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Everything posted by Sexismygod

  1. Great thread ... love hearing about your adventures @peegirl99 and can't wait for future installments. Hope there are more pictures, too. Big high 5 for peeing on the client's patio. Now just pray for rain. LOL
  2. Ah, the good old days ... being an old geezer, I got to see Queen live (would have been about '86 ... the Live Killers tour). That show remains one of the best concerts I've ever seen. Question: When you sit down to read, what kind of book do you like and what's the best book you ever read?
  3. I've had a few conversations lately that included questions about how much I peed and whether I'd ever measured the volume. Until today, the answer was no, but I was feeling a little frisky and thought I'd have a go. I'd been holding for a while, at least a couple of hours past the initial urges, but wasn't massively desperate as yet. I was at my desk (and actually logged into PF at the time) and had just finished a glass of water. The water had been in a pint glass and I thought that was as good a measure as any. I put the glass on the edge of the desk, stood up, unzipped, and pu
  4. Have to agree with so much of what's already been said. The godawful fakeness of most porn is almost too much to bear. The other item that hasn't been mentioned is that quick check to the camera that we see so often. I mean, come on. This is especially true for the hidden camera/voyeur category of videos. If the camera is hidden, why is she looking at it and adjusting her position accordingly? That little glance at the camera is a serious moment killer for me. As @Bacardi says, if a girl would just pee somewhere interesting with no direction, no fake expressions, no camera check
  5. Does that mean they ARE on the forum privately? Oh my ... I'm all tizzy now. Deep breaths, relax ... 😛
  6. You make some good points, Goose, and I certainly hope we are "levelling up", as you put it. I think the stereotypical stoic male figure is as mythical as the mother goddess female. Everyone, male and female, has both traits (and all the other male/female stereotypes) in some unique combination. The sooner we realise that we're not "men" and "women", as if they were two different species, the better. We're all just people, and people have strengths, weaknesses, good & bad sides, etc. We've got to stop defining behaviour or thought patterns as masculine or feminine. It's always b
  7. I hope she's found a personal pee spot at your place, too. After all, you want to feel at home when she's with you. 😉
  8. I think that's a very familiar sentiment for many (maybe most) of the people here. I can certainly relate. All my life, pee has been a private kink ... finding people who understand and accept this side of me was a revelation. I hope we can help you feel more comfortable with your fetish and allow you to explore it in new ways. And I hope you'll share whatever you're comfortable sharing.
  9. One place to start would be right here at PeeFans. There's a whole section dedicated to the men with a great many pictures and video links available. https://peefans.com/forum/35-men-peeing-pictures-videos-stories/
  10. Hi Sam ... welcome to PeeFans Looking forward to seeing your thoughts in the fora and learning about you, your personal kinks and your world view. Love the avatar, btw. I think you'll fit right in. 😈
  11. @pissluva ... you're exactly the person I always hope will catch me peeing somewhere unusual. But you give me hope that I may have been spotted and appreciated without my awareness. That's a nice add on to the feeling of freedom and rebellion I get when "pissing around". Pee rules have always been flexible and are primarily situational. When outdoors and away from built up areas, I was told to just go pee. In more public areas or busier situations, we would usually find a loo, though necessity resulted in the occasional puddle around a discreet corner. Just whipping it out in front o
  12. I honestly don't know where the original idea came from, but at some point in my childhood I came up with the notion of peeing on the floor. It seemed fun and was something I did many times when I was between about 9 & 12. In some cases I would also pee on myself. I had no concept yet of "sexuality" so this was just me acting out in some way, presumably in response to something in my life at the time. Many years later, peeing on the floor has stayed with me ... peeing on myself, not so much, but I dabble occasionally. My one pee related memory was quite early. We were visiting re
  13. A fundamental problem in secret societies ... it's all secret and nobody knows who anybody else is. I hope, someday, to meet in person at least one other PF member, even if it's just to chat over coffee.
  14. I'll see what I can do, but can't make any promises. If wishes work the same as astral projection, I'm wishing as hard as I can. 😎
  15. If you want it, I'm sure you'll get it. And I hope you do more with it than my brother. He got his and then never flew again. He just wanted to learn how to fly ... had no intention of actually flying places. For the price, I can think of other priorities. 😂
  16. I'd love to say it was me, but I'm not Asian or even on your continent. Maybe it was my astral self trying to reach out to you ... and my astral self is, for unknown reasons, Asian. Can anyone prove it wasn't me? 😎😛
  17. What one word best sums up your personality and style?
  18. This is the kind of high risk game I like. I've managed a couple of dribbles inside a supermarket (trolleys provide good cover, but aisles are rarely empty). Would love to leave a larger puddle or puddle trail. Outside seems too easy but near the entrance would be interesting. Let us know how you do.
  19. I don't really think about it this way, but I love the idea of deliberately finding somewhere new to play. I might have to adopt this resolution for myself. 😎 One interesting idea was provided by @Paulypeeps ... I've already peed on planes a couple of times, but never at the theatre (apart from cinemas). This sounds like a great idea, though I have no idea how to achieve it. I may have to adopt the black jeans approach and hope nobody notices. Time to go to a play! Another idea, already on my bucket list, was provided by @88mphArtist ... something naughty at a house party or oth
  20. *Rummaging through the "stock questions" box* Ah, yes, here we go (sort of a 2-for-1): What superpower would you like to have ... and what "superpower" do you already have?
  21. I'm going to steal @Sophie's question: Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized ponies or one pony-sized duck?
  22. Hi Layla ... looks like you've developed quite a fan club already. There's just something about a lady sharing pictures of herself peeing into a bottle that just brings us all out of hiding ... lol 😎 I can totally relate to your background, though peeing standing is obviously the norm for me. But the desire to pee somewhere naughty has been with me from my youth and is still my biggest thrill. And, like you, I've failed utterly to find a girl/lady to share with. So here I am, sharing in an alternative way. It's all good I'm sure you've realised by now that you're in the right
  23. Sexismygod


    I'll never get tired of your lovely slit ... with or without your flowing nectar
  24. That sounds like an adventure from my best fantasies. You're a lucky man ... here's hoping for more next year (but don't be too surprised if this turns out to be a one-time only event).
  25. I tend to write about my own experiences and/or adventures. I always hope others will enjoy them, but my success rate is probably under 50% ... I still tell the stories (occasional, I admit) so I'm clearly not looking for fame. Writing is a form of release/exhibitionism. My sneaky adventures are carefully executed and no one would know about them if I didn't tell the story. In reality, I think I write more to find out if there are others who think like me rather to excite or turn on the audience. I have found likeminded individuals this way, and been able to communicate with them, and
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