesting. It is not so nice being splashed with the contents of that as much as I like being splashed with my own pee!
    2 points
  14. So... I'm not brand new... I became a member a couple weeks ago... but I just saw this "Introduction" page an figured I'd post mine! Hope it's not too boring. My screen name is MiaDarling, Mia is my real first name and darling is just a descriptive term! lol! ( friends always call me Mia Darling cos Mia in Italian means My... hence My Darling ) anyway, told you this could be boring!! I was actually told about this site from another member from another forum and I am glad to have found it. As far as my like/love of pee.... I love my pee!!! I wear pampers ( diapers ) alot, cos i like
    1 point
  15. It will likey happen when you least suspect it lol. Iam sure it will happen some day tho
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. And the UK too.... I posted recently I'd been in a local garden centre to check out their incredible floral urinals, to be traumatised by finding they'd been replaced by individual toilet 'rooms' each having just a standard toilet and sink. Mens and ladies' were identical, only the sign on the door marking any difference (the ladies were right opposite with doors open when unoccupied).
    1 point
  18. Great that you got to experience that. When you read 'some' of the experiences people have and some of the expectations people voice, it's easy to forget that our niche is very strange and unattractive to a lot of others. The idea of 'just ask her, what's the worst that could happen' is fine when there's not too much at stake. They say to never gamble more than you can afford to lose and this sounds like the perfect level that you've bid for and a great result. So - well played my friend.
    1 point
  19. Looks like a fun road to cycle on...if you don't suddenly meet a tractor coming the other way!
    1 point
  20. I went for a bike ride this afternoon, nowhere in general......get to a junction then decide which way to go etc. Usually end up going over fields and through woods etc 🤣
    1 point
  21. "It's hard to hide your intentions when your intentions are standing to attention..." Not mine, but I thought the quote was quite funny.
    1 point
  22. Susie was starting to think she had made a mistake. When her friend Jill called and invited her on a weekend camping trip, it sounded wonderful. Susie loved camping, and a weekend in the mountains could be just the thing to relieve some work stress. She had forgotten, however, about her new "problem." Susie was reminded the morning after agreeing to go, however. She was just coming out of a dream in which she was a lady of importance, a princess or a queen maybe. She was wearing a fancy gown, one of those big, poofy dresses that were common to royalty centuries ago. She was reclining in a
    1 point
  23. I'm not demanding photographs. I'd never do that. I'd love to try the experience of you "popping a squat and having a tinkle" whilst I "whip it* out and have a slash." However, I'm perfectly happy for it to remain fantasy. 🙂 *'It' being my vulva, of course.
    1 point
  24. A strange one this because I didn't actually see the pee. During the summer I had gone down to the river mid-afternoon one weekday to relax and swim. There's a little beach about ten yards wide that I use, near a couple of trees. When it's quiet I skinny dip there - it's lovely. So I'd had a quick swim and was back on the beach, sitting on a towel and drying off, and I heard a voice on the bank behind me: "Is it OK if we share your beach?" It turned out to be a drop-dead gorgeous 28-year-old woman called Megan and her much less talkative, shy friend Sarah, who were exploring the river
    1 point
  25. One of our members (you know who you are) mentioned an interest in peeing in water, so this morning when I went for a walk before work, I took the opportunity to pee into a little brook from a concrete overspill. And here is a gif version:
    1 point
  26. Thank you, as always, for having our backs.
    1 point
  27. Thanks Nicole! 😊
    1 point
  28. There were hundreds of people milling around as the bars closed their doors promptly at 10.00pm. No-one felt inclined to just go home but enjoyed walking along the lower promenade taking in the atmosphere. There were couples and small groups walking together, many with cans of drink, drinking as they walked along. There were couples, including a respectable well dressed couple in their thirties, carrying pints from the pub, finding low walls to sit on and enjoy their last pint as they watched the crowds pass by. I have to say I had my eye on these people especially as surely they would be in t
    1 point
  29. As Alfresco has said it's quite likely that, having done it once and then probably also used the lazy river as a toilet too, your girlfriend will continue to relieve herself into the water when she needs too. Good luck on that (and I mean it!) as I still get excited when my hubby relieves himself into the pool water, even though he thinks it's no big deal. Hey I'm going to compliment you, firstly on always peeing in pools right from your high school days, and secondly on your visits to toilet facilities to pretend you are using them. I've also done this when with friends who I suspected
    1 point
  30. I do love the moist evidence of her arousal.
    1 point
  31. The third sighting of the night happened a little later on. I had gotten myself some food and had sat and eaten it on the door steps in the churchyard. I spotted a young couple walking down the road, the girl was walking quite slowly and kept stopping. Her bf/husband was walking ahead of her and stopped to let her catch up. When she did catch up he took her hand and she started walking faster with quick paced little steps and eventually they made it to the shop on the corner of the street. The guy went to the ATM and as he did the girl started dancing on the spot. At first it was hard to tell
    1 point
  32. The third sighting of the night caught me by surprise. I was sat on one of the benches in the town square watching the crowds across the road at McDonalds and those coming and going down the main road scoping out the next potential sighting. I had been sat there about ten minutes idly messaging on my phone. When my attention was drawn a couple who were been very touchy feely with each other and laughing. They walked across the square to one of the many ATM's (there are a lot of banks in the town square). As they were stood at the machine the girl was very giggly and all over the guy and
    1 point
  33. Oh yes, as Spectacle says, we've all heard the joke about not peeing from the diving board! 🙂 I certainly like his more subtle ideas for spicing up pool peeing though, and I regularly employ these. It feels good to walk right past toilet facilities, even though you urgently need to pee, and hold until you are in the pool. While in the pool it feels good to stand close to other people as you release urine into the water. It can also feel satisfying, as Spectacle mentions, to enter a pool for the sole purpose of using it as a toilet. 1. Climb into the pool 2. Enjoy a long and satisfying pee in
    1 point
  34. Well like @oliver2 there said earlier there is already one but im always glad to share stories so here you go. my favorite place to pee in the pool is right where others have peed and just thinking of my pee mixing with someone else’s is a huge turn on for me so whenever i see a girl peeing in the pool i try my best to go right there sometimes its quite hard because the tought of our pees mixing gets me super hard and i can’t pee but hey it happens xD one of the best experiences i’ve had is when i was away on a work meeting and the hotel we stayed in had a pool and i always wake up early
    1 point
  35. Typical isn't it. Lock down gets eased and after getting a sighting in the park I realise that it could be a good place to potentially get sightings given the number of people and the face the toilets aren't open so I plan to go back to the park in the hope of maybe catching a few sightings and it goes and rains. For a week. So alas no new sightings from the park so I will just delve into the archive once more and share a couple of stories that happened back when I was 18 that involved one of my good friends. The girl in question I will refer to by her initial "J". J and I became friends
    1 point
  36. finally was feeling in the mood to take pix again, and what happens a day into that? 😞
    1 point
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