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  1. That's great to hear Will. Small steps are what counts, just celebrate the successes one day at a time. If there's a success then awesome - and if not, then tomorrow is a new day. We're here with you and ready to celebrate every step with you.
    4 points
  2. @Blackinksoul30 I am quite proud to state I had been one of the person that first noticed you, and I still have tons of cuddles about you in the forum because I really thought of you what I wrote, that you got a soul as strong as an armored tank But there is one thing that I told you many months ago, I think in PM, and you did not followed my advice: You lose confidence easily Your complainings are understandable but there is in them a nuance of desperation, and I do not mean desperation that comes from the sadness you told us about Desperation tha
    3 points
  3. About point 3: as nancy wrote, they explain a lot, but there might be phenomens that can not be explained that way. But in that case, you point 1 comes into play: who ever claims something has to prove it. Or rather: who claims something EXTRAORDINARY has to prove it. (I am highlighting the "EXTRAORDINARY because I can claim something like "All the little stars in the sky are actually suns, like our own sun.", without being able to actually proving it myself*, as this is something we all agree on (save the flat earthers, of cause). *not with my expertise or rather the lack of it, as well
    3 points
  4. I deleted that particular comment but in hindsight think you might sometimes be reading too much into it. I cannot go around deleting other people's posts on demand.
    3 points
  5. @Blackinksoul30, I have read the posts concerned. I don't think either comment was intended as deliberate criticism designed to make you feel bad, though have edited out the bit about it being dangerous. Clearly they have had that effect though. Because these posts are seven months old and I think no malice was intended, it is a little too late to do more now. The best course of action would have been for you to raise it privately with a mod at the time and a quiet word - and if necessary a public statement - could have been made. I really don't think either person sought to offend y
    3 points
  6. Whilst I would of course love you to stay, I will not try to change your mind if you have made a decision that you think is best for you. But a few points come to mind from your post... I really don't think active watersports participation is needed at all to still enjoy discussing the topics, sharing in other people's experiences, or even creating fantasy stories and roleplays etc. Talking about real experiences is (literally) just one small section of the site. Many people are in the same boat as you. It is genuinely not frowned upon. If someone isn't replying to your
    3 points
  7. I don't believe we'll be extinct in 1,000 years unless an asteroid hits the earth or some other catastrophic event occurs. Humans are very adaptive and, despite all the warnings about our climate, etc., I think we'll find a way to survive longer than 1,000 years. Well, one can hope. 🙂 But, in about 4.5 billion years, all of the hydrogen at the sun's core will be depleted and the fusion of it into helium will cease. Then, we're in trouble...IF we're alive then. LOL!
    3 points
  8. Thats awesome. Your doing great. It's amazing to see how far you have come in a short time. Keep up the good work
    3 points
  9. i just did my 6th day and am really getting used to serving customers and using the till  everytime i do a day i feel good about it 😀
    3 points
  10. We'd all like more pee fans here on the site, right? I'm personally looking to invest some money into promoting the forum to try and help with that, but the best way for us to grow is if YOU can spare a few minutes to spread the link to PeeFans in relevant places. Unsure where? The best method is simply: 1. Register for a free youtube account (30 seconds) 2. Pick a pee video from your computer that doesn't contain nudity + add text like 'peefans.com' or some similar message to the start & end of it using any free video editing software (likely some on your computer alre
    2 points
  11. It's another week. Time for another question of the week. Do you think we will become extinct in the next 1000 years?
    2 points
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6364577/Young-women-relieve-mens-URINAL-big-day-races.html Finally the Daily Mail reporting on something worthwhile. 🙂
    2 points
  13. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is "good journalism" indeed!!!!!!!
    2 points
  14. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH We Witches worship the Penis But our pussy is big deal nonetheless… eheheheh
    2 points
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was burrowed from an occult entity, but believe me... the original one is not exactly a fat happy man riding in the sky HAHAHAHAHHAHA
    2 points
  16. Only for those unfortunate enough not to have a willy 😄
    2 points
  17. While that would depend rather on the definition of "ghost", I personally think they are not. At least not as separate entities. Do I think that people have encountered (something that the interpreted as) ghosts? Yes.a I find the idea that we have an eternal soul (that is even capable to reincarnate)... interesting. Yes, I have to admit I - to some extend - want this to be true, since.. well... how likable is the idea that you are gone when you die? However, the idea of reincarnation I find rather problematic, since we today have far more people walking the earth at the s
    2 points
  18. @steve25805 Did not know what to quote because I meant exactly this ahahahah I agree with the Whole reasoning The core is this:
    2 points
  19. Indeed. If something exists it is theoretically possible that at some point it will be proven to exist, if not already. The fact that it has not necessarily been proven to exist yet does not mean that it doesn't. It is also possible sometimes to prove that something is not what we think it is, hence sometimes apparently supernatural phenomena can be proven to have a "rational" explanation of a kind any sceptic might believe in. Eg that tapping on the wall might be revealed to be a window shutter blowing in the wind rather than a ghost. But it is just not possible to prove a nega
    2 points
  20. It is against our rules for members to go around making each other feel bad about their interests. If this happens - because this is a big one for me having myself in the past been put off Peesearch because of this kind of thing - I'd have liked for you to have told me with quotes and links to the offending posts. I lobbied for that particular rule because I know how damaging negative judgementalism can be. So I feel strongly against it. Neither @Admin nor I - or the other mods - approve of anyone being criticised or made to feel bad for their interests, because that is counter-productive to u
    2 points
  21. No I don't. Because he is not an independent-minded investigator. Instead he has an agenda in pursuit of a cause. Such people tend to try and make the facts fit the conclusion rather than the other way round. And as a former climate change sceptic in spite of all the evidence for man made climate change, I don't fully trust his scientific reasoning either. He seems to have a set of beliefs he holds dear and seeks to find or mould facts to support those beliefs, rather than remain scientifically or investigatorily impartial.
