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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. In the fiction I write, it has to be entirely believable - there has to be a scene which is built up and can be real and believable to the reader. So this means there's got to be adequate description up front to set the scene. But then the whole reason of the story is to describe some kink related occurrence - and so often people seem unable to describe that in any detail. It's the whole point, but people seem to just throw the words in on that bit of the story. I'm usually writing about female pee of one form of another, often desperation based and sometimes deliberate. Of course
  2. Done as requested - although for the real experiences without supporting images, we tend to be ok with them in Real Pee Experiences too.
  3. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, Your readers will probably remember that thing that used to be on the radio, where listeners write in with their confessions and the people in the studio decide to give forgiveness - well this is sort of one of those posts. It's a thing that happened last month, and to be honest I've only just brought myself to the point of confessing it. So here I am asking for forgiveness. Actually what's done is done so it doesn't really matter does it. It was a Wednesday evening and late night Christmas Shopping night. I'd finished work and instead of the normal
  4. https://peefans.com/topic/25179-after-the-disco/?do=findComment&comment=348699 https://peefans.com/topic/26026-luck-of-the-irish/?do=findComment&comment=364226 https://peefans.com/topic/25471-confessions-of-a-plumber-21st-century-edition/?do=findComment&comment=353725 https://peefans.com/topic/26124-dear-blog/?do=findComment&comment=366447 Think that brings things up to date...
  5. Fiction is a very subjective thing which is probably the biggest issue, and you've recognised it's about personal choices. The example you've quoted may be spot on for others, and certainly it met the author's approval otherwise they wouldn't have posted. But we're all entitled to our preferences without criticising those of others. There's a huge volume of it in the Pee Fiction section - and like everything there's some that's written with average talent, some better than and some less so. Again that's subjective though. Also, fiction is an area which doesn't get much foot traffi
  6. At least it's not spam airline scams... But let's stick to the topic in focus here - desperate girls peeing outside together by the tracks.
  7. Hi @fatpussypee and a huge welcome to Peefans, I've moved your post here into introductions to be a bit more of a general intro for you - please feel free to continue to let us get to know you. In terms of uploading images or video - most of what we're about is the forum, with posts just like this one. The forums are organised into various areas or topics (eg, Introductions, Pee Pictures, Pee Videos, Men Pissing...) When you are either replying to a post or creating the text of a new post you'll see a grey box below with 'drag files here to attach, or choose files'. Thi
  8. Says the man who ran a 10k just four days ago...
  9. Not very news or photo worthy, but as the sun is shining and it's looking a bit like spring I've just managed to grab a half hour bike ride over lunchtime. Strava has it at 37 minutes and an 8.3 mile loop with some very gentle climbs... I'm so unfit and it felt like hard work - last time I was that low down the gears was some serious hill climbing that's a distant memory. These days it's all about keeping that heart rate down, and ideally just a fraction lower next time. Still - better than sitting on the couch.
  10. I have this very amusing image in my mind now of a robot blushing, stuttering and melting down.
  11. This is a general topic area which has been discussed many, many times. Right now there is a topic in Real Pee Experiences - Childhood peeing experiences and I'd encourage you to seek the answers you're asking for there. Remember too the search facility is powerful. A word search like 'child' in the topic Real Pee Experiences will throw up dozens of responses and you can also search for phrases using "inverted commas". (This post is closed to further replies).
  12. I’m on a long road trip in a couple of months - one of three vehicles and towing my caravan. The other two drivers are EXACTLY the kind of people to prank me like that at any opportunity. I guess attack is my best line of defence?
  13. I was brought up by intelligent parents (although they became increasingly committed evangelical Christians - so make of that what you wish regarding being led). But my childhood was spent watching UK tv programmes like Blue Peter, the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures and similar. And lots of reading. I do fear for a generation whose view on the world is what they see on reality shows (putting a dozen unintelligent people in a house together) and brain dead video loops. Call me an IQ snob if you will...
  14. Oops indeed. But he should have picked a girlfriend more understanding of his needs. Anyway, is there really any harm in looking? (I really hope not). Fabulous pictures as always - huge thanks for letting us catch a glimpse.
  15. This is a question that gets asked fairly often. The search facility on the site is pretty good - put in words or use “inverted commas” for exact phrases and you should find the answers given before. (And a quick reminder that we are not the site to find someone - we are not a dating site, and we definitely do not encourage near strangers meeting up).
  16. Even the most everyday of toilet pees is still wonderful to behold, or at least read about. Thanks for a wonderful description. xxx
  17. @acela2163 - I've moved your post here. Changing username is a feature of Gold Membership along with a number of other benefits if that was something you were interested in. Otherwise @Admin would only change names on an exceptional basis, like if there was something offensive or a clash of names for example.
  18. An hour or so later @weequeen and I've just logged in... I'm guessing you've already passed the point of bursting? Would love to know what / where you ended up going.
  19. Looks like a few hills conquered there @Sophie ? Great effort and achievements- kudos!
  20. The Peefans family wish you every success in your study / work - keeping your account open would be our suggestion, and you've said you'll be doing that. We'll miss you and your contributions, but we know real life must take priority - see you on the other side when you're ready to be back.
  21. I'm going to interrupt again here. I'm struggling to see anything being discussed which is new and different to the very lengthy discussions already in this topic and in the Urethra Angle thread. Where there is something new to be said, of course that is fine. But a lot of what I'm seeing written here still seems to fall into that powder keg of a guy discussing female anatomy and sweeping cultural statements. Those who are contributing to this page, please read back to my post on Feb 4th (you'll find it third from the top of the page). If anything is unclear about it please j
  22. Wonderfully written - really looking forward to reading more. Thanks!
  23. Agreed - and to be honest, when we spot a comment on a post which is direct like that, we do usually remove it. It's a fine line between censoring too much, but when the comment is someone saying they would like to directly do whatever with someone who is being good enough to share content with us.
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