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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2019 in Posts

  1. The weather has been good here recently so I decided to finally fulfil the request posted at the very start of my thread. To pee standing up under my skirt somewhere outdoors. I had been looking forward to doing it for a while but just didn’t have the opportunity... until now. This happened after work on Friday so I was wearing my usual work clothes. A black pencil skirt, white blouse and black heels, no tights. Underneath I had a white bra and a white thong. The skirt was long enough I could have spent the day without any underwear but I didn’t like the risk, at least not when working at
    4 points
  2. @steve25805 This is for you! I finished work until September today! Usually around the last day I have a little cleaning session around the house, and get rid of any left over stuff from the school year I don’t need, this includes my work clothes. On Tuesday, I was absolutely bursting for a wee when I got home so I went straight upstairs to the bathroom. As I was walking past my bedroom I remembered Steve asking me to pee in one of my clothes drawers. I stopped right outside the bedroom door. My husband was at work and my daughter was still at school for a couple of hours so it was the pe
    3 points
  3. Do you have a dishwasher? If so you could piss in that all over the dishes inside. The wash will thoroughly clean them. If not, you could squat over a sink full of dishes before cleaning them afterwards. Just an idea for added naughtiness though I understand if this is a step too far for you. Do you have a waterproof mattress cover? If so - and if you are prepared to wash soiled sheets afterwards - peeing on the bed might be fun.
    3 points
  4. Anytime I fail to pee in the toilet for me is a bad experience. I do however remembet once at 6th form going out one friday night and being caught seriously short on the high street. I ended up yanking my Jean's down and peeing in a shop doorway in full view of a lot of friends both male and female. After that I had the nickname Kate for a while (after the then popular Kate bush) due to the unkept nature of my pubic region.
    3 points
  5. I am the dishwasher 😛 but I will strongly consider both of those. Thank you!
    2 points
  6. @Sophie, it has been a long time since one of my imaginary accounts of us meeting up. Will have to come up with something new soon I think. Not right now due to an influx of lager but hopefully in the not too distant future. Will give it some thought and try to think up something original with a plausible premise.
    2 points
  7. @Sophie that is wonderful, conjures up a beautiful mental picture, and agree with @steve25805 instant arousal reading it 🔥
    2 points
  8. I have the next six weeks off work so I may be able to fit in some requests if anyone has any!
    2 points
  9. Wow, @Sophie, what an awesomely sexy account, all the more so for being true. Thanks for sharing. Definite boner on here after reading that. I love the sheer deliberate naughtiness of it, and the fact that you got off on it too.
    2 points
  10. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont really care sorry...i would vote for him i agree with a lot of what hes trying to do.Peace with N Korea,putting Iran in its place etc.The rest is just like office gossip.
    2 points
  11. @steve25805 amazing isn't it, someone decides to take a piss in a public place (fine I say), then a member of said public notices them and they are the one to get abuse.
    2 points
  12. What I'd have given to have been one of your friends. At some point I'd likely have offered up a similar view. Any time I fail to pee some place other than a toilet is a bad experience for me.
    2 points
  13. I have always suspected some more adventurous girls dancing and holding a lot of pee while they are doing it will just let some pee go in their knickers and onto the dance floor; it must be a huge temptation to let some go and save the inconvenience and nuisance of leaving the dance floor to find the toilets. You have 'deliciously' confirmed it for me, and I will continue now to look out for the signs of it happening. When you see girls dancing with glasses of drink you just know they must be holding their pee, some much more than others, and its exciting to watch. Thank you Nancy for this bea
    2 points
  14. A. Currently B. The release C. I have several times. Usually after we’ve been to dinner and I’ve had lots to drink. I avoid public restrooms if at all possible. D. To the point of almost peeing all over myself. E. Don’t care really. I have measured before after using a giant water bottle to pee in. F. Sometimes. G. Nope. Just whatever I’m wearing at the time the occasion arises. H. Just depends. I’ve gone all day without getting a break to step away or some days I can have a glass or two of water and dinner and I’m begging to find a place to pee. I. A li