    2 points
  22. I am amazed How can you PROVE that something doesn't exist? I mean... You simply eliminated a possibility How can you be sure a multi-dimensional alien, able at creating universes just like a programmer creates a videogame, did not created ghost just to make you angry in April 2019, foreseeing your Birth and the development of your character? Everything is possible if you possess enough joules and know how to shamble quantistic particles… let's say that not everything actually happened… but NOTHING is impossible I really think somebody here knows ver
    2 points
  23. Also 😘 But to avoid cheating, I focused on the technical and fascinating part of the debate, and my positivity comes from this very reflection of our friend here: Risked my life to sneak into groups that know secrets Truth is both better and worse than we think: better because chances are limitless and the Power That Be are on our side Worse because some humans are convinced they are not playing nasty condemning billions to famine and plague in order to become richer and these person will ACTUALLY keep Knowledge away from us So unless
    2 points
  24. I think in the next 1000 years mankind will have to change,rather become extinct.What is for sure is that petrol will eventually run out,i think in as little as 100 years i read.So our ways of life will end.Air travel will end.How can you power an aircraft with solar power,and expect it to fly farther than a few miles until it needs re-charging? Perhaps we will have to return to sail and steam again for sea travel.Road transport will be more electric and less efficient.Maybe freight will be horse drawn again. But i think mankind will go through many disasters over the next 1000 years
    2 points
  25. thank you very much everyone for the kind and encouraging feedback 😀
    2 points
  26. Very well said. I totally agree with you
    2 points
  27. I don't think nuclear war will happen in my lifetime, likey not at all. With mutually assured destruction I can't see any nations going to that extreme. Iam sure they will come close sometime. Destabilizing a country and invading is just about as good as totally wiping them off the map As for being here in a 1000 years iam hoping so hahah. But I firmly believe that the earth can only support so many people. The way the world population keeps growing we can't support them all. Hell just feeding that many people is almost impossible. As cities grow more and more farm land comes out of produ
    2 points
  28. If I recall right, you posted a little while ago about needing to use a public bathroom, finding it flooded and adding to the puddle? That was my favourite scenario.
    2 points
  29. I personally think no, but here I call upon my personal faith so I am "cheating" Humanity is under the scope of alien races which consider us interesting, so simply we won't be allowed to become extincted, even if this would mean force us to act properly And I actually mean attack the Earth, kill 99% of the population, nuclearize every life form after abducting a bunch of survivors with interesting DNA, and then repopulate the Earth through them, after eliminating latent radioactivity with some yet-unknown technology and re-Earthform our planet with plants and animal like a Noah's ar
    2 points
  30. Day after Labor Day... I planned this day to play hooky and go somewhere where Carol Anne and I could play with virtually no one around. While everyone else has gone back to work or school, we were dressing to go canoing. A park not far away had a small lake / large pond. It was maybe a mile long and half that wide. There were woods around it and a few secluded little coves. Carol Anne wore a one piece bathing suit and a short sleeve man’s shirt to keep warm. We hopped in the car, stopped for sandwiches, drinks and coffee on the way. I liked Carol Anne drinking her large coffees on the wa
    2 points
  31. I love naughty peeing, I love to pee just for the fun of damaging public and private property, for example: stranger's bike, car doors, changing room floors, public bathroom floors, hotel floors etc... I would like to know the naughty stories of whom shares this very funny and naughty hobby😜
    1 point
  32. But when science offers possible explainations about something millions of people have described for centuries, then maybe it's not that absurd Careful: I don't say they proved the soul exists, I say the explained how it would work if it existed THEN, I personally had actual infos from "under the surface" but I am not interested of pushing them here, I am adding this line only to avoid sounding hypocrite when I say I actually am sure the soul exists I just like to focus on explainations of how it would work if it existed: and quantum physics offers inherently coher
    1 point
  33. I would say hi, give you a hug and say "see I knew you were cute"😋 I think alot of ppl from here would want to meet you if that had a chance.
