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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Woah, thanks for all the answers everyone! I feel like we slightly swayed offtopic here and there but that doesn’t matter 😊 Or maybe my question was to vague to begin with. @gldenwetgoose, your reply is what I mostly meant to ask about; like the example you mention about being able to get to your workplace and use their toilets, but going for the carpark instead. Also I realized that I didn’t even answer my own question myself :’) I think I’ve mentioned this before in another topic but thanks to my lovely *ahem* parents I developed quite severe anxiety for being in (urgent) need of
    9 points
  2. Morning all! Just a few snaps of my pussy after a good fuck last night. Still some cum left it in this morning 🤭
    7 points
  3. Top lip stroking the hood of her clitoris while his tongue explores her slit. Yumm.
    5 points
  4. This is part 5, and it is a direct continuation of part 4. You can read the previous parts here: [1] [2] [3] [4] Contains desperation, naughty female peeing as well as male peeing. The fair was big and buisy, it was full of laughing people who enjoined it as an escape from there monotonous lives. Also there was some drinking ongoing. We arrived with the bus: I (Jonathan), Anna, an attractive, black haired girl wearing a tight black skirt and a white blouse, whom I have helped peeing on two occasions, and her best friend Cece who was absolutely gorgeous. Her curly brown hair was
    4 points
  5. Last one for today. I just adore that loving gaze and deeply satisfied smile that she is giving him. You can see he is completely lost in the moment, his eyes closed, his mind focused entirely on caressing her with his tongue and breathing her heavenly scent.
    4 points
  6. I've very often taken the opportunity (and enjoyment) of a convenience pee, when in practice I could have held on longer. Typical example is with a client I work with from time to time, in a city an hour drive from home. Sometimes I'll be visiting them in their office, often times at another location. I could wait until I get there, I could pass my greetings, shake hands and almost immediately ask to use their bathroom - but that would be a little embarrassing and repetitive every time to be honest. Instead since my drive to them normally takes me through a fairly derelict industr
    4 points
  7. Gently sitting on his face and allowing him to give her pleasure. You can see his tent pole is up, without any attention from him or her. The scent of her can arouse him without any other stimulus.
    4 points
  8. Bath time, and she can pee on your face if she wants to 😋😛
    4 points
  9. Woke up in a sharing mood, got my phone out and managed to get a decent pic for a change. Doesn't happen very often
    3 points
  10. Last night with my very gorgeous French friend. I have missed her so much and it was nice to catch up 😉
    3 points
  11. Possibly…? 🤷‍♀️ But I will have to change the setup a bit then, or I’ll hit the tv :’) Now that spring is here I am looking forward to some outdoor playtime first though ☺️ But I’ll keep it in mind. Oh, and yes, I did measure how much volume I can pee once or twice and my best ‘score’ was just over a liter.
    3 points
  12. I wonder how many ladies would enjoy having three guys to serve her at once, like this ...
    3 points
  13. Full contact suck with upper lip stroking her clitty.
    3 points
  14. Peeing outside is my little act of rebellion against this repressive society we live in.
    3 points
  15. Woah. I am not really one to enjoy peeing in elevators but the fact that they are so casual about it drives me wild. Its as if they thought they had a lot to do and peeing real fast in the elevator would save some time or something naughty like that. Thanks for sharing.
    3 points
  16. Nicked myself with the electric trimmer. Didn't even know that was possible.
    3 points
  17. I definitely enjoy going out in my yard, whether on the artificial grass, in the gravel, on the patio chair, or on the pavement. The naughty feeling and marking definitely plays a big part in it, plus I love hearing the sound difference of my stream splattering on the varying things.
    3 points
  18. I have no idea actually 🤷‍♀️ Like I said this idea came up in a conversation with a friend, and I’ve tried a lot of things before but I normally just go for whatever I think is hot and/or feels naughty ☺️ This was more fun than expected though, laying back on the sofa and just letting it all out. Oh, I did measure the distance btw; 150cm was the furthest and I was sitting about 30cm from the floor.
    3 points
  19. Towel piss take #2: progress? 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/V0OEGCV5 Sooo.. I was talking with my friend who is also very much into peeing and he expressed his interest in long distance peeing ladies. The ‘classic’ full squat that most ladies use in public hardly works for me, so I either stand up when wearing a skirt, or when wearing pants I’ll lean my back against something and ‘sit’ in a 90 degree angle. I can aim forward when standing but not very far. We were talking about the subject and he asked if I had ever tried sitting back, relax and let it all go. I expected the re
    3 points
  20. Quite a few people here mention peeing outside as pleasant in itself, so I was wondering how many of you pee outside when it’s not really needed because you could also easily make it to a toilet/urinal on time. And for those who do; what do you like most about it? (e.g. the ‘free’ feeling of it, feeling naughty, marking, etc.) 😊 Edit: right after I posted this here I realized that it doesn’t apply to men only of course. I even like it myself to dribble in public with a skirt and no panties on 🤦‍♀️ So anyway; feel free to answer no matter what gender you are!
