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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. A couple of comments: The last two scale questions have different scales (1-5 and 0-5). Is that what you wanted? Both those questions don't explain which end of the scale is "most strict" and "most hard punishment" I am not sure I understand what "rouge" pee is Does this help? Good luck with your project!
  2. I fear most of us would be too vanilla to be Shirley's husband
  3. Wow! You are spoiling us! Very nice indeed - good work! Hope you enjoyed that - I suspect you did 😉
  4. ... as if we didn't know 😉 in a short interview in this weekend's Guardian newspaper https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/may/14/shirley-manson-greta-thunberg-bird-coalmine-sounding-alarm What is your most unappealing habit? "I like to pee outside in the open air. It drives my husband mad."
  5. I have had such a naughty afternoon! Home alone and feeling really, really mischievous. I haven't peed in a toilet since 10am and it's been lovely and sunny and warm here today so I have been drinking lots. I've peed out of the dining room window twice on to the patio ('accidentally' soaking a garden chair folded up against the wall). I have been watching the FA Cup final and didn't want to leave the sofa so peed twice, carefully, into a beer bottle (just big enough to hold the recycling). I have soaked up the sun naked on the lawn and made a nice fountain all over myself.
  6. Incredibly hot! And beautifully written. Thanks so much for sharing this 💕. I hope everything goes well if / when you meet again.
  7. Hope you had a lovely desperate time and a blissful release @Sophie and that it got you and M turned on ❤️
  8. Thanks for another wonderful review @greedyneedygirl - and there is nothing wrong with fancying a few porn stars of any vintage 😉 Presumably not trainspotters ... but maybe (sorry - couldn't resist 😉) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Platform-Souls-Trainspotter-20th-Century-Hero/dp/1785781057
  9. Wow! And ... thank you for having the presence of mind to take a photo for us! Great story - hope it felt good!
  10. I need some Lauren Phillips this morning
  11. Kupar

    Penis size

    It'll happen and it'll be fine, I'm sure. You're a great guy, and though they might not know it yet, the right person or people are out there and you'll find them. Sending hugs in the mean time.
  12. Thanks for you typically thoughtful and helpful reply @MaxWasTaken. The sleep thing is interesting. As Sophie said earlier, sleep can really be a problem for some people with anxiety, so it's good that you are able to do it. I find that if I am having a depressive episode, then I just want to sleep and hope everything will just go away. Wanting to sleep (and choosing to go to bed at silly early times) is a real indicator for me that I'm already a long way down. But thankfully, like you, I can now sleep pretty well. And the friends thing - in person or online is good - I'm pleased yo
  13. Haha! 'Massively excited' ... you probably wouldn't have been able to go if you'd wanted to lol
  14. That would be lovely, wouldn't it?
  15. I think there are quite a few of these places, in London and elsewhere. I would think the temptation to use the urinals for their original purpose would be almost overwhelming for many members of this site lol
  16. Kupar

    Penis size

    Yes - I hear you!
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