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  1. Ok this will be offensive I know, and for once I don’t care I am angry as fuck Last Saturday I went to a club, and I paid big money to be there Ok, making long things short, no chances of table dancing, no girls to mate out with, they were all with a boyfriend or simply desponding, during a WHOLE fucking night I couldn’t hook up with anybody nor even piss somewhere are there were bouncers and cctvs EVERYWHERE I had some kind of breaking point, fueled by a personal and terribly complicated crisis I had on Friday (that anywa
    5 points
  2. I often get home too tired to undress and shower before going to bed. Especially after clubbing when I get in at five and have to be up by seven. Going to bed tired is always a bad thing for me because I find it hard to resist the temptation to just do at least a little wee in the bed before I go to sleep. One memorable night which wasn't a clubbing night I had been out for a friday evening soirée at a wine bar wearing my ball gown for a change. It is nice to wear something that is not black when I go out, and my turquoise ball gown which I inherited from my auntie was quite a contra
    3 points
  3. The core of all you said You are fucking right I just feel the need to complain again a bit😋 But you shook me There was authority in your love Your words hit something in me I think… I will stop complaining... Just a little bit more and I will be fine again THANK YOU
    3 points
  4. Hah yes, not always clean because some people are just...i don't know. Concerning female toilets there was an incident when someone made a circle on the floor with toilet paper and peed in it. They send out mails like you described after that but not mentioning the incident.
    3 points
  5. Respect from you Always means so much to me Thank you Will, it really inspires me I will complain a bit longer, I need that, but I swear I'll also fight my way out of it Thank you so much...
    3 points
  6. So super long story short, my absence form the website is because I traveled somewhere on an airplane and came back yesterday😂😂 Yesterday I had a 6 hour layover in the airport and because of my headache I had been drinking some fluids but not a crazy amount because I wanted to have some holding capacity in my bladder. Soon however an ice thunderstorm happened (I didn't even know those could happen) and soon my flight was delayed an hour and a half. I waited and waited while sipping on my water and when they finally started to board, I went to the bathroom so I would have as long as possib
    3 points
  7. I usually squat really low with my clothes around my knees, or mid thigh depending on privacy, resting my weight on my tiptoes. I keep my knees together and move my feet apart underneath me. Where I look while peeing depends on a few things. Right at the beginning I'll always make sure I'm not peeing on my clothes or feet and then where I look varies depending on the situation. If I don't feel too private I'll keep my head on a swivel, making sure I'm not about to be caught literally with my pants down. If I'm confident I won't be seen I usually watch my puddle trickling away from me an
    3 points
  8. Oh dear me no.
    3 points
  9. @Admin @steve25805 @speedy3471 @2prnot2p I am answering it since in the beginning I couldn't believe what I read Deep inside I felt something strange but chose to ignore it Wetman was an impossibly great human being We have been PM heavily for a time, and he talked to me about a lot of great things I don't feel like saying too much but he was into heart-touching stuff in his private life I cannot adfirm I "knew" him but there was something extremely manly and almost dark in the intensity and stern-ness by which he faced l
    3 points
  10. Hi Wet Carpet readers! New girl here! I recently found this online magazine and was struck by Julie's letter from last year about peeing in night clubs and such. Julie mentioned that she was surprised at the lack of letters about this so I thought I would contribute. She also mentioned that maybe there are few letters because it's simply normal for a gal to occasionally do a wee outside the bathroom when going clubbing since the queues for the toilets can get pretty long. I don't think it's normal, but it's definitely not entirely uncommon as I've come to realise! A little bit about
    3 points
  11. Chapter 1 – New year’s day January 1st 2001 03:30 GMT and now there could be no doubt that this was the 3rd millennium. As Tanya stood on her doorstep in her long black skirt and white jumper locking the door she had to decide. Could she go through with her New Year resolution? In some ways it seemed now a bit silly but no, it had been thought out thoroughly and as she looked back at the event that had started the process off she carefully prepared herself.... It was in August when she had emerged from the ladies loo on the other side of her building from her office t
    2 points
  12. Wazzzup everyone! This is a true story, last saturday, i had a stag party to go to which we were downtown bar hopping right. And late at night, we were about 3 guys that went between buildings to pee next to a dumpster. Really not long after, 5 drunky women showed up and asked us if we can share spots, what am I suppose to say, no? Anyways, i tried being discrete but one said, no peaking and as a joke as i went to say sonething like, i didn't want them aiming at my head, one shouted out, wtf your pissing on my shoe, so my joke got disregarded. I took a second glance and there was nice la
    2 points
  13. We all need to vent from time to time. Hopefully you vented off enough steam hahah
    2 points
  14. I can sometimes offer good advice but I will never be better than you. I will never have the right to give you orders. In some ways in some things I am your peer. But when it comes to understanding deeper realities, you are far superior to me, though at least I think I am on a path of discovery you might acknowledge. I have my strengths and my weaknesses, but know that overall I am less strong than you. I defer to you often in areas of deeper realities, happy to be guided by you. Now you are looking from a pessimistic stance instead of an optimistic on
    2 points
  15. Iam so sorry this happened to you. I cannot imagine how a parent can beat their child, let alone bad enough for a hospital trip. My wifes step dad used to beat her on occasion when she was growing up. I can't stand parents like him Iam glad that you've learned to channel your anger and not turn out like your parents. It turned you into a strong independent women, you learned from that. Some people don't and grow up exactly like their parents
    2 points
  16. I would write a polite yet firm email explaining the true nature of the problem Where I work, my boss is some kind of Ivan the Terrible and is greatly respect as he is building a Company from nothing is almost a nazi when it comes to toilet etiquette You hear nothing, you say nothing, you smell nothing, and you fucking clean after you use it I never find the toilet less than perfect even without anybody performing Cleaning Staff Services, to the point I sit down on the toilet serenely even if I am germophobic (which is also part of my spiritual avversion toward a Society expecti
    2 points
  17. Freedom always needs defending.
    2 points
  18. Theorically speaking is a matter of places, not hours When some old pubs I used to visit were still open (all is closed now, or sold out to new owners turning them into sucking-pit of mediocrity), girls were starting to pee in full view on the sidewalk just at 9 PM, explaining they alleys behind the pub were already drenched in boy's piss and they joked about preferring not to step in it Is a matter of psychology I also had great sightings at concerts, people having actual sex (not hidden under a blanket, I mean her on top of him and going) or oral sex or pissing all around, I o
    2 points
  19. i'll give you a HUG to try and make you feel better 🤗
    2 points
  20. Its nice to see Sophie around again.
    2 points
  21. @Peefreak99 Never tease a Witch about outlawed activities🤣
    2 points
  22. @AlfrescoI just wish I went to more events that ball gowns are appropriate. I don't mix in those circles and this was just a fun event. It was lucky that I had the dress - I wouldn't have bought it! Leaving a puddle is probably my biggest worry. Carpet is much more friendly, but there are often places that a puddle can be hidden on hard floors like in a corner or near some furniture where it will run underneath. My shoes get wet. I wear open shoes with a heel so that they drain nicely. I don't like pee sloshing about in my shoes and I think it might be a give away. My friends do
    2 points
  23. @Peefreak99 An excellent sighting in my view - you found a girl who was peeing outside and she wasn't bothered when she saw you, nor did she try to stop or be embarrased - the fact that she asked if you enjoyed the view made it even better. I might be wrong, but that sounded like it was a sighting of a girl who was sober and needed to pee whilst out in the woods and was willing to do so whilst feeling totally natural about it. In a lot of ways, that is way better than drunken girls who only squat because they've lost their inhibitions through alcohol. What's more, it sounds like yo
    2 points
  24. Ok first of all THANK YOU for being here On second stance… I am not sure it's them How can I say? @speedy3471 knows me a bit already on this... It's me, I suppose To me, sluttiness is MORE than sexual happiness Is a feminist Revenge, but not against Society It delves in the Occult Witchcraft is KEPT IN THE LIGHT but is darker than I gave hints on this forum through me It deals with deep and dark emotions Just to give you a small insight in my true character, I get angry when I see a porn video an
    2 points
  25. I am the complete opposite haha! I never really read stories that often and prefer a video to watch and maybe a few photos to get me in the mood. But when I do fancy reading a story I tend to have a stronger orgasm from it. The only website I can think of is Literotica
    2 points
  26. Yes, it is not looking good. Sad news indeed, as such news always is. A sad fact of life is that as we travel along it's path we have to say goodbye to so many good people along the way, until finally it is our turn to go and we are the ones wished a hopefully fond farewell.
    2 points
  27. Wetman and I for a time exchanged private communications and he was indeed a sensitive soul with a deep well of caring and compassion. I shall never forget how - when Kevin died - he put tremendous effort into ensuring that he wasn't just forgotten, and trawled the internet trying to find out as much as possible because he cared so deeply for his memory. He communicated with me often at that time about this. Wetman was genuinely troubled that there was no mention of Kevin's passing on any other sites he frequented, and he made sure that Kevin got a mention and was remembered here. I
    2 points
  28. Once I had done it a few times I realised peeing down my legs under a dress feels like the natural way to pee. Being instantly rewarded with the warmth on my legs makes it feel so right. At first I would find a quiet corner somewhere out of sight to do it, but I soon realised that when I did it in front of my friends, even when wearing incredibly short skirts, they never noticed. Now I just make sure I am doing something to direct attention elsewhere - usually chatting or checking my phone - and no one expects me to be peeing! There is no need to hurry, feet together and just a gentle trickle
    2 points
  29. I'm really sorry this is happening but it's kind of due to the result of political correctness. I think in society people are so afraid of being shamed that people who normally would be out there are beaten into normality. Im kind of really shy but I still try to often deviate from the social normality. In terms of peeing I peed outside and in places I shouldn't because I like doing things that are considered wrong sometimes. I think that people will realize how much being politically correct is affecting the human experience and while for some things it is very necessary but for s
    2 points
  30. A complying girl is something I could actually use, just for talking
    2 points
  31. Yes,judging by a lot of the attitudes of our lovely ladies on here,there is an enjoyment in being seen with panties down,accidentally on purpose. Maybe it is a sign of how women enjoy the fetish.
    2 points
  32. I've caught a lot women peeing in the woods. Of course, most were hiking with me. When I've come across them by surprise, we both usually felt a little awkward. It's always been a good sign when they make light of the situation and exchange at least a few words with me. Once I even got their phone number.
    2 points
  33. I thought it would be interesting to make a thread where we share weird facts about ourselves or experiences we have had. I'll go first. I first got the idea to make this thread when I saw @gldenwetgoose thread on summer clothes and was going to respond there but ended up making s thread here. My first weird confession: I am bringing very quickly in the sunlight due to my very pale skin but am also allergic to a lot of the sunscreen brands on the market and others just don't really work. One time I went hiking with a few friends and it was cloudy when we started and
    1 point
  34. @spywareonya, sorry for the late response. I have been caught up chatting to real life friends about crises of one kind or another and only just logged in. Sounds like you've had no luck this weekend meeting interesting people - instead only meeting endless droves of what I once called "straight heads", people whose idea of fun is narrowly defined within artificial "respectable" limits, and who react with shock horror at anyone stepping even slightly beyond the bounds. Such people are following the crowd and think they are having fun but in reality don't know how. But don't let
    1 point
  35. Why don't we steal a sub and a plane so we can transport it and then we would problaby need a truck so we can bring it to the lake and someone that knows how to drive it whos with me😂😂😂
    1 point
  36. This morning I woke up and my bladder was about to explode. There was already a wet spot. In my crotch and I had my hand jammed in there as I slowly leaked more and more. I tried to get up to run to the bathroom but felt a big leak spurt out of me and had to retreat to the standing on my knees position. I then tried to find something I could pee in and my eyes fell on a Ziploc bag. I tightly crossed my legs and grabbed the Ziploc bag leaking in the process, I then opened it and as quickly as I could pulled down my pajamas and pushed the bag under my already peeing vulva. Then I raised the bag
    1 point
  37. If the toilet is clean I'll happily drop my clothes and sit down, sometimes wiping the odd splash with toilet paper first. I tend to "perch" at the front of the seat just enough for my wee to go into the bowl. If the toilet isn't clean I'll hover as low as possible and look between my legs to make sure I'm on target.
    1 point
  38. We are all here for you, anything we can do to help just ask
    1 point
  39. Talking to somebody about it really help me figure it out in front of my eyes, and not into the wrinkles of my unconscious
    1 point
  40. I feel very sad for you Nancy. This sounds like the story of my life. Women would give my the time of day. This all changed when I finally met my wife. Hopefully this is just a lull in your life. Thank you for bearing your soul, hopefully we can help you get thru this together
    1 point
  41. Sharks are the only known fish that doesn't fear the sound of engines… if I was Nessie, I would never get near a boat I even wrote it in my fictional story!!! Ihihihihihi!!! This was ACTUALLY proposed in the past!!! But it will be an action of monumental size, impossible to be actually performed I absolutely know all evidences are against it, I just focus on those that could at least make it possible
    1 point
  42. Do you have a talent or at least something that you can do better than most people?
    1 point
  43. Naughty peeing is definetly a secret passion of mine that is SO much fun to do. I always try to challenge myself by coming up with strange places where nobody has never even thought of pee in. My motto is: The more unusual/crazy the better. My naughtiest places so far are: - A library floor + book (just a few spurts though .. I didn't want to exagerate) - A small wine cellar - A bus seat - Inside a cable car and from a chairlift while skiing - A bin placed a in quite pubblic staircase - In the middle of some streets at night ... and other places, but tha
    1 point
  44. You're right about the warning page... we don't currently have one, but for UK users we will have to after these changes. It will be a plain page asking them to confirm they're over 18, with no adult content visible until done so. As for detecting what's a porn site and what's not, you're right a lot will slip through cracks and not get picked up. But I assume they have fairly advanced systems for checking... for example, consider the 'porn blockers' that some parents use... they don't have to manually enter all the sites, there's either a large database of them or an algorithm clever eno
    1 point
  45. To @Admin , @steve25805 , and all Pee Fans: I did my best to obtain all the information I could. The end result was that I unintentionally angered someone at The Pool. It's a long story, but here's what I found out. A Mod at the Pool with the nickname jcz1 died in early January. His sister emailed another Mod there to give him/her the news. This person named jcz1 had the following in common with Wetman: Name: John Age: 59 Location: USA Also, TVGuy told me that he seemed to recall that someone told him long ago that Wetman was a Mod at The Pool and used the nic
    1 point
  46. Thank you for that. I don't bash loving parents who have 2 kids, but 3 and 4 is getting to be a financial burden for one and a small step to over population. People are living longer as well and we are running out of room to farm and help feed the world as the cities keep expanding
    1 point
  47. There was one time I took a high squat to pee against something. Maybe it's something I will do again to avoid splashing... If I choose to avoid it! I was at university and a female friend Katy wanted to pee, was very drunk as we were drinking at a friend's place and grabbed me as we were walking to town and said "come ooooonn it's time for a wee". I didn't hesitate as we'd both been drinking and could take a piss. And we crossed the road as everyone else carried on and at a junction saw a phone box covered in posters. I pointed us in there and Katy giggled saying "yeah that's quie
    1 point
  48. Hi darling sorry for late reply, been absent I like this thread of yours, and I look forward for further chats When I squat, I susually open much my legs as I never wear trousers nor long dresses or skirts, neither panties, so I just open them wide and my skirt/dress will get out of the way by the simple position Then I spread my pussy with one hand, lean a little bit onward, and pee a direct spray (sometimes an arc) But usually I do not like to squat as though I have the tough soul of a tomboy, I also have the subtle character of a high class bith, and don't like spla
    1 point
  49. Yesterday I was drinking water while laying in my bed intentionally ignoring the need to go and just not letting myself go to see how long I could last. Slowly I started to leak in my bad and so to protect it I got on the floor leaking more and more until my bladder exploded and pee jetted out of me and made a large wet area on my bedroom floor😂
    1 point
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