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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2018 in all areas

  1. I travel a bit for work and I've learned that there's nothing more boring than having to spend a weekend in a foreign city that you don't know (and thus are less inclined to go wandering). And that's exactly where I found myself this morning when I woke up. This is the story of how I turned my day around by getting bold, taking risks, and generally pissing up the shopping mall around the corner. I'd had a few drinks last night so had no intention of waking up early. As a result, I didn't get out of bed til almost 8. I had a nasty instant coffee in my room then headed down to breakfast
    3 points
  2. Since the poll results haven't changed from yesterday I had to roll a dice between the tied options and got this outfit
    3 points
  3. The next morning Simon woke up feeling like he hadn't slept, and wondering if he was still drunk. He had been woken by somebody climbing over him, and looked around to see Melanie's naked body squatting by the side of the bed. “Sorry,” she said, “go back to sleep.” He watched through one eye as she let out a long piss onto the tan-coloured carpet, turning a patch of it dark. Then she stood, stretched, and went out into the living room. Simon turned over, his groggy mind coming slowly to life. The large bed had obviously been crowded overnight; even after Melanie and left, it st
    3 points
  4. A few more,hopefully new beautiful ones...this is one of my favourite threads here.The female genitalia are so beautiful...
    3 points
  5. Just wanted to say hello. I'm new and my profile tells pretty much all about me. I look forward to having much wet fun here.
    2 points
  6. This is a story set in the 'Kaymala' world -- you should be able to read these in any order (although I think this is becoming less true). If interested the first episode and introduction of Simon and Ellen is here, the introduction of Mikah and Jasmine is here, and the introduction of Camille is here. This is a pretty long one so I'll split it up over several comments. *********************************** The first stars were appearing as Simon and Camille sat on the hostel steps. The street outside the hostel was quiet. They could hear the sound of the river lapping at the sho
    2 points
  7. I should add that I am not feeling my best due to a bit of a cold. So whether or not that has mattered I don't know.
    2 points
  8. Firstly I drank my energy drinks until I needed to pee. Then I peed against the wall in my hallway. Then I lit the candles and used them to light the incense and placed the incense near me and the candles in three locations around me. Immediate problem. I didn't realist this until I lit them but they were not black throughout but white inside. Nevertheless, I persisted and kept trying to empty my mind to the point where I might be approaching a state of clear mindedness, as on the verge of sleep. But I struggled to reach the desired degree of relaxation, unable entirel
    2 points
  9. Keep holding it legs crossed move no leaks. Hold it long as you can.
    2 points
  10. They took their seats at the dinner table, where Mikah was serving up the food -- home-made gnocchi in olive oil, with plenty of sun-ripened tomato and other vegetables. Melanie topped up their glasses and they began to eat. The conversation meandered around various topics -- for a while Mikah, Ellen and Jasmine talked about work, and then Camille told them a story about an ex-girlfriend in Paris -- but eventually the topic came back to sex. “I just think it's better with a long-term partner,” Melanie said. “I'll tell you, there was a guy at my work that I was really into -- I've bee
    2 points
  11. Just a few more of that beautiful thing.
    2 points
  12. I know it has been awhile since I wrote here the first time, but something finally happened again. I'm the guy asked about inheriting a step-sister and shoveling the snowy drive way, hopefully you all remember that. Anyway, we are both in college now and I will get to the new incident. We were finishing dinner the other night and my moms were being a little flirty, so that may be what started it this time. Sis got up from the table and took her plate to the sink and as she passed back through the dining room made one of her off-color remarks, "I got an oral speech tomorrow and need to practi
    2 points
  13. Wow that's brave 😂 I never would have the bravery to do something like that😂😂
    2 points
  14. Many people - our own resident spiritually knowledgeable @spywareonya being one - believe totally in the efficacy of astrology. That the planets and their positions relative to us and to each other can have an influence on our moods and upon our lives. Others - seeing no scientific basis for this whatsoever - believe this to be total nonsense. At best a relic from a superstitious past. For a long time I was unsure and am still open to persuasion either way. I do believe that the daily horoscopes in newspapers are bullshit mostly, and certainly very rarely were of any relevance
    1 point
  15. So I was reading weird things online and came across this article of a guy that thought that if he did anything near his butt he was gay. Like soap or wiping after going poop etc.. I looked more into it and I found several guys saying they felt this way. Does anyone on here feel this way? My personal question is why would washing your butt or anything like that make you gay? Is being clean gay? I'm sorry I'm just confused😂😂😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I love you all so much!!!❤️❤️❤️ -Riley
