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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2023 in Posts

  1. Hi everybody, I am really into peeing in exciting places and situations for a long time. I also thought about sharung for a long time. Now I have decided to do so :-). I hope you will have fun with my pictures and stories. Let me know what you think. This is my adventure today. Gone geocaching in an old historic little town with a "lost place" bridge. I thought this could be a good place to pee between the old tracks and leave a puddle on the structure.
    4 points
  2. Part one to this story can be found here. Like the first part, this story centres around two female train spotters and contains outdoor peeing (mainly female but this part contains a bit of male peeing). Thank you for the positive reactions and feedback to part one and I hope you all enjoy the second instalment! It was a warm and humid summer’s day and Stephanie, Dani and a fellow train enthusiast called Warren were trekking across a remote but scenic area of Wales. Warren had known Stephanie for a number of years as they had bumped into each other a number of times whilst they were out s
    4 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Mine, outdoors on a historic bridge earlier today ... normal, growing and semi-hard 🙂 Tell me what you think.
    4 points
  5. There was a street party at the top of my back lane to the right in a cul-de-sac. As the afternoon went on more and move men and kids came and peed at the top on the lane. A few females came down the lane a little and peed but as the walls are higher at the top of the lane they went out of my view as they squatted down. Around 4pm a female with a kid came down the lane to a surface water drain about three doors up from me were the walls are replaced with driveway gates. She stopped with her back to me and then held the kids bum over the drain, (I think the kid did more the pee) when the k
    4 points
  6. Sometimes after jerking off to my own video of pouring piss all over a girl's clothes in her locker (at my college), I feel a little guilty. Then I rewatch it and jerk off again.
    3 points
  7. Since it seems there are a few nice readers interested in a little report of some pissing situations which happened during "normal" posing sessions, I've dug into my brilliant memory and found this one: - I had been booked for a Publicity service, which consisted of a series of group-photographs and a short video of the same content. Together with me, other two models of the same Agency had been chosen, one fairly similar to me, just slightly taller and more "breasted", while the other, a black girl of aboriginal origins, definitely didn't match my looks. The Set, in a co
    3 points
  8. Sometimes I have the overwhelming urge to pee right around the corner from two people having a conversation. The knowledge that I could be caught or even heard at any moment is very appealing to me. I'd probably pull up my skirt and stand as close to the wall, spreading my cunt so my stream didn't make as much noise, just a quiet hiss.
    2 points
  9. I don't often lay down and take baths, but every day in the shower I usually pee 🤗
    2 points
  10. Well, in my life I usually try to vary, if not boredom sits in....
    2 points
  11. i think the worst thing i’ve done was pee into an open convertible. all over the front seat and steering wheel. you just get a rush of adrenaline knowing that you’re doing something you shouldn’t. it’s so much fun.
    2 points
  12. It did happen a few times in my quite long pissing career... On the floor mainly, but also into a couple of trash baskets or even just on the bench, from the edge or just sitting/hovering on top of it.
    2 points
  13. We were pretty close to what became the main shooting set, but not quite there... Anyway, when we took the piss, the session had not started yet. That puddle appeared on the ground in a spot where the grass wasn't very thick. Yes, I did notice at least two guys of the crew were attentively watching both of us...
    2 points
  14. I usually keep my promises! When I'm impeded or slowed down by unfortunate circumstances, which are often beyond my responsibility, I feel quite unsatisfied until I can do what I had planned. So, regarding this thread, the time to write about what I witnessed at that beach on Saturday must be NOW, no more delays! As you may have understood, I'm a keen "visitor" of that tiny location, where, often, I can enjoy the company of other beach-goers, usually tourists, mainly British, who get there in search of peace and tranquility. They seem to prefer the unspoiled environment to
    2 points
  15. That's a great question! The only vandalism I ever felt went too far was in one of those walk-in ATM's. Because after I did it, I realized it probably had a hidden camera inside it. After a year of not being contacted by the authorities I figured I was in the clear.
