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How long ago did you realise you were interested in pee?

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So I was at a soccer game as a kid. My team played and then we were off the field, idk whether we one or lost. I'm walking toward the playground when I see a man standing over a young child (I can only assume him to be the father), and as walked past her and the dad, I looked to my right and see her shooting a huge stream into the adjacent bush. I also caught them later, i think he had lifted her and she had peed onto the side of the building, but that could be my memory being rosy. Either way, that awoke something in me that I was never able to shake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my teen years I was at a restaurant with my family. I remember we had all met up for lunch and I hadn't gone at all that day yet. So I got up from the table and went to the restroom. Both 2 urinals were being used at the time so I had to use one of the toilets. So I began going. Wound up being full to the limit, minutes long before finishing. I remember becoming really scared closer towards the end cuz by that point the whole toilet bowl was foam and my stream was still coming strong, and I thought what if I can't stop? lol. Ending: I finished and went back to rejoin my family.

Edited by CarioDaFur
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I got into it really late, not sure how long ago exactly, maybe 12-13 years. I remember surfing porn and became fascinated by 'squirting' and when searching for sites with more of that I had my 'eureka' moment, I found Skymouses Wettingherpanties site.  I loved the stuff they were doing and found it a real turn on, then one night I was watching one of their late night webcam shows and the model was holding and telling us how nice it was to hold and wet yourself.  I decided to have a go myself, piled up some towels on the chair and when she finally let go I did too,  it felt great and that's where it started for me.  



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About 20 years ago... God I'm getting old!

It was in my teens. I was looking for some real stuff, because our internet connection was too slow and too expensive to see fake women with fake tits faking an orgasm, so I ended up searching for real voyeur pics (sorry its a bit controversial). The name of one of the galleries was something like 'young woman caught pissing in an alley', so I opened it. And closed it right away because it was clearly staged. But I still saw the pee coming from her pussy while squatting, and that image stayed with me in my mind for the next couple of days. It was hard to accept that I get turned on by this, I thought I was more 'normal' to be aroused by pee fetish. I just had to check it again 😄 The next time I was left home alone, I was searching directly for pee galleries just to be sure, and yes, I liked it. So yes, I gave in, and the rest is like they say, history 🙂

Oh yeah, and to close the circle: you can't fake peeing, so it was for me after all 😄


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  • 3 months later...

Almost as long as I can remember. It started innocently, leaking a bit in my pants at school (and getting teased for it ... but not by the girls). But later on my neighbor girlfriend had the same affliction and we would often pee together , just for fun.. It was only after that, in my late teens that I started connecting pee with sexual pleasure (but by then, we had moved so I always think what might have happened if I'd still know her). 

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  • 11 months later...

My first realisation was when I was 12, and first discovered being able to put the (unrestricted) internet access on the family computer to good use by browsing images on porn websites. This was at a time (1998) when a friend at school had a computer, but didn’t have the internet - so he’d give me some floppy discs to save pictures on, so he could take them home and enjoy. It was the day after the first time of doing this, whilst on the school bus together, that he remarked his observation to me that ‘there was lots of pictures of women pissing on there!’ - I hadn’t even really thought about this whilst sourcing/saving the images, but he was absolutely right! It was at this moment I realised the pictures of women urinating were the ones I was most naturally drawn to/excited by. 

Fast forward a few years, and another vivid memory that helped towards cementing my enjoyment, was whilst in attendance of Reading festival when I was 18 - the proper toilets are kinda gross and/or have a bit of a queue, so with the copious drinking in the campsites, it isn’t uncommon for people to instead pop into the surrounding bushes for a piss. I vividly remember doing so myself on one occasion, and a girl dropping her knickers and squatting right next to me to also piss on the floor. Wow, what a moment of excitement and arousal that was, to have her brazenly relieve herself beside me like that! Safe to say, I made a habit of using the bushes to piss in for the remainder of the weekend. 

A couple of years later, I had also discovered the enjoyment/arousal I garnered from pissing in places other than the toilet, although I don’t have any memory of a ‘defining moment’ of realisation in that regard. 

The rest is history..! 💦

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  • 5 weeks later...

To me, my affection towards pee and pee-related things became clear over a longer period of time. I was around 10 years old by the time it started.

Somewhen, I decided it would be cool to know what having pissy pants on felt like. Another time, I just wanted to do something "rebellious" - like teenagers do. So there were many small steps for me

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first realization was when I was really young like 5 or 6 and it was long before I even knew what sex was. The neighbor girl was the same age as me and she would so many times pee in her pants. I remember her saying let’s play doctor and I said ok. I pretended I was examining her and she was really squirming and I thought it was because I was tickling her and she said hold on I have to pee and I said ok and thought she was going to run to her bathroom but she just started peeing in her pants. We were in her basement and after she was done she said let’s continue. I actually ended up pulling her pants down and trying to dry her off. About 20 minutes later we went upstairs and her mother was there and Janie said we were going out in the backyard. We started walking out and her mom said Janie stop. We stopped and her mom told her come here and she said Janie did you pee in your pants and she felt her shorts and said let’s go upstairs right now I told you to stop playing and go potty when you have to go. Her mom was furious and in about 5 minutes she came back down with new pants on and her mother followed her down carrying her wet pants and panties to put them in the laundry. Incidents like this happen many times with her and I think that’s what made me so fascinated by this.

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Many decades ago, literally at my mother's knee, when I was less than 3 years old.

Before my sisters were born, I was an only child, and followed my Mom around an empty house, all day, while my father was at work, including her visits to the only bathroom, located on the second floor. She almost always left the bathroom door open, when we were home alone, anticipating that I would follow her. She would say, "I have to go," or "I have to wee-wee. C'mon with me," when she went. ("Wee-wee" was her preferred word for pee, used as a noun and a verb. She rarely said "pee," and I never heard her say "piss.") I usually followed her, stopping in the open bathroom doorway, and watching her from a distance, very curious, but not sure whether I should follow her all the way inside the bathroom, for a closer look, which I really wanted to do.

I don't remember how old I was, the first time she invited me to come all the way into the bathroom with her, but it was a common occurrence, by the time I reached about 2½ years old, and continued, several times a day, until I was about 4½ years old. 

I was overjoyed to be invited so directly by her, so I walked into the bathroom, and knelt down in front of her, on the toilet, for a closer view, staring intently at her bare, upper thighs, pressed tightly together, above her stocking tops, and tried to look between them, hoping to see her wee-wee come out. But she squeezed them even closer together, and bent forward a little, to wee-wee, blocking my view, quite successfully. Her wee-wee made a melodious tinkle, like water being sprinkled in the toilet, rather than the lower-pitched sounds of my father's single, direct stream, and my smaller one. Sometimes, her wee-wee, made a muffled "shshsh" or "sssss" sound, at first, and then a melodious tinkle, later, before it stopped, and she had to wipe.

I don't know if she was aware of my innate curiosity about, and interest in her "wee-wee," at that time. But my intimate questions undoubtedly revealed those interests and curiosities, over a period of time. These experiences were asexual, or pre-sexual, for me, since I had no idea what sex was, when these observations and events took place, at my ages then (~2½ to ~8 yo). So I never knowingly had sexual thoughts about my mother, or felt guilty, on that account. I was motivated by intense interest and curiosity about female urination, which was new and unknown to me, and thus, exciting, at the ages and in the times I describe, which I will soon post in a "memoir," of sorts, probably under the subject thread of "Watching mom pee."  Dr.P.

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On 3/24/2014 at 10:14 PM, Egwalrus said:

I remember seeing a neighborhood girl sitting on the toilet at a birthday party when I wandered into the bathroom (the door was left open) as a very young child (toddler) Of course this was not a sexual thing at that age. I also remember a couple of other instances that involved women or girls peeing (out of sight) when I was a child or young teen.

My interest in pee did not become sexual until I had a girlfriend who was very open about peeing outside. On one of our first dates, she asked me to pull over on the side of the road because she had to pee. This was well before we had gotten much further in the relationship than kissing and fondling so the combination of seeing her with her pants down and the peeing got me rather excited. We ended up being together for a while, and would often spend evenings parked in a farm field that was owned by friend of mine. There was a locked gate, but he had given me the key, so there was little chance of us being disturbed there. We would go in, lock the gate behind us, and spend some "private time". At that point neither of us had our own place (due to our young ages) so we spent many evenings there. Seeing as she thought nothing about peeing outside, I saw her do so almost every time we were there.

Since that time I guess I was in my later teens, peeing and sex have been linked in my mind.

It's interesting.

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People - please read the site rules before posting here. Particularly Rule 2.

References to events/memories whilst you were a minor may be acceptable if they are not sexual.”

Just today alone I have removed two separate posts where people talked about their sexual arousal (whilst minors) in response to other children (also minors) wetting or peeing.

This is not acceptable!!!


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  • 1 year later...

I was about 12 when I first tried pissing in public, I wasn't anywhere near as nonchalant about it as I am today, but I got such an adrenaline rush from it that I just knew I was gonna keep doing it and never stop. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There were a few moments when I was a kid, I saw a girl pee, and it made me feel very hot and excited. I got a strange throbbing feeling in my crotch area, but I didn't know what to do because it was before I got orgasms. 

Later I always found it very hot hearing and seeing my girlfriend pee outside after a night out. She always told me not to look. And I almost always did.

Then came the Internet, and the only images I was looking for were woman peeing and wetting themselve. Especially woman wetting.

I still remember the first picture I found: a woman in a parking garage, wearing a stewardess outfit with a knee long skirt. She was pushing a trolley and her knees were bent, looking desperate to pee. She was standing in a puddle and you could see a small stream coming from underneath her skirt. I masturbated quite a bit to that image.

And the first experience I had was when I were a student, before I had internet. I was really horny (room in a student house) and sort of out of the blue, decided to pee just a tiny bit in my pants. But then I couldn't/wouldn't stop and made a big mess.

So I guess the interest was always there.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It was tough for me to figure out, honestly. When I first got into porn, I'd watch girls squirting. I thought maybe that was it, but it's just too over the top and kinda forced, at least in porn, so I don't care to watch that at all anymore. I guess it must've started when I was a kid, peeing with friends, girls watching, hearing girls pee, and so on, and it built up into my adult life. I'm just extremely turned on by watching or hearing a girl pee. Most people who don't have a kink in this just treat it as a bodily fluid, but to me it's just super hot. In regards to me, it's exciting to know that many women, whether they're turned on by pee or not, are jealous, envious, turned on, or all of the above by the way a man pee's I.E. standing up, holding their genital's, etc. whereas for a woman she's much more exposed and vulnerable. Having to pull her pants down to at the very least mid way past her thighs, if not more with her entire butt and pussy exposed. It's just so hot. 

https://thisvid.com/videos/sexy-girl-pissing-in-public-toilet/ This video here kind of encapsulates what I love about watching a woman pee. This girl is clearly desperate, pulls down her thong and sits her incredibly nice ass on the toilet, let's out a little moan and starts pissing like crazy for a good 20 seconds. Just so hot like I mentioned, and I'm sure there's women on here who find the opposite of this (a super desperate man pissing really hard) very hot and I can kind of picture myself being that man and having the woman watch me.

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I was pretty pee shy as a kid/teen. I found public men's rooms and especially urinals embarrassing. It felt embarrassing to pee next to other boys/men with my little pee-pee in my hand for everyone to see. Troughs felt especially embarrassing as they also had the aspect of "all boys are peeing in the same urinal". I always chose the stall over a urinal. I also had a phase where I avoided peeing outside, always holding it in till I got to a toilet even though peeing outside is pretty simple for boys. I found the thought of someone possibly seeing me pee outside extremely awkward, especially if it had been a girl who saw me pee and especially if she had been able to also see my penis. I had seen other boys pee outdoors and I felt a little embarrassed for them, but also simultaneously admired their "courