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Everything posted by Kirby23

  1. My wife does not share my kink, and is generally reluctant to discuss pee-related topics with me. So in the past, I've occasionally tried to casually bring things up in discussion with my female friends... to hear their stories, pick their brains, etc. I obviously have to be careful - I don't want to creep them out, so I try to bring the topic up casually. I have a few close female friends that I'm comfortable talking to like this, especially my friend "K", who I've discussed here in the past. We've talked about things like hot tub peeing, "making a warm spot" in the ocean, etc.
  2. My friend "M" and I were discussing squirting one time. I don't recall exactly how the discussion topic began, but we were in a situation at the time where we were both "experimenting" with our respective partners, and reporting results to each other. We nicknamed it "project towel." She kept getting close, but when it came time to "release," she was having trouble doing it. So she was trying to get more comfortable with peeing around/on her boyfriend, as a way to get over the hump of squirting - e.g. the "mental block." I pressed for details, but unfortunately she was reluctant to g
  3. This is what I have - a "Saluspa." It's ok, all in all. Not terrible, not great. It's on the small side, really only two adults fit in it. My wife doesn't like how the whole tub moves around with any body movement - not like how a "rigid" tub is. It gives her the feeling of motion sickness, which is one of the reasons why we never seem to stay in it very long. Since the tub has "give" to it, it's not firm enough to sit on the edge. So it would be difficult for her to sit over the edge to pee, even if she wanted to. We're thinking about upgrading to a "real" hot tub.
  4. My wife was a labor & delivery nurse for 13 years. She had 12-hour shifts, and would occasionally (not often) not be able to pee at all during the shift if things were particularly busy. In fact, we were just talking about this a few nights ago. I asked her how she was able to do it, and she said she tried not to drink anything. That definitely wouldn't work for her lifestyle now - she drinks 8 quarts every day. And although her bladder size is immense (she easily holds 1 liter), her ability to hold has diminished since she had kids.
  5. I can contribute to this, only based on my experience with my wife. We'll call her "Mrs. K". Mrs. K has a pretty pronounced G spot. It's easy to feel and easy to find with my finger. I'd say it's probably only maybe 1/2" in. It might be 1", not exactly sure. She definitely enjoys when I touch it just right, but I have to work my way up to it. I can't just go in "guns blazing" and expect a favorable result. As I work my way up, I use light pressure, circling motions, and the "come hither" gesture that is so often recommended in squirting discussions. I also don't focus all of my
  6. As has been mentioned here previously, boating definitely comes to mind. Most recreation boats are small (don't have toilets), and people often drink alcohol while boating. Seems to me to be a perfect recipe for interesting situations. My wife has a close friend who, together with her husband, owns a catamaran. They're on the boat nearly every weekend in the summer. Sometimes it's just the two of them, but sometimes they have other friends join them (we haven't been invited yet). My wife's friend has mentioned in the past that they spend the whole day out on the water - they'll pack a lun
  7. My bladder always empties all at once. My wife, however, is a different story. She'll often wait on the toilet (after seemingly being finished) for a minute or so, and more usually comes out. Sometimes she'll lean forward to help the last few squirts come out.
  8. I have done this, but as a man, my general preference is not to pee in my swimsuit if I can avoid it. If I'm somewhere where it won't show (lake, etc.), I pull my penis out (under the water) rather than going in my suit.
  9. Another aspect of "peeing during sex" that I find hot is when it's not really planned, and turns into a spur-of-the-moment "just go" scenario. I wrote about this scenario in a previous thread. https://peefans.com/topic/21432-peeing-during-sex-just-go/?tab=comments#comment-292462 My ex-wife did this occasionally, but more out of convenience/laziness than due to a pee kink.
  10. As Kupar mentioned/linked, I started a topic about this a few months ago, and I've been adding to it occasionally, almost like a journal of my own experiences in this area - what has gone well, difficulties encountered, etc. I LOVE this topic, it's probably my favorite aspect of the kink. I enjoy watching videos of it, and "peeing during sex" is probably one of my most searched text strings. I've had some success finding these types of videos, especially on Pornhub. There are some content creators who seem to specialize in it. One user that comes to mind is "jetsfan1983" (or similar
  11. The next experience occurred Saturday evening. We were having "normal" sex, per the usual routine. Through foreplay, I'd managed to get her to come really hard. So I think she was in a more uninhibited mood. I mentioned to her that I still wanted to try emptying my full bladder into her (rather than just a few spurts). I had drank a whole bottle of water prior to going to bed, so was beginning to feel it. I asked if we could try doing it in the shower stall. She said "We've tried in the shower stall before, and we can never get the angle right." But I managed to convince her that we shoul
  12. Two more recent experiences to add to the thread. This past Thursday night I was in the mood, but my wife wasn't. Occasionally when this happens, she's willing to give me a handjob. I asked if she would, and she said ok. I mentioned that I kind of needed to pee, and asked her if it would be alright if I peed while she was giving me a handjob. She said I guess so, just don't get it on me or the bed. So I laid on my back, stripped down, and got our "sex towel." I was immediately hard with anticipation. She started rubbing me, and I began to relax and concentrate. It wasn't too hard to
  13. Here's another interesting one. My wife and I have just started watching "Succession," and last night we watched S1E3. There's a scene where a man and woman wake up in the morning after a night of sex. She goes into the bathroom, and sits on the toilet to pee. It shows her from the side. When she finishes, she pulls up her underwear without wiping. My wife noticed, and remarked "she didn't wipe."