    1 point
  16. Hi folks- I've finally taken the plunge and signed up, after browsing the accessible parts of the site for a while. I'm a middle aged male in the northern uk, this is a bit of a secret outlet for my fetish - it's a bit of a secret otherwise. My partner sort of knows about it, but it's not her thing. I've been browsing twitter etc for a while, but a bit frustrated with it - my real interest is in ladies who are into holding, peeing in naughty places and deliberate wetting. It's got to be with consent, I'm not really into it when it's not pleasurable. It's a longstanding thing - from teena
    1 point
  17. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Donna, and I suppose I better start from the beginning. When I was a kid I hung around with this boy called Andy, and we did the whole you show me yours and I'll show you mine thing. This included him wanting to watch me pee. He told me to do it there in his bedroom, and doing it there on his carpet seemed amusing and fun in a childish kind of way. I was at that time in my life incapable of really understanding why, but I found I quite liked doing it, so peed in my own bedroom carpet a couple of times. But when my mum found it she went ape shit, going
    1 point
  18. Just how the FUCK can you come to that idea? With 3‰? Or a fucking kilogram of cocaine or speed or meth in your body? Or just an IQ that goes around 7? you are not gay when you touch YOURSELF you are not even gay when you touch another male, for example your small child or your ill father you have to take care of and wash him. Or you work as caretaker and have to wash other men fucking frequently every day, what’s gay about that? NOTHING!! it would be gay if you ENJOY washing and touching these men, that’s the one and only case the others are simply hygiene and nothing mo
    1 point
  19. Better then if they were utterly black and you missed such a chance of moral firmness Absolutely normal Love her myself! A trick I use myself sometimes! Yes, it works like that, I understand perfectly Holy MOTHERFUCKING SHIT I NEVER TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT FACT THAT SHE ACTUALLY DOES THIS It means it was not a symbol YOU FUCKING CONTACTED HER ACTUALLY She saw you They saw you Holy fuck It wasn't as I supposed She would have just used the image you crafted of Her to manifest and t
    1 point
  20. Off to clean up and hope to catch you Both soon XX
    1 point
  21. So warm and wet, tasting it
    1 point
  22. Wow you guys ahve to go a lot more than me I wish I hadn't let so much go 😞 I kinda have to go but not bad. Let me go drink some water
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Oh yes @pee01 is that both of us ?
    1 point
  25. We are Rx yes best way, feeling inside my pants so wet in there, just tempted to let go but holding for you
    1 point
  26. Me peeing now in your honour, see if I can regain control
    1 point
  27. Ok I tried to let a little out but it took me a little ebut to regain control so I ended up letting morrnout than I planned xD
    1 point
  28. Getting into the bath just made my need to pee skyrocket I have a bottle of water next to me that I was going today sip on but lol that's where I am
    1 point
  29. After about an hour I kind of have to pee but not very bad so I'm going to take a bath and see where that takes me xD
    1 point
  30. I'm starting @PissDude challenge right now! I went to the bathroom about an hour ago and don't have to pee but am going to try and hold it as long as possible with pissdudes method and take you all along for the journey!
    1 point
  31. Be desperation stand over a bucket and have legs crossed. Move around say how bad you need to pee and keep drinking water. Hold it as long as you can moan and sigh letting it go over the bucket. I want you to also hover over the bucket and I want to see everything.
    1 point
  32. I don't believe so, but feel free to make any threads you like in the general chat area. 🙂
    1 point
  33. (This is a new story which I've also posted elsewhere. If you've not already come across it I hope you'll enjoy it. All constructive feedback is welcome.) Anne Glenson made her way through the sliding doors to reception and the receptionist, a girl of about twenty busily engaged in the important business of painting her nails, looked up. "Can I help you, madam?" "Yes, I've come to see Mr Faulkner. It's Mrs Glenson - Anne Glenson - by the way." "I'll just see if he's free." Picking up the phone, the girl continued, "Mike, I've a got a Mrs Glenson to see you. Can I send he
    1 point
  34. You should check out the rest of my day (story in the real pee experiences section). It was a doozy
    1 point
  35. After rolling I got black skinny jeans and a black shirt xD so I look like this xD
    1 point
  36. Do we have a thread where all the gloomy people can go to open their hearts? Or would it detract from the forums purpose?
    1 point
  37. Did it, it was great 🙂 still drinking the wine though 😄
    1 point
  38. Have you ever tried to keep it going by just letting out enough to regain control, then hold it some more? I'd love to hear about it.
    1 point
  39. I was on my daily run, back in August along a beautiful spot on the River Avon, near to where I live in Stratford. I chose a quiet spot along the river, and slid down my lycra to relieve myself in sparkling sunshine.
