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  1. This is going to be a long one, so grab Your snacks and gather round - by popular request, I’m telling the story of when I peed in front of my friends mom, and my friend. I was raised by very Christian and proper parents, as I’ve mentioned before. They enrolled me in a private school from middle school onward, in fact, the private high school I went too was one of the main parts of my peewakening (read the story ‘how my messy pee fetish started’ for more info). I’ve always enjoyed the idea of nudism, just being free to be yourself in a way, my parents always had me dressed in some k
    14 points
  2. Are there any girls who have stories about peeing in a public cinema on seats or in the room? REAL piss experience: i have did it with a girlfriend earlier this year: we both needed to go and we were so dirty thinking about where we want to leave a puddle because we choose a film that was already long in the cinema. My girlfriend was a bit scared so I started first and pissed silence on 1 seat and then spayed my piss through the hall on the seats quick and at last I also peed on the other seat next to the places we were sitting. Then she got wet from me and stayed from her seat on t
    7 points
  3. omg! have any of you guy folk ever done this?! i can't remember where i came across this pic, but it's incredibly naughty. 🙈
    7 points
  4. Was browsing posts and saw that these “How my (insert pee fetish here) Started” posts are quite popular so I figured I’d give it a go. When I was 13, my Labia had started to get quite a bit longer, and my vagina in general was very tight, of course. Now normally this wasn’t an issue, I would just go pee normally, planting my ass down on the toilet seat, and I’d have to do a little extra wiping. If I didn’t want to do extra wiping I would have to spread my lips to get an even stream. One time, in gym class I really had to go pee. Now I usually don’t pee in gym class because thei
    6 points
  5. As I watched the Yankees game yesterday with my family, I was holding in my pee. I couldn’t leave though. My kids were too busy trying to reenact everything they saw on tv. If I had left to use the bathroom, a ball might have gone through a window, one of them mightve gotten hurt from diving for a ball that clearly didn’t need to be dived for, the list goes on. Plus, I didn’t want to miss anything. My brothers kept teasing me as I was clutching myself as hard as I could. I silently begged for there to finally be 3 outs so I could run to the bathroom, but it took way too long. When it finally h
    6 points
  6. Felt like this page needed some more outies so I had to take this
    6 points
  7. 6 points
  8. Long story warning! I met this girl through work, although the entire time I worked at this place, we barely spoke. Occasionally our duties would have us cross paths for a short bit, but never for long, so she was just one of the girls at the front desk that was kinda cute. A day or two after I quit that job, however, she reached out to me and started light conversation over messenger. We chatted back and forth for a couple days, with a bit of cautious flirtation, and eventually she admitted she had had a thing for me the whole time we'd worked together. Of course, I was receptive t
    5 points
  9. Exactly, I think living a life of such properness and cleaness and then just unleashing has like deep meaning to me and is very gratifying
    4 points
  10. Me too, I hate using public toilets but with my weak bladder I’m forced to use them, especially since I live in NYC and there’s not many places you can pop a squat without being seen. But when Covid hit, I had nowhere to pee so this resulted in a lot more holding and accidents for me. What was once a normal day of running errands became a race to get home on time before my wet spot got bigger and bigger, although I’d be lying if I said this didn’t happen even before Covid, just less often.
    4 points
  11. There’s a floor drain like this in the ladies in a very ‘middle class’ supermarket not far from where I live. I went in there yesterday and gave this a try but I should have positioned myself further back, not directly squatting over the drain, as my stream sprayed forwards and over shot the drain completely, so I ended up peeing a puddle all over the tiled floor instead. Checking there was nobody outside when I’d finished, I made a very quick exit.
    4 points
  12. Found a nice, somewhat quiet spot to let loose against a bus stop shelter: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/strongunderstatedcygnet Luckily, only one person drove past and only after I had finished and was closing my belt again... tho since I was standing next to this, I'm pretty sure it was obvious what I had just done 😼 I don't think I will revisit this spot too often, since it's quite a long ride uphill, but it was nice marking something again 😻 (Somewhat motivated by a bus stop shelter pee another user on this site shared with me not too long ago)
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. I’ll go first - personally, I’ve always enjoyed bending over and stretching, touching my toes, and just letting it all go.
    3 points
  15. I usually do this as I want to prolong the fun of wetting as it takes so long to fill back up. Doing it in one go makes it over far too quickly!
    3 points
  16. @BGSB86 oh dear that’s a tricky mix! I have a bladder of steel I think, I have never leaked or had an accident, even through two pregnancies. I think my bladder would rupture before I wet myself, it can be so full it’s seriously painful and I can’t walk and still not a drip leaks. 😅
    3 points
  17. Posted my longest ever run to date yesterday. 16.51km or 10.25 miles Sadly I was so dehydrated when I set off that even with emptying my running water bottle en route, stopping for a pee at my usual spot resulted in barely a double measure of very gold pee. I don't want to be so hydrated I have to stop every 20 minutes to go but this was ridiculous.
