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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2022 in Posts

  1. https://www.erome.com/a/g5AyF0K7
    12 points
  2. Like @MasterDarcy said, most American men get cut as babies; which is unfortunate for me because I really love uncut guys. I can feel the difference and I believe it looks, feels, and tastes 😜 a lot better lol. I have not gotten to have a lot of sex with uncut guys tho. It's a pity. Part of the reason why I am planning on running away and starting a new life in Europe somewhere!
    6 points
  3. I have revenge pissed all over my husband's clothes that he would let pile up all over the floor instead of putting them in the laundry basket to be cleaned πŸ˜’ i got tired of picking them up, cleaning them, and putting them away just for them to end up piled up on the floor again, so when I was getting into my naughty pee adventures I started there. It did the trick too. Eventually he got tired of "the cats" peeing on his clothes so he got his shit together and started moving his laundry properly lol.
    6 points
  4. Back in 2019 I was out walking the dogs with my sister when she said she needed to pee desperately, I thought she would go behind a tree and have a pee but she just walked around 10 feet away and with her back to me pulled up her skirt and pulled down her red knickers and had a pee, I was shocked to say the least,she never done anything like that in the past.When she finished peeing I had a good look at the puddle she had created πŸ™‚ Since then I have always wanted to pee in front of her to see what reaction I would get from her but what with Covid I never got chance. yesterday we were sitting
    5 points
  5. [Female desperation, pee and mild humiliation] Hi all, it's Pippa here... I think you know my older sister quite well - Louise. Yes, that's her, the perfect one, always looking down on me. I'm being a little bitchy there of course, we do get on really well. In fact this last couple of years we get along better than we've ever done before. I mean there's still that sibling rivalry, it's just that we use it to wind each other up more and more now. We started getting on better after that time she picked me up from the station one night and we both ended up wetting ourselves
    5 points
  6. I was probably around 21 when I was living in the most disgusting house with and ex and his father this place was just all around gross and I could never keep it clean because no one would ever help me. One of the days I was home alone I decided to just open the door to a carpeted room that already had stains all over and was falling apart. I walked over next to the bed pulled down my pants and got into a low squat and began pissing. I didnt look all I could hear was the hissing on this dirty carpet. Honestly amazing experience! πŸ˜…
    4 points
  7. @rochauthrowawayIf you have a link to this video, I would love to see it. Yes, the selfishness is a big turn on for me. I love it when women choose to make a mess for their own needs, convenience or privacy vs. peeing somewhere more open outside which would make little mess and require no cleanup for anyone.
    4 points
  8. After long day of hiking through the Plitvice Lakes, we returned to the car. The climate was quite humid, so I was happy to see that the puddle my gf created was actually still visible. She immediately said "we have a long drive ahead to our next destination, so I'm gonna take the opportunity to add some more liquid to it". She dropped her pants and squatted in the exact same spot as in the morning. She peed quite a strong stream, damaging the grass underneath her and turning it into even more muddy mulch. The force of the stream created a lot of froth on top of the puddle. After about 30
    4 points
  9. I was walking through the town centre after work this evening and felt the need to pee. I knew I’d end up uncomfortable if I tried to hold it till I got home and very often the bus station toilets are closed. On my route I pass a public toilet in the main shopping street in which you insert your 20p and the door automatically opens then closes behind you. Wanting my money’s worth, I ignored the toilet. I removed my knickers and pulled my skirt up to my waist. With my back to the wall next to the sink I squatted with my legs wide open and forcefully pissed the biggest, messiest puddle I could,
    4 points
  10. Spring has sprung in my backyard. The grass is growing and the wildflowers are blooming. I walked over to one of the areas where I usually do my backyard pees and saw an area where the grass and wildflowers were particularly high and decided it was a good place to have a piss. I whipped out my cock and gave the grass and flowers in front of me a good watering with my pale yellow piss. I moved my dick around so I could hit different flowers. The grass was so high up I felt like I was peeing on a bush. Once I had finished peeing, I put my dick away and admired my work. It's a nice, sunny
    4 points
  11. I think we should work from home together 😏
    4 points