    2 points
  16. Every time I walk on the treadmill (as I'm doing right now) I always have this intrusive thought that tells me to pee on it cause I wanna see if it comes out on the other end lol. Won't ever do it cause I don't wanna short it out. But it's an urge defiantly 🤣
    2 points
  17. I know this was a general statement but since this was right after my post, I felt compelled to give full context to my comment just to make it clear, I don't play that. I am new to this forum(you can go check). Like yesterday new. I'm still working to understand the lay out of this site. At that time I only saw that ONE comment that I referenced where she talks about her family and nothing there mentioned the daughter's age so i dont know how old she is. In fact my question was about the family not one particular person. Plus under the subject "naughty carpet peeing" and on a kink forum w
    2 points
  18. Today was laundry day and while in the basement putting my dirty laundry in the washer I realized I had to pee pretty badly. My roommate was upstairs watching TV so I had to be discrete, I couldn’t leave a mess behind. Sometimes I’ll lay towels or blankets out before putting them in the washer but today I was just washing my clothes. I decided to piss into my dirty clothes before putting them in the machine. I pulled my pants down and shoved a balled up shirt in between my legs and slowly released my piss into it while standing up. It was so relaxing and felt so good. I cut my stream off and t
    2 points
  19. Me using a historical urinal at the Severn Valley Railway yesterday. Write up about the urinal including pictures of the structure and inside it can be found here: As I said in that write up, I couldn't ignore the opportunity to pee in such a vintage facility and of course thought some of you may like to see the evidence: And just one picture of the outside in case you don't look at the link to the other pictures and description of this wonderful piece of history:
    2 points
  20. Later in the day, I was in a meeting room with 8 people. I couldn't help thinking that it would be nice to release a bit of pee under the desk or onto the cushioned chair. I thought in my mind that I could possibly come back there after the meeting to do it, working out that it would be very unlikely that anyone would realise who had peed there, if indeed anyone even detected it. However events conspired against me as after the meeting we all went back to the desk area and then were dismissed by our hosts, so four of us left at the same time and I couldn't easily excuse myself to stay long
    2 points
  21. My GF then wife absolutely loved wetting her shorts( Australia during summer they dried quickly) She wet her shorts at the pub beer garden, sitting in her puddle, standing outside shops, sitting at a park bench, at an outside café, peed at the start of the meal, sat in her puddle and peed at the finish, at the end of the day she did smell quite pissy, and the crotch of her shorts was quite stiff. She smelt wonderful
    2 points
  22. I’ve always had a fantasy on walking naked to the showers in the locker. After showering and walking back naked I just let it go on the floor. I know it’s gross but I finally made it.
    1 point
  23. I get bad urges hold it a long time drinking a lot. Most of times I am busy at work and working not time to pee then it hits me. Drinks like coffee tea are the worst to hold bad urges.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. There is space in our other contacts and dms too, oysterman 👀
    1 point
  26. Well I know it’s off topic. But this may also happen in there
    1 point
  27. How about a train washbasin... a perfect urinal 😈
    1 point
  28. I know this is not the nude beach but I went a farm to do some work 😉
    1 point
  29. Had so much fun pissing on my bed last night
    1 point
  30. I found a new way of doing it. Lay on a towel in the middle of the beach and just let loose whenever you want. 🙂
    1 point
  31. A new fun thing I like to is to pee as I shake and dance my cock around in the showers. It’s so fun. I caught it here.
    1 point
  32. I was like how long is it going to take Sophie to ask me this question when I post this 🤣 I'll go for the horse sized duck, because I don't fight. I'll domesticate it and make it my pet. Idk where I'd store 100 duck sized horses as pets.
    1 point
  33. One more succes
    1 point
  34. i guess it would be ok if a showed those ones in a few more pix. 😇
    1 point
  35. not today, but just some i wore recently that weren’t very well hidden under my leggings. 😂🤭😇🤷🏻‍♀️
    1 point
  36. Men sometines wear panties too, This is one of me yesterday.
    1 point
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