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Everything posted by glad1

  1. glad1


    Another most lovely view. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  2. Perhaps all your marking is responsible for raising the level of the lake. ๐Ÿคฃ
  3. Definitely sounded like a "needs must" situation. While there are times when holding a full tank is great pleasure for the neighboring parts, there are other moments when only an empty bladder is a happy one.
  4. I've had a few informal contests. ๐Ÿคฃ I'm typically in the range of 10 to 12 feet, my date on a good night maybe a little more than half that. If only I would run across someone like beachmom, who says she's good for 15 to 20. Maybe with such inspiration, I could rise to the occasion. Or, at least beat her for height.
  5. Welcome Pissforyou. I'm sure you'll fit in well here. No matter whether you're just an observer or an active participant. there are plenty like-minded folks who'll be more than happy to fulfill your wishes.
  6. Hi, Lena. Welcome to this site. I'm sorry I didn't catch you sooner. I'm a guy from America who likes peeing in the woods, too. I once dated a girl from Germany and she seemed to enjoy the same things as you. ๐Ÿ˜†
  7. Love how you think. But, with all the things you want to do, aren't you going to need a really big pee bucket?
  8. Totally hot! But, don't you think you could have drank more beer? ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. Zuzu, it sounds like you and your husband are both winners. Those competitions you have sound like the most fun. While I'm rather good at distanjce and height myself, I'd probably have the same problem as your husband if I was in a similar situation. I hope we get to hear more stories and that the saying "Couples that pee together, stay together" is true.
  10. It was John Lennon that said, "life is what happens when you are busy making other plans." ๐Ÿ™„ Now, I don't know how much you want to reveal to your employer or fellow employees, but sooner or later most of them will figure things out. I suppose you could say you suffered an illness or injury in the last year that resulted in your incontinence. (Which is, after all, not far from the truth.) It's probably not much different from someone who has been catheterized for medical reasons, like in the case of a paraplegic or someone with advanced MS. Whatever you decide to do, I'm hoping every
  11. Then, I guess I would call somebody's photos "nut juice". ๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. I'm into these as well. Maybe not the sinks so much, but I've used one in a pinch. Maybe women peeing standing is still a niche, but I've seemed to run across quite a few who do. At least half the women I've hiked with have done so occasionally, and many do nearly all the time. Of course, they are the outdoorsy sort and seldom shy. On a good day we'd get to watch each other a few times. As for those other activities that don't quite float our boat, I say to each their own.
  13. Definitely a great first post. And your first date, as well. I think a relationship is off to a good start when you're comfortable to pee around one another.
  14. Random or not, I love your shenanigans.
  15. Vanilla? What would be your flavor-ite fantasies?
  16. Or, perhaps something more anatomically friendly?
  17. Maybe you could use something like this?
  18. I've hiked a lot with female friends. More often than not, they're good friends rather than lovers. I've lost count of the number of times we've peed in front of one another.
  19. And to think, what goes in must come out. ๐Ÿ˜† I hope you keep raising your goal and maybe at the same time improving your aim.
  20. Nothing like finding out your true limits! I had a similar experience when I went shopping last week. ๐Ÿคซ I suppose I went in the store a little too full, figuring I was up for a good challenge. I was doing fine until I made it to the automated checkout when I felt a wave of desperation, and only made worse when three items took extra time to scan. I thought for sure I was going to leak a spurt before I checked out, but somehow I made it out into the lot. Of course, I'd parked at the far side of the lot, so every step was pure torture. Finally the car was in sight, so I gave a sigh of relie
  21. Yeah, much if not most of the time. Of course, I'd like to think I know a lot of people I've met here. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  22. Except maybe a major overshoot. ๐Ÿ˜† Love seeing women whose enthusiasm far exceeds their accuracy.
  23. Based on my personal observations, I tend to agree. I've gone on day hikes with dozens of women and they usually need to pee about the same time or sooner than me. From that I might conclude I have a larger than average size bladder. I often notice a difference based on what they're wearing. Where there's much less bother to get clothing out of the way, like in shorts or skirts, they'll usually want to stop as soon as they feel full. In jeans or one-piece outfits, they're likely to hold until they're practically desperate. In those situations where they're unwilling to pee out
  24. This is a big reason why I keep a large wide mouth water bottle under the front seat. I've sometimes pulled into a rest area so desperate that I knew I'd never make it once I stepped out of the car.
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