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Everything posted by Kirby23

  1. I've been in a committed relationship for 15+ years with a woman who is very much not into my fetish. So it's something I've thought about from time-to-time. Not in terms of "Should I cheat on her?" but more in terms of "if a situation presented itself, how far would I go?" I watch pee porn, I've talked to female friends about pee-related topics, and I frequent this site, none of which I consider cheating. But let's say I had an oppourtunity to watch a girl pee. Would I do it? Probably. Is it cheating? I don't know, it depends on the specifics. Is she a stranger? Is it a friend at a
  2. For those of you in a committed relationship - Let's assume your significant other / partner is not interested in pee, and/or doesn't know about your fetish, etc. Would you cheat on your significant other in order to engage in pee-related activities? Which activities would you be willing to do? What do you consider cheating (where do you draw the line)? Are you more concerned with the logistics of it (I'm afraid I'd get caught) or with the ethics of it (it's wrong, regardless)? Please feel free to add details (type of relationship, length of time in relationship, marital status,
  3. @Bacardi Thank you so much for your candid responses. I hope my questions didn't bring up painful memories for you - I'm so sorry you were kink shamed. My wife used to do this too, saying things like I was "sick" for asking to watch her pee in the shower. But we've been together a long time (15+ years), and she has mellowed out a lot about it, especially recently. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you haven't already thought about, but I wonder what would happen if you tried to "ease into" the topic with your husband. Perhaps it could start with an innocent conversation on kinks in ge
  4. @Bacardi - Awesome answer. A few follow-up questions. 1.) Have you ever explored this option with your husband? I know from your past comments he doesn't know about your kink. Why is it important that he not know that you were holding? What if you reframed it, saying something like "Sometimes I have trouble finishing because I'm afraid I'm going to pee." And see how he reacts? I know a lot of husbands (even if not into pee) would want their wives to enjoy themselves fully and not let a little mess get in the way of that. 2.) Have you ever explored your kink with anyone oth
  5. I want to resurrect this topic to try and get the discussion going again because it sort of got off track. How easy/difficult is it for a woman to pee during sex with a penis (or toy) inside her? I'd be interested in hearing from women directly, or from men (e.g "my wife/gf peed during sex, and here's how it went"). What was the situation? Was it planned or unplanned? Where did it take place? How full was the bladder? (etc.)
  6. I have a new experience to add to this. It doesn't involve showering with a partner, but does involve peeing in the shower, so I figured it was better to post it here than to start a new topic. This past Sunday morning my wife and I spent the whole morning doing work around the house, and cleaning. We had both been drinking coffee. Around 11:00 we were finished, and both headed upstairs to shower. I asked her "Do you want to go first, or do you want me to?" She said "I don't care, but I have to pee really bad, so either let me jump in the shower first, or otherwise I'll just use the
  7. It would usually happen after foreplay, just before insertion. Usually on the bed, with a puppy pad or additional towel beneath. When I was ready to insert, if she was too full, she would just hold it up to herself (like a diaper), and release a little into it. I guess I don't remember exactly when (how far into our relationship) it started, or what the circumstances were. She was probably drunk the first time, so less inhibited. She generally did keep a towel close by, but eventually this particular one (which was yellow chamois like material) became the "pee towel." It was absorba
  8. One time we went out of town for a getaway weekend, and the hotel room had an in-room jacuzzi. When she would drink, I usually wouldn't, because I felt like I had to "babysit" her. But this time, for whatever reason, I allowed myself to kick back a little and enjoy myself. We sat in the jacuzzi for a long time - maybe two hours - we were definitely "wrinkly" - drinking beer after beer. About ten minutes in, we had sex in the water, and she peed in the water during sex. I've written about that experience here before, so I won't rehash it. But since she had already peed in the water,
  9. Oh, definitely - she was offering to. But I think I was a little embarrassed about it, naive, and still pretty sexually inexperienced at the time. It was a missed opportunity, and one I'd do differently now.
  10. My house at the time had a big, semi-secluded, quiet backyard. Way back (about 200 ft. from the house) I had a bonfire pit. We would sit back there on Friday or Saturday evenings and have big bonfires. Sometimes with friends, sometimes just us. On the "just us" occasions she'd be very lazy with her pees. One of her favorite things to do was pull her shorts down to her hips, and pee right through the webbing of the lawn chair, onto the grass. Sometimes, especially after dark, she'd just keep her shorts at her knees and pee (through the chair webbing) whenever the need arose. With the amount she
  11. My pee fetish at the time hadn't really evolved much yet. One time (still early in our relationship) we were fooling around in her parents' pool (they weren't home) and out of the blue she said "Do you want me to pee on you?" Taken aback I said "um, no, why?" And she said that she'd noticed pee porn in my computer's browser history. I kind of lied and said that I look at all sorts of porn, and it's just something I look at occasionally, not a fetish. And that I like watching, but don't really want to be peed on. That part was the truth at the time, although my answer (to being peed on) wo
  12. She usually had a very high libido and we had a lot of sex. Almost every day. Sometimes it was quick and sometimes it went on for a while. Any time the sex lasted longer than 15 minutes, she'd usually have to pee at some point, because she had always been drinking. Sometimes she would get up and pee in the toilet, but often she'd pee in places other than the toilet, depending on where the sex was taking place. If we were having sex in the bed, she would sometimes use the plastic tub. Sometimes she would pee onto a puppy pad or a rolled up towel. We had a lot of puppy pads handy because we had
  13. I've written here before about her peeing during sex sometimes, so I won't re-cover that in detail here. She had a small white plastic (dishwashing) tub that she kept next to her side of the bed for peeing into. She would pee into it after sex, during the night, and sometimes in the morning. I remember a lot of Saturday mornings at 6am I'd be half asleep and would hear the quiet tinkling sound of her peeing into the tub, then rolling over and going back to sleep. She slept naked most of the time, so clothes didn't really get in the way. She would kind of half sit on the edge of the
  14. As we continued with our relationship and got more comfortable, she soon stopped asking "Do you care if I pee?" And would just pee anywhere / anytime the need struck her. One time early in our relationship we were camping with friends. The friends had gone on a hike, and she and I were sitting at a picnic table playing cards. She pulled her shorts down (or aside) and started peeing onto the ground (under the table) from her picnic bench. I remember saying "shouldn't you have gone in the woods? (our friends) are going to be back soon and they're going to notice a big puddle under the tabl
  15. I've written a bit about my ex on this forum previously, but there are still more stories to tell. We were together from 2004 - 2007, so all of the experiences are from that timeframe. She was 25 when we got together, 28 when we broke up. She was somewhat attractive (maybe a "7"?). She was a hot cheerleader type in high school, but had waned as she got older, and had put on some weight. She weighed maybe 140-150 when we were together. It was a good relationship for the first year-or-so, then faded as her alcoholism (and eventually drug use) got worse. Alcohol and drugs impaired her
  16. On my bucket list for sure! While I have a lot of recent experience with the former (peeing inside pussy), I have very little experience with the latter (woman pissing with my dick inside). My ex did this occasionally, but it was 15+ years ago, so I don't really remember what it felt like. With her it wasn't a fetish thing, more of a laziness/convenience thing. If she had been drinking (which was often), and had to pee while we were having sex, she would. It happened a few times in the hot tub, in the pool, etc., and sometimes in bed. I've written about it here in other posts. Early
  17. I'm a busy guy with a wife and kids, so I don't get much alone time. But on the occasions when I do, I enjoy a good session like anyone else. If I can time it right, I enjoy the feeling of doing it with a full or partially full bladder. And if I'm feeling cheeky, I like to experiment with letting out some pee while I'm enjoying myself. It's not something I do on the bed or floor, but maybe over the sink, or in the shower. Just like peeing during sex (as I've written about recently), I enjoy the warm wet feeling, and of mixing the enjoyable sensations of peeing while edging. I'
  18. Every person's body is different, obviously. That would depend on your internal volume as well as his bladder size. But speaking for my wife and I, I would estimate that her insides held about half of my bladder capacity before the liquid came back out. My bladder capacity is about 16 ounces (~500ml), but can expand when full, to 20+ ounces. The day I refer to in my post above, I was full, but not bursting. So my rough estimate is that my wife's insides probably held about 8 ounces (250ml) before it came back out. Your situation may obviously be different.
  19. Aww, ha, thanks for the comment. I do wish she would enjoy it more, but at the same time, she doesn't mind it either. She giggles a little, or comments that it feels weird, or whatever. I'm holding out hope that she might come to enjoy it in time. And maybe it's never something that she'll specifically ask for, but perhaps she'll enjoy it in the moment.
  20. This is a topic I have some experience with. Please see my thread entitled "New Sexual Experience (Peed During Intercourse)" in the Real Encounters forum. I do have a new "accomplishment" to report, which is that (about two weeks ago) I successfully pissed an entire bladder into my wife's vagina. I've been wanting to try it for a long time, and have had a few unsuccessful attempts (see recent posts in the referenced thread). My wife is not into it at all, and doesn't find pee arousing in any way. But she also is not grossed out by it, and really doesn't care if I pee during s
  21. I'll play. Rather than listing a general "life" bucket list, I'm going to focus only on my "sexual" bucket list. I have no desire to cheat on my wife, so I'll preface this by saying I'd like to do all of these things with my wife. 1.) Her pee during sex, especially while I'm inside. 2.) I empty my bursting bladder while inside her. 3.) Watching my wife pee in a casual way - outdoors, in the pool, in the shower, etc. 4.) Drinking / licking from the source. 5.) "Naughty" sex (outdoors, etc.) 6.) Anal (I've never tried it!) That's probably a good start, I may t
  22. Resurrecting an older thread to share a few similar experiences. 1.) One time while browsing "nude amateur" porn, i came across some nude pics of my (female) cousin! I was very conflicted because she's hot, but she's my cousin! Like Alfresco, I now know how much hair she has down below (none!). It was a long time ago (probably 15 years ago), so although I see her occasionally at family get-togethers, I don't really give it too much thought nowadays. 2.) When I was in college, I stumbled across a "strip tease" video that my college rommate's girlfriend had made for him. These were th
  23. I can't really explain it other than that I have no desire to "wet myself" into my swim trunks, even if under water.
  24. Man I can relate to all of this. The "nod and smile" must take such restraint! My wife is similar, which is why I have to seek out other outlets, such as this forum, and the sort of discussions I refetenced in this topic.
  25. Great story, thanks for sharing! It's definitely fun to fantasize, isn't it?
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