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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Fantastic detailed work to determine what happens. A scientific, rational approach. I like that. Plus ... the story, photos and videos are hot πŸ˜‰
  2. Wow! Where was this @Alfresco? Looks like it was a very nice pee indeed πŸ™‚ Edit: Ignore this - I just saw your other post!
  3. It is πŸ™‚ Welcome to the community! Hope you enjoy everything there is to offer.
  4. And welcome from me too! Nice to meet you. Have fun browsing the site and exploring the content. The staff are brilliant by the way. See you around πŸ™‚
  5. Superb photos there Will!
  6. Thanks as ever for your honesty and willingness to be open Sophie. As always your answers to questions are extraordinarily affecting. And as Goose says - if we should hear your songs, we'll know what to do. And ... I love the closing scene of your film. A happy ending πŸ™‚
  7. I thought it was time to ask a couple more questions, if that’s OK, as the thread went a bit quiet. As always, no pressure to answer them if you don’t want to 😊: Who would play you in a film of your life, and what would the closing scene be? (You can assume that there’ll be a sequel!) Does any music make you cry? If so, when was the last time? Vibrator or M’s hand?
  8. "They think it's all over the sofa / floor / table; it is now!"
  9. I'm wondering how hidden camera this one is actually. The cameras are moving. Incidentally, she's in the shower wearing a swimming cossie. I've never understood that really. A bit like those adverts for walk-in baths with Judith Chalmers in her one-piece, in a perspex bath. Ah well. Nice vid πŸ™‚
  10. You are amazing, and so deserve this happiness xx
  11. A more visible and formal welcome to the site! Have fun, and see you around πŸ™‚
  12. Simply that most of the people that feature in this thread are a bit younger and more obviously (?) sexy. It maybe a shallow observation - and if so, I apologise!
  13. I can understand that totally πŸ™‚. We're all into it here - and there are many people who find the anonymity of the site hugely comforting, and the sympathetic response to a variety of situations in real life. My wife discovered my membership of this site accidentally and was (and I love her for this, as well as for other things) totally cool about it all. Our pee play has got better since that time even though she's not hugely into it for her own sake. But everybody's circumstances are different, and taking steps to change things can be really, really hard - because reactions are difficult to a
  14. Kupar

    New Guy

    Welcome to PF! Enjoy having a look round the site and getting a feel for it. You'll find that there is a huge amount to look at and read, some fantastic people keen to interact via the forums, and amazing staff who make sure that all aspects of this diverse kink are respected. See you around!
  15. Not at all silly! I reckon kinks are really, really complex and our attitudes to them vary day by day - sometimes we are lost in them completely. Other times we might even feel ashamed of them despite having acknowledged them. It's probably quite rare that all the stars align and we have an amazing kinky session that's erotic, satisfying, guilt-free and happy-making from start to finish. But hell, when that happens, it's just the best, isn't it?
  16. Is it possible your partner would willingly do the clean up? Might be worth asking πŸ™‚ ... though of course you know them better than anyone.
  17. Interesting choice - but I absolutely get it πŸ™‚. Welcome to PeeFans, by the way!
  18. Fabulous! Thank you so much for writing about your fun last night - it's such a turn on to read πŸ’•. You've been on fire the last few days! πŸ”₯
  19. Have lovely evenings @pee01 and @Sophie. I'll be with you in spirit even if not online.
  20. Anything you want to tell us? Sounds like you have some experience here 😊
  21. Thanks Sophie. Believe it or not I found myself wanting one of those just *before* reading back last night's chat. I think it's an idea whose time has come.
  22. Fabulous! Looks like your practice has paid off πŸ™‚
  23. I reckon there must be all sorts of fun to be had with a SheWee 😊.
  24. Take care. I hope things will get better for you soon πŸ€—
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