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Everything posted by Sexismygod

  1. @SmoothCharlie ... those were some of the best first posts I've seen. Both encounters would feature prominently in any number of fantasies for other members, male and female. Definitely looking forward to more such stories. I think you'd do well in the fiction section, too, as your writing is very readable (and you have some real memories to draw from).
  2. The Professor at work ... RIP His band mates could have gone on, but not as Rush. You can't "replace" Neil Peart.
  3. Girls ... they just want to have fun. And don't we guys love them for it!! 😍
  4. Yeah, I noticed the same. Didn't have time to investigate but I'll check back later to see it's been resolved
  5. Every pub that shows live football should have this installed. Downside is trying to get through the crowd of blokes standing there, willies in hand, watching the match. The upside is, with all of them in the loo, I can get away with a sneaky pee under my table whilst I watch in the main bar. There's always a silver lining 😉
  6. I've never seen this happen at a house party, though I've had friends tell me it did, but I did see it one time at a concert. The girl in question walked into the men's toilet, apologised to all and sundry, and proceeded to perch on a sink and take care of her needs. She was wearing a short skirt and I saw no sign of panties so either there were none or she went through them. When she was done she almost ran out the door apologising again and looking both relieved & mortified. I can only imagine this was the only way to avoid a puddle on the floor. The guys in the room just smiled
  7. I'd guess around 25-30. Never really tried to count but definitely not so many that I've lost count. I can name all but a couple of one night stands if I need to ... though I can't imagine needing to prove that. 😎
  8. I found this funny at first because I know so many people with similar feelings. I switched to a hug because no one should have to cry over these things. Some people are bad at maths ... it's just a fact. We need to stop punishing and/or stigmatising them for a perfectly ordinary situation. For me, skydiving tops my anti-bucket list. My friends think this is funny because I'm perfectly happy 200' off the ground, clinging to a vertical rock face. They think rock climbing is terrifying. It's all about a sense of control. In climbing, I control everything. What I hold onto, where I s
  9. The turbo encabulator was a master class in ad lib bollox. How that guy talked utter nonsense for that long, without missing a beat or laughing, is a mystery to everyone. A nonsense ninja at work. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. That definitely makes me smile.
  10. I think the new relationship you have with your mum is just amazing. If only more relationships were so open and accepting. I'm sure you and she will quickly find a new balance in all these areas ... and then you just live your lives in accordance. You've got a beautiful thing going ... I can only wish I'd had such openness with my own parents. I'm loving the stories ... is it wrong to be so turned on by simple family adventures between a mother and daughter? 😂
  11. I'm with you on that one @Bacardi. Big, loud parties are not my thing (but floor/carpet wetting is). I'm not a girl so I usually end up going outside. If I happened to glimpse you peeing in the corner I'd surely help you make a safe exit and try to win pee sex soulmate status. Fingers crossed. 😍
  12. Oh, I think we can come up with some new ideas ... lol I love a naughty pee, too, so glad to have you here. I look forward to seeing what you have to say and hearing about your adventures (if you feel like sharing, of course). Whatever else you do here, have fun and enjoy yourself.
  13. Oh dear ... there was a small puddle under my table. How did that happen?
  14. Yep ... under a little table in the corner Down in the bar with a beer to refuel.
  15. So ... here I am in a hotel again ... we all know what happens next, right?
  16. I can't say I've felt shame, but I have felt guilt. After all, if I have to hide what I do and I know others would judge me for what I've done, I'm guilty, right? These feelings come and go at random intervals. But the guilty feelings have never stopped me from peeing in places I know I shouldn't. In fact, they sometimes encourage me. Yeah, this is "bad", so sue me, whatever. In the end, I hurt no one (unless the carpet has feelings, too) so I get over it. I'm not ashamed of what I've done but I do get the guilty twinges. I get where you're coming from and if I gave more of a d
  17. I think most of us lurked for at least a while before taking the plunge. I know I did ... and probably for more than a year. Join in, have fun, etc. Welcome to the wet side.
  18. Hi @Gazz ... Welcome. As you can see, you have no reason to be ashamed around here. I hope you enjoy your time with us.
  19. Shuffle just pulled up Sliver by Nirvana ... new one for me, which is always a bonus. (I used to buy the big anthology CDs @ £10 for 2 albums at HMV. Some I just loaded to iTunes knowing that I'd hear it all eventually. I love it when something I bought 10 years ago (or more) pops up like this.)
  20. Guardians 1 has arguably the best sound track in cinema history. So many good songs. I've watched it just to listen to the music.
  21. Piss Fetish for Dummies ... but yeah, marketing could be tricky. 😂
  22. Almost too easy ... but a pretty safe place to get used to peeing with people around
  23. You should do what other experts have done and write a self-help guide 😛 One never knows when the voice of experience will come in handy.
  24. I've always wanted to pee in a library. I agree with @HotAndGolden on that one. Most libraries have nooks and crannies suitable for such activities. Even a quiet area in the stacks would work if you can find one. Bookstores are also in this category, though they tend to be both more open and more crowded than libraries. Keep in mind how quiet libraries are and avoid loud splashing ... pee against something and let it flow quietly to the floor. I have made use of booths in restaurants. If you sit all the way into the booth, you're out of sight from nearby tables or people passing by
  25. Sounds like @beachmom's husband and I are similar. I've been using all the facilities in my hotel rooms for many years ... and I travel quite a bit so I've treated a lot of rooms. If I'm staying over the weekend, I also try to visit the rest of the hotel to see what other options are available. This is when I might pee in more obvious places and just put out the Do Not Disturb sign. I get 24+ hours of unrestricted pee time and it's all dry again when the work week starts. As @James_erased said, stay hydrated and leave time for things to dry and you should be fine.
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