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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I'm going to be a bit controversial here.... But I disagree, I don't see anything wrong with dick pics on this thread. I'm male, I'm straight and I don't have much interest in seeing another man's equipment - but the thread is 'post about your pee' and it's in the wet zone. That's exactly what the guys have done. Sure, there is a men peeing folder and I'd hope those that way inclined enjoy visiting it - just as much as I love seeing a peeing pussy. But my point is that if that were the only place a guy can post, then they can't post in this thread but we end up with two parallel dis
  2. Delicious thoughts..... Although I suspect it may have been a less colourful response if it didn't cater for "...or someone in your group..." After all, we all know that one girl...
  3. A big thumbs up from me to the sitting on the grass in a skirt - for me personally the idea of innocently sitting on the grass and letting it trickle out is so hot.... not sure why, maybe just down to the proliferation of photos of girls squatting. I love anything less commonplace.
  4. Totally @Alfresco- every point is a goldmine of opportunities....
  5. Good thinking - maybe that with a wide necked bottle that can be capped and emptied in the morning?
  6. Agree @UnabashedUser - thing is, it was outdoors - on grass, it would have pretty much soaked in even before the girl got her knickers back on. I think that was the main point the blonde girls friend was making - it wouldn't be like someone peeing on your living room carpet - you're choosing to go barefoot in a field!
  7. Confessions accepted - although as everyone else has said, quite unnecessary. We really don't mind whether you're blonde, brunette, ginger, red, purple, blue or bald. Similarly none of your physical attributes matter to us - we just know you, and accept you as you are. For what it's worth it doesn't make you any less attractive in my eyes..... In fact somewhat the opposite 😉
  8. That reminds me of a conversation overheard at work a couple of years ago - three girls who'd been watching a gig at the outdoor Lytham Festival. One girl said "...and did you see that girl next to us who squatted and peed in the middle of the gig?" The blonde, slightly posh girl in the office took off on that with "what, she wee'd right next to us, in public? Ewww, I was barefoot as well, I could have been standing in her wee!" The first girl didn't say a word but just gave her the sort of look - a 'do you mean you've never pissed in the grass in your entire life' sort of look
  9. Take ten people and ask for opinions, you'll probably end up with at least a dozen different views! I believe we all would like to see more ladies actively participating in the forum. Since the forum is called 'peefans' then fairly obviously what I mean by actively participating is taking part in the sharing of conversation, contributing and declaring appreciation of content (whether it be true and fictional stories, images and video). I'm a straight male, and my motivation for being here is a love of the female form - particularly when the female in question enjoys holding, deliber
  10. @Riley - ok, so I'm about 18 hours late - but going to contribute anyway. We DO deserve to deal with the issues that you, or any other member may be experiencing - it comes with being part of this community. We look out for each other. In your earlier post you mentioned pretending to be happy for the sake of the community - you don't have to do that, and to your honesty of telling us you're hurting is more valued than any false smile. All the people who have commented care deeply, even though we cannot claim to know you closely. You bring an amazing contribution to the forum which
  11. Love the story - just perfect. I did wonder at the first line whether it was anything to do with @Sophie - makes it so plausible and even hotter that it does... I wonder if that could be a new avenue to explore - third party fiction by members, about real members (maybe with them getting to proof it first?) The challenge is set 😉
  12. Awesome @Paulypeeps - very satisfying to read too..... Sort of hoping it was onto a grotty carpet indoors, rather than just watering the grass at an outdoor table?
  13. Ok - so I'll grant you there isn't actually any peeing immediately going on in this picture... but all the signs are there, right? Who's going to produce the biggest puddle?
  14. I'm going to be a little bit blunt here @Jayne78, but from everything you've told us since you joined, I believe your husband is behaving like an arse. I'm sorry to say it, but first of all your husband has invaded your privacy by secretly filming you - and now when you need support most, is degrading you and putting you down in front of your children. The man (not sure he fits that title) clearly has no respect for you or consideration of your feelings. I'm sorry again to be so blunt, especially when you need some comfort and reassurance. Is it possible that the increased weakness
  15. For some reason, I've got no clue why, a hit of strong coffee can sometimes get me feeling a little horny - combine that with a fruitful imagination and the results can be.... erm.... pleasant!
  16. Great story.... I was hoping right to the end that maybe your sisters were doing the same. (Maybe they were, but just went into the bathroom to stop you getting suspicious....) Thanks for posting!
  17. I'd be tempted to comment on it with a fairly innocent jokey answer, to try and elucidate anything further.... "Has the gardener been upsetting you again?"
  18. First things first, don't let anyone pressure you either on the forum or in DMs towards posting or sending anything you're not comfortable with. Time after time a nice new member will get scared away by some idiot demanding pictures (and I know @cheekyfe11a wasn't demanding, I'm not suggesting he's an idiot). Secondly though - enough of this insecure talk. We're all friends here. Some are extroverts, some not. Some like to boast, others not so much - but you've got absolutely nothing to be insecure about. Just a few of the sentences you've contributed have been some of the hottest thi
  19. Hi @alwaysquietx - welcome to the forum. Looking at @chubbybirb999 and @Jayne78 responses, I guess there's two ways to interpret your comment... Whether you're looking to explore opportunities to play without being found out - or whether you're looking to gauge the approval of your housemates? If it feels like you're always in company and have to behave, then I guess it's how to catch those opportunities without being caught - whether it be locking yourself in the shower and doing the laundry straight after or maybe taking up an outdoor activity - jogging, cycling maybe where you
  20. How long did you wait.... did you make it.... most of all, how good did it feel in the end?
  21. Is it my imagination @Riley - or are you getting bolder..... ? (Not that I'm complaining in the slightest, hot way to complete the challenge!)
  22. Probably better for them to understand that things happen, that there's nothing gross or dirty about it - just that it happens.
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