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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2019 in all areas

  1. It was lovely weather today and since I finish work early on a Friday I decided to make the most of it by going for a walk in the countryside with my husband, but I didn’t want this to be just any ordinary walk. I deliberately avoided going to the toilet after work and when I got home I changed into a knee length flowing summer dress with no underwear underneath. I was already needing to pee so I knew this was going to be a good one. I live in a city so we jumped into my car and drove out to the countryside. There is a lovely wooded area not too far from where I live and it’s usually quiet so
    6 points
  2. Selena approached the box she was about to use for her toilet. She was naked from the waist downwards, her round curved buttocks facing towards the office door, her black triangle of wiry pubic hairs hiding her slit that was moments away from releasing a torrent of hot piss. Once in position she wasted no time, the burning need inside now desperate. The urge in her bladder rushed towards its release, an ecstatic moment as she began to let loose with her flowing pussy shower. She saw her stream erupt from the base of her hairy muff before beginning its arching flow to splatter messily over
    5 points
  3. Since I don't have the chance to meet you all personally and I still would like to get to know you a little bit more, I thought of asking you a few questions about you guys and girls because I've always been fascinated by people's interests and thoughts etc. Just so that you know, these are all quite standard "small talk" questions. 1. Your favourite hobbies? 2. Favourite song, band/artist? 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? 4. Who are you a fan of? 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? 6. How do your friends describe you?
    3 points
  4. 1. Your favourite hobbies? - Electronics and video games. 2. Favourite song, band/artist? - Pink Floyd. 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? - Pulp Fiction. 4. Who are you a fan of? Adam Savage and Jeri Elsworth. 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? - Patience. 6. How do your friends describe you? - A nerdy goofball. 7. How are you really? (how do you describe yourself?) - Nerdy and introverted. 8. A country that you would like to visit? - Japan. 9. Favourite food? - Sophie's spaghetti bolognese 10. Any guilty
    3 points
  5. okay I'll try 1. Your favourite hobbies? - Gaming, Sports (watching), Photography, 2. Favourite song, band/artist? - Rush 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? - Game of Thrones/Raging Bull/South Park 4. Who are you a fan of? - not sure on this one still thinking 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? - like to think I'm a kind person 6. How do your friends describe you? - never asked them, but probably fairly outgoing and fun 7. How are you really? (how do you describe yourself?) - introverted, bit of a worrier, closet hypochondriac
    3 points
  6. I took a nap today and woke up twice with a story like this on my mind. Got off to it twice and thought I had to share. It was a hot, hot July day and I had just met up with my friend Ariel. Being quite young (and broke) neither of us owned a car and had to make do with walking to the local movie theater from her house. I had walked from my home to hers with my handy pink water bottle, which I was going to need walking in this 90 degree heat. When I got to her house I refilled it with even more iced water and we set out. It was a Friday afternoon and neither of us had classes at co
    2 points
  7. Took a wee into my bathtub.. 😅🌧️🌈 And then again, trying to aim.. 🙈☔
    2 points
  8. Hi Everyone! Sorry that I'm not as frequent as I don't always have something to say. However, some of you will enjoy this one. I don't what's the problem with our neighbor, he's the type that doesn't care or repect us to a point that I am thinking about selling and moving to another location. We tried talking to him and he disregard what we say and even told us to fuck off. They do the minimum yard work and cut their grass like once per month, his son blew all of their cut grasss on ours lawn. They cut a big section of our tree without asking and now that tree is considered dead. Ab
    2 points
  9. This afternoon, during lunch, I had the fourth woman relieve herself on my backseat. Not only did she take a piss on my backseat, she pissed on my Go Pro action camera that was recording, on the backseat. So an ex girlfriend who I’m still obsessed with works literally down the street from my job. Yesterday I asked her if she’d piss on my backseat, on my waterproof/piss proof action camera. She agreed to it. I also told her I’d buy her lunch. I pull up outside of her job, facing the building and the door she came out of. She comes to my driverside window, looks in the backseat to see
    2 points
  10. Pee Audio at the Beach by Dr. P. By way of introduction, I live near the beach in the LA metropolitan area of the US. Although I am at the beach virtually every day of the year, opportunities for sightings are fairly rare, in my area. A big reason for this is that there are public restroom facilities at approximate half-mile intervals along the Strand. They are open all day and all night, virtually every day of the year. So women tend to use these facilities, rather than taking their chances peeing in the ocean, or other outdoor locations. A few years ago, I discovered that many of
    2 points
  11. @Gotah ain't you gona answer the questions as well:) you seem interesting so i would like to know a litle about you haha
    2 points
  12. 1. Your favourite hobbies? writing romance stories and photography. 2. Favourite song, band/artist? A glam rock singer with gorgeous brown eyes. Beautiful dark brown hair. Singing voice of an angel. Makes my heart melt. 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? Favorite movie: Sleepless in Seattle. 4. Who are you a fan of? refer to answer for #2. 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? I'm caring. 6. How do your friends describe you? friendly, thoughtful. or annoying, childish, whiny, immature. 7. How are you really? (how do you describe you
    2 points
  13. 1 working out partying practise shooting hanging out with friends etc 2 i mostly lissten to rap 3 any action or horror movie favourite series south park futurama simpssons etc 4 nobody i never had a rollemodel and never will 5 im very loyal and i keep my promisses im very nice and helpfull 6 they say im fun and easy going 7 i think they are right i can hold grudges for a long fucking time tho and can become a bit moody but im usally happy and outgoing im always social and want to do something fun 8 japan,england,thailand,brazil,germany ( sorry could
    2 points
  14. *****quick note, i could make this into a series if it goes down well, this is my first time in a long time writing fiction so if its not the best then i apologise in advance.....also, didnt realise it was going to be this long lol****** Hi guys! My names Molly. Im 18 and im in my first year of university. I live with my 2 room mates, Poppy, whos also 18 and Sarah whos just turned 19. We have a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 en-suite, end of terrace house (i got the en suite hehe) in a little town near our uni. We have a fair sized garden and and huge hedge between ours and the neighbour
    2 points
  15. Hmm.. Saturday morning and I feel really horny. Tonight I may do another video and try to hit the ceiling of my apartment with my piss stream.. 🤣 (I probably won't manage, but it's fun anyway)
