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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2019 in Posts

  1. Ok, let's see Fav Movies: I have seen 3000+ movies in my life. Have to chose? 1) V for Vendetta 2) Blade Runner 3) too many at peer level, main to point to is "300 Spartans". Spartan's lifecode as seen in the movie (real one was a little bit more complicated) is more or less the Witches lifestyle. Same psychology, on everything, till Death (which I stared in the eye more than once) Fav tv shows: I am against series 'cause they don't try to tell stories but just to be prolongued to make moneys. So I love more or less anything that got the guts to be CONCLUDE
    5 points
  2. Suzanne waited with baited breath as soft footfalls made their way ever closer to her position at the end of the attic. She was still naked from the waist down but was too terrified of discovery to risk making any sound that might alert to new arrival to her presence. Her heart was hammering in her chest, seemingly loud enough to betray her location in the alcove by the piss sodden chair she had just urinated over. Suddenly, the footsteps came to a stop. Suzanne carefully edged forwards to peek around the metal rack that was currently hiding her from detection. A deep feeling of relief coupled
    4 points
  3. I know for personal reasons that Spain has a 0-fucks-given about public urination, but only during parties. There is some kind of "don't ask don't tell" silent deal between party animals and common people, that on friday and saturday night common people simply won't go outside, and you see scenes like those from Galician Nights actually everywhere. Half a dozen of girls pissing in a row in full street-lights with thousands of people passing nearby, taking pics of them, chatting with them as they pee, and thirty feet away another group of ten girls pissing serenely in the middle of the city mai
    3 points
  4. That thought did cross my mind that it was a bit 'all or nothing' as clubs and chat are very different. Although I do think the chat can somewhat detract from the main forum too, I agree that if we do get more activity after the upcoming planned promotion, it's worth keeping since there can be some great chats there at the right time. It doesn't always have to be thriving to justify having it as an option. I'd talked about changing to a different chat system too, but let's see how it goes now people know how to ignore unwanted chatters. Funnily enough this is exactly what I had
    3 points
  5. Remove the clubs, they are hardly used but keep the chat. I feel a thread will just die out within a month or two at most. and it would be annoying getting a notification every minute or so if people are talking but you are not interested in the topic or don't want to join in at that particular moment. But if you unsubscribe from notifications, you're likely to miss or forget about the thread entirely. The biggest problems with the chat was certain members driving chatters away (which can be fixed with the now easily accessed ignore feature) and people not being on at the same time
    3 points
  6. An account from you??? Marvellous Plus the story is hot as fuck I remember when Alex and I had sex with a chinese girl at a marriage...
    2 points
  7. This is where I lost myself in severe arousal…
    2 points
  8. Attitudes in the UK towards watersports have definitely been watered down a little, if you'll pardon the pun. You can tell your pee secret to your partner freely without fear of them running a fucking mile. Peeing in public is still as taboo as ever, though. In terms of countries who are dead set against watersports in whatever form that takes, I would say a lot of countries with a high Muslim population are generally more prudish, because if you read the Qur'an there is a section on fetishes involving urination and how they are repulsive and anti-islamic. Obviously none of us
    2 points
  9. Likes helps people build visibility, and visibility is a tool to be put in the service of one's goal, that in my case is to cuddle great-yet-lost people like you. I need a lot of reputation points thus reacting to my stuff is never shallow. Answering is Amazing, but if you have not time to craft a complicated thread in a Language which is not your own, then simply react. To me it's not unimportant. I need visibility. I meant that regardless of what they are, holy anger resides in everybody. Crafting it in the unrestrainable will to partecipate to life is a chance open to everybo
    2 points
  10. Somewhere in the rights of goldmembers there was written we would have had some privileges about clubs. I agree 100000000000% moving the clubs to the forum, but I have a club, Nancy's hookupclub, where I discuss psychological things with people, to embetter their appearence with girls and increase their selfesteem. it's important for it to remain a closed club somehow. People writing in it obtained an assurement from me that it would have remained private. Indeed I have had tons of request of access I have denied, notifying people through PM that the club is strictly for people of proved sensi
    2 points
  11. I agree with Sophie. The clubs are only really accessed by people looking for pics, most of which are also posted in the threads. They have not really worked as a micro-community, and I know I rarely go there. Would be a shame to lose all the pic content in there though, even if a lot of it is duplicated elsewhere. Perhaps collect all the pics and place them into a large gallery only accessible to gold members? But I don't think we should do away with live chat. Real time conversations have occurred less often there of late, but when the right people are online together it can s
    2 points
  12. One of our news stations used to have a segment called 'Only In America' usually running things like insane chemical train wrecks, how many people killed this week and of course, Trump's big orange head. He was supposed to visit our fair land, but cancelled out, now it looks like he's coming over again. I'll not make the effort, will see his circus on tv, that will be enough. Personally, and Maigh agrees, we think Hilary would have made a better job of it. We can't help thinking that maybe people got together, had a bit of a conference and thought 'We already had Obama, think it's to
    2 points
  13. Trump is not a socialist or communist. In his heart he is more like a Fascist. They tend to attack a free press too. And America are not always the good guys. Tell that to Chile circa 1973, or Iran pre-1979, or the survivors of My Lai. Whether or not Americans are the good guys tends to be down to how they are led. Which brings us back to Trump....
