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Everything posted by Kirby23

  1. When I was in high school snd college, my friend "S" was a real party girl, and would drink a lot, and pee pretty much anywhere. She was thin (athletic build), with shoulder length dark hair, and a big smile. She had a big personality too - kind of a "just one of the guys" type girl, if you know what I mean? Easygoing, fun to be around, and everyone enjoyed her company. So nonchalance kind of went with the territory. If we were drinking, she'd inevitably need to pee, and she rarely ventured too far off to do it. One time she was leaving a party at my house. She was about to get into
  2. I'd guess this is more common than people might think. I know several women who regularly take baths to relax at the end of a hard day. They might have a glass or two of wine, etc., and I doubt they're getting out of the tub anytime the need to pee arises. You're laying in the warm water, you're relaxed, just let nature take its course. Sure, they might rinse afterward, but my guess is that the majority of bath-takers just pee when the need arises.
  3. This reminds me of another similar, funny story, albeit slightly off-topic. 15-or-so years ago, a colleague and I were in Saudi Arabia for a customer visit. We were traveling by taxi from the coast (near Bahrain) to the inland (Riyadh). During the (long) drive, my colleague and I both needed to use the bathroom. Our driver did not speak English, so we had to gesture "we need to pee" to the driver! Eventually we came to a village, and the driver took us to a (primitive) bathroom. There was this trough thing, and we actually didn't know if it was a urinal or a sink! Regardless, we pee
  4. A funny (unrelated) story. As I mentioned above, at the time (20-ish years ago) the factory workers in Indonesia were not used to a western-style bathroom, which is what my (US-based) company chose to build there. One time I walked into the mens room and saw an employee washing his hands in the urinal. Ha, eww. I guess he thought it was a different style of sink?
  5. Great question. I've seen similar videos and have wondered the same thing. I can't speak for India, as I have no personal experience there. However, when I was younger, about 20 years ago, I was working as an Engineer for an Aerospace company, and I spent a month in Indonesia setting up a manufacturing facility. The employees there (men and women) definitely weren't used to western toilets (and urinals). I remember having a discussion with one of the local managers, and he said that each cubicle/stall needed a water spigot and floor drain. Apparently people there wash their entire
  6. Another similar situation - the showerhouse I mentioned in my previous post would get pretty busy by 7:30 - 8:00 am, with a line of women winding out the door of the ladies' portion of the showerhouse. They were all waiting in line to use the shower. Some of the women in line were definitely doing a noticeable "I have to pee" squirm. The toilet area was a separate area inside the ladies' facility, and the line seemed to go straight to the shower area. So logic would dictate that most women either peed first at their campsite, or were waiting to pee in the shower, like my wife did.
  7. My wife and I used to tent camp fairly often (a few times each summer), but have done so less often recently. We would most often use state park campgrounds, where there is a loop of wooded campsites surrounding a central bathroom / showerhouse. Depending on which site we would end up at, it was usually a few minutes' walk to the bathroom / showerhouse. So, our general rule of thumb was that if it was daylight, we'd walk to the bathroom to pee. If it was dark, we'd pee at the site. My wife is a very shy peer, and doesn't like being watched. But sometimes in the middle of
  8. So, interestingly, after some research/reading on reddit, this is much more common than I thought! (at least according to reddit users) In r/sex, the topic of squirting is one of the most commonly discussed topics, and there is and endless debate about whether squirt is pee. To me that debate is played out and doesn't really interest me because I'm interested in both squirt and pee. But what's interesting to me is that there are numerous topics about "Learning to squirt," and "How to squirt," and many of them discuss peeing during sex. For example - one woman, who is good at "sq
  9. Kirby23


    Guys (or girls!) - what's the wettest pussy you've ever experienced? For me it was a girl "R" who I dated in college. Things started relatively innocently - she was my girlfriend's friend. After the relationship with my girlfriend had run its course, "R" and I started hanging out. A few times at parties, etc. we made out. A few times while making out, we'd "pet" over the clothes. The first time we finally did "clothes off" stuff was in the semi-finished basement of my apartment. I had two roommates, who were out at the moment. "R" and I made out, petted, etc. We took our pants off, rubbed
  10. That same weekend, the next incident(s) happened at an outdoor impromptu party at the hotel. Part of the "culture" for this sport is that the team families travel together to the tournaments and stay together at hotels. We all bring drinks and hang out and party together in the evenings. So as not to be a nuiscance to other hotel guests, we often hang out outdoors, in the parking lot, kind of like "tailgating." During one of these "tailgating" sessions last Saturday night, after the kids had all gone to bed, the parents started playing outdoor games such as Cornhole and Washers. Bee
  11. My kid is very active in a sport for which there are weekend tournaments all summer long. These outdoor tournaments are a big gathering, and often involve families traveling to attend. The more specific details aren't relevant to this particular incident. At the most recent tournament, last weekend, there were two pee-related incidents that I thought were worthwhile to mention here. One involved my wife, and the other involved another female parent. The first, involving my wife, was at a morning game/match. It was an early start to the day, and my wife and I had been drinking coffee
  12. I know the original question was about women, but I can try to answer this from a man's perspective as well, if it might be of interest. The first time I peed in my wife during sex was about a year ago. I posted about it on this forum. That was probably the most exciting, and perhaps the most difficult, because it was the first time I'd ever done it. Now I've done it many times, so it's pretty easy for me to do, generally speaking. The only tricky part is that if I'm VERY aroused, the act of trying to pee inside my wife's vagina can sometimes trigger my orgasm instead. But I've
  13. Thank you so much for the well thought out and helpful response. I do indeed hope that someday I get to try it with my wife. The closest I've gotten is that once in a blue moon, she'll let me lick her after she has peed. For example, if I am about to go down on her during foreplay, she might say "let me pee first." I'll say "Don't wipe, so I can lick you." She'll roll her eyes, and sort of "waddle" back from the toilet to the bed, afraid she's going to drip on the floor. She'll lay down, and I'll do my thing. It's usually just a few drops around her lips, so it's definitely not the s
  14. My ex would often get very wet during sex. As a result, we'd usually lay down a towel (sometimes more than one), or a puppy pad (we had a dog) on the bed prior to sex. That way if she wanted to pee while we were doing it, she sometimes would, and cleanup was easy. A few times she peed during sex (or before or after) in the pool or hot tub too, so it wasn't always on the bed.
  15. @Pee_punk, @Overlord, @Alfresco, and anyone else who has drank directly from a woman - congratulations, you've fulfilled one of my biggest fantasies! I have some questions about the logistics of it. First and foremost... is it difficult to do? Do you put your mouth directly over the urethral opening and "suck"? Or do you stay a few inches away and try to catch it? Is it easier if the woman is standing (for example, in the shower), or laying down (like cunnilingus)? (Or a different position?) Does the woman let it all out in one go? Little spurts? A trickle? Where, exactly,
  16. @Alfresco's comment about sheds in the 'garden center' thread got me thinking about the topic. I used to have a wooden garden shed at my last house and would occasionally pee in it if the need struck me, or if I was feeling frisky. Often when I would do yardwork I would drink a lot of fluids (water, gatorade, etc.), so would often need a pee. It was much more convenient to pee in the shed than to go inside. I'd usually pee in the corner, and try to aim for the small gap between the wall and the floor so it didn't make much of a puddle. Whatever pee went on the wooden floor would just abs
  17. That's really hot. That's one of my ultimate fantasies - the "just go" moment. I would love to hear more about your experiences in this area. I have never experienced it with my wife, but occasionally my ex would pee during sex. Not really because she was turned on by it, but more so out of convenience. Usually she wouldn't announce it, I would just start to notice that things started to feel extra wet down there and there'd be a warm puddle on the towel. I'd ask "Did you pee?" and she'd say "Yeah, I had to go." Like you, it wasn't so much the kinkiness that turned me on, it was the
  18. Totally agreed. I sometimes pee in my wife during sex, but only maybe 1 out of every 5 times. Only when I know it's really going to take things to the next level.
  19. I think this is really insightful. I think I feel the same way. My ex wasn't into the pee kink per se, but she peed anywhere and everywhere. Seeing her pee wasn't a big deal at all. But my wife RARELY lets me watch her pee, which makes it all the more exciting on the rare occasions when she does.
  20. A final story (for now) - one time, fairly recently (maybe a year ago?), my wife slightly wet herself on her way home from work. I wasn't right there, but I heard the car park, and knew she made a mad dash for the bathroom. Later I saw that she'd wet a little before getting home - she had to wash her clothes, and allow the car seat to dry out - there was a small (3") wet spot. This happens somewhat often, as she doesn't like using the restroom at work, and will often hold it until she gets home. It's often a race to the finish. Her car has plastic/rubber floor liners that are cupped
  21. Another story is about my wife's female cousin. One time at a family get together she related an anecdote from a few years prior, when she had been pregnant with her daughter (who was maybe 5 at the time she told the story). She was on her way to an ultrasound, so had an extremely full bladder. However there was construction, and related traffic. As she got more and more desperate, she debated trying to pee in her Dunkin Donuts cup. But eventually she got through the traffic and got to the ultrasound office. But the appointment was a little delayed, and she told the receptionist she
  22. To get the ball rolling I have a few relevant stories. My friend's ex-wife, who was in the military, once told a story about a time when she was driving as part of a funeral procession for a fallen soldier who was a colleague of hers. They had been at a funeral, then meal, then were driving to the burial site. She hadn't used the restroom the entire time, and by the time they were driving, she was desperate. She weighed her options, and decided anything would be better than wetting herself in full military uniform, about to go to a military funeral, and with no change of clothes. So
  23. I travel occasionally for work, and my destinations are usually close enough that I often drive rather than fly. My car trips can still be long though, sometimes 6-8 hours (depending on traffic, construction, etc.). To keep me going, I usually drink coffee in the morning and/or soda in the afternoon. Because of that I need to pee often. If I had to stop every time I need to pee, it'd add a lot of wasted time to my trips. So, I've become an expert of sorts at peeing while driving. I keep with me empty gatorade bottles, soda cups, etc., and can pee without ever stopping the car. I use
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