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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. [Warning – photos of male and female pee] K and I had some time to chill yesterday at the end of the week – drinking G&Ts and nibbling snacks on the sofa, asking and answering some ‘date night’ questions (https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/list-100-questions-ask-your-partner-date-nights.html) to get that Friday night feeling started. It was my turn to choose our activities (regular readers know we take it in turns) and I’d already asked her to fill up during the afternoon as things would be getting wet. After we’d finished our gins we moved upstairs to the bathroom.
  2. Good work! It's great to see the times improving isn't it?
  3. Early morning here 🙂. And I'm good thanks. Take care and see you around x
  4. Not the right person to answer really. It's flat as a pancake round here. But just be prepared for the uphill parts to feel tough on your heart and lungs and the downhill parts to feel tough on your knees! Don't go off too quickly (which is an easy mistake to make).
  5. Hi Kylie. You've tagged a different member, though I think @Gotah will still see this 🙂
  6. Interesting question! I think I'd like to go back to a hippie commune in the late sixties / early seventies. I'm not old enough to have experienced that time as an adult, and I had a conventional if reasonably progressive family environment growing up but I am sure I would have enjoyed the 'anything goes' vibe of that time and place, including the freedom to pee much more openly.
  7. It just gets better and better 😊 Wonderful writing Goose. I'll be back in a few minutes ...
  8. Sexy and she knows it. (And I suspect you might have a thing for latex outfits 😉)
  9. Wow! I can sense the relief from here!
  10. Haha! As Goose says, there's more than one way of getting a story across effectively my friend! Your descriptions are just fine 🙂
  11. One of the very few times that K has had this experience was a walk in the countryside in the summer of 2020 (yes, we were allowed out) when her normally iron bladder control deserted her. We had actually not long started out on our walk (it was the first 15-mile stretch of a 40-mile walk that we did over the course of three separate days), and were planning a coffee and toilet stop about half way, so perhaps that was what had meant that her normal very carefully controlled approach to intake and output wasn't fully operating. We were a few miles from the town we'd started from when she s
  12. Amazing! I don't know how I missed this the other day. You have a real gift. I love the drawings 🙂
  13. Great diversity in that second pic! I studied it for a long time before deciding that my favourite was the lady on the far right. (Also - so many tattoos everywhere!)
  14. I'd just call it a 'backless' dress. And I like the style too. A woman's back and shoulders can be very sexy. Often-overlooked parts of the body I think 🙂
  15. A blast from the past 🙂 I haven't heard that for a long while - thanks!
  16. CloudConvert on the web is excellent for converting videos to gifs. But remember the max file size for posting here is 5MB
  17. At the risk of being shot down, but in the spirit of being an ally at least, there is this: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/help-advice/faqs-and-glossary/list-lgbtq-terms
  18. Good luck! And don't injure yourself in training 🙂
  19. I think all the answers to this question - and they have been really interesting - demonstrate the huge range of experience and pleasure that this kink can create. It's really complex, nuanced, and wonderful.
  20. Alfred Lord Tennyson and Joni Mitchell. A fine couple I never expected to read in the same sentence 🙂. But seriously @P155Y, I second what @LovesToWet and Goose have said. There are enough of us weirdos that it's not weird 🙂. Looking forward to seeing you around, and enjoy the site!
  21. Thanks for these perspectives. Very helpful to me in understanding what's going on with my own link ❤️
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