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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2020 in Posts

  1. The story will come soon, but here I am having a wee in a parking lot down a quiet road and the sound is on the link. 🙂 You can hear the car driving past where I was parked. I had my back to it and whilst the car door covered me from one side if they looked they'd have seen me squatted down and partly covered by some dying shrubs. Obviously its a woman having a piss when you see that! I forgot to take a photo of the puddle after a car came past, sorry 😞it's a very quiet road so I thought I'd be safe. Part of it flowed under my car but there was so much it trickled across the other side!
    5 points
  2. nothing crazy. haha. just innocently showing a little leg. a guy catcalled me, so i guess it was even visible to the casual observer across the parking lot. 🤭😇
    4 points
  3. [This is a work of fiction based on a conversation about favourite sexy newscasters. Features female desperation, leaking and toilet peeing] “So that’s everything covered studio wise - floor, you’re happy - lights, happy, video - ok, sound?, green room - all good, post prod? Any problems anyone… No? Fab Right then - OB. That’s you Saz. Are you with us…?” Suddenly all eyes were on Sarah Riley and she jumped back from her daydreaming. She’d been thinking as she often did, how it had got to this. How fickle and self righteous this media business could be. One minut
    3 points
  4. Finally I am posting this.I meant to do it nearer the time it happened but I have been away from here because of a family bereavement.Hopefully back here now,although still dealing with things so I may disappear from time to time.Thanks for reading. Now to the main reason for posting.A couple of weeks ago at work,while taking a break a female member of staff walked past obviously in a hurry.The toilets were a not far away,just through the next area of the building which is quite open.The lady in question obviously met someone just as she reached the toilets.I quite clearly heard her say "
    3 points
  5. I wanna meet pee fans and talk about piss all day. Love when guys piss everywhere. Let’s chat. ask me anything
    2 points
  6. The chat has got a lot better. Some people have been banned. It is a lot more pleasant to chat in now. We complain about that some thing a couple months ago that’s when rules were put in place.
    2 points
  7. This has nothing to do with political correctness in my opinion and everything to do with shortsighted greed. No one wanted the flights to stop because of the money that would be lost. Greedy capitalist short-sightedness and the stupidity of governments - including ours - lie at the root of this. And the sale of live animals for home slaughter has now been banned in China in response to this outbreak. But that is a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted in this case.
    2 points
  8. Aha phew before i believed you were a russian spy xd
    2 points
  9. Glad to have found this site. Looking for other girls that love naughty wet piss play. I know you're out there 🙂 42 yrs old.
    1 point
  10. I figured i should introduce myself I just discovered this site and look forward to getting to know the community. I tried to make a pretty complete profile so rather than type the same thing out again in slightly different words i'll just copy paste the about me section of my profile: "As a general rule if it involves pee i like it , though my favourites are seeing women peeing outside or standing (outside and standing even better) and watersports which i really can't narrow down any more I love all of it. Apart from pee which is great i also love photography, even work as an assistant for co
    1 point
  11. My interpretation of the chat box is to meet and talk with like minded people. It interesting to see how other people are living, what the weather is like, just fairly normal things. We are all on site under a common theme, we know why we are here after all, why be bombarded with the endless ‘I’m holding’ or ‘I need to pee’? I’ve had to bite my fingers a few times, resist the urge to tell to go pee then, get it done with. The changes have made a difference, apart from the Timezone thing, it’s working quite well. Leaving the sound thing on also helps, when it pings, I head back to the
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Every nations should be taking this precaution. This virus will circle the globe in no time. Its gonna get alot worse before things get better
    1 point
  14. Yes, as Sweets and Steve said, the rules recently change to fix the problem you are describing @Peefreak99- maybe they will crop up very occasionally, but if they do you can simply report them. I think multiple chats would just decrease the activity. Plus, the fetish chat would probably feel like a spammy sex chat room, and it would mean the clean chat can never move on to the topic of pee. In my view, having one chat works best, as then normal topics can be discussed, but then if pee naturally comes up, it's of course a topic we all enjoy discussing. Feels odd to have a chat on a pee si
    1 point
  15. More naughty pissing for my pee friends I hope you enjoy ?https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e3d24a5473ef https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e3d2392cab43
    1 point
  16. I found this while trawling YouTube.I have NO idea what its about.Yet,isnt this one of the most arousing women you ever saw?You can bet she had a wee just before this scene i bet!
    1 point
  17. Do you ever go up an alley etc on a night out to piss because you know you're going to get to see guys going? Pic below is screenshot of a video I done pissing out my back
    1 point
  18. I sympathise with this but the problem is that some nations - the UK being one of them - do not produce anything like enough of their own food to feed their populations. Food importation is necessary for survival. But we ought to be far more stringent with passenger flights than we have been.
