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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. In a 70s folk-revival mood, so move along if that's not your thing 🙂
  2. Now the popout has started working - sorry.
  3. Popout chat box not working for me (nor is main chat)
  4. That picture is taken just a few miles down the road from me!
  5. Well this is new to me - heard on 6 Music the other day. Sort of posh-English Laurie Andersonesque vocals meets post-punk guitar band. Quirky and fun.
  6. Fantasies about people we know are powerful aren't they? This is a great story. Thanks for sharing it 🙂
  7. Hi there and welcome to the site. There's lot to see and many wonderful people here to interact with on the forums. Have fun!
  8. And welcome to you! You're far from alone, and there are plenty of us in the UK 🙂. Enjoy the site!
  9. With you on that Greedy 🙂 https://peefans.com/topic/10836-random-sexy-girls/?do=findComment&comment=267805
  10. I had no idea this thread existed! Thanks for bumping it 🙂
  11. I think you've made a compelling case for including showers (thank you! That last one - OMG!) ... but it's @gldenwetgoose who probably needs to adjudicate 🙂
  12. Fair enough! You know your environment and neighbours best 🙂
  13. Just as an addition - I'm sure you are aware, but the same issue affects private messages as well as forum posts. I have had a correspondent point it out to me when I'd crafted a message in Word then cut and pasted not as plain text. I know better now 🙂
  14. That's a good compromise I guess. They might think you are a very messy gardener, or profligate with a scarce resource, but probably they don't give it a second thought. And yes, I am lucky with the position of my garden. Though it is not illegal to be naked in your own garden, as long as you don't *intend* to cause *alarm, distress or harassment*, and the onus to prove intent is on the complainant. So ... depending on your relationships with your neighbours, get your kit off Micky! It's too warm to be dressed 🙂
  15. That's interesting, and it had me doubting myself. So I just tried it. I've been in the garden and watering the pots (with water, from a watering can), but it's really warm so I was naked and as I walked from the water butt carrying a watering can, I tried to relax and pee ... and yes, I could do it, but it did need a conscious relaxation. And then, as you describe, the pee just runs down your legs as you walk. It left little splashes on he patio slabs as if I'd over filled the can and had spilled some water 🙂.
  16. Nice to meet you both. Have fun on the site!
  17. Good question. Mostly I can escape into the garden, nip round the corner to my favourite peeing place, enjoy it, and no-one in the house is any the wiser 🙂
  18. Well it wasn't naughty or risky or destructive, it didn't involve anyone else, and there are no photos or videos, but ... So it's been another beautiful day here and I wasn't working today, so I decided this afternoon that I'd walk the 2.5 miles to my favourite swimming place on the river. It was just perfect. I sat on the bank and watched the cows on the opposite bank grazing and coming down to the water to drink, saw a kingfisher, oystercatcher, common tern, little egrets, herons, cormorants ... the list could go on. And I skinny dipped in the cool, calm water of the Great Ouse with onl
  19. Absolutely not 🙂 Agreed. My children definitely don't want to know about the sex we have lol.
  20. That's the beauty of forums like this - you can talk openly about things that you don't feel comfortable talking to people irl. I for one really appreciate your openness, and you'll always find a supportive audience here 🙂
  21. Thanks for writing about that experience - it sounds great! I got a real sense of your freedom and connection with the great outdoors. It's a wonderful thing ❤️. Great stuff!
  22. It's lovely that you and your gf seem so well matched - thanks for telling us about it 🙂
  23. There is more to the kink than wetting clothes and sheets 🙂 so perhaps those that found they were being unduly inconvenienced by an inability to do the washing easily would switch to different activities - peeing outside in different places, or on to moppable floors, or that sort of thing, saving their fabric-wetting for special treats 🙂
  24. Sounds a pretty perfect night in to me @Sweets! And wonderfully described 🙂
  25. Terrific intro! Welcome aboard. There is a lot to enjoy, and lots of lovely people. See you around 🙂
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