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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2019 in Posts

  1. Happened a fair bit ago that I went on a trip with a group of ~40 to a water park. Just about an even gender split on a 3 or 4 hour drive, made longer because the driver missed the obvious stop (there was a water slide that went above the tree line. I pointed it out and nobody listened) and went more than 20 minutes before turning around and hitting traffic on the way back. The bus was not one with air conditioning. And, again, it was quite a drive. In the summer. We drank a lot. This bus also lacked on-board toilets. You can see the issue that resulted. Pretty much the whole bu
    4 points
  2. So this story isn't entirely pee but the pee element wouldn't really make sense without the rest. So idk if I've actually said this on here before but I'm in a drawing class yet i still suck at drawing so rip. This story begins in Septemberish when I joined my drawing class. Another student joined as well and so we sat down next to each other at a table as the new people. She had long red hair, blue eyes, and was super nice as was pretty much everyone there. We started talking and kind of got to know each other a little bit. For this story I'm going to say her name is Brooke. Over
    3 points
  3. My name's Sophie and I'm writing to share last night's experience with you. I hope the picture my boyfriend took of me isn't too rude - but I'm still buzzing this morning, so feeling brave enough to post it. To give you a bit of background, I'm 31 and teach in a high school near my home in Yorkshire. Now you'll understand why I can't show my face on the picture. When I was with my first boyfriend I discovered how much of a thrill I get from holding, but he thought I was a freak. Good riddance to him, my fiancé Mark is so much better. In fact he can't get enough and he's such a darli
    2 points
  4. I did had to go but not like walking funny urge. It was a higher squat because I was wearing wheels which I did get some on them but my pants survived. I did had to wipe my feet from the splashing. If I knew I would get caught, I would be wxtra careful and if I do, I just say I couldn't hold it in and would of never made it. Thanks 😊 Lolol you do have a point
    2 points
  5. Continuing the story of Lucy's adventures... Getting bolder! Chapter Six - Part One “Happy Birthday” said Lucy before planting a huge kiss on Steve’s lips. It was now six or eight weeks since their first encounter and their relationship, not to mention their sex lives had gone from strength to strength. Finally realising and admitting to each other that they actually shared the same fetish was the icing on the cake. Steve wasn’t quite so innocent as he’d initially seemed to be and Lucy wasn’t missing out on any opportunity to play up to it. “Here you go, here’s a co
    1 point
  6. I do apologise as this intro comes after I have posted a few comments on the site, but I couldn’t resist sticking my oar in 🙂 I call myself Jethro. There are two reasons: I love the Cornish comedian Jethro, and a long time ago there was a Monty Python sketch which had a lawyer’s firm called … wait for it… Jethro Q. Bumwhakit, Buzzard Stubble and Boot Walrus Titty. That has stuck with me for donks. I have posted on another thread about how I came into the Pee World, so won’t bother you with it again: My big particular like is peeing in bed. I look on the internet a great
    1 point
  7. Hey, I'm new. I've been reading this place for a while and I finally decided to join. I'm a 31-year-old guy from the east coast of the US. My main interest is desperation, particularly holding it for women who enjoy knowing that a guy is squirming. It's good to be here.
    1 point
  8. Sorry...no rides today. The wagon is full! (Also this may be my new favorite spot!)
    1 point
  9. So the company for whom I work for has decided to make room for achieves, filing documents until the new sector opens. A while ago, I had to search info for a client which took longer because anyone who does filing in their job knows how fustrating it can be when there are no labels on the boxes and the file your looking for is misplaced. While there... I needed to go pee. Now please understand. The people who designed this place didn't think of everything because to access a sink or bathroom, we need to walk down the hallway, take the elevator to the main floor and walk about, i am not g
    1 point
  10. Hi there! I ran into this website and I love it so far! I just wanted to say hi and get to know you guys and hopefully get into some dirty conversations about the things we like. First things first, I should talk about how I got into peeing in the first place! So....my story is SUPER embarrassing. I was very sexual from a very early age, and I've always had this weird fascination with pee and holding my pee that was definitely sexual in nature. However, it wasn't until I was in like 3rd or 4th grade that it exploded in earnest. Put simply, I learned about my pee fetish and how to ma
    1 point
  11. So around a week ago I stayed at a friend's house for a few days to help them move out. I stayed with my friend in a room in the basement while my friend, Katelyn's, parents stayed upstairs. This wouldn't have been an issue except there was only one bathroom and it was right next to the parents room so if you flushed the toilet or anything you would most likely wake them up. This worried me a bit since I didn't know Katelyn's parents super well and I have a tiny bladder. For the first night I slept in a bed of beanbag chairs and woke up feeling quite refreshed but also kind of needing to pee.
    1 point
  12. I can't wait till spring either, it's hard to ride a bike in the snow hahaha. But I still pee outside even in winter, I just made some yellowish snow 20 minutes ago haha
    1 point
  13. My record had been 8 355ml cans of beer before I had to pee, believe me it was like a fire hose coming out hahaha. I can usually hold 4 to 5 cans before peeing, after that its every beer makes me pee Haha
    1 point
  14. I figure I'm average, but it's not like we compare with the people in our day-to-day lives. I've done some measurements. I tend to get the first urge around 2-3 oz. 4-6 oz it gets stronger. On a normal day, by 10 oz I'm feeling desperate. I doubt I get much beyond that in normal situations. By 20 oz I'm dancing. Drinking beer and going for broke, I've pushed myself to my limits and get close to 30 oz (about 850 ml for the Europeans here).
    1 point
  15. Mine’s quite small! I have a good ability to hold my pee when I need to go but generally I’ll pee at least once an hour at home!
    1 point
  16. If we were all the same @Riley the world would be a very boring place. Look on the bright side, you get the pleasure of a hold and a pee two or three times as much as some others.
