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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2016 in Posts

  1. i don't always let him cum on my face, but when i do, there's always so much. and now, owie, my eye kinda stings. lol ???
    3 points
  2. Hey everyone, I'm new here and I love it already, so this is my first real topic. My pee kink is a pretty deeply held secret. Up to this point I have told my wife (she not super into it but has participated on occasions) and drunkenly told my 2 closest friends, and they were ambivalent about it. So how bout you guys, who IRL knows your secret (or not so secret)?
    2 points
  3. I am away in Newcastle for work so had a chance to be out in the city (or the Toon for any Geordies out there). It was Tuesday night and not my best experience of Newcastle but I did get four sightings. There were loads of male sightings and many of them not at all discrete so any ladies wanting to see men peeing, Newcastle would be great for you. One peed outside McDonalds window with his dick and stream fully on show to anyone in McDonalds who chose to look. Another peed in the middle of the pavement with people walking right past - he didn't even bother to go up to a convenient wall o
    2 points
  4. I was very lucky recently. I had parked in a part of the city I don't often visit, to make a delivery. I parked across the road from a bus station. I came back to my car to put something back in it very late on a Friday night. As I unlocked the car, two girls came into the car park, about 10-20m away from me. It was immediately obvious that one was desperate, close to wetting herself, and intended to pee in the corner, against some bushes. She looked as if she was about to push down her silvery-grey shorts. They had seen me, and hoped I was about to drive away. I wasn't. I closed
    2 points
  5. Today I pissed out in the woods for the first time. Actually, it was 3 times! Usually I'm worried about someone coming who isn't understanding of pee play, but today I went for it. First time I just sat down on a log, pulled my pants down, rubbed my pussy through my underwear a lil ;), then took em off and just let loose. Second time I completely took off my pants and panties and sat completely down on the ground. Started playing with my pussy while I was peeing all over the leaves beneath me!! God it was so hot, I wanted to cum right there. But I went where no one would ever come near and fin
    1 point
  6. I can't be the only one on here who has been on pool chat and I can't help but think can we maybe not either amalgamate or if not, those of us here who want to chat just agree to go there? There's a farcical, almost childish level of falling out that isn't helping anybody and since I received a Luke warm (at best) response toward my attempts to promote the chat here I figured maybe pool could be a better option. I'm not throwing my toys out of the pram and I'm sure I wouldn't be missed but with the greatest respect, I don't just come here to see pics of women peeing, they aren't exactly ha
    1 point
  7. Hey all, hopefully this is something you can enjoy! I hope to post more soon. I'm open to suggestions on positions and locations! Keep pissing! It's a wonderful thing! 20160918_220306.mp4
    1 point
  8. So as I go into bathrooms I constantly see piss on the seats and of corse floors,now tonight in a crowded bathroom the one i went into there was piss all over the seat and some dribble on the floor i was going to put mine on ... buttttt into got this idea the drove me wild. I sat on the seat so I had the one who left it on me. I sat there ands listed to others and I masturbated. Than got up and pissed all over the seat and floor.
    1 point
  9. I have a naughty habit at night (or in my case a desire) of holding in my pee for a long as I can. By the time I wake up in the morning I’m usually bursting and ready to pee, but still I just lay in bed with crossed legs trying to keep it all in. I can usually hold it for a few more hours, but it’s fucking hard!!! Then finally I get to enjoy this blissful moment on the toilet and let it all go. Ahhhhh When my pee comes blasting out of my urethra It makes a loud hissing sound and shoots out with force. It seems like minutes before the stream actually slows down. Of course I end up with pee s
    1 point
  10. I was stunned this weekend by a conversation I had with a niece and she has been struggling with really bad acne for many years. I told her that her skin got so much better and she seemed happy and smiled more, which at the time her face and back was bad. Whenshe told me that she uses her own urine to wash her face and back. I was stomped, which i did not know what to say until she explained it. She said at first it was gross but when my niece saw the results, she kept on doing it, twice a day for over 2 weeks. Then she told me that urine was good against jelly fish stings, fungal infection an
    1 point
  11. I just became a forum legend. Yay. As a little celebration I want to pose a topic for discussion. What is your top pee fantasy? Something you want to do, have done to you, participate in or witness. Mine is to have womens pants have extra long zippers that can go down far enough to expose their pussy so women can regularly piss standing up, resulting in urinals in womens restrooms being the norm and seeing a hidden cam video of a female biker gang in their leathers all pissing in urinals side by side. What do you all dream of?
    1 point
  12. hello! straight male from malaysia! nice to be here and it feels like i'm the first from the country to this website :)
    1 point
  13. Nobody apart from people on this site knows about my love of pee & menstruation. My ex wife & last gf was happy to have sex etc during their period, so that made it easier somewhat. I keep a lot of things private & have been told by family & friends that im very secretive, but i dont care what they think. I like the mystique of being an unknown quantity & may let a future partner know about my love of pee & menstruation but that really depends on the situation at the time & exactly how much i trust them.
