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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2023 in Posts

  1. Freshly shaven pretty pussy 😍 πŸ˜‹
    8 points
  2. I did my part this morning! I woke up and as I got out of bed I was hit with a huge urge to pee. It wasn't the usual dull ache I get when I wake up really full, instead it was an alarming "Sophie, get to the toilet NOW!" I didn't even make my bed, I walked across the landing to the bathroom and as I opened the door I saw my husband was already in the shower, likely what woke me up. Perfect! I closed the door behind me and quickly took off the white t-shirt and pink shorts I had slept in before stepping into the shower with him. "Good morning babe" I said with a smile before giving him a k
    8 points
  3. Does this count as flashing? Hayley Williams.
    4 points
  4. Happy earth day
    4 points
  5. Hello everyone this is my first official post on this website. Me and my mom have always been close it’s been me and her my whole life so I have seen her nude many times as well as she has seen me. When it comes to peeing she has always let me piss where I thought convenient. She let me have the basement room as my own since it has a drain and a sink she believes that males should piss where they like. She has joined me many times even encouraged me to pee in places I will share one of my favorite pee experiences I hope to share many more. A couple a years ago I was in a state champion
    3 points
  6. My husband left these and my huge dildo outside the bathroom door for me whilst I was relaxing in the bath. Think he wants me to enjoy myself 🀭🀭 nipples first 😜
    3 points
  7. Well done for getting out there! I want to go for a ride, I really want to go for a ride, but it's raining! I will carry on riding if it starts raining while I am out, but actually leaving the house in the rain? It is so hard to find the motivation. I can't even find anything from Lidl to make me want to go out! 🀣
    3 points
  8. Hi ppl! I reached the point in my study/work where i have to shift my entire focus on them, meaning i will leave the forum on ice for an undetermined period of time, i will not delete my account tough, just won't be updating my pee videos and my started contentswill be neglected for a while. We all know it, but it is always good to repeat, this is more than a kink site, it is a community, altough i don't have ppl i can call "friend" here, i can call you all my companions, ty for all! I will miss you all during that time, until next time!
    3 points
  9. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE all that haaaaaaaiiiir 😭😭😭😭😭😭 please. I need you to pee on me.
    3 points
  10. I know this is not the nude beach but I went a farm to do some work πŸ˜‰
    3 points
  11. Hey y'all! I bought a fairly skimpy bikini and need ideas on how to 'accidentally' expose myself on the beach?
    2 points
  12. This past weekend, my mom bought us tickets to a show, so we took a little road trip and stayed in a nice hotel to treat ourselves. As usual, we were both naked for the drive and made no attempt to cover our titties for passing cars. In fact, the weather was so nice, I kept the windows down for a large part of the drive...the cool wind kept our nipples pointy the whole trip! About an hour into the drive, we both started to get the familiar pang in our bladders. We were on a busier highway, so we decided to see how long we could hold it. 15 min passed...then 30, then an hour, then an hour
    2 points
  13. Rain stopped! Oh man I absolutely love riding on a Sunday evening when everywhere is quiet. Just me, my daughter and a few dog walkers. Anyone else love data?
    2 points
  14. Well as I'm now sat in the bath, relaxing with my huge dildo in me it's going good. He's receiving loads of lovely images and he even told me to piss with the dildo in as practise 😍😍
    2 points
  15. @Hightower, great idea to collect some links for interesting Literotica stories in one place. Two of my favorite authors are also publishing on peefans, @nopjans above with "The Piss Empire" and "The World is Her Toilet" and @lesley (Leaky_One, NB: Some of the stories like "Legends of the Fel" or "Laura Roft: Piss Raider" are a bit too much for me). Other great authors are LeoDaVinci, I just love the "Ellie" series, and kayleekenniecott (great writing). Giselle_BeauCul wrote some nice stuff like "Pissing at the Opera" (naughty public peeing bordering on vandalism). I have also bo
    2 points
  16. It's been raining all morning where I am but as I was actually in the mood to go out for a ride, I thought 'sod it' and went anyway. Got soaked to the bone, my shoes filled with water but I really enjoyed getting out. I even stopped for a pee, pulled myself out, started peeing and thought, 'what's the point I'm already wet' so half way through, I tucked myself away and finished off my pee. That's probably why I enjoyed my ride lol
    2 points
  17. @lengajesytec I remember having similar interesting feelings at that age or younger when my female cousins would pee outside. I was also fascinated by their streams which went forward in front of them when they were squatting and would hit the pavement or dirt with such force and speed. As i have recounted in other posts they would sometimes have pee races on the ground and could beat me with the velocity and momentum of their streams. Interesting that your mother tried to hide your sister. Would she make you go to a different place even if you also had to pee? My family was always much more o
    2 points
  18. I'm 64, and definitely feel like it, but don't always act like a typical old person. I've never asked anyone to guess my age, but I think my looks are fairly typical for age. My favorite age was from 29 to 35. At 29 I had surgery to fix a disability that had made life very difficult since I was 15. That made it possible for me to learn to fly and qualify to fly small planes before I turned 30. For the next few years my life revolved around a flying club. I met some good friends in those years. Definitely loss of independence for me too. I also fear the possibility of
    2 points
  19. Right way up this time πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
    2 points
  20. Kirsty Mitchell To add to this, I want to watch her peeing in a specific way, and a way a lot of people might deem boring or mundane. As much as I would enjoy watching Kirsty wet herself, or pee next to her car or something, I want to watch her have a regular toilet wee. I think it would be amazing being on set with her, watching her getting increasingly desperate in between takes, becoming more frustrated with her colleagues every time they make a mistake because she really needs a wee. Frantically hobbling about while they reset between takes, every agonising sec
    2 points
  21. I celebrated Earth Day with a pee in the grass in the yard. Later on when I'm out I'll probably pee behind the bush at the mall, and maybe a 3rd piss in my favourite alley on my way back. Nice to have a reason for peeing outside in Nature.
    2 points
  22. Hello again, thank you all for the kind comments. It's nice to see people enjoying what I made. Here is the next chapter; it's a bit short, but more is coming. Enjoy! 2. The Uber Contains female peeing, car peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Monique arrived at the train station in Berlin, desperate to relieve herself. This came at the expense of an unsuspecting Uber driver who drove the couple to the hotel. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” We were now in Berlin and only had to go from the station to the hotel where my sister was waiting for us. I knew my wife was bursti
    2 points
  23. Woody smells are evocative for me too. My maternal grandfather was a joiner, and my paternal grandfather was an amateur furniture maker and carver. Wood is in the genes (no, not 'I have wood in my jeans'). And there are many woody smells that are lovely.
    2 points
  24. This might be a strange one... sawdust. My husband has worked in a factory with wood for as long as I have known him and his work clothes always have this particular smell to them. Whenever I walk past someone doing DIY (or doing it myself) the smell of sawdust just reminds me of the man I love.
    2 points
  25. I recently had a hot date with a much younger woman of 22. She kept hitting on me when I saw her st the office down the hall from me. Recently we had some 85 degree days after a long snowy winter. She started wearing mini skirts and tight T shirt tops. This girl is a full B cup so she looks very nice. She is 5 5 115 at my estimate. I took her out to a Thai restaurant and then a movie followed by a walk on the promenade. We were out about 5 hours when she started complaining about her bladder being full. She had no where to fo so she had to hold it. Took he back to my house. She ran t
    1 point
  26. I knew the people on peefans would be able to find it for me. I would'nt have guessed that the author would be on here! What incredible luck! Thank you for writing it, time to reread an old classic.
    1 point
  27. How much would you charge for pee vids? would you do this for fun, pleasure? What is your biggest fantasy?
    1 point
  28. I've written about it in other posts before but always glad to write more about my childhood pee experiences in more detail because there's a few but also as a kid I used to hold my pee until I was desperate to go. I don't know if I didn't want to stop what I was doing and go or what, but I was put in diapers until I went to Kindergarten, and I was told I couldn't pee in my panties like I did diapers. For a few more months my parents would make me wear diapers when I got home. Then when I was comfortable I would pee in the diaper after holding it as much as I could during the day. I woul
    1 point
  29. Hi Colette! 1) Do you have a favorite pee position/location and, if so, what makes it special to you? 2) What's your favorite thing about being a woman? 3) In as much detail as you are comfortable sharing, what are your masturbation habits like? A non-sexual one: what's your favorite movie?
    1 point
  30. I have never been a smoker, but the smell of cigar and pipe tobacco smoke always brings warm feelings, reminding me of happy times and family occasions when I was a small child.
    1 point
  31. Well, it wasn't an overwhelming response to my appeal, but I drew enough motivation towards writing more about some pissing episodes which happened during my modelling career! Following a logical path, now I believe it's appropriate to finish the little report of that Maldive assignment, which started with me as the protagonist of a quite problematic boat-pee and could have developed into a very huge problem... Luckily though, that situation didn't completely get out of control, and so, just before dawn, I arrived safely at my destination. Disembarking was easy and so reaching t
    1 point
  32. not just my panties. but all my underwear. teehee. 🀭 so like i'd just left the bar i was at. i wasn't drunk, but definitely felt a little carefree, and despite being kinda rainy, it wasn't all that cold. sooo, lacking inhibition, i unzipped my skirt. as i walked down the sidewalk it eventually worked itself off, nearly tripping me as it fell below my knees. haha. and so then i ended up just carrying it around, leaving my coat (and i guess boots, too) as the only actual clothes i was still wearing. i eventually ended up back at my car, but totally got there in a roundabout way, prolonging the e
    1 point
  33. Such a difficult question with so many possible answers.... Maybe the time I peed under a table at a wedding reception in a posh marquee. The long table cloth hid the deed and the carpet absorbed the pee. Or, maybe when I used the outdoor public urinal at Vauxhall in London in the middle of the afternoon with people walking past and a double decker bus also drove right by. Or, one of the many times that I've peed on a street on a night out - I don't have any qualms about doing that and there are often others also doing the same. I have certainly done this in places where ladie
    1 point
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