    2 points
  15. Thanks to all of you for the nice responses! I plan on doing something next weekend and will post about it then ;)
    2 points
  16. If a guy saw where you had left a puddle,he would go to it,and maybe try taste it.That must make a girl feel horny..
    2 points
  17. Has anyone heard women peeing in porta potty or outhouse? myself I have 2 times heard in porta potty. I was on going to take a dump on porta potty. Then I heard door opening and closing. Opening the lid and taking off jeans. Then starts dribble hitting the bowl tank. Then starts gush hiss hitting the bowl with dribble sound. It was very nice sound that I don’t have heard before. the another was. When one girl entered on side porta potty. Her stream started directly with hissing noise. It was very loud, I did got instant erection after that. share
    1 point
  18. Or you could come to my house and pee on my clean dishes. 😁 Think of it as sterizing them. ☺️ Bed wetting is amazing, you really should consider a waterproof mattress cover and wetting your bed. Theater peeing is also amazing, you could wear a skirt, pull it up around your waist, slide to the front of your seat, and unload on the floor. Or stay in your seat in pee your panties, intentionally peeing my pants at a movie is the best naughty peeing / wetting there is for me. Pick a theater with leather seats instead of cloth seats if leaving behind a soaked seat is a concern. Tr
    1 point
  19. I'm really looking forward to that but no rush! Thank you 🙂
    1 point
  20. Seriously, supposed to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world and set an example and he behaves like a big kid, and that's not gossip, he stands up in public and behaves badly and tweets god knows what, he should try more of this. speak softly and carry a big stick Do not boast or utter verbal threats, but do make others aware that you are prepared to use physical force if necessary. Trump does the complete opposite boasts threatens and insults people and then can't back it up. Just my opinion
    1 point
  21. I don't agree. Motive matters. Racists are scum and tend to think and act like scum, which matters in a leader. And he has hardly put Iran in it's place. Quite the opposite he has gone looking for a fight just to snub his predecessor. A small minded man with a big ego, and small minded policies motivated by dubious promptings. His admiration for Kim Jong ill is also highly dubious and suspect. But in the final analysis, racism matters in a leader, as does any other form of bigotry. If you would vote for him you are in a definite small minority in this country.
    1 point
  22. Sophie, Echoing the comments posted here already, I love your very detailed writing style which paints a complete picture of your experience, even better than a photo might do. I particularly love your description of your pee running down your legs, over your thighs and calves, and how much you enjoyed it. So glad to read that. I think that the hottest, sexiest thing a woman can do is to deliberately pee on her legs. I totally agree with mickymoist, this post is so hot it needs more than one flame! Dr. P
    1 point
  23. @Sophie just read this old post of yours OMG that is so hot it needs more than one flame 🔥🔥🔥
    1 point
  24. Allo everybody I have question for everybody. Do you had bad pee expérience? Example: I was on beach and pee in sand and 2 guy walk and say it was not a cat litière and look mad at me.
    1 point
  25. To be honest, I have quit a bit my clubbing habit after an awful night (I even wrote a thread about it) that hit my weak spot and deluded me with the only club available in my town (there are three clubs, one is a lounge bar and peeing on the dancefloor is impossible, one is closed during summer and one is the mega-expensive and mega-deluding I decided to quit) I have never loved nightclubs, girls are arrogant and desponding and music is shitty, I started to give them a chance because I'm desperately horny and hungry for pussy, so I tried those places too Plus I love to dance and als
    1 point
  26. I saw a female piss on the ground next to a porta potty, and another piss behind a porta potty while her husband stood watch. The lady who pissed on the ground next to the porta potty went into the gas station first, which had no public restrooms. She rushed out, pulls her pants down and started pissing on the pavement next to the porta potty. She was kind of out in the open so she walked sideways in the squatting position into the darkness. She didn’t wipe, just pissed, pulled up her pants, got in her car and left.
    1 point
  27. Here is my first real contribution to this forum: I am Naughts, a 24 year old girl from southern Germany. So last week it has been really hot here in Germany. Since it was our day off my two sisters and I decided to drive to the lake and spend the day swimming and reading in the shadows. There is a really big grass field to lay on so we put down our towels under a big tree and startedreading our books. After some time we went swimming but it was really cold since the water is coming straight from the mountains and still consists of melting snow. As I was slowly
    1 point
  28. Iam sorry to hear you ladies had a terrible experience. I hope you two haven't had anymore bad experiences As for me I've been lucky, I've never had a bad experience. I've had people see me taking a piss on the side of the road before. It always ended with a them honking their car horn and me waving to them lol
    1 point
  29. And what site that would be lol
    1 point
  30. Maybe it's because I am not a country BOY, but I never pissed on an electric fence I usually found more normal places to piss… like in front of farmers along the road HAHAHAHAHAHA
    1 point
  31. Don't worry sweetie, male friendship is a great thing here You can't imagine how polite some guys here can be even if you are married You can still anywaychat with them about ANYTHING, they will involve you with manly things and respect the girly ones, I swear So don't think you need too many girls, as boys here can be more sensitive than many ladies I met in my life I feel like a family member when I'm around them, and believe me they can make you feel hugged much beside sex or other similar things Anyway, I'm here if you want a female friend, uh!!!