    1 point
  17. I can I just have a big bladder. I love holding taking long pees. I love when I go after holding it.
    1 point
  18. Well Ive had my bladder scanned and it was found that I had over a liter in me and I didnt even fell the need to pee at all. The doctor was blown away telling me most ppl would be bent over in pain at that point. Next thing I know I'm getting a cathater put in lol.
    1 point
  19. Will they / won’t they ??? Can Lucy top that day out? Will Steve realise his mistake? I reckon Luch might need a bit of girl-power to get herself back on track.
    1 point
  20. Thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuu! I'll be back properly soon, I promise! Just need to get these next couple of weeks out of the way. xx
    1 point
  21. On day two we woke up and started our trek nearly immediately after taking down our campsite. Before we left a couple people used the outhouse but I was not there :/. Once we were all gathered we started walking, the beggining of the trail was just walking across the beach which was beautiful. The mostly stone and pebble shores were continuesly rustling with with waves, which would occasionally hit a driftwood log and splash maybe twelve feet in the air. We took a break two kilometers on the beach and put our bags down. I quickly walked off the beach into the grass on the edge of the fore
    1 point
  22. I was at a meeting tonight and on arrival I bought a pint glass of coke from the bar(I was driving) to sip during the evening.At the end there was coffee on offer which I drank before leaving,so you can imagine how I was feeling by then.My drive home was good on a clear night,music playing and the need to pee growing ever stronger.Finally I pulled onto a quiet stretch of road and unable to wait any longer,stopped on the edge of a field.Turning the lights off,I jumped out,stood on the grass verge,whipped it out and began peeing a good strong stream in front of me.Oh it felt good! I was tempted
    1 point
  23. I have always preferred to use the 'pee at seat' service and let it soak through my skirt into the cushion when possible. So much more convenient!
    1 point
  24. if you think about it, peeing on the floor was the best solution! you saved time, water, and energy! with that kind of logic, maybe we should all be peeing on the floors...
    1 point
  25. A few years ago I went on a hiking trio with nine other people. We went on a trail that in total takes at least eight days to travel but most do it in ten, we did so in eight. The trail itself was thick, part of it was overgrown, deep in the wildrrness and of course far away from any plumbing. This is part 1 of my personal "pee diary" of the trip, I'm yet to see how many as I'm just writing as many encounters as I remember from the trip. I'm also using fake names as I don't want to break anyone's concent and honestly just don't remember everyone's names. Anyways, on to the journey! When w
    1 point
  26. I've been missing those trailside pees. It's been too cold to ride my bike lately. I can hardly wait until spring.
    1 point
  27. very nice! is this your wagon, or just a wagon you found somewhere? either way, love the stream and the bubbles!
    1 point
  28. Panrypissr is amazing. She’s what gave me the courage to post pictures of myself 🙂 so I want to personally thank her for that!
    1 point
  29. Yes, a line of appreciation goes a long way to making writers want to contribute (note to those out there that enjoy reading stories, always worth commenting if you like them). No such thing as too long. Longer usually means more background and more detail and that to me is good. If some readers prefer short stories, then they may choose to skip the longer stories, but in my opinion, that is their loss. Characters based on people in real life always have more depth and meaning, so that is cool. I do look forward to the rest of the story.
    1 point
  30. Just joined today, and am looking forward to chatting to & maybe who knows what with women in South Wales, UK.
    1 point
  31. I have a pee fetish. Not so "mainstream" perhaps, but I do enjoy watching women pee. As in just finding a private place, squatting, and peeing. In the woods, or even on the beach when there's no one else watching, in an alleyway, or forest, things like that. Even that "tinkling" sound gets me turned on if I know a girl is peeing. Another thing of mine is watching girls pee into bowls, cups, that kind of stuff. But just that. Don't drink it - to me that's gross and definitely not my type. Even peeing on a carpet gets me going but the girl has to be squatting. Overall, I prefer a
    1 point
  32. Just found this site but have always been turned on by girls peeing, especially during sex... am looking to find some girls who are into pee to talk with, shoot me a message, ask e anything! Thanks for reading, cheers!
    1 point
  33. Hello, I am not very good at introducing myself but will try to make it not too lame. I am a guy in mid-30's from Central Indiana, USA. I moved to the US as an adult so English is not my native language. Not like I truly expect to find here anybody close by to meet in person because US is "the land of the prude", but I mentioned location just in case it happens. If you're a woman or a couple from Central/Southern Indiana, share the same interest with me in omorashi (described below), and interested in meeting and potentially playing together (with me alone or my wife and I together) in pe
    1 point
  34. I am Wettingman, a 66 year old straight male. Since my early teens, when I discovered my own sexuality I found pee holding, desperation and eventual wetting arousing. For decades I thought this was for some reason my kink alone. It was not until the late 1990’s that I discovered pee forums on the internet, that I realized I was not alone. This was a great realization. Although I just discovered this site, I have been a member of various pee holding communities since then, about 20 years. I enjoy hearing, reading about or best of all seeing a female getting increasingly desperate, p
    1 point
  35. I just found this site yesterday. And am surprised in all the years I've been into piss I've not come across it before. I've been into pee play for years, since childhood. And earlier this year met my soul mate who is also into the kink. I love naughty pissing where I'm not ment to. Bunny x
    1 point
  36. My name's Grace 🙂 If you told me even just a year ago that I'd be into this fetish I'd tell you you were crazy, but lo and behold I started dating a guy who admitted his pee fetish, we tried it, and it was love at first pee! It really turns me on to make videos for my boyfriend of me peeing in various positions/places and I want to share them with the world now haha. I'm a fun-loving and open-minded girl and I'm very much open to suggestions 😉
    1 point
  37. 1 point
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