    1 point
  34. @steve25805 Three main points: 1-As far as proving something does not exist, you're correct. But, when someone says something DOES exist, the burden of proof is on THEM, not on the skeptic. This is the rule of debate in all things. And, there is no proof when it comes to the paranormal. Having said that, it seems foolish to me, and many others, to believe in something in the absence of tangible evidence. You might disagree, but that's my philosophy and always has been. 2-As for James Randi, he started out as a magician and illusionist. This is why he is skeptical. He saw
    1 point
  35. This is a tough one for me as it entirely depends on my mood but I really like a Dark Rum and Coke, Gin and Tonic, Pimms (this isn't posted in order of preference). But not sure I could choose a favorite as I like all equally. I am not a big drinker though and definitely don't drink alcohol every day maybe once a week if that and only in moderation.
    1 point
  36. Probably when I was about 4 or 5. Which is probably the reason I am interested in pee now.
    1 point
  37. Your welcome. You deserve it, you've made great strides keep it up
    1 point
  38. I think not.The Germans and the Japanese both had stockpiles of chemical weapons which they never used.So i think if they had developed a nuclear bomb,at the same time the americans did,it maybe would have given a bargaining chip perhaps..I dont think even they would have used the A bomb on Germany anyway,as their level of resistance was nowhere near the fanaticism of Japan.
    1 point
  39. There are loads of these stories on the forums. Have a search and you will easily find many examples. Also feel free to post your own.
    1 point
  40. When I started on the road to recovery by working in a charity store it was exactly the same for me. And you know what? As I think you are doing you learn to lose your angst towards people and before long interacting with them becomes second nature and natural. And your success does make you feel real good about yourself. Every day is a positive achievement. So keep on your current path. You are doing great.
    1 point
  41. So essentially, you believe that, although many of us could die, higher powers would never let us become extinct or all life here to end? I put a lot of faith in your beliefs because I think you have access to higher knowledge. Doesn't mean I won't think for myself or even disagree with you or think you wrong occasionally. I would never totally surrender my own independence of thought to anyone, not even you. But I think you respect me for that. Nevertheless I put a lot of faith in the things you claim to know because you are both sincere and knowledgeable about spiritual aspects, and the
    1 point
  42. hmmm this is really hot! thank you! Such a powerful stream too 🙂
    1 point
  43. That is outstanding , Riley. I have peed outdoors for distance, never actually measured, but I doubt I could surpass that ! You seemed quite desperate to me. I know female plumbing is different than mine. But if I hold my pee until I am bladder busting, fully distended extremely painfully full , I mean everything down there hurts , my stream is actually weaker, especially at the beginning, than if I am just desperate. In fact in my younger years, when I had to hold it all day it was frequently difficult to start. This is because our bulging over full bladder can be pushing on our lo
    1 point
  44. Cool initiative with morse code
    1 point
  45. With this I agree, yet a bit less sternly, with 2prornot2p, in the guise of people loving cute ghost stories It is however true that if a ghost had been known by many people, their collective unconscious pull keeps it here, but I am convinced that 99% of them are just lovely stories for tourists I don't disagree with that however, it's nice and legends are coloured and entertaining, but usually there is no truth under them (to my great sadness for I have the heart of a hopeful little girl that gaze at the world with eyes full of marvel) "True" ghosts are VERY rare, and usually l
    1 point
  46. this is part two of sarah's pee adventures, find part two here: https://peefans.com/topic/11859-sarahs-soaked-shorts-durians-first-attempt-at-peerotica/ Sarah opened the door to her hotel room, set her bag down on the floor, and let the door slam shut behind her. She inhaled deeply, smelling the scent of the room, the unfamiliar scent of the carpets and bedding, and also the scent of something more personal... her wet shorts. Sarah had decided to check in with her pissed-in shorts still on, the wet patch being somewhat dry now, but still damp. Had the lobby not been totally empty, sh
    1 point
  47. In an earlier post I talked about someone I met in drawing class named brooke, read more about it here, and I have a lot of stories between us so I decided to share one xD If you want to hear more let me know as well xD I woke up and saw the sunrise shining brightly through my window. I felt the light sting my sleepy eyes as I slowly became accustomed to the light. It was a little after 6 a.m so I pulled the covers off to my side and slid out of bed. A few days earlier Brooke and me decided to volunteer at a tree planting and help the environment a little bit. I walked over to my closet a
    1 point
  48. Concerts are the best The only thing I am sad about is that recently girls got more shy even at them Back in my golden years, I remember concerts with girls pissing EVERYWHERE high squat and pussies for all to see, people passing by and watching them while drinking beer and smoking ahahahah I did it myself, just pissing among the crowd during the actual concert, even indoor, not only in outdoor grass fields Sometimes I even peed more or less on people's bags left on the floor near their feet… they likely did non expected girls to piss there… serve them right!!
    1 point
  49. So the company for whom I work for has decided to make room for achieves, filing documents until the new sector opens. A while ago, I had to search info for a client which took longer because anyone who does filing in their job knows how fustrating it can be when there are no labels on the boxes and the file your looking for is misplaced. While there... I needed to go pee. Now please understand. The people who designed this place didn't think of everything because to access a sink or bathroom, we need to walk down the hallway, take the elevator to the main floor and walk about, i am not g
    1 point
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