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  1. This story was originally set in a Christmas tree lot and I changed it around to take place in a Halloween pumpkin patch after I had a hard time getting that idea to work the way I wanted it to. Anyways, enjoy and please check out my profile for more stories. *** This story takes place a few years back during my time as a teacher at a public elementary school. The school I was working at had a longstanding tradition of taking its students out on a trip to a local pumpkin patch a couple of days before Halloween. The kids would each pick out a pumpkin and take it back to the school to
    7 points
  2. Fantastic sighting @JDG. I'm guessing those girls were super desperate when they got off the bus and didn't want to wait the extra few minutes to get inside and use the toilets, especially as 30 girls arriving at once would definitely result in all cubicles full and more waiting. The alcohol took away their inhibitions and they just did what they needed to do without any concern for who could see them as they wouldn't know the person anyway. I had a similar sort of thing once in Bristol. I've probably posted it somewhere before, but to summarise, I was walking along a main road and a
    7 points
  3. um. it's always a little hard for me to put into words my feelings about this. i totally understand the sexual nature of it- not like i am naïve to that. like i can find it erotic, and of course there are times when i do get turned on. but, i don't find peeing inherently sexual. for me it is less about physical attraction than it is about emotional satisfaction. like idk, peeing is something everyone does, that's not a secret. lol. but, i feel like it kinda is, at least in the sense that we are taught from a very young that it should be- and what societal expectations are regarding it. i just
    6 points
  4. The first and last person I ever told was my ex boyfriend straight out of high school and it was the most miserable experience of my life. It was my first time exploring sex and obviously pee is my kink and I thought I could trust him with it. He took it and made it into a joke. He laughed at me for weeks and asked if wetting my pants as a kid is what brought it on. I was so hurt and didn't think about pee in a sexual wah for years after it.
    6 points
  5. Two stories! The first, I was not so brave, and in the second, I was more brave. First: I was at an unnamed national grocery chain, and had to pee. The toilets were way out of the way, and when I finally found them, quite gross. Let's just say that a little pee on the floor would not have been the worst thing in that bathroom. So I thought what the hell, and decided to try marking up the bathroom just a little. Well as soon as I got ready to go up against a wall in a stall, a person started trying to get into the main room, which required a key code. I could have just sprinkled a lit
    4 points
  6. The door seem to open in slow motion and yet faster than normal at the same time. I knew I had no time to put on my pajama bottoms to cover the throbbing erection I had just been eagerly stroking a few seconds before. I also didn’t have time to turn off the porn I was watching. So acting as fast as I could as the door opened, I pulled my blanket and sheets up while simultaneously hitting the power button on the monitor so the screen went dark on my desktop. I thanked the porn gods that I had put in my ear buds instead of listening through the mini speakers I had hooked up to the computer since
    4 points
  7. In another topic, I mentioned having my best sighting ever in a big highway reststop. I didn't tell anything about it, as the topic was about something completely different but @The99Club asked for some details, so here goes! It happened a couple of years ago on a Thursday night. I was driving home from work late. I always pass a big reststop with a big petrol station, restaurant, Starbucks etc. As it was late, I decided to pull into the rest stop and get some food there as I didn't feel like cooking anymore. Ofcourse after such a long day at work I didn't think at all about pee sightin
    4 points
  8. I had a horny week recently and ended up doing a few pees for enjoyment. None of them were planned and just happened as the urge came over me. Didn’t think it was worth a post so adding in here. I was sat on a bar stool at the breakfast bar in my kitchen doing some work. I realised I needed to pee which turned me on a bit. I decided to test whether I really needed to go or was just horny so pushed to see if my bladder was full, but never intended to let any out. However doing that test push just made me tingle more as I felt the pee get close to coming out, so I decided to do it a fe
    4 points
  9. Huge peeing fan - can't believe I'm only just now finding you all! Looking forward to sharing - experiences and pics. Bit of an exhibitionist so love to know that others here can enjoy my work.
    3 points
  10. I expect they are pretty rare. Most women would wear jeans or baggier skirts/trousers so that it wouldn’t show. Also not sure how many wear them, I switched to tampons at 20 and then a mooncup about 5 years ago so haven’t worn pads in years and don’t think any of my friends do either. Plus with the use of period pants etc the bulge doesn’t really exist. You may be lucky though!