    2 points
  14. Well I should be used to winter by now haha, but I am sick of it. We are heading down to -35C again tointe(feb26). Our first snow was Sept. 26, it melted, showed again Oct 13 melted away and arrived for good on Halloween. Iam done with winter hahaha. Sorry for the rant
    1 point
  15. Hi everyone, I've been doing some thinking... The main purpose of this site has always been to be an online community for pee fans. Although to some it's mainly a picture/video/story source, what separates us from almost every other pee site is that we also have a vast amount of like-minded people who actually want to chat and connect. I'm normally in favour of expansion and new features, but recently I have been wondering: Should we go back to basics? By this I mean, have pretty much all aspects of the site run through the main forum again. We are, ultimately, a forum aft
    1 point
  16. Awe thank you. You are awesome as well. I must confess that I have jerked off to some of the videos and pictures of the lovely ladies on this site
    1 point
  17. Iam sure your itch is just about unscratchable hahahaha. She does love when I cum on her boobs. If we masterbate each other we both usually end up covered in each others cum so way hahaha
    1 point
  18. I desire for you to tell me how hard you came in her mouth that time
    1 point
  19. First-second reaction, I got wet. From the very first instant AFTER that one, I felt my heart melting with romance
    1 point
  20. Poppy is simply EVIL. The part where she hypnotize the [unknowing medium] mom into believing life is an agitated dream and spectral existence is peaceful, so for her to kill her children. The point is not simply LIE, the point is that evil deads (we call them Dybbuq) really see life as an anguished nightmare and Death as release from it, and we know they are behind much more unexplained murders that many thinks. Often murderers claim they heard voices so to obtain advantages during trials… but sometimes they are awfully sincere. Dybbuq are souls SO damned the DreamWeb of disincarned
    1 point
  21. If iam alone I will jerk off just about any where in the house lol. My wife and I will sit on the couch and masterbate together while watching porn
    1 point
  22. I ADORED the figure of the dad. He is a great actor and his character… do you remember that line, "fight yet with love?" I almost cried. THAT is a sample of the kind of human we Witches are trying to craft. Plus, there are many occult things in that serie. First of all, Time all shambled up. Some deepest regions of the spiritual world are like that. And it explains some DEEP mysteries of existence Second, the antagonist, Poppy Hill, the Heart of darkness that invaded the house. She is quite realistic as how forces of actual evil are in reality. She frightened me. Alex too was
    1 point
  23. Oh yeah I watched that on Netflix. Spooky and creepy but I loved it. I used to have to watch Star Trek afterwards before crashing out to make sure my sleep wasn't disturbed by it, lol.
    1 point
  24. i just masturbate in my bedroom if i see a video that i like
    1 point
  25. And here we have broken 100 year old records for cold temperatures. 3 nights ago it got down to -39C
    1 point
  26. Thanks @spywareonya- very detailed analysis of a wide variety of countries. I want to move to Spain! As for UK - we are quite a complex bunch with a wide variety of points of view and tolerance to rules and behaviours. Without doubt, male and females pee outside during nights out as I have been witness on many occasion (and also participated myself). Any decent size town or city will have its fair share of public peeing on pretty much any Friday or Saturday nights. The people who are peeing vary greatly in their efforts to be discrete - I have seen some girls almost bent double i
    1 point
  27. Sometimes the Human Race just needs human sensibility... I believe in this project. Spread the love!!!
    1 point
  28. I think the poll is slightly flawed. It asks if we should ditch both clubs and live chat or keep everything the same. I cannot vote in it because I favour neither. I think we can go forward without the clubs but don't want to do away with live chat. But there is no poll option for that.
    1 point
  29. Wow! +38C here today. That's 73 degrees difference, and we're forecast for +40 on Friday & Saturday. Just took the cover off the pool and I'm going for a swim in a few minutes.
    1 point
  30. Spot on, Steve! We were the good guys in WWII. That's the America I like to remember. When the French were applauding as we marched and when Eisenhower made the people of a small town in Germany tour that death camp. That is what America should be!
    1 point
  31. Wear a skirt, sat at working table at the library, put the elastics aside and send your hot piss to the waiting carpet !