    1 point
  19. Some worrying developments. The virus appears to be spreading beyond Chinese control. We have had a third case in the UK , the first two being a Chinese student and his mother. This third case was a British national who caught it in Singapore and never went anywhere near China. This strongly suggests that it is starting to spread in other countries. He is now hospitalised with the complication of pneumonia. The number of cases here and everywhere else is likely to multiply in the weeks and months ahead. National health services are going to struggle to cope. In China they are already fill
    1 point
  20. @oliver2 This is going to give away my 'not really a spy' game too, but I'm in the South Island and the main soup around these parts at the moment seems to be the massive flood we just had. I mean I usually am a fan of a lot of fluid but this is a bit much even for me 😕
    1 point
  21. How is the borscht on North Island, Comrade?
    1 point
  22. I understand your frustrations. The time zone thing must be a nuisance. As for the other stuff, I am with you on that. People rocking up with "I have to pee" and shit like that are fundamentally boring when that is all they have to say. It is not a normal and interesting conversation. It is possible to talk about pee as part of a normal and interesting conversation, but some people do not seem capable. The impression I get is that they want to use chat to masturbate to rather than actually interact more socially. It is inherently selfish behaviour. There are in fact chatroom rules n
    1 point
  23. The way those black panties hug your mound of venus,oh my!
    1 point
  24. Erika if you see this please marry me xd
    1 point
  25. Im going to give you creed here. Many people see something wrong and complain but they never act. You took action and defended her you have many stars in my book but now you got another one. It shows that you are a strong person❤
    1 point
  26. https://www.erome.com/a/C2yRg83f Here you go, ladies! There's been a few times where some of the ladies on site said they wouldn't mind seeing this content, so here is my first public video. I didn't get my dick in there, but I hope that's okay. I had to film this really close to my chest to get a good view, and that's partly why. If anyone has a request, I'll see what I can do. Please note; I can't do any outdoors stuff, because of where I live, but if I happen to be in a good area, and have the means, I might make a video of that as well. Probably not anytime soon though
    1 point
  27. As a little kid I remember having this cassette player/holder that was a Sesame Street themed school bus. I always had this nagging urge to pee on the top area where the cassettes could be stored, and eventually did one day when my dad was at work and my mom was in the living room. It eventually dried, no one the wiser, I’m sure I only did a small amount, but I was super guilty and eventually some time later told my mom, who I think was very confused. from there, despite growing up in the court the apartment complex we were in had Concrete stairs that were hollow underneath and there
    1 point
  28. Hi and welcome, Shaz. I hope you have a fantastic time here.
    1 point
  29. Welcome you wi have a great time
    1 point
  30. Sometimes though i find myself in a dilemma.I have a close female friend or two that i JUST HANG OUT WITH.Its platonic and nice for that. However,being a pee fan,when we are out in a cafe etc and they say,i just have to go excuse me,and they are going for a wee,i cant stop this coming to mind..its just wrong..shes my friend!
    1 point
  31. For sure. Only days ago flights were arriving in London from Hubei province where the infection began. No screening of new arrivals. No attempt to keep track of them. The only action taken was to hand all arrivals an NHS Direct leaflet informing them of who to contact if they should experience being ill. Meanwhile, if any of them are infected they are currently wandering our streets not realising it and infecting many they come into contact with. If this is happening - and it all depends upon whether or not any infected people were on that or other planes - within a week or two it could all st
    1 point
  32. There's an alleyway that leads to a car park that only has one way in and barely any windows. I've gone there three times now. Last time I went there it had been used a lot probably by both men and women because there was piss on the wall and also some puddles on the floor with tissues in. I've told two of my stories from there. I want to go there when someone else is there. Another is behind the hedges of a layby, theres two trees behind the bushes I squat under. Can't be seen from the busy road and it leads on to an empty field. I don't know if people use the layby but the place behind
    1 point
  33. Some of my favorite stories of yours are the times you've relieved yourself with a friend! Maybe get drunk and convince a friend to flood an alley with you?
    1 point
  34. Loved your story! So hot thinking of your warm pee soaking through your sexy lil panties. Mmmm And then to taste your pee from them! For a suggestion, why not try leaving your lingerie on while you pee so you can lay in the puddle you leave on your floor. Feeling the pee soak into your cami, soaking your stockings, sitting on the pee in your panties feeling your soaked panties cling to your ass cheeks. love to hear your thoughts or even better, see the results! thanks for sharing...
    1 point
  35. I can tell u a few reason I don’t use the chat. I haven’t used it yet where people answer y right away. I get bored and go look at other things or I’m at work and I have the page open and leave and come back. I find it easier to chat with my friends on Skype. It tells me when someone answers me even when I close the app. the second reason I really get tired of someone asking me if I have to pee. Or if I’m desperate. I know this is a pee forum but I don’t what to talk about my peeing all the time. If I want to share it I will. But I don’t like to Be pressure to talk about it if I do
    1 point
  36. I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that
    1 point
  37. Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interes
    1 point
  38. Apologies for not posting here in a while but here are two more I really like and hope others will as well: 1st: 2nd:
    1 point
  39. well. it is my own pic, so i guess it's kinda posed. but, i'm sure several people might have thought i was unaware of my panties sorta showing.
    1 point
  40. Maria Sharapova too!
    1 point
  41. Put it away Geri,now eh?The lovely Geri Halliwell,"Ginger Spice" of the Spice Girls fame,showing us shes certainly all woman,very nice too.
    1 point
  42. Just a few more.Lovely.
    1 point
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