  14. Ha! Love this comment. I'm both frugal and an Engineer, so I am an avid DIY-er, and I love solving problems myself rather than spending money unnecessarily. I'm a guy, but am an avid outdoorsman (camping, hiking, etc.), so am fairly familiar with this problem for women. My wife HATES peeing outside; she has to pretty much get naked from the waist down, so she will more often suffer rather than exposing herself or risking a mess. Maybe she needs something like this (or Bacardi's DIY version)!
  15. Yellowstone has what I'd call "light" nudity. Sideboob, butts, skin, some sex, etc. The scene I'm referring to showed the female character (Sarah) pulling on her underwear from a front view. She adjusts them by slightly pulling them down, and it very briefly shows the top of her bare public area (but not genitals). 1923, which is a spinoff of Yellowstone, has a female peeing scene in the first episone. In a scene which takes place in Africa, a female exits her tent to pee at night. She's shown squatting (in the dark), and peeing noises are heard. Then (no spoilers)... something bad happen
  16. When my wife gets close to orgasm, once in a while (not every time), she likes when I play with her butthole. I'm not allowed to put my finger in, just gently rub the outside. But the problem is that it dries rather quickly, and I don't really want to lick my finger (or her butt) to re-moisten it. So one of these times I'm going to see if she'll let me pee on her butthole for lube. That way, if it dries, I can just pee again. She has let me use my pee for lube on her vaginal opening, when a little extra is needed. I've also used my pee to clean period blood out of her vagina one ti
  17. Some months have passed since my initial post, and things are still going well. Me peeing during sex occurs approximately half of the time now. I don't "force" it, but my wife knows that peeing during sex is an enjoyable feeling for me, so she doesn't mind. She hasn't asked for it yet, but some time may come in the future when she might. To this end, there was one time recently when I think it helped her reach orgasm. We were doing PIV, and she was rubbing herself. She was close (75% - 80% there), but couldn't quite get "over the edge." I asked her if she wanted me to try peeing inside a
  18. By far the biggest thing for me has been incorporating pee into my sex life with my wife. I've told most of the details in another thread, but I'll provide a recap here. My wife (14 years) is (was?) 100% anti-pee, anti-fetish, full-on kink shaming, etc. She didn't want to talk about it, wouldn't let me watch her, etc. But over the course of 2022, things got progressively better in that regard. We talked about it more, I was able to better explain why it was a turn-on for me, and eventually she let me try it (peeing during sex). By the end of 2022 and into 2023, it has become
  19. My wife definitely doesn't mind if I or my son pee in the yard. We live in a residential neighborhood with houses all around, so it doesn't happen often. But, for example, we have a pine tree with low boughs that offer a little privacy. Occasionally when my son is swimming, he'll pee there rather than going in the house. Similarly, when my wife and I are in the hot tub, if I have to pee, I'll just stand up and pee into the mulch vs. getting out and going in the house. I can only think of two occasions when my wife has peed in the yard (that I know of). One was at a hot tub party at her f
  20. I've noticed that a lot of movies and TV shows aren't very accurate about depicting characters peeing in what would seem to be common situations. For example, getting up in the morning - the character gets out of bed, and simply starts their day, without a bathroom visit. Or after sex, the characters either say "goodnight," or one puts their clothes on and leaves, and no one visits the bathroom. In reality, I'm sure the bathroom visit is probably omitted because it doesn't advance the plot. But it still seems unrealistic to me. Recently my wife and I were watching "Yellowstone,
  21. Thanks for sharing this! They come across as a little judgmental - primarily the guy, not so much Kiara. But entertaining to listen to on my car ride home from work! Now I have to check out some of her videos...
  22. Another one that comes to mind - around that same time. One of my bandmates grew up in a very well-to-do neighborhood, in a "McMansion" type house. His dad was a very successful businessman, and actually later went on to become deputy mayor of our city (a medium-sized city in northeastern US). One weekend his parents were out of town, so he decided to host a party at his parents' house and have our band play. They had a beautifully manicured backyard, patio, and hot tub area. While our band was playing, a bunch of people decided to strip down to their underwear and get in the hot t
  23. In college I used to play in a band, and my band played TONS of house parties. I attended house parties pretty much every weekend for a 2-3 year period. During this time I lived in a few different places, near campus as well as in the city. We often hosted parties either at the guitar player's house, which was an on-campus apartment, or at my house, which was a city house. Both of these places had two bathrooms, so I don't recall there being a lot of desperation. We also had an "unwritten rule" that the bathrooms were generally for the girls, and it was ok (if not expected) for the
  24. I gotta say, I've REALLY enjoyed this thread, especially the "real world" examples in these links. So hot! This topic has been a new source of discovery for me - a sort of "untapped resource" of pee discussion I'd never really thought about. And it makes me wonder whether there are other hobbies/pastimes that might involve women freely peeing (and willing to discuss it) like this? Maybe competitive swimming? Scuba? Camping/hiking? Kayaking/canoeing? I've read lots of stories about those topics, so maybe not as "novel" as the horse topic?
  25. One of my favorite aspects of our kink is the female nonchalant pee. I have just a few IRL (in real life) experiences with this, and would love to hear of yours. One time, when I was in college, I was hanging out with my (female) friend "S". We had been to a party on campus, and were walking back to my dorm. We were walking along a campus road, but it was late, so it was fairly secluded. As we were walking and talking, she said something like "hang on a second," walked a few feet off to the side, pulled down her pants, and popped a squat in the grass. When she was finished, she pulled he
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