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  2. hmm... for me, girlspee is completely gone. anyone else the same problem?
  3. Yesterday
  4. Are you accurate enough not to get the jeans wet when peeing standing?
  5. I usually always wear a skirt or a dress and if in jeans I pull the jeans down a bit or squat
  6. Many of us thought we were perverted freaks until pee porn became legal in the states. I thought I was the only man alive who wanted to see women pee. I had friends who were opposite of pee fetishists who were actually offended by women peeing. One friend actually stole a film with women peeing that I bought and edited out the pee scenes Having friends like this further convinced me that I was mentally ill for wanting to see women pee. I wrote dozens of posts discussing my pee fetish origins and scenarios beginning on page 1095 on toiletstool.com under the name ""Rag
  7. If you’re peeing standing do to lack of coverage, what do you do with your clothes? Are you peeing through the fly of your pants or do you have a skirt/dress on, etc.?
  8. Pee porn in the states was illegal before 1998. I found out by accident it had become legal when I found a promo for a VCR video that depicted women caught peeing at Mardi Gras. It was the first in a GMC video series that only lasted until 2002. This was so long ago that that the novelty has long since worn off., Piss porn has been mainstream for about 20 years
  9. My own interest in pee started at about the same age, but in a more private setting. I was 7 years old at the time, and a girl in my neighborhood, also 7 years old, had discovered an abandoned chicken coop deep in the woods behind our houses. She went by the name "Jessie," and it didn't take long before our curiosities about how boys and girls peed took hold, and we began demonstrating the process for each other in the privacy of our deep woods hideout. I remember being incredibly aroused watching Jessie squat and pee, and by the time it was my turn, I'd be fishing an erection out of my fly
  10. I went through an exercise of trying to find a payment processor, none of them operate for any one in Australia, probably banned by a government ‘initiative’. Most of them just replied with an abrupt ‘Dont contact us again’ but one replied with some info on trying to get my project off the ground. All of the credit card payment restrictions (for porn related industries) were apparently instigated by VISA, due to their reputation (shock, horror) being tarnished. There was no mention of the obscene profits being made, surprisingly. The pee porn that's happening lately is getting
  11. I feel like piss porn became more vanilla. I love it when a woman makes a huge puddle on a carpet, but anywhere I search I end up finding the same old clips. Don't get me wrong, there's still great content out there, but I don't enjoy spending so much time looking for it. I wonder what the situation with male pee porn looks like.
  12. Part 5 As the sun set on a warm June Thursday, Tracey and Sharon, emboldened by their movie theater adventure, felt a buzz of anticipation for their next foray into public indecency. They had discovered a secret thrill in surrendering to their most basic urges and were eager to explore further. The online forum, 'Libertine Ladies,' had become their playground, a place where they could unleash their fantasies and connect with like-minded women. Tracey, the confident instigator, proposed their next escapade with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Imagine, my dear Shar
  13. Some really good ideas! I would also like to pee with someone, on kitchen floor maybe, or sofa.
  14. Just curious if this is a men only thing, or do women in the same industry enjoy peeing the same way the men do (maybe when they get a second away from the men)?
  15. Hang a length of PVC pipe out the window and pee in the tube out the window lololol
  16. It still seems to be quite popular on sites like PornHub and ThisVid. Definitely the Japanese porn producers are still very much into it, and quite inventive with it, too.
  17. Now Ruth is on the couch all in a ball hiding her face with a pillow lololol But it really does look like the photo , She has changed so much now . From a super shy mousy woman to a fantastic open woman . Best thing I ever had .
  18. The red head In the tub is about as close as I am .I think I may be older . My hair is not as red .Wayne said it is very close match ... Ruth
  19. OMG! TO look like that and be as young . All the photos of all the girls on this site are so amazing... Ruth
  20. Funny how they changed the name to that, it’s like they want people to post porn. 😂
  21. So I was at the grocery store today and saw something I never expected to see up close. I have to add to this that I've never actually seen any women pee irl, so this one really caught me off guard. I was just outside the grocery store finishing a smoke before I went in. While I was standing there, this woman, about early 30ish I think, walks out and stops pretty much right next to me at the entrance. She was wearing a leather jacket and light grey sweatpants. She then bends over to grab something out of her shopping bag, her legs and bum pretty much staring at me (it wasn't me that
  22. Former HVAC technician here. I can tell you that when installing AC's, especially in big ass company buildings, we usually don't stop our work to walk all the way off the roof and look for a toilet somewhere so I can tell you: we peed on a lot of roofs lol. I don't even think any of my colleagues had a pee kink but they sure took any chance they got to pee outside.
  23. By all means please fire away with as many stories as you have!!
  24. There were 1K+ comments, so I didn't sit and read them all. Among the ones I read, I don't recall if there were any specific recommendations.
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