    1 point
  14. A couplee of weeks ago my wife went away for a few days and was travelling by train on her own so I asked her to ring me as soon as she got to the hotel so that I knew she was safe. When she rang, there was a lot of echo and noises of moving around and rustling clothes so I said it sounded like she was at a swimming pool or some thjing. She replied "No I m in the bathroom you asked me to ring as soon as I got here and I am busting for the loo. With that, she sat on the toilet and I heard a loud splashing into the water for a considerable time accompanied by a nice hiss and a sigh of relief.
    1 point
  15. i would think that in cases where clothes are obviously pissed on and left in a changing room then the store staff would have no alternative but to bin them and write off the stock. unfortunately that is the same impact as theft in that the cost is passed on to consumers with higher prices. however, if the amount of pee is relatively small and the person doing the peeing hangs the garments up again, there is a good chance that they will dry and someone will buy them without realising that they have been previously peed in.
    1 point
  16. If you want to see it larger, the full size collage is high resolution (5400x5400) and can be found on wikimedia https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Vagina_collage_12.jpg
    1 point
  17. OK perhaps it's "wishful thinking" but I still like to believe the smell is slightly stronger after I and my family have peed in a pool over and over again! I like the thoughts of Spectacle on sharing the experience within a large group - of people who are related or close friends - by telling each other when they are peeing while in the pool. Also I love the idea of discussing it ahead of time so as much urine as possible is added to the pool water during a visit. Lovely ideas!
    1 point
  18. People have been peeing in pools for years and years! In a lot of public pools people are peeing daily and ever multiple times during their visit. Even with all that urine being added to the water you never hear of pools being shut down or drained due to excessive urine in the water. If you have ever been to a resort on vacation you will find that the pool is packed but the pool side washrooms are quiet in comparison. It doesn't take long to determine where people are peeing. If you had the same amount of people drinking anywhere else there would be a constant line for the washroom but not at
    1 point
  19. I love it when a motion's passed!
    1 point
  20. In my fantasy I am 25 years old, and my GF is 21. She's at college, and I get asked to drive the mini bus for her hockey team. The team do well, and there is some serious drinking at the away fixture. We leave to drive home late on a summer's afternoon (it is still daylight). The journey turns into a saga. The road is closed, and we are crawling along the motorway for mile after mile. The girls are becoming desperate for me to stop and let them piss, but I cannot. When at last I can leave the motorway, I know a pub that's near and I tell them we'll go there so they can use the toilets.
    1 point
  21. Wow, when you gotta to go... It was funny, because I thought i was alone until i heard one of the stalls that opened. When i came out, i started laughing because it was a friend colegue worker, and when she heard me laugh, she laughed and ask how long was I holding that in for? Then she told me she couldn't hear her self wipe. My cheeks went red and I laughed. Lololol
    1 point
  22. LMAO!! Okay, for this morning, i will hold it in and let it rip like you say. It should be soon since the last time i have went, was about 3 hours ago. Let's all hope you can hear it from here lolol.
    1 point
  23. Lol! I wouldn't mind seeing you that way
    1 point
  24. I like the 'swimming pool smell' because it indicates the presence of urine in the water. When visiting a public swimming pool as a large family group it could be quite satisfying to find the smell was stronger when we got out after our swim than it was when we'd got in!
    1 point
  25. I pissed out in my yard and rubbed my pussy while reading this. Super hot ;) I'd have to say my fantasy is strolling through the woods and finding a man walking down the side. He obviously needs to pee, why else would he be walking down? I see him take out his dick and I follow behind him. I come up behind him as his stream comes out. I startle him, and he goes "Oh, I am so sorry!" and tries to hide his pissing cock from me. I smile and say "No, it's fine" while I pull my pants down and squat beside him, "No need to make two puddles when you can make one, right?" I aim my piss to w
    1 point
  26. Heh. Tallywhacker. It's what you use to whack tallies. My fantasy is pretty vanilla, compared to UA. However, I'd say it's just as hot in a different way because of the deep, interpersonal dynamic involved. I'm on a stroll in the woods with a girl I know (which hasn't been anyone for fifteen years), just walking and talking casually. For practical purposes, let's consider her my wife, because she and I know each others' minds intimately. As we're walking, she gets the urge to pee, very suddenly, and very forcibly. She starts to do the little dance, announces her sudden emergency, and
    1 point
  27. My wife and I have been experimenters with this fetish for several years. We have visited several other similary based web sites. However, as they come and go or start charging too much, we leave and look for news. This web site which may or may not have been around for as long as others, just crossed our webar - web radar!
