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Everything posted by Kirby23

  1. My wife always pees after sex, and sometimes it takes her a while to get it going. Especially if she has orgasmed. It's not uncommon that she might sit there on the toilet for 3-5 minutes (sometimes more) waiting for the stream to start. I've asked her about it, and she says that when she orgasms, she gets all clenched up down there and it takes a while to relax enough to pee. This is one of the reasons she has told me why she'd never be able to pee during sex. 🤷‍♂️
  2. For me: Kinkiest: I often pee inside my wife's vagina during sex. She's not particularly "into" it, but she doesn't mind, and knows it feels good for me. Naughtiest: I travel occasionally for work, and sometimes I pee around my hotel room for fun. I don't do it anywhere it would be obvious or easily noticed. But for example, I'll pee on the carpet a little (behind the curtains), in the closet, behind the couch, etc. Bonus: most often when I travel for work I drive. I've gotten pretty good at peeing while driving. Into a gatorade bottle, soda cup, etc. It saves me a lot of time
  3. At my previous job I had a coworker ("A"). "A" and I weren't particularly close, but we were friendly with each other, and would chit chat occasionally. She was about 35 and shapely. Thin, but curvy. Short, with shoulder-length dark hair. One time she and I were chatting, and she said something like "Hold on, I have to pee. I don't think I've peed since I took a shower this morning." Now, I don't know if she meant "I haven't peed since this morning" (a more general statement), or whether she specifically meant that she peed in the shower. I took it to mean the latter. That was super
  4. @glad1 Thanks! So, given that, is it easy for someone to watch a member of the opposite sex pee if one wanted to? I'm imagining a small / personal boat doesn't afford much privacy. Do women usually pull their bottoms down, or just go through their swimsuits? Any sightings / stories to share?
  5. The 4th of July is a huge holiday here in the US, and since it's in the middle of the summer, people celebrate outdoors, with cookouts and outdoor activities. The area where I live is near a large lake, and in-between several other smaller lakes. As such, boating is a very common summertime activity, especially around the 4th of July holiday. Many of the boaters drink heavily while boating/celebrating. They'll anchor the boat and spend the whole day on the boat partying and drinking beer. Most non-commercial / smaller boats that a family or individual would use do not have a bathroom
  6. I don't recall any specific experiences from my youth, or a definite "first time," but I saw lots of peeing girls in college - at parties, outdoors, etc. One time I remember clearly was my friend "S" and I had been hanging out, having beers. We decided to go for a walk on the trail in the woods behind my apartment. In the 45-or-so minutes we were on our little hike, she popped a squat at least twice (that I recall). It was dark out, and I was trying to be a gentleman, so I didn't watch her too closely. One of the first times I saw a girl/woman pee up close was my ex, when we took a
  7. Has anyone else noticed that the topic of pubic hair management seems to be becoming more mainstream in advertising? I am seeing ads all the time, not just online, but even on TV. For example "Gilette razor for skin and pubic hair," "Nood laser hair removal," and (I don't remember the product) targeted at "manscaping." These advertisements don't beat around the bush (pun intended) - they say things like "tired of shaving your vulva?", and "tame your balls," etc. It doesn't offend me, I've just been surprised at how mainstream the topic has recently become. What do others think?
  8. My mother-in-law has this on a sign in her dining room! It's like a running joke (no pun intended) in their family - between my wife, her sister, and their mother, whenever they get laughing, there's always someone running for the bathroom!
  9. I only have a relatively small amount of experience with peeing during sex. My ex used to do it once in a while (out of necessity/convenience though, not as a kink), and my wife allows me to pee during sex (PIV) if I want to. I've told about these encounters in past posts, so won't repeat myself here. Peeing during sex (especially female peeing during PIV) is one of my biggest turn-ons. For those that have done it, I'd love to hear your stories and hear more about it. I'm curious to know what it feels like? How did it happen? For example, was it planned, or was it spur-of-the-moment out o
  10. Tell that to my wife! Kidding aside, I agree completely with @Hightower that you have to find a partner who's into you first, then hope that the kink-related compatibility will follow. Some get lucky, others don't. I've only been in two long-term relationships. My ex didn't mind indulging my kink (and was a little into it herself), and my wife, who is 100% not into it, and does not indulge it.
  11. When I was in college and lived in the dorms, the on-campus apartments were about a 1/4 mile walk from the dorm where I lived. Almost every weekend we'd go to parties at the apartments. I was in a band, and we often played at the parties. The 1/4 mile walk was along a campus road, but the road was lined with lots of pine trees. So after leaving a party and heading back to the dorm, it was very common for people (guys and girls) to duck into the trees for a quick pee. Since the apartments all only had one bathroom each, if we knew we were leaving a party soon, rather than waiting in
  12. Years ago, when I was in college, my friend "S" would pee pretty much anytime / anywhere the mood struck her, especially when alcohol was involved. A few times in particular that I recall: 1. Walking in the woods home after a party, mid-conversation, she would just pop a squat when she needed to. This happened many times. She often wore skirts to parties to make it easier. 2. One of these times, for whatever reason, we started making out right there in the woods (right after she'd peed), and she even let me finger her under her skirt. Looking back on it, it's kind of weird, beca
  13. My wife too. She'll hold it forever. But once she crosses the threshold, it can very quickly turn into "gotta go right now." It never ceases to amaze me how much she can hold. A 45-second pee is not at all unusual for her. 1L for sure, maybe 1.5L.
