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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. There's every chance... Let's make it an aim:
  2. Reckon that’s going to suddenly creep up on you @speedy3471
  3. I've just had a thought @pwpj.... Did you actually see the Shewee yourself? Seeing a young lady dressed in black, quite happy to discuss how she was about to pee standing up and showing an interest in you peeing on the other side of the bush. What if it was one of a small group of lady members here (names omitted to spare blushes) who proudly pees standing up - just telling you they had a Shewee to spare any confusion on your part 🤔🤭😁
  4. If you type 'onlyfans' into the search box on here it'll bring up quite a few discussions around people's finds on Onlyfans. Also - you're probably also aware Admin is working on an alternative solution based right here to operate similarly but without the wet hangups.
  5. I know it fairly well - most of it anyway... These days mostly to and from M61 to airport.
  6. So - will you pee as you leave... or do you have a rush hour journey to survive?
  7. Ok - so in that last few minutes I went from desperate to unable to stand or sit still, jumping around holding myself, shivers and goosebumps to the point I knew I was absolutely about to lose it. Rather than flood my pants and the towel I’d sat on I grabbed the two now empty pint glasses on my desk.... So I reckon about 700ml there which I know isn’t much for some - but probably a record for me recently. Let’s see what happens as the next lot of juice filters through...
  8. Ha unlikely I can hold this bladder full much longer but have just poured a second pint of juice so may carry on again. (did have a very minor leak running the tap oops)
  9. Now that sounds like more of a challenge than mine tbh
  10. Will try - lots of pacing and jiggling going on. And an empty pint glass beside me
  11. Just thought it was about time I resurrected the thread.... live now. Today I've been into the office for a few hours. Had a large black coffee late morning and a pee on the way to lunch. Since then a can of Diet Coke - both drinks normally go right through my middle aged male system. From work though I had to go to a nearby hospital for a routine blood test. I sort of needed to pee when I left the office, but decided wait - half an hour or drive to the hospital was fine, just that comfortable needy feeling, then parking my car a more urgent twinge. I considered peeing in an empt
  12. And the university halls post has reminded me of another (tame) experience - towards the end of my first year of Uni I moved from the college allocated shared victorian terrace house to a student flat a hundred yards from the main buildings. It was a two story building that probably used to be a shop or house, but a builder had converted it by dividing up into 10 bedsit rooms, five on each floor. I had an upstairs room at the back, a box cupboard really but it was enough. When I got the key I popped in to drop a few things off first thing in the morning before lectures. Coming out of my
  13. What a great attitude too. If only more parts of the world were less hung up. Incidentally, you've just reminded me - at high school in northern England there was a girl in my class with French parents - I remember well because I spent the best part of five years fancying her, but believing she was way outside my league. Somehow it came up in discussion and brought up that as a 'developing' teenage girl, when she was in the bath her two older brothers would walk freely into the bathroom whenever they needed to. So I guess the French attitude isn't just limited to peeing in front of othe
  14. I only ever find it a turn on when it's a source of pleasure to the lady involved..... And I'm not reading many clues of enjoyment in your current situation - so sending you a big get well hug instead!
  15. Hi and welcome properly to the community - as a lurker (just like I was) - and enjoy all the interaction you can get!
  16. I'd say it counts - the question was hottest pee related sighting you've experienced and it ticks those boxes for you. There's a popular venue who I do a lot of live music photography for (or did until the pandemic struck) where the ladies and gents toilets are in opposite corners - the ladies just to one side of the stage near the band dressing room and the gents right at the far back of the room. Guys frequently get redirected out of the ladies in varying degrees of sheepishness / drunken bewilderment and frequently try to get in the dressing room thinking it must instead be the gents
  17. The delight there wasn't just in the Shewee - sounds a genuinely delightful girl, you've painted a picture of a chatty, friendly and fairly carefree lady - with a lucky husband. And a delightful encounter with you.
  18. I can never decide who is the luckier between that particular husband and wife partnership - a definite synergy where the sum of parts is much greater than either one individually. (Channelling my jealousy into positivity too 😉).
  19. I have been known to enjoy the occasional all-nighter, although not so likely at the moment - all our pubs have to have their doors locked at 10pm (with us consumers out and on our way home).
  20. Such a shame Speedy that your evening arrives so late after the bars have closed over here... otherwise I'd join you to raise a glass or two.
  21. Sorry to steal a few seconds of your time folks.... I just noticed on the home page that the forum was showing 14,999 posts. So now you're reading the 15,000th post. Quite an achievement for an amazing forum - and also right now just 18 new members short of another milestone: 30,000 members! Amazing don't you think?
  22. Hi @ellen48 - welcome to the site and thanks for the great pictures. I think there's every chance you will enjoy yourself here - it's a very friendly place. If you have any questions, problems or concerns please just shout up.
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