    3 points
  11. I’ve never told anyone until I joined here last year. To be honest I dont think i realised it was a thing, I had an urge to pee myself, googled something, found this site and have learnt a lot since! It explains a lot. however my ex watched a lot of porn and liked experimenting and he asked for a golden shower and to experiment with them a bit. So I have peed in front of hun, peed on him in the shower a couple of times, peed while he had his hand between my legs and he felt me up, and peed during sex a few times. But he thought that was all for him 😉
    3 points
  12. I never told him, but my husband guessed. He just knows me so well. In the same way that he can tell when I am anxious or despairing, he just knew.
    3 points
  13. I once witnessed something like this on an autobahn stop with a dutch female sports team. I had just finished going myself and was back in the car having some water, when a dutch buss parked in front of me. Then maybe 2 dozen girls in uniform get off the bus. They also seemed to be drinking. I assume celebrating post match. Paying little attention to me they squatted next to the bus on the sidewalk and grass. Some had their backs to the bus on the sidewalk, others were across from them on the grass. The continued talking and drinking the whole time. I got out of the car to get a closer look a
    3 points
  14. Perhaps I need some lacier ones 🤣
    2 points
  15. So I guess 'peeing where I want' is a nice broad topic, I've been feeling naughty all day and already peed in my jeans outside 😃 So, inspired by one of @puddyls recent posts where she peed on the toilet without taking her panties off, I thought I'd do the same...and it felt great. https://www.erome.com/a/3r4l9GtB
    2 points
  16. ... and double checked that email you'd sent to my boss a few minutes earlier? 😉 Seriously, though, a really hot account of a lovely time - thank you! And yes, bore away, if you don't mind!
    2 points
  17. @Kupar haha oops. Yes that’s be a fun sight to see!!
    2 points
  18. I too used a mooncup/menstrual cup for over a decade. I still have it, though I haven't needed to use it since 2019. More comfortable, better protection, can be worn longer than eight hours without giving you toxic shock, pays for itself within a few months (no need to buy disposable pads/tampons) and better for the environment. With a contraceptive coil, I don't bleed at all though. Oddly, I do still have low mood, gastro-intestinal issues and mild cramps so I do have a period of sorts; I just don't bleed.
    2 points
  19. I have one story where my wife once peed on a doctor. It was when she was giving birth to our daughter. She had needed to pee for a while but couldn't pee in a bed pan with all the people around. The doctor was checking things between her legs and asked her to push. She let out a jet of pee which soaked the male doctor's hands. She felt very embarrassed and the nurse explained the situation regarding not being able to pee. The doctor washed his hands and suggested a catheter, which was duly fitted. The only other one I have was when both myself and a colleague had to go for a med
    2 points
  20. I'm at risk here of being one of those irritating guys who mansplains things which the ladies are all too familiar with. I'll avoid doing that by just commenting that main TV and magazine advertising campaigns for both sanitary towel and incontinence pad design for many years seems to have focussed on each pad being slimmer and less obtrusive / more comfortable than the last and able to absorb more blue Avatar pee than ever before. So, if the advertising hype is true then it's totally to be expected that we never see the visual effects...
    2 points
  21. Usually for me it'll be something like driving home, knowing I'm arriving at an empty house - it's not so much the hold that's enjoyable, but the prospect of how and where I'll be releasing and gaining relief. The other thing that has worked INCREDIBLY and was probably the hottest experience I've ever had in recent years was this site's very own Live Action Thread. Posting in there is a bit hit and miss whether anyone will see it and respond, but a few years ago I was alone with a few hours spare and did a joint hold with another member in real time. We were encouraging each other to ho
    2 points
  22. I sit unless I'm in the shower
    2 points
  23. There's a few people to distribute Birthday Honours to today: @very thirsty @Big Bladder Carly @tibarary @HannibalKannibal @affenbaum Have a great day all !!!
    2 points
  24. Certainly mess is not top of K's list of nice things! I'm very grateful we have found ways to enjoy pee fun together 😊. And pleased you have too!
    2 points
  25. K did something new for me yesterday. She ‘nonchalantly’ wet the kitchen floor while washing up. I should say that it was planned, but it was perfect 😊 It was my turn to decide what sexy fun and games we should have during the evening and since I was knackered having done a long run in the morning, I’d already told her that she was going to please me with a visual treat or two – things I could watch and enjoy without expending any energy. Today wasn’t the day for trying out those exotic and strenuous Kama Sutra poses we’re working our way through 😊 So the evening was divided into two
    2 points
  26. Some people, regardless of age can be so cruel and for that reason I keep my kink to myself. I feel for you, it must have been so humiliating for you and of course that feeling of the loss of trust in someone you cared for. Like so many of us, particularly those of us here you learned from your mistake and it's made you a stronger person.