  14. I'm not sure how unusual this is, but one of my fantasies is what I'll call "just go" moments. Imagine you're having sex, and during the act, one partner says "I have to pee." Swept up in the sex, and not wanting to stop, the other partner says "Just go" (and they do). I had a few moments like this with my ex, mostly in the pool. But it was a long time ago, so I don't remember much about the details. I think part of what makes the idea sexy to me is the idea of being comfortable enough with each other to be uninhibited, and just let it out during sex (or oral, or fingering, or whatev
  15. Very happily married 15 years to a wonderful woman who does not share my kink. We have a decent, mostly satisfactory sex life. She's not a very sexual person, and usually could take it or leave it. She does not have any kinks. She used to kink shame me about pee, but really doesn't anymore. As far as pee stuff, she allows me to pee inside her during PIV if I want to. I do this when I feel like it, but not every time we have sex. She regularly pees in the shower, and once in a while she'll allow me to watch. I don't always ask, because this is when she sometimes kink shames, for exa
  16. I like the idea of ranking them. Here are my top five: 5. Female peeing outside, such as next to the hot tub, pool, etc., or during camping. 4. Female peeing in the shower. My wife does this every day, and occasionally lets me watch. 3. Female nonchalant peeing. Especially "just go" moments. 2. Male peeing during sex (PIV). I do this fairly often with my wife (at least once/month). 1. Female peeing during sex (PIV). Did this a few times with my ex, 15+ years ago, but don't really remember too much about it, unfortunately.
  17. Aww, thanks, but to clarify, I'm not sure if my wife would consider it "fun." She's more or less neutral on it. It does nothing for her, but she puts up with it because she loves me and knows I enjoy it.
  18. The second update is from this past Friday. It was another situation where it was just she and I home during the day, and the kids were at school. It had been about two months since the previous pee-related sexual encounter (described in my previous post), and I was itching to do it again. It's a delicate matter of timing because if I'm going to pee during sex, it works best if it's a time when she hasn't showered yet. She usually showers in the morning, so it's unusual to find an ideal time. She also doesn't generally like daytime sex. So I don't often ask for it. But this past Friday,
  19. A few updates to post. Twice now, I've been able to empty my full bladder into my wife's vagina. The first time was about two months ago. It was a similar situation to my previous post, only she let us try doing it in the shower stall again. It was during the day on a weekday when both my wife and I were home, and the kids were at school. I had been wanting to try a full bladder pee during PIV ever since the failed attempt described previously. She had not showered yet, so I figured this would be a good time to try it. We did our normal foreplay to get her warmed up, and when it came time
  20. Found this in the "Youtube Finds" topic: Seems like the most common answer is that people (at least those in the video) pee in the hot tub. I think only one woman in the video said she doesn't. Of course, that could be selective editing - they could've edited out answers where people said no, as that doesn't make for as interesting of a video.
  21. I can! It has taken some "training," so to speak, but once you're used to the sensations, it's not too difficult. Essentially I just have to stop "thrusting," concentrate a little, and I can get the flow going. It doesn't make too much difference how full my bladder is - I can do it when pretty full, or while only holding a little. My wife says she can't feel it. It doesn't do anything for her. But she doesn't mind if I pee during PIV because she knows I enjoy it. If I'm really aroused, peeing during sex can often trigger my orgasm. So I use it sparingly - or sometimes wait u
  22. @Havelock I totally agree! I love these type of "nonchalant" scenes. One of the best ones I remember was a female pornstar who had just finished a sex scene on a bench press. Her face was covered in cum. The crew was congratulaying her on a great scene, and all she could say was how bad she had to pee. One of the crew members told her to just pee there on the weight bench. She unleashed a huge stream, right there where she sat, and the crew cheered her on. So hot.
  23. To me the answer kind of depends on the situation. Like others have expressed, the videos that are the biggest turn-ons to me are generally the most realistic. For example, I enjoy watching "peeing during sex" videos, where one or the other partner pees during PIV. To me that's a situation where a little talking can be hot. For example if the woman is like "Oh God, I gotta pee," then a few seconds later some spurts come out. Nerdy Faery did one of these in a shower stall (she had to pee so bad but couldn't do it while the penis was inside!) To me it almost seems weird (unrealistic?)
  24. @beachmomI'd be interested to hear more if you care to share. Was it a one-time thing or more regular? How did the topic arise, to lead to the situation in the first place? What types of activities did you partake in?
  25. @PissDude Man, I can relate to so much of this. I met my wife when I was at the lowest point of my life, going through an awful divorce. She was there for me when I needed it most, and I'll never forget it. That's why when she doesn't understand my fetish (or kink shames me), it hurts, but I don't think I'd ever do anything to hurt her (e.g. cheat). The farthest I'll go is talking about it with other women (female friends, etc.). Not about a fetish per se, just about pee in general (funny stories, etc.).
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