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Everything posted by Kirby23

  1. My ex and I had sex in her parents' pool a handful more times befor we eventually divorced, and pretty much every time it involved pee - either her peeing before we did it, during, or directly after. Feeling that warm flood came to be the part I looked forward to most about doing it there. I would finish, then we'd both freeze, and she'd release the floodgates with me either still inside, or having just pulled out. Sometimes she would pee before too. I'd go to put it in, and she'd say "Hang on, I have to pee first." She'd then release her pale yellow cloud into the water, then I'd
  2. I have an update! I have a good female friend, "K" (I am male). We used to work together, and she was kind of my "work wife." We've been close friends for about 10 years, so no topic is off limits. We often talk about sex, and once in a while talk about peeing. K is very attractive - 40, fit, with blonde hair. K and her family (husband, two kids) recently moved to a farmhouse in the country, and have been fixing it up. They installed a big new hot tub out behind the main garage / out-building. The location of the hot tub is a bit of a walk from the house, where the closest bathroom is. W
  3. Great story! My wife is a daily shower peer as well, and your story is very similar to what my wife often experiences. It takes a long time for our water to heat up, and she'll occasionally hop in the shower early, specifically to pee, before the water has fully heated. Our shower stall is big enough that she can stand in one end to pee while the water heats up at the other end. However, unfortunately she does not share my kink, and almost never lets me watch. She will acknowledge it though - she's not ashamed of the act. For example, I might be in the bathroom, hanging out with her while
  4. This topic also reminds me of an indirect experience, as told to me by my wife. I mentioned it in another thread ("Hot tub pee etiquette"). One time, several years ago, she was at a hot tub party with friends. It was all ladies, about 12-15 people total. It was a large hot tub, which held 8 or so. So at any given time, there would be 8 in the tub, and several others standing, milling around (in their swimsuits). They were all drinking heavily (beers, wine coolers, etc.). They were all outdoors near the hot tub for about 3 hours, and my wife said she didn't remember anyone going indo
  5. I love this topic - to me this is one of the hottest aspects of the pee kink - the nonchalant pee out of convenience. My ex-wife was not "into" pee the way we are, but would often pee whenever/wherever simply out of convenience. I've made several posts about this, so won't repeat myself. But she was a drinker, and often had several beers, so always needed to pee. She peed in hot tubs, pools, outdoors, etc. She occasionally even peed during sex out of comfort/convenience (which I've posted about previously). She kept a plastic tub (a dish tub) under her side of the bed, and would occ
  6. Not sure what good that would have done. It was my house, and I was planning to sell it.
  7. Several years ago I was in a co-habitation situation for nearly a year with my (then current) wife when we were going through a divorce. She had no desire to move out until she was forced to do so by the court. I set up an "apartment" of sorts for her in the semi-finished basement. There was a bed, microwave, fridge, food, etc., but no bathroom. I expected that she would use the bathroom (and shower, etc.) on the main floor of the house. I later found out that she was using the bathroom for showering and #2s, but that she was actually doing all of her peeing in the basement. The wei
  8. My ex (same person as in my original post) drank a lot of alcohol. As I mentioned above, unfortunately her alcoholism eventually led to our divorce. Although she drank some liquor, she generally preferred beer (cheap stuff, like Coors and Miller High Life). She never had fewer than 5 or 6 beers at a time. And because of that, she was ALWAYS peeing. I didn't like her drinking, but the silver lining is that she always had a full bladder, and was very open about peeing anywhere and everywhere, including occasionally during sex, as I mentioned above. Sometimes it was by accident, and sometim
  9. One time my female friend "S" and I were discussing rock / music festivals, and strategies for easy peeing. Like many women, she hates port-a-johns, and avoids them if she can. Her go-to strategy is that she wears a long (ankle-length) skirt and no underwear, and flip-flops. Then, when she needs to pee, she just pees while standing, and no one's the wiser. I asked her "don't you get wet?" And she said not really. Her legs and feet get a little wet, but they dry quickly. And even if her skirt gets a little wet, it doesn't show, and dries quickly. She can do it while standing,
  10. I'm curious to hear others' experiences with witnessing or hearing about discreet / nonchalant pees in real life among regular / real people (who aren't into our kink). In another thread I told a story about my wife and her friends at a hot tub party, where she peed discreetly through her swimsuit into the grass while walking to the cooler. She mentioned that a few times the women would sit on the edge of the hot tub with their butts over the edge, to "cool off". But she suspected that they were peeing. Another situation came second-hand. In my early 20s I had hosted a party at my
  11. When my wife was in labor for my eldest (years ago), she had been given an epidural, which can make it difficult to pee (because everything down there is numb). Before "pushing" (beginning the birth process), the nurse wanted her to have an empty bladder. Usually the normal process is to have a catheter inserted, but my wife was already in a lot of pain (despite the drugs), and apparently they didn't want to traumatize her more than she already was. So the nurse told her to just relax and try to pee on the bed (onto the pee pad that she was already sitting/laying on). Unfortunately she wa
  12. One of my favorite pee-related situations is when two people are engaged in a sex act, one partner announces "I have to pee" (or similar), and the other says "Just go." I have been in this situation a few times, and they were always fun, naughty, and hot. The first that I remember was with my ex. We were on vacation, at a hotel, and there was a jacuzzi in the room. We'd been relaxing in the jacuzzi drinking beers, and it eventually led to sex in the jacuzzi. Before long I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. I assumed it was due to sex in the water (which can wash away the body's nat
  13. Those who watch the show 'Naked and Afraid' are occasionnally treated to pee-related content. For anyone unfamiliar with the show, it's an American TV series that airs on Discovery channel. The premise is that two survivalists, a man and a woman, are dropped off in a remote area, naked, and must find water, food, shelter, etc. to survive. I don't recall the specific season or episode, but the best example I can think of occurred when the male contestant woke up in the night and announced "I have to pee." The female said "Me too," so they both exited their makeshift shelter, and stood nex
  14. Great replies so far! These pretty much confirm some of what I'd suspected. Does anyone's real life experiences confirm (or refute) any of these scenarios? For example, have you been in a hot tub in mixed company when someone said "I have to pee!"? And if so, how did they do it? How about when you and your spouse / significant other are the only ones in the tub? Does that change the etiquette? My wife and I have a small (inflatable) hot tub that we use about once/week. A few times when I've had to pee, I just stand up, pee out of the hot tub (into the grass/mulch beside th
  15. Long-time reader, first-time poster. I have a handful of topics that I'll post about eventually, but I thought this might be a good one to begin with. I apologize if this topic has already been covered, but I've searched and didn't find much about it. I am curious as to what would be considered commonly accepted behavior or "etiquette" for relieving one's bladder, while relaxing in a hot tub, especially in mixed company. For example, let's say two couples (2 men + 2 women) are in an outdoor hot tub. Drinks are free-flowing. Someone needs to pee. How is it dealt with? Is it
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