    3 points
  18. I feel like you and I would get along - feel free to message me if you would like. my parents are proper and Christian and would never have such a thing. On the other hand, I’ve peed Infront if my friends mom - she actually held the cup for me so I didn’t pee all over her car - so it really depends on what end of the spectrum your mother lies on
    3 points
  19. This happened about twenty minutes ago. I was out shopping with my mom, with an armful of clothes to try on and a VERY full bladder. I thought I could make it back to my dorm until I found myself crossing my legs and bouncing while pretending to look at clothes. I saw two available options: wet myself in my red leggings, very noticeable, or relieve myself at least a little in the dressing room. This is one of my favorite stores and one I come to frequently so I was a little hesitant, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I handed my selections to the employee an
    2 points
  20. My favorite is a view from behind as she's standing in a hover position, clear view of everything as the stream flows while the feminine contours are highlighted. The sharp contrast between hips, thighs and upper body is a work of art for me. Close second is standing straight up in a wide power stance, with stream arching forward to cover a long distance.
    2 points
  21. As for watching girls its rare but i like when they put one foot up against something while standing or leaning against something as they are peeing.
    2 points
  22. I’ve always wanted to sit on the railing of a bridge with my ass hanging over
    2 points
  23. Yea, i can relate to that. I always tried to act 'proper' on the outside and rarely allowed myself to act in a way that would have anyone think otherwise. So those messes, especially those first ones back in early hs days, were the ignition to something. Whether i like it or not .
    2 points
  24. All that alcohol has to go somewhere! Why not on the bar itself. All bars should have a trough or drains to piss into in public imo
    2 points
  25. That escalated quickly... lol
    2 points
  26. Thanks Kupar, I had several other stories I will continue to share.
    2 points
  27. Great account! And what a fabulous friendship to have with Maddie and Christal. Cherish it ❤️
    2 points
  28. Peeing in the ocean mostly, but I also would just sit in the sand and pee. I wouldn’t even try to slide my swimsuit out of the way because I liked the feeling.
    2 points
  29. I don't know whether to react with a 'love' or a 'care' - love this time because you did make it, and a definite retrospective care for the first time.
    2 points
  30. Both. My mum taught me to either pee through the swimwear wherever I was sitting and flick some sand over it, or just go into the water and do it there. Toilets were some distance away and it would have meant her packing everything up to take me (it was just the two of us), so guess most of the reason was practicality, but I enjoyed it and probably helped develop my pee fetish 😄
    2 points
  31. What a story! Well, two stories Thanks for telling us all about them. Beautifully recounted. I'm glad you enjoyed the experiences and weren't upset.
    2 points
  32. I love the wallpaper, the grill is super smart. I still have yet to pee in a urinal…I’d be tempted with this one thiugh.
    2 points
  33. I used to do it in my Private HS bathrooms, I don’t do it at my universities like classroom bathrooms - at least not yet.
    2 points
  34. Totally a squatter - even though I don’t squat hahaha I leave a large path of wetness due to my labia and tightness. Most commonly though I wet the bed because I’m either squirting or peeing while I masturbate so when I’m rubbing my clit it goes everywhere
    2 points
  35. I think I might be Lazy - leave it to soak away in to the mattress, never clean up. Or, perhaps I am Sleepy - wet myself in bed before going to sleep when tired after a long night of clubbing.
    2 points
  36. teehee. i felt like his staring was kinda intense. was he able to see up my skirt?😳 omg! i guess he probably could. 😬 even after i'd crossed my legs it didn't seem to make much difference. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but does he know i know? before getting up to leave i let myself 'forget' i was even wearing a skirt as i reached for my water and took a few sips. ☺️ definitely was pretty obvious now, but i felt like i was caught taking pix anyway, so idk. 😇 it's not like it was a total secret anyway. 🤫💕
    2 points
  37. I hesitate to add some another photo to @KylieRobidoux's own fabulous ones, but I think she would be happy for other large-lipped ladies to be showcased. Tell me if I'm wrong though. So, tentatively, here's a contribution from the Web of a lovely set of lips
    2 points
  38. A couple of (barely) covered slits for a change - haven't had any of those for a long while. Apologies for any reposts.
    2 points
  39. Well in response to popular demand, I thought I'd continue my account of our weekend of pissing fun. Here is a reminder of who we are.... From left to right, Amanda, Sue (me) and Anabel. Joined of course by our more camera shy husbands, Anyway, having had our fun in the living room, urinating against the wall and on the carpet and all over the sofa, we cracked open a crate of lager and started drinking. Normally I am more into wine but we figured that high volume drinks would be better for more frequent peeing. Anabel suggested that it would all be more fun if we all got n
    2 points
  40. Dear Wet Carpet. This is me and a couple of colleagues, all well into middle age by now. We all work as teachers down the local comprehensive.... I'm Sue, the one in the middle, and I teach biology. Anabel on the right is the girls' PE teacher, whilst Amanda on the left teaches English literature. We are all married with kids, and mine have now left home and are at uni a couple of hundred miles away. My husband and I have decided to take advantage of their absence by doing some redecorating and refurnishing, replacing the living room and dining room carpets, buying a new three
    2 points
  41. I have a fantasy about taking a vacation involving a long cross country road trip, and a challenge to never pee in a toilet. During the trip, rather than stopping at gas station restrooms, we would stop at a hotel and I would simply go in and use a hallway as my toilet. And of course, when we stayed in our destination hotel, I would pee behind the couch or bed on the carpet the entirety of the time. The other day, I got to act out part of this fantasy. Wearing a short black dress with no undies, I went to a hotel in a nearby town. It was about 9:30am and people were busy downstairs ea
    2 points
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