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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi Wet Carpet, You might recall my last letter about a year ago - I'd just discovered the liberation that is not caring where to pee, now a year on I just wanted to share a top tip with you all - it is after all festival season. I've just come back from a weekend in Glastonbury with the girls and let me tell you - I can't believe how uptight some people are. Imagine the scene - it's been a hot day and you've been following all the advice on staying hydrated. In fact, guzzling water, gin, wine, lager all day. As the sun's setting you''ve got your prime spot right in front of the Pyram
  2. I seem to have missed voting on the survey, but very encouraging to see the results - I'm definitely in the 'love it' camp. Sure there are things that appeal less and others more, but it's not in my nature to whinge and expect the world to change to suit me. Keep up the good works team - and keep contributing everyone else!
  3. @Riley - You know full well that ANY stories of you holding, getting desperate, peeing (or pretty much anything else) get us all excited and we love to hear them.
  4. Can't remember if I've posted this or not... but if I have it was a long time ago. A couple of years ago I was photographing at a weekend music event - a sixties themed weekend at a holiday park in the furthest southwest corner of England, so about 250+ miles from home. It was a good laugh, I know the guys that organised it really well. Anyway, as it was I was there Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday, but needed to be home for Monday morning - so I took the decision to drive home when it finished on Sunday night. Annoyingly the last band wanted me to photograph them, so I d
  5. Throwing back an innocent "is that speaking from experience?" could be an interesting way to open things up, and see whether there's any fun tales. Do share with us of course.
  6. I think we've established that @F.W isn't employed by the British National Tourist Board - yes, every city has it's no-go areas but at the same time there are some fine, vibrant up and coming areas. I know how much of a Beatles fan you are @Riley - in which case there's only one place in the universe you're meant to be... and coincidentally it's the safest city I know of.
  7. Hugs right back at you too @Riley.... and anyone else just so you don't get too freaked out 😉
  8. Start the year as you mean to go on - what a resolution!
  9. I'm obviously in need of educating myself @Rich7 - ok, so the male peeing section is subtitled 'post about all male pee here' which could suggest nothing male anywhere else, but similarly the Pee Talk and Questions does imply all things related to pee. I looked in the rules and didn't spot anything - but there is guideline 3. Don't create duplicate threads or clubs - instead post in the original to bring it back to life. That sort of suggests not having a 'Post about your pee' unless you're a bloke and want to post about your pee. So, I'm still confused (which is easy). 😉 Anyway
  10. Yesterday I cycled to and from work, which I try and do a couple of times a week at least. Being a Friday though, I was leaving work an hour earlier than usual and didn't need to be home so I took a longer route. Before I'd left the office I finished a cup of coffee and also the juice that was in my bottle from the morning so I could refill it for the ride home. The ride is through lots of country lanes with very little traffic and plenty of time to enjoy the fresh air. About half way I felt the need to pee, and it came on pretty quickly - probably down to the energy drink. I found mys
  11. I'm certainly a bit bolder when pissed - like flooding a student bedroom carpet... that sort of thing.
  12. was just about to say exactly that.... welcome!!!
  13. I think there's a huge violation of his position going on there - it's perhaps more likely that he was on the hunt for worn underwear rather than specifically for wet underwear, although it's entirely possible he does share our fetish. I really don't think you've got anything to be ashamed about - after all he can't exactly relate onwards to anyone how he knows can he, not without risking you reporting him to the police, loss of work / job, livelihood etc. He's not to know there's a camera in your bathroom - but it's entirely possible you could have CCTV in other parts of the house.
  14. It's very tame, but the concept is included in the movie Apollo 13 where Tom Hanks (I think from memory) is shown completion his piss, jettisoning it and a spray of yellow droplets is seen vaporising into the darkness. Again from memory I think it's referred to as the Constellation Urine or something similar. Without having read the article, surely catheterising of lady astronauts would have been simple - amongst all the other health monitoring wires etc it wouldn't be a big deal.
  15. One of my favourite concepts is still sitting on the grass in a busy park in a skirt - and just letting it flow.... after being desperate of course! Or any of your outdoor exploits of course.
  16. Dozens @Riley...... But probably reading this about four hours too late. Would love to hear what you did in the end.
  17. I'm going to be a bit controversial here.... But I disagree, I don't see anything wrong with dick pics on this thread. I'm male, I'm straight and I don't have much interest in seeing another man's equipment - but the thread is 'post about your pee' and it's in the wet zone. That's exactly what the guys have done. Sure, there is a men peeing folder and I'd hope those that way inclined enjoy visiting it - just as much as I love seeing a peeing pussy. But my point is that if that were the only place a guy can post, then they can't post in this thread but we end up with two parallel dis
  18. Delicious thoughts..... Although I suspect it may have been a less colourful response if it didn't cater for "...or someone in your group..." After all, we all know that one girl...
  19. A big thumbs up from me to the sitting on the grass in a skirt - for me personally the idea of innocently sitting on the grass and letting it trickle out is so hot.... not sure why, maybe just down to the proliferation of photos of girls squatting. I love anything less commonplace.
  20. Totally @Alfresco- every point is a goldmine of opportunities....
  21. Good thinking - maybe that with a wide necked bottle that can be capped and emptied in the morning?
  22. Agree @UnabashedUser - thing is, it was outdoors - on grass, it would have pretty much soaked in even before the girl got her knickers back on. I think that was the main point the blonde girls friend was making - it wouldn't be like someone peeing on your living room carpet - you're choosing to go barefoot in a field!
  23. Confessions accepted - although as everyone else has said, quite unnecessary. We really don't mind whether you're blonde, brunette, ginger, red, purple, blue or bald. Similarly none of your physical attributes matter to us - we just know you, and accept you as you are. For what it's worth it doesn't make you any less attractive in my eyes..... In fact somewhat the opposite 😉
  24. That reminds me of a conversation overheard at work a couple of years ago - three girls who'd been watching a gig at the outdoor Lytham Festival. One girl said "...and did you see that girl next to us who squatted and peed in the middle of the gig?" The blonde, slightly posh girl in the office took off on that with "what, she wee'd right next to us, in public? Ewww, I was barefoot as well, I could have been standing in her wee!" The first girl didn't say a word but just gave her the sort of look - a 'do you mean you've never pissed in the grass in your entire life' sort of look
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