    1 point
  32. It was my first day at the university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building. I followed the other girls out of the bus to be greeted by an elderly lady smartly dressed. She introduced herself as Mrs Dowding and proceeded to shepherd us inside where a group of smiling girls were waiting for us. Mrs Dowding then went out to read out a register, calling out our names at which stage a girl from the crowd would come forward to claim us as their new roommate. My turn came at last and I was intro
    1 point
  33. A: Not that long ago, a few weeks probably. B: Release C - Sometimes. Oftentimes those are not around. And boring if used correctly... D - I don't really look forward to being desperate. E - I guess a bit of interest is there. Didn't measure it though. Just an estimated guess with the help of a bottle on a few occasions. F - No. G - No. H - Pretty strong most of the time. Could go through a day of school without going once. Had 4 0.4l glasses of softdrinks and some water beforehand while at a restaurant recently and still didn't feel the need to go. After severe
    1 point
  34. Pretty sure the Peeingcupid is quite inactive now - I have seen several reports of people complaining the 'women' on there are actually fake accounts, or at the very least no longer using the site. Sadly that is quite often the case with fetish dating sites, as the genuine ratio of guys to girls who join is so heavily one-sided. It's normally a red flag when you can't do/see anything without payment first. Of course, there may be a few genuine women on there, but it's probably not the best way to find someone.
    1 point
  35. @mickymoist IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!! Very fascinating... I just have a curiosity: you said your bladder can hold up to 1,3 liters but you can get desperate after 4 hours… it means that you REALLY drank a lot!!! Ahahahahahah!!! it remember me my drunk nights, when I can end up drinking many liters of beer and dancing too, at a certain point I have to rush the backdoors to the carpark and flood the place whoever may be watching!!! Smaller pisses can be done on the dancefloor but not those mammooth ones!!!
    1 point
  36. M My favourite thing about realease is the release itself. The feeling of getting empty, the feeling of piss passing through my body, and the knowledge I am pissing where I shouldn't, so to communicate my kinkiness with the world... It's Majestic!!!
    1 point
  37. C I did got desperate to pee in public, it happened to everybody, but I would never use a public toilet, and just pop a squat somewhere, regardless of laws, morals, or damages. The world is my toilet.
    1 point
  38. I got a text this morning from an ex girlfriend/friend asking about lunch. She hadn’t answered my text from two days ago so I kind of felt a certain way about that. I reminded myself that she did hold her piss all morning at work and relieve herself on my backseat. I agree to get her lunch. She tells me to bring the Pussy Energy Drink can because she’ll have something for me. I get there, about 12:40pm. She comes out faster than normal. Usually I have to wait even though she knows I’m on the way and how far away I am (Literally up the street). She hops in with some fitted blue jean
    1 point
  39. Naughty peeing is definetly a secret passion of mine that is SO much fun to do. I always try to challenge myself by coming up with strange places where nobody has never even thought of pee in. My motto is: The more unusual/crazy the better. My naughtiest places so far are: - A library floor + book (just a few spurts though .. I didn't want to exagerate) - A small wine cellar - A bus seat - Inside a cable car and from a chairlift while skiing - A bin placed a in quite pubblic staircase - In the middle of some streets at night ... and other places, but tha
    1 point
  40. they don’t look like much i guess, but eew. haha. after wearing these tights and undies all day, and having 3 wees in them, over that 14 hour period, finally got them off and up to dry. 😇
    1 point
  41. my thong from a few days ago.
    1 point
  42. When im out walking with a big coat,i often get my winkie out under it to pee,then i might just leave it out anyway and no-one can tell,heee heee!!😉
    1 point
  43. I loved this arousing story. I enjoy how you go through your stages of desperation before your naughty pee. A woman wearing a skirt is one instance where she can pee in public without much notice better than a man.
    1 point
  44. Sophie is married, but she has an incredibly gentle soul, in many cases she let her veil fall and revealed the Amazing person she is, so though without the slightest intention to bother her, I made clear in many chances that I have an actual crush on her, because women like her are one out of a million
    1 point
  45. I have a white pleated tennis skirt, and I have flowing, but I don't have flowery. I'm not a flowery kind of girl.
    1 point
  46. As ive already suggested,down the grate outside my house,my car will cover you from the other side,and my fence a little..I promise i wont look!😊
    1 point
  47. I pissed on clothes I'd tried on in a department store and left them there on the floor in the puddle of piss I left in the floor. They made me angry. Opps. Lol I enjoyed it.
    1 point
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