    2 points
  16. Thanks, I am enjoying yes and hope to contribute the best I can😍😍
    2 points
  17. I do love redheads. Thanks for posting then.
    2 points
  18. to be honest youtube is so rubbish at regulating that I think its good that adult stuff gets deleted, I don't have kids but friends of mine do and they're always saying that despite filters the kids keep finding stuff thats inappropriate. We all know where to go for what we want we dont need it to be on youtube.
    2 points
  19. Great story here. And you are a lucky man to hear all those women pee. I would love hearing them pee.
    2 points
  20. Today was a rough day, and during my shower I felt like I needed to do something to excite me a bit. Or, I guess I should say after my shower. Because once the water shut off and I was wringing out my hair I found I had forgotten to pee and had to go. No biggie, really. Since the water wasn't running I squatted down and took a few seconds to pee near the drain and had to kick my pale yellow piss down to the drain since there was no shower water to wash it down. It was fantastic, lots of fun and kinda naughty! So, with a huge smile on my face, I stepped out of the shower and picked up my phone.
    2 points
  21. I went back and forth about sharing this picture a huge amount but decided to share it. I look super fat in this photo and it erks me a little because I'm super self conscious but I hope it's ok to you
    2 points
  22. Inspired by @pop-a-squat posted here woke up really early and decided a pee on the blanket was easier (and more fun) than the bathroom
    1 point
  23. I dont mean to be a stick in the mud with this fella, but you ought to be very careful with that kind of behaviour. The way you've written your post makes it unclear how well you know this girl. Your actions could be perceived as consent violations on several counts. Although I know most people wont see it that way. If she ever went anywhere with that or told anyone at Uni in an offhand way, you could find yourself in hot water very quickly!
    1 point
  24. Brutus, Thanks for your kind words. Interesting that you have come up with the drinking fountain trick, too. I stumbled on that by blind luck, after looking carefully at the building design, which was very open, and invited finding an opportunity to exploit that. Unfortunately, most or all of those buildings have been replaced by some of different design, now. The exercise trick came from actually doing exercise, for many years, and observing the behavior of many hard core athletes, some of whom train at the beach. They often appear to be totally immersed in their own micro-world, which r
    1 point
  25. I haven't been there since last week but my buffering was pretty much broken as well. I usually download from there if possible. Even 2 minute videos take 10 minutes to buffer.
    1 point
  26. 1. Your favourite hobbies? Gaming, Writing. 2. Favourite song, band/artist? Not sure. I'm not a fan of mainstream music noise. 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? I gotta go with Dragonball Z on that one. I don't want to share too much though, because it can be used to identify me, should anyone else I know be on site (wholly possible). 4. Who are you a fan of? Redheads 😍 More specifically, redheads who aren't afraid of the wetter side of life, and perhaps even enjoys it. 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? I don't
    1 point
  27. Sometimes I time them 🙂 normally I can wee anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute when I wake up
    1 point
  28. Back in 2005-2006 when yt was new and still coming into it's own, there was legitimate porn there. Explicit stuff. Then it got popular, attracted corporate powerhouses and sponsors and then the censorship began like around 09-10. It's not just pee videos, yt is deleting any and all content that isn't politically correct. Some people's accounts get deleted overnight for speaking against the pc status quo. They use bots and algorithms to search key words for "hate speech" content and either hide it from search index results, demonetize it so the creator loses all ad revenue or outright del
    1 point
  29. I don't know if you wanted more science or more like videos and such but I thought I would offer the science😂 This is a generalization so there are exceptions but this is for most of the population. Men usually can hold their pee substantially longer than women. Bladders are proportionate to body size so men have an advantage there but also some of men's organs are stored outside the body so there is more room for a body but in women the uterus is inside the body and takes up a significant area making it harder to fit a bladder into the lower abdomen. The other advantage men have
    1 point
  30. I have to go with a classic and say Saving Private Ryan
    1 point
  31. There are certainly a few people here that touch and smell puddles or take discarded tissues as souvenirs. So in this circle it is not so weird - but then again we are all a bit weird I suppose. I do like the smell of fresh pee. I find it intoxicating. I also like it if I can tell what a girls has been drinking - sometimes there is an obvious beer or cider evidence, or sometimes it is much sweeter indicating soft drinks or fruity wine for example.
    1 point
  32. Welcome back @Super Mario nice to meet you 😊
    1 point
  33. Can you still pee like that? A video would be much appreciated. Looks amazing
    1 point
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