    2 points
  21. Hi I’m Evie F/23/UK I have been a long time lurker but I’m finally interested in posting and getting to know some like minded pee people, I have a bladder condition so I always have to pee and end up reliving myself in plenty of public places or anytime I can’t reach a toilet lol x
    2 points
  22. I dont mind using the urinals when im near and there is no queue but i wouldrather take the bushes
    2 points
  23. There are some times where I do it out of pure desire to do so. However, my female friend seems to also enjoy the act, more so than me. She'll piss outside if it's just more fun. She was telling me about a time when she could of easily made it to the bathroom but "didn't feel like climbing the stairs". She's a healthy and mostly fit 26 year old, so she was definitely feeling lazy, and maybe bashful at the moment she pissed in her downstairs neighbor's front lawn. It was either there, or she pissed in the staircase leading up to her apartment for the same reasons. Even better in my opinion.
    2 points
  24. We are of the same mind! Though I can't exactly get away with not wearing panties for... a big reason, let's just say.
    2 points
  25. I just love the things you say here, for me it is fabulous to know that a lovely girl feels like this, so free and easy when it comes to peeing, and doing it outside for the sheer love of it. You and I share this same feeling exactly, and thank you for sharing your exciting (and erotic) activities with us here! xxx
    2 points
  26. It's been quite a few months and my gf is sitting right here. She blames me for not trying but she's denied my advances because she thinks she's "disgusting, gross and fat". Also the sex hurts her 8/10 times that I try due to her anxiety. I've simply stopped trying with her and now it's somehow my fault. I've resorted to masturbating as I absolutely hate trying to read her wants and rejection.
    2 points
  27. OMG! That's, err, woken me up 😜
    2 points
  28. It's lovely ... though I was slightly distracted by how the looping makes her look a little like a chameleon catching and eating a fly so fast we can't see it 🙂
    2 points
  29. Those erect nipples on her gorgeous little breasts are witness to her pleasure too.
    2 points
  30. Look, it was urgent, ok? She didn’t have time to get the socks off…
    2 points
  31. Oh! The little white socks! Takes this lovely gif to another level ❤️
    2 points
  32. All these. You don’t have to be into feet to enjoy walking in the sand barefoot, and you don’t have to have a pee kink to enjoy peeing outdoors (or, like, relaxing outdoors, or cooking on a BBQ on fire rather than in a kitchen on a cooker, …) There’s a kind of liberation about it - that having to go to a special room, close the door, and pee in a flushable bucket(TM) - is like having to shamefully hide a part of yourself and make sure nobody sees it, as opposed to walking to the sea’s edge and spraying a slightly-yellow arc into the waves.
    2 points
  33. For those of you that like a 'pee into a cardboard box' pic or video, here you are. It was blue recycling bin collection day today, so yesterday I made sure all the cardboard was in the bin - and dampened one of them so it will break down into pulp a little more easily at the paper mill. Well, that's one justification for it. Of course it sounds great and feels lovely! (Apologies for the wind noise in the video.) https://www.erome.com/a/5BZPqhuc
    2 points
  34. It is England's big heritage protection organisation. It owns a lot of land, coastline and historic buildings, including many 'stately homes' - that is, big country estates built for the nobility and other wealthy individuals over several centuries, and has taken them over and opened them to to public when the owners couldn't afford to look after them and they might otherwise have fallen into disrepair or been demolished or converted into offices or hotels or schools). It has special legal status in that land and property it owns cannot be subsequently taken away from it. (www.nationaltrust.or
    2 points
  35. I just think peeing outside is natural ... it's how nature takes care of business. Peeing in a flushable bucket indoors is just weird. 😛
    2 points
  36. Sex Bizarre Sixteen Unable to locate scanned copies of Issues 14 and 15, quite possibly because they contain scatology. However one of the Theander Brothers key models features in a single lesbian story in this magazine. Published in 1976, ‘Pee Partners’ is the title of the story, continuing with the new format of text and image. Although most of the content of these magazines was shot in studios, it’s a change to see the action begin in an outdoor location. In this case we see the popular model, urinating at the side of the car in a wintery scene. There’s a rendezvous with another
    2 points
  37. The Jessie Lewis situation - Part 4 It was now 213 minutes into the simulator test. The crew of NGSS-1 had just completed the next successful maneuver on their simulated way to docking the ISS. The flight manager asked Jessie again about the state of her bladder. Flight control: "Jessie, do you feel any urge to urinate?" Jessie: "Negative, right now I can feel that my bladder is filling, but I do not feel the slightest urge to urinate. I am pretty sure that I can hold it for several more hours." Flight control: "OK. Understood. Very good. As before, please for the mo
    2 points
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