    1 point
  40. My last sighting was last night in Brighton. I actually had 53 sightings plus about 20 that were near misses - I.e. I saw girls coming out of the bushes or pulling up their knickers but missed the main event. I will post more information as a separate thread when I get the time and have a proper keyboard, but the summary is that it is freshers week in brighton for new students and a lot of them were checking out the drinking offerings. I found a place where there was a park near where the buses dropped them off in town after about a half hour trip from the university. I think they had
    1 point
  41. @Newtonh There is something in the way you write Mainly parts like and You convey deep and visceral sensations, SO REAL I got actually horny during the reading of this It was marvellous
    1 point
  42. You are not gay when you clean your butt - you are just clean. You are not gay when you shave yourself more than just on your face, meaning your butt, chest, legs or whatever - you are just....less hairy You are not gay when you wear fancy dresses and act flamboyant - you are just flamboyant with a passion for fancy clothes. When you are attracted to other men, that's when you are gay.
    1 point
  43. Yeah, complete moron. It's basic hygiene to clean your butt, just like you do every other part of your body. His logic is that touching his own ass is gay, so how is masturbating not gay? You're touching a penis, even though it's yours, it's still you as a man touching penis. So since gay guys like penises, how are you not gay in that case? If as a guy you workout because it's appealing to women, it's also appealing to gay guys, therefore having a muscular body is gay. A baby's ass should be cleaned to avoid infection, so then is it gay to clean a baby boy's ass? The logic is beyond stupid, di
    1 point
  44. W T F O_O I actually would like to know HOW EXACTLY people are comming to this conclusions. A step-by-step explanation, please... at this point I am actually rather curious. o_0 P.S.: Oh, I just forgot to answer your actual question: I don't know if there is anyone one here that feels this way. if there is, it's not me. -_-
    1 point
  45. Interesting question, never really thought about this. I guess for me a superpower that does not allow me to bring peace to the world is not worth having. (Well a superpower that would allow me to bring pee's to the world on the other hand.... 😇) Anyway, I still have no answer. I'm not that much interersted in spying on naked ladies. The internet has enough... material in that regard to keep my busy. When it come to looking at ACTUAL naked ladies, for me it is _A_LADY_ rather then _LADIES_ .... meaning I am more interested into having a partner... because what good i
    1 point
  46. I failed xD I made.my way to the bathroom waiting for the time to be up as I was trying to hold on. I felt a spurt lesk into my panties followed by another. I was trying to stop them but my control was rapidly slipping. I felt my bladder just give out and pee started flooding my shorts. I couldn't stop it no matter what I tried to do as I watched my shorts fill either pee and the wet spot on them grow larger and larger. Eventually I agree up and just felt how amazing it felt to finally let go. My stream slowed to a trickle and I looked down at the soaked shorts I was wearing. I felt so much be
    1 point
  47. Complicated. Very complex. Ok, let's try. There is not a crudely "positively existing" entity that encompass everything, the Gods are more like enormous individuals who patronize newcomers-into-life. There is a Balance that is ever-reaching and ever-responding but is not a living single entity. It would require an entity too big, they exist among the Multiverse but not on Earth, it is heart-touching and even true to a certain extent, in the meaning that at certain level of depths in the spiritual world, all is connected, indeed, but is not individually thinking. Fate control everything but is
    1 point
  48. Does the earth goddess overlap in any way with the New Age concept of the Gaia Hypothesis? "The Gaia hypothesis, also known as the Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet." And is there any all encompassing universal entity at all? I have long believed that there is a kind of spiritual energy - the stuff our souls are formed from and simultaneously a part of - that permeates
    1 point
  49. Another Leaky_One story.... Natalia and me Natalia and I were naked in my bedroom, sorting through my clothes. “I’m going in your cupboard for a pee” Natalia suddenly said, treating me to a nice view of her curved peach like bum cheeks. Vanishing into the dark interior there was silence for several seconds before a soft pattering sound started to emanate from the floor inside the wardrobe. I got up and strode over to the open cupboard door and peeked inside. Sure enough Natalia was in the middle of having a pee. Between her legs a long golden stream of hot piss was shooting away from h
    1 point
  50. Another Leaky_One story.... Emma and Lindsey - Pee and Fuck Buddies It had been quite a while since the party where they had both become completely wrecked. They had squatted down together behind the sofa in the main room. Whilst the party continued on around them, they had taken a joint piss all over the floor. By the time they had finished their much needed slash, there was a massive double puddle on the floor where their pee had soaked into the carpet. This naughty deed had been a massive turn-on for both girls. This coupled with their semi nudity in their pee squats had led onto someth
    1 point
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