    1 point
  28. I can remember being told as a kid that the best cure for chilblains on your feet was to immerse them for half an hour or so every day in pee. So we were urged to pee in a bowl and then soak our feet in it. And the chilblains did indeed go away. Though whether that was a result of the pee or would have happened on it's own anyway, I know not. Mind you, my face could do with an improved complexion. I bet pee is good for that. The fresher and hotter, the more effective, I'll wager. But I can't get the angles myself. Any ladies out there willing to do me the honours and piss on my face? Pure
    1 point
  29. Damn! I had plans to splash around in the surf until I spotted a pretty girl on the beach. I would shriek and come in from the water moaning about jellyfish stings! Me: "Help me, I've been stung by a jellyfish!" Her: "Sorry, I don't have to go." Me: "Oh. Here, I have some bottled water. Drink up and tell me when you're ready."
    1 point
  30. For me personally, I don't really have an interest in that sort of thing, except for when it relates to the naughty part. Somehow it ticks the same boxes for me as naughty peeing, even if I don't care for it in itself. So in my opinion I would love to read it, mabye post it with a disclaimer. Or perhaps we would have a section for this?
    1 point
  31. Sadly most of the posts I see in chat saying "Anyone want to chat" are in the middle of the night here in the USA. Another problem I see is the chat is plastered right there on the main page for everyone to see and read...So if you want to chat about something even semi private everyone can read it. The chat at PS was a separate screen not seen by everyone on the site and you even had an option to go into a Private chat if you wanted. Yes you can chat via PM but it not really a true back and forth conversation. Wetman
    1 point
  32. Pete, you're not the only one. I've not been in a lot lately, both ladies are losing interest and I've been asked not to share our experiences for a while, christening the new house was very nice :wink: Chat on - site does not work for me, timezone is all wrong, but I'd be willing to meet up on this "pool" you refer too. You will have to slip me a link though. Consensus of opinion here is that you would be missed, there are not many people on here that can debate like you, I've been in a couple, lol. Hang in there, pm me if you need to, but don't just walk away. Ok?
    1 point
  33. OMG, wasn't this the outfit you wore during your all-day wetting exercise? Were you doing this while still wearing those sopping wet panties? It's like, naughtiness on top of naughtiness! Nautiception... Too mind-blowingly hot, as usual :thumbsup:
    1 point
  34. That's awesome Puddyls. I bet there was some pee play involved as well :wink:
    1 point
  35. Puddyls you are just so damn hot & sexy :wink::thumbsup::)
    1 point
  36. puddyls you can always post whatever you like!
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I've posted this before, but I think it started with me when I was a teenager, and me and my boyfriend were staying in a hotel with my mum. In the morning, when mum was taking a shower, my boyfriend wanted to have sex and I needed to pee. So, I ended up pulling the armchair away from the wall and going right there on the carpet at my boyfriends urging, and then sliding the chair back to hide it. At the time, I remember how totally wrong it felt to do it, especially being my morning pee and all, but was wanting to have sex bad so did it anyway. Now, years later, I enjoy pissing in hotel roo
    1 point
  39. Hello! I'm also new here. For myself it started from one of the first girls I dated when I was young. She was a major squirter. Like a fire hose. One time when we were having sex, she told me she was going to cum and I kept on thrusting as she was squirting all over the both of us. I layed on top of her for a second when she then whispered in my ear "let's just piss all over each other right now". I didn't think twice we were already so wet and warm. So we both let it all go on each other as we layed there kissing. It was so kinky and erotic. That was the point of no return for me. ha
    1 point
  40. I have always had an interest in how nice it would be if we were not slaves to the toilet, but the turning point for me was one day when I went outside on a cold evening, and felt the sudden need to wee. I was wearing a short skirt and no underwear so I thought it would not be so hard to just go, since it was dark. I had underestimated the length of my skirt and ended up spraying my skirt and legs with pee. My skirt was PVC so nothing showed, so I just went back in to the pub. I quickly realised that I was already wet and being a bit more wet would not make a lot of difference, so whenever
    1 point
  41. i never go in my own room. My ex who introduced me to naughty peeing would take me to a hotel for a week but the deal was if i needed to go to the toilet i had to find somewhere apart from the bathroom or room to go. I would go in the hallway on the carpet, in the elevator, in a washing machine sometimes with someones clothes in it, on a car in the parking garage, down the stairs, in the spa or sauna or gym. As for guilt it doesnt cause permanant damage and the hotel already pays cleaners so who cares.
    1 point
  42. A little off-topic, but here is a short video of TamTam being fingered and having her pussy licked. There is no peeing, but if you've ever fantasised about the lovely TamTam and tasting her where she pees, you might enjoy this. Her other stage name is "Claire Louise", as on this video. http://yourlust.com/videos/clair-lou-having-her-cunt-licked.html?
    1 point
  43. A few years ago, when I was in college, I very much enjoyed peeing in places where I might get caught. I peed several times in the dorm hallways, twice in the communal laundry room (once on the floor, and once in one of the washing machines), hundreds of times in alleyways and on sidewalks, once on the front steps of the library, etc. If I was alone in the bathroom, I loved standing at the edge of one shower stall, facing the one across from it, and seeing how far I could aim my pee. This past year, I lived alone in my apartment, and I used the floors/sinks/furniture more often than the toi
    1 point
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