  12. I have just had a wee with my sister who is staying for a week. I was in the living room with my family and I announced "I am just off for a wee" as I stood up. Kay said "I was thinking the same thing. It's alright, I'll go after" I gestured for her to come with me and my husband made a joke about girls always going in groups. We went upstairs together and I let her go first, leaning against the bathroom counter as she pulled down her jeans and sat on the toilet. She took a small amount of toilet paper and scrunched it in her hand, leaning forward with her hands near her knees. We made s
    4 points
  13. So I have to be a bit careful about my naughty peeing because I donΒ΄t want my boyfriend (who I live with) to find out about it. But today I found a new way to have naughty pees in our apartment. You see, our livingroom has south-facing windows. Today the sky was nice and clear but it was too cold to go to the park and read my book there. But I still wanted to enjoy the sun, so i scooted the couch to the window so that I could sit in the sun. The couch has a dark blue fabric and I was feeling quite hot soon (From the sun but also from the steamy scenes in the book I was reading πŸ˜‰
    3 points
  14. Last night! K had been away for a difficult week at her parents and had been pretty exhausted for a couple of days after she got back. But last night I was on a promise … we both needed some physical intimacy. Actually, we both urgently needed a shag. We had jokingly talked about how I might find her when I got home from my choir practice at about 9:45. Maybe she would be crawling up the stairs wearing just heels and hold-ups and wiggling her backside in the air. So I was a little disappointed to discover all was in darkness with no sign of her when I opened the front door into the hall –
    3 points
  15. I had an hour free at work today and at lunch I would be playing volleyball against the sixth formers so I took the opportunity to walk to the sports hall and change out of my heels, pencil skirt and blouse and into trainers, a pair of shorts, a t-shirt. As I was walking back I noticed the pupils were doing the hurdles and I just had to mention I used to represent my school when I was a teen. We talked for a few minutes and a few of them were egging me on to have a go. How could I say no? I ran the 100m and over every hurdle without falling flat on my face. I'm not as good as I used to be but
    3 points
  16. I don't have a lot of real world experience with this, but I did have a friend in college who would almost always come up with some thin excuse to stop and pee in an alley any time we were out together, often before we even started drinking. In retrospect, she was definitely into pee, and a bit of an exhibitionist. She'd tell me to wait a minute and duck into an alley. She would usually step behind something, but frequently she'd squat with her ass sticking out from behind the spot she chose giving full view of her stream. She'd pull her pants up, come back and continue on like nothing hap
    3 points
  17. It would be like the Bat Signal for Golden Goose. The "Goose" signal 🀣
    3 points
  18. Thought I'd wear my new gold clamps today. Only one chain which means I can wear them out and about easier πŸ˜‹
    3 points
  19. I was raised that it was ok to pee outside when you needed to go. In my early memories I can remember it being fun to be able to just pee where we was when outside. Us kids would pee on just about anything outside, when we had snow we would try and write our names in the snow. πŸ˜† We would try to go behind a tree or a bush but if it wasn't available then we would just turned our back towards the people that we could see. I can remember traveling and stopping the car or truck along side the road to pee if it was dad or I, we would just stand beside the car and go. Sometimes mom would have to go w
    3 points
  20. https://www.erome.com/a/FOFZeK2l Sat down to lunch and felt like taking a piss. Just swung round on chair and let it go on the floor. Fortunately my jeans and trainers seemed to get wet too. Sat here having my lunch now in wet jeans and a big puddle next to me
    2 points
  21. In total this piss lasted about almost a minute i'd say
    2 points
  22. Thought i'd share some pics of my current working from home uniform πŸ™‚ enjoy πŸ˜› x
    2 points
  23. Hey, I sure am the type to take allllll the naughty advantages of working from home! Getting paid to orgasm is literally the best πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ Glad to have brightened up your morning, thank you so much for the sweet message! 😘 xx
    2 points
  24. I don't really know how to answer this lol. Revenge on someone who has been mean to me or rude isn't something I'm into. IE: I'm at a house party and the owner was rude to me so I pee on his floor. I guess I'm just such a pacifist that revenge is not something I think about often. Peeing on the carpet is my thing, so it seemed logical and everything was aligned for me to make my final decision. I was angry at him, I was exploring my carpet peeing kink, and the clothes were there and I knew he wouldn't tough them. So, the opportunity presented itself and I just took it! As for the clothes
    2 points
  25. Now, this is friendship!
    2 points
  26. Aww shucks. But thank you. Sincerely thank you.
    2 points
  27. Another lovely, and very hot, story - very wonderfully written as always. How you make things so realistic while building tension is just incredible. thanks for being a continuing inspiration!
    2 points
  28. Another amazing chapter @gldenwetgoose! I felt I was right there with them. I'm excited to see what revenge Pippa has in mind, and what she is going to do with what is left in her bladder. Be afraid Louise, be very afraid! Thank you!
    2 points
  29. A couple summers ago I was at a river with a friend. We took turns peeing and playing with each other throughout the day. There was another couple present. It was a hot time in the hot California sun! https://www.erome.com/a/DQLIO5J5
    2 points
  30. All the time. My husband and I've been best friends since we were in 9th grade and he is very shy and embarrased about peeing. He would never just do it in public like most guys I know, he even tries to avoid public toilets at all cost or is too shy to admit he has to pee and would rather hold it than to use the toilet in a friends house. I remember dozens of times were we went home together after school and he was visablly bursting. Also every time we go out or have longer car rides he ends up being desperate or had to use a bottle in the car, while I'm driving.
    2 points
  31. Oh my - now this is certainly the kind of dress code I can get behind! πŸ˜‰ Are you one to also enjoy taking advantage of the naughty opportunities working from home presents? Being naked whilst on the phone must be quite the mischievous rush! Ps. Gorgeous tits, thank you for sharing! They’ve certainly brightened my Thursday morning.
    2 points
  32. Hello baby girl, I'm so glad you're here with me πŸ’šπŸ’š
    2 points
  33. I'm resisting the urge to just post "UP!!!!" to see what happens. Which is probably fair warning about my sense of humor.
    2 points
  34. I was just reading through my topic and I realized I forgot two situations! They were all from way back, from that road tripping holiday before Corona. I will describe just one now. We had to check out of our first AirBnB (somewhere in Croatia) and were heading to our second one (somewhere in Slovenia). We wanted to visit Plitvice Lakes and it was en route to the second BnB. So we decided to visit it! My girlfriend was driving this leg while I was eating an apple. After quite a drive we arrived. We entered the parking lot and found a place to park. The parking lot wasn't tarmac, th
    2 points
  35. I was reading a reaction to a video-post of mine this morning, by @BlindListener and thinking about audio vs video in peeing vids. I like both genders but I have often noticed that women are wayyy more vocal than men in their video’s (much like many men in regular porn I guess 😐). Which is a bummer because (desperate and/or dirty) talking is usually an extra turn-on for me. And moaning in relief even more so, but I hardly ever come across videos from men who do. Even if they are about to pee themselves, desperately unbuckle their pants and start pissing a massive stream right away th
    1 point
  36. Thanks so much for this epic series of stories - it's been really good to read them πŸ™‚
    1 point
  37. Stunning body, and love your clamps
    1 point
  38. I’m sure your lurking is thoroughly excused πŸ˜‰ I almost always pull my foreskin back to piss - it gives a much neater, easier to aim stream that way. The only exceptions would be occasionally when I’m doing it in the shower, or some other nonchalant pee type situation.
    1 point
  39. Story contains: accidental pants wetting. Jacob walked quickly down the hall to the conference rooms nearest the building entrance. He stopped in front of a door marked Interview Room #2, finding it already open. He was a minute late to start the interview and it looked like the previous interviewer, Jennifer, was in a rush to leave. "It was nice to meet you, Emma" said Jennifer as she stood up. "OK, Jacob, it's all yours." Jacob sat down across from Emma and gave her a moment to finish erasing the whiteboard, where she had apparently just solved some equations. She was petite,
    1 point
  40. My first girlfriend was into piss. She let me watch her pee and we talked about doing pee stuff, but it's hard to to get time to do any sexual activity in highschool, much less get pissed on, so watching her was the extent of it.
    1 point
  41. The best way! Why bother aiming when you can just let it flow?
    1 point
  42. I think every drunk girl can relate. We have smaller bladders and longer toilet lines. My friends aren't in to pee but when we are out we will pee on buses, taxis, movie theatres, change rooms ect when we really need to. Not to be naughty but because it's the only option.
    1 point
  43. So the final pee for now! After our lockdown had ended, it was summer 2021 already. We don't have kids, so aren't attached to school holidays for our vacations, but decided to take a small 1 week break in July anyway. Not to go anywhere, but just to enjoy the very nice weather, which isn't a usual thing in our country. During this week, we had decided to rent a boat. We were looking for prices and it turned out to be quite cheap. It was only 80 euros (or about 100 USD) to rent a boat from 9:00am to 5:30pm! We quickly decided that was the way to go and reserved one of these boats. It was a
    1 point
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