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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Thanks all - this is of course a ‘team’ thing, so kudos to the staff team and to you the members. Let’s be clear - we are an adult NSFW site, and sexual content is a large part of what we’re about. But respect is also a large part. As long as the two go hand in hand all will be fine. There are no issues about sending PMs. To use an example above, sending a PM to someone “I really enjoyed something you posted, would you mind if I asked you more about it?” is respectful and no issues. It’s more the posts which fail to show any respect - the “will you drink my piss?” “Will you se
  2. Seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive... It is as issue which has been on Peefans Staff's minds for a little while now - and as of this morning there is a new clarification in the Peefans Site Rules #8 & #17. We hopefully all understand that the rules have always asked for respect, freedom from harassment or attempts at hook-ups and making Peefans feel like a safe place. And the vast majority of people know how to do that, meaning that Peefans is such an awesome community. But for the few who don't understand what respect is about, or don't understand that we are th
  3. Huge Happy Birthday wishes @Chrissy89
  4. In April 2023 Peefans Staff have introduced a further clarification on the sending of unsolicited sexual private messages. Peefans is an amazing community where we all come together because of one common interest - PEE. People from many different walks of life, different cultures, ages, orientations. Some people in relationships and others single. Some people who see the kink as part of sexual activities, and other members for whom pee is a solo pleasure. We are keen to encourage all of those aspects and very keen to encourage the deep friendships that develop between members as the
  5. Some good points there - I’ll answer from a staff perspective (and @Sophie or @Scot_Lover are welcome to add their knowledge or corrections). Generally deletions take place because a member has requested to leave, and more often than not it is their wish that anything they’ve posted - images, clip links, memories and experiences are removed to ensure their anonymity is secure. Those deletions are processed by @Admin as site owner, tying up any loose ends. In normal terms they are fairly quickly actioned although Admin just of late things have been taking a bit longer. My unders
  6. I wouldn't say 'cool' urinals by any stretch - but these were the one's I used yesterday. Inside a formerly very grand hotel in a great UK city. Now definitely run down. Still, at least they weren't blocked and overflowing this time - unlike last time I used them.
  7. Kudos to you both - enjoying reading through the last pages !!! Happy peeing both of you.
  8. I'm guessing that be using the word 'stories' there, you mean 'written accounts of events' - of course we are in the real experiences section, so the material here are actual real life events which are being described. That is an important difference from what is contained in the fiction section which are made up stories. But I totally agree - writing anything for either section is a time consuming business and does take a lot of effort. I would suggest here giving people a little time. Be patient. There can often be a delay between posts because people may only visit the site e
  9. Done @colette888 - as a post which is more based around experiences, then yes makes perfect sense. So here it is, a quick and easy hop across categories.
  10. On the public areas point - let’s be realistic without being negative. It’s true that a lot of areas will have CCTV coverage, but that doesn’t mean someone is watching every camera 24/7. And if @epdreamgirl chose to wear a skirt or dress, it’d be the easiest thing in the world to crouch down in a corridor, hunting through a bag or tying a shoelace whilst unleashing a full bladder on the carpet beneath.
  11. A few more - apologies if they're a little lower resolution than ideal.
  12. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans. The fact it's already made your day probably means you've seen a little bit of the content here. As far as 'swapping' that's not really how we work... We're not so much a chat site but we are a forum - and what that means is that we don't operate on individual members sending messages to one another - instead we work with everyone as a huge community together, all contributing and reading the posts which are shared to everyone. That's what you're doing right now. Think of it, that if you were waiting for someone to get in touch to swap - it's like si
  13. I’m sure I’ve mentioned Sara Cox before now. No qualms about talking of pee on UK national radio.
  14. Well, it seems to have been a little while - so I thought I’d share a quick spot from today. Please excuse the camera phone pics. It was a bit spur of the moment. Now it’s worth mentioning, I have it on good authority that a very good friend of a very good friend enjoys glancing through this section. I’m quite glad really, I did create the topic specifically based on their preferences after all. Rour toi R.
  15. Now if you’d said coffee…
  16. I'm the typical British uncut kind of guy, and love having my foreskin. I must admit if I'm sat at my desk with one hand steering the mouse, I'll sometimes be playing with my foreskin whilst soft and I do enjoy the feel of it's movement when hardening up. I think the 'reduced sensitivity' in cut guys is a perception we as uncut have - we do have a basis for comparison. The foreskin has its fair share of nerve endings, but in comparison the glans is far, far more sensitive. I think we all share that incredible tingle of it being touched, licked or whatever or feeling the warmth of pen
  17. Hi @Pissyhall - and thanks for breaking the ice - your first post... kudos. I'm going to answer your 'don't know how to go about this' - and it may sound negative, but do look for the positives in there. First of all, we're not so much a chat site but we are a forum - and what that means is that we don't operate on individual members sending messages to one another - instead we work with everyone as a huge community together, all contributing and reading posts which are shared to everyone. That's what you're doing right now. Think of it, that if you were waiting for a lady to se
  18. Hi - a huge welcome to no longer lurking (which I did for ages too). Looking forwards to anything you wish to contribute - just like public peeing, the world is yours...
  19. There are more and more times in this virtual world that a 'heart' is just not enough - this is a perfect example. Thanks so much for your answers, your honesty and letting us into your world.
  20. I wasn't going to post... and now it seems like I'm trying to steal @Sophie's thunder - which I'm really not. A few weeks ago a friend of ours who is a city tour guide told us he was getting involved in a company providing cycle tours. A few days ago we saw an Easter offer and decided to book on a tour, so did the online payment and booked the shorter tour for yesterday. Two minutes later a phone call from him, and we were upgraded onto the longer tour which he was leading. So yesterday we had an awesome 16 mile guided tour around the city - not too energetic as we were all on e-
  21. The premise is it's all fictional - imaginary letters written to a 'specialist' magazine.
  22. Excellent - well done you. As an adult cyclist, I do think it's a duty to give waves, thumbs up and the like to small kids. I got a thumbs up back yesterday.
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