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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Brilliantly described, that's got me definitely wanting to go for a swim now - in the right company of course.
  2. Absolutely brilliant - enjoyed every moment and every pencil stroke. You are incredibly talented.
  3. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - hope you're finding yourself at home.
  4. There's a lot of aspects of this fetish I'm not biologically equipped to experience - but I am definitely equipped to share empathy and understanding where it counts. 😉
  5. [Hope you're ready for this... the final part with more female pee fun. The hottest part yet, and possible the hottest I've ever written. Ladies in particular, I've fictionalised some uncharted (for me) territory here. Hope I done it justice in the realism stakes. If you haven't read up to this point, see the previous page before you carry on...] Soon enough the two ladies were back in Holly’s car and back on the road. This time Holly was driving, which left Hayley in the passenger seat, her mind free to wander on the discussions and events of the day. “Right”
  6. Well, not so much a case of your wish being granted, but yes Polls are already an integral part of the site. If you do a search on the word 'poll' you'll see various people's approaches to exploring the various interests. As an example, here's one I created a while ago > https://peefans.com/topic/19482-what-is-it-you-love-about-pee-what-makes-you-tick/?tab=comments#comment-266908 I was interested in the way some people treat the kink as a very sexual activity, and the way then they sometimes assume it's sexual for everyone. But lots of polls out there. To get started, cli
  7. I think your friend may need another shower head session if she realises just how many people are getting a huge sexual kick right now from her pictures. And as far as the 'if anyone would like to hear some'... goes - HELL YES... Definitely.
  8. I think your friend may need another shower head session if she realises just how many people are getting a huge sexual kick right now from her pictures. And as far as the 'if anyone would like to hear some'... goes - HELL YES... Definitely.
  9. I think your friend may need another shower head session if she realises just how many people are getting a huge sexual kick right now from her pictures. And as far as the 'if anyone would like to hear some'... goes - HELL YES... Definitely.
  10. I think your friend may need another shower head session if she realises just how many people are getting a huge sexual kick right now from her pictures. And as far as the 'if anyone would like to hear some'... goes - HELL YES... Definitely.
  11. Very nice! There are a few videos knocking about of girls on swings, so must be photos too I guess.
  12. Hi and a huge Peefans welcome to you, sounds like you'll fit in perfectly. Do shout up with any questions or problems, and looking forward to catching you about the place.
  13. The Tax Man's taken all my dough, left me in my stately home, lazing on a sunny afternoon. Yep exactly that... Now I'm sitting here, sipping on my ice cold beer, on a lazy sunny afternoon.
  14. Written with a perfect sense of the heat of the moment... Hope the 'later' follow up is everything it promises to be!
  15. Absolutely the common thing is pee. I'd like to think that the reason we don't explicitly mention transgender, non binary and other categories which folks prefer to identify as is simply that we implicitly welcome and count them within the whole. I hope that there's nothing in our actions which discriminate in any way. I know in some ways certain of the categories on the site can seem a little binary (Girls peeing, Men peeing.... so where do we put the close up pics of a trans man or lady...?) There's the dilemma of does the peeing pic go in a category of what organ the pee is emergin
  16. Just on that mention of the options you have available now and the mention of solo play - if as part of your pillow talk you whispered into Hubby's ear about how you'd arrived home earlier bursting, and then described to him exactly how it had felt and how you took care of the need whilst nobody else was about... Would that work for him? (I know it would for me). Just a thought of how maybe you could both get a quick-fix without all the logistics of both working it together, if you see what I mean.
  17. I have plenty of words of encouragement - not sure about tips and tricks though. I guess my only suggestion would be not to put yourselves under too much pressure. Sounds like having parents nearby may play on your mind and then if you've got a firm schedule of how much to drink and when, that could actually lead to a feeling of being pressured and hence uncomfortable. I guess the alternative would be just to have as chilled a day as you can, enjoying each other's company, maybe flirting a bit, and when the need arises to use the pad. If that starts to be a bit forced then maybe relax
  18. Such a great combination of memories and the chance to create new adventures... Are the farm buildings still there? I recall from your previous posts that your husband is supportive, but in my mind I can see pictures of arriving home from work or wherever, feeling full and mischievous and maybe reliving those days of not being allowed in the house... And having to find enjoyable relief somewhere else... Only now it is solely for enjoyment without any real discomfort or fear of being caught.
  19. Sorry - was walking as I typed (and bursting lol). What I should have said is underage memories are fine proving they’re just memories and not sexualised. Above the age of consent anything is fine.
  20. We can probably all trace our beginnings back somewhere. In my case right at reception class sort of age and seeing a girl friend sat on the toilet - I think. Site rule is it’s absolutely fine to share experiences just as you have done - just not ok to associate sexuality with them. So, the way you shared is 100% fine.
  21. Thanks for sharing - and bless you. I’m guessing that experience and perhaps similar ones had a big part to play in shaping where you are now. Also guessing that you didn’t enjoy the experience too much at the time, but great that you can now. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Thanks - She's not home yet. There is one more part... Watch this space.
  23. (Continuing from exactly where the last part left off – with more of the same…) With that Holly stood up, jumped a little on the spot and opened the passenger door to her car. I stood up a little more gingerly, looking down at the drips of my own clear silvery liquid falling from my skirt. I desperately wanted to peer behind me and see how badly soaked it was, but I really didn’t want to draw attention to myself. Not on a garage forecourt anyway. I was already sure my flushed cheeks gave me away. Instead I brushed a hand across the back of my skirt as though to smooth it out. It didn’t
  24. I’m not sure these three ladies count as famous celebrities - but they are household names in certain circles. Having seen each of them in action over the last few weeks, I’d definitely like to see them ‘in action’ in the other sense too. First up is Jade Edwards, currently the only lady competing in the BTCC motor racing series and showing the guys she’s not just a pretty face. The other two, Abbie & Jessica both compete in the W series, touring the world in support of the F1 calendar.
  25. As has been said, so awesome that your boyfriend is supportive - indeed it sounds like he's on exactly the same page. The way you've described it sounds like maybe you feel he's 'rushing you' and that's understandable - better though that, than someone not supportive. There are various members (including some staff) who have supportive partners to the level that they read the site over shoulders and we treat them as friends too - so in that sense your BF is welcome too.
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