    1 point
  32. Maigh bought me a PS4 VR for Christmas (I'm thinking she is regretting it, lol) so in an effort to get her interested, we tried something. I found a 180 deg video, paid like $7 for it, and basically, you are standing by a bed while a girl makes it, then kneels in front of you and gets busy with you. Pretty tame, she gets naked and rubs up against you, looks nice but not all that rude. Anyway, Maigh puts the thing on, with the head phones (yes, this giddy slip of a girl talks to you as she is getting her stuff off). I stand Maigh up, and try to play the part of the girl, touching wh
    1 point
  33. felt naughty last night. so yay for you. 😇
    1 point
  34. I did this one again, I've been busy😂😂 So I was driving home and I did have to pee but could have easily made it home without much issue. But then I saw a turnoff for a very rural road that's no traveled much and went on it sipping my tea as I went. The road was still completely paved it just was very seldomly traveled and was the perfect location to try this again. I drove on the road sipping my tea until I felt my bladder getting very very full and finally pulled over in fear of getting my car wet. On the side of the road to add another element of danger I completely stripped down
    1 point
  35. My name's Sophie and I'm writing to share last night's experience with you. I hope the picture my boyfriend took of me isn't too rude - but I'm still buzzing this morning, so feeling brave enough to post it. To give you a bit of background, I'm 31 and teach in a high school near my home in Yorkshire. Now you'll understand why I can't show my face on the picture. When I was with my first boyfriend I discovered how much of a thrill I get from holding, but he thought I was a freak. Good riddance to him, my fiancé Mark is so much better. In fact he can't get enough and he's such a darli
    1 point
  36. I can't imagine being a single mom and raising 2 kids. Iam glad to have my wife beside me as we raise our son. Props to you
    1 point
  37. I'm a 43 year old female from the United States. My favorite movies are typically musical related. Right now I love The Greatest Showman, Rent and Disney's Enchanted. If not a musical, I like a good sci-fi or drama film. I cannot stand comedies (they're just not funny to me) or most rom-coms. I do not watch TV, so I can't answer this one. My favorite foods are so eclectic. I love cooking and always trying new recipes. For takeout, my favorite is sushi. But I also think a selection of cheeses, very good bread, and a nice bottle of red wine makes a perfect dinner. I cur
    1 point
  38. Desperate for a pee, I stumbled into my house after struggling with the keys for a whole minute. Shutting the door behind me, I dropped my purse onto the counter and waddled my way to the bathroom. I passed through the bedroom and saw my husband casually stroking his cock with his eyes closed. Slightly turned on, I continued my journey to the bathroom. I finally reached it and started peeing almost before I could even get my pants down. I let out a huge sigh of relief. Hearing this, my husband came into the bathroom. He smiled at me, watching my pee gushing out of my pussy. His cock, already h
    1 point
  39. @2prnot2p, it has always seemed likely to me that all the Jesus tales have been grotesquely exaggerated in the telling, but that such a character under such a name did exist. But I have never been certain, and all you have written is very much food for thought. It makes me question his existence anew. On the other hand, @spywareonya, who is someone I accord vast amounts of hidden knowledge, accepts the reality of his insistence but not the biblical descriptions of him. I find it hard to believe that she can be totally wrong about that. So I just don't know and am open to persuas
    1 point
  40. In fact it weren't the people. It's that I have to admit that, to me, bonding is really a primary occupation. I saw how it feels when people love each other, and have their eyes Always connected to those of Others. Is a comrades life-style that was a main part of becoming the kind of woman I am, that could blow his boyfriend while on the same couch of three of his male friends, provided this doesn't prevent me to look at the TV if the football match is currently in its most heating part I need that world… here in this forum more than anything. I gave this place all of myself becaus
    1 point
  41. Hi again guys!:thumbsup: I'll start with this comment from you Steve, and this incident was only the second time I realised my brother was being told to do something naughty. Even then I didn't tell him, as it seemed the same as spoiling it for a younger sibling when you discover there's no Father Christmas for instance. Anyway he was got into position facing the shelf and when he began to pee Mum said to him "Do it all over those apples, that's a good boy." I found this tremendously exciting and in bed that night my fingers went 'down there' as thought of how naughty it was for her to te
    1 point
  42. Thank you for also sharing your experiences Nopjans, as I can now better understand mine. I love your comment, " Obviously that's all pretty tame compared to what you got up to!", but most of the time my childhood wasn't so different to yours. To keep my posts from getting too long I've not said things like, "this only happened a few times", but the fact is my parents usually only encouraged naughty peeing during holidays ('vacations' for those of you in USA!) and even then not all the time. However, as you've suggested, I've probably had more 'naughty' experiences than most when growing up
    1 point
  43. Hi Alfresco, Thanks for your thoughts on this and you raise some interesting points. It's difficult to remember exactly, but I think until the age of 8 or 9 I believed that peeing in places like the fitting room was done for convenience - to make life easier. Similarly with wetting my hotel bed the first few times, I believed it was to avoid having to find the toilet at night. However gradually I began to notice that my parents (my mother particularly) seemed excited by it, and I particularly remember a time when we were in a pool and my brother's pee was very yellow as it spread from his
    1 point
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