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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I love living through you guys. Wish I had a buddy to do this with! I would out pee everyone, lol!
  2. There was a guy on x tube who stood naked in his living room and pissed onto his carpet like it was the most natural thing in the world. Man. I got off to that video more times than I could count! Started way before I was 18 and then it got removed 😞
  3. Ugh. I saw this on FB and thought the same. You guys know I love naughty peeing, esp in public. Pop a squat behind some clothing racks in Walmart for all I care, but pissing on food? Nasty af. I don't condone this at all.
  4. I've been really into hidden and sneaky pees recently. So like move the couch and pop a squat behind it, or behing a plant pot or something!
  5. File my taxes incorrectly and get me three million dollars.
  6. SAAAAAAAAMMMMEEEE. I love writing for this website when the inspiration bites. To see a short film adaption would be the best.
  7. Good, cause I agree with this mentality too lol.
  8. Are you trying to tell me you want to sit outside of the bathroom while I'm peeing? 😂 But to answer your question, no. For one I probably wouldnt be thinking about such things, and even if they were listening and being turned on that's their thing, and they can keep it to themselves. I try not to use public bathrooms tho. Yuckie.
  9. I'm down to living on an island with everyone from this website. Have our own laws and shit. It would be fun!! I smell a go fund me 🤭😂😂
  10. I would buy myself a like minded dude and a put the money toward a place where we could see all over the carpets whenever we wanted.
  11. Of course not! Everyone has to pee lol.
  12. Today I peed at work and wasn't paying attention to where my stream was going. Droplets bounced off the bowl and onto the seat and my thighs. Got a little messy before I reset my aim.
  13. Following. I dont know why I like naughty peeing so much I just do. I cant really get off to men doing it anymore, just women but I dont consider myself to be bisexual or a lesbian. Maybe I don't need a reason. I get off to what I get off to and that's that!
  14. I would probably visit NYC and walk around since I'd have the city all to myself. I'm a pretty good cook so as long as the restaurants were there and the resources were available to me I'd be able to keep myself alive. I could also live in the biggest, most grand apartments ever cause there'd be no one there to stop me from breaking and entering lol. I would be very lonely though. I like being alone but not to that extent!
  15. Lol, poor girl. I wish something like this could be normalized but not everyone shares our same interests obviously. Should have found a more secluded spot.
  16. In the corner just how I like it 😊😊😊😊 Excuse me while I get off to this.
  17. Nah. I wrote a long post about how I told an ex bf of mine about it and he shamed me for months. He probably still does, and it's just kind of been ruined for me. I'm a closeted piss fetishist and it's probably going to stay that way lol.
  18. My hubs doesn't know about my fetish, and I probably wont ever tell him. Regardless, I hope you can find someone to share some adventures with on here!
  19. 🤭🤭🤭🤭 Trust me when I say theres lots of people on here that would be willing to help you. A lot of the people here have helped me come out of my shell too. I'm much less shy of my pee games now. If only I knew them IRL.
  20. I guess I do now. Lol! Peeing on a toilet does not yield the same issues as what happened to me this morning.
  21. I guess my bladder isnt as strong as I let on to be, because it sure failed me this morning. My youngest came running into my room shouting for mommy and daddy. I wasnt fully awake yet, so I just kind of turned over to greet them. They jumped up on the bed and decided right then and there that they wanted to be a wrestler and took a dive for my midsection. I hadn't peed yet, and instantly pain radiated throughout my lower half as my bladder gave in to the pressure. I threw my child off if my as I started peeing into the covers, I couldnt hold it or stop myself unfortunately so all I could
  22. I carry one extra pair of undies and tampons and pads in mine. Not too different only I don't wear make up lol.
  23. Im not quite sure. I vaguely remember needing one for an ovarian cyst and I thought I remembered seeing in the pamphlet that a full bladder was required, but as you can imagine those exams arent too comfortable so as soon as I stopped feeling pain I cancelled the appointment lol.
  24. Carpet if I'm not cleaning, but I can do both lol. Theres just nothing that beats the sound of piss pattering into the carpet. I love it!!
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