    2 points
  27. Last bit of hotel fun. I hope you all enjoyed the vids! https://imgur.com/a/C3PBVUu
    2 points
  28. @Kupar She sounds very similar to me in reality. I don’t like the thought of making a mess, don’t like the clean up, having to shower after is annoying and washing towels etc. But it is enjoyable at the time!! ☺️
    2 points
  29. I peed in the woods near him a few times too and took sneaky peeks when he did it 😉
    2 points
  30. I’m not sure dash cams are a huge issue for stuff like roadside pees, you may get caught briefly but the footage won’t be great and will be very short as a cat whizzes by. Also it’s unlikely they’d view the footage unless they are one of us and wanted to replay it for pleasure or you caused damage and they thought they could use it as evidence. But just a desperate roadside pee would likely be ignored!
    2 points
  31. Only at his request but I never put up a fight. Actually think I might have let out some spurts of pee during sex without him asking as I did enjoy it, he never mentioned it!
    2 points
  32. @Kupar yes muted is a good word and it would be good if you could feel the pee draining, but I guess then you’d clench and try and stop it. Glad you were ok, UTI in men is much more serious, I think I’ve had about 40 of them but just take 3 days of oral antibiotics and that’s it thankfully.
    2 points
  33. Knowing @Eliminature quite well, there are various photos already posted on the site which give a general view - but IF there were any more detailed images, I strongly suspect that something so intimate is most likely to be kept strictly between Eli and husband ? Some people post knowingly and specifically to arouse the viewer - other people post because they want to and feel empowered by it. The former group may respond with custom content, but in the latter case we just need to be grateful and appreciative for everything there is, but respectful of the boundaries.
    2 points
  34. @Sophie, you say in your profile that you consider yourself a bit of a nerd who likes video games , technology and science. My school days were a lot longer ago than yours - we are talking 1970s here - but I suspect the definition of what constitutes a nerd might have changed over time. Yes, being into science and technology was considered a bit nerdy even then, but a typical nerd also would rather be reading than hanging out with friends, was a bit of a swot, always swotting for the next exam when the other kids were having fun, far more likely to be in the school chess team than an
    2 points
  35. I think that's a big part. There are multiple reason one may not be comfortable peeing in public. There's exposing yourself, of course, but also the fear of judgement or harassment. The latter two fly away when the whole group participate, and alcohol lowers inhibitions taking care of the former.
    2 points
  36. Yes this really happens. I once went to a hockeymatch with both boys and Girls. After we won the match there was a lot of drinking in the bus. After one of the girls announced she had to pee, the bus driver pulled over to a parking place and all of us went to pee in the bushes.
    2 points
  37. My parents were very open about peeing and if one of us was in the shower or taking a bath it was no problem if someone wanted to use the toilet, the door was open and they could just come in and pee. for the most us boys and my father would just go tothe back door and piss outside, my mother would often pee in the garden if she was busy and couldn’t be bothered to walk inside and upstairs. So we were used to seeing each other including my sisters having a pee, there was no embarrassment as we had done it from when we were little.
    2 points
  38. For my first three years in Colorado, we lived in a small 2 bedroom condo. While it was small, we loved the amenities, especially the pool and hot tub! Now, our community consisted of a combination of retired, old folks who didn't want to deal with a big house and yard anymore AND young couples who just got out of college and couldn't afford a house yet. The pool area was directly in front of our building and every unit had a balcony, so the units facing the pool could pretty much see everything that happened down there. The pool technically closed at 10p, but with the number of younger cou
    1 point
  39. Wow that is a lot! I can only manage to hold for 200ml as my daily pee. Mange to have 300 when woken up in the morning. Which is rare. @Peewee123 love number 6. I always need to pee after I come round from the Anaesthetic every time. So nurse gave me a thing to pee in and I was in a room with a few people but do have a private sheet around me but I was like peeing for ages and a nurse came back and asked if I was done and I was half way into it and we just stared at each other. Obviously you can hear my trickling into it so she left and came back a bit later.
    1 point
  40. I know it's a typo, but it's such a lovely image! Peeing in a layby, cars and lorries thundering past on the road, and a cat whizzing by, not bothered by the pee or the traffic 😊
    1 point
  41. Don't think I've ever actually seen a "pad bulge" - I'll have to pay more attention when I'm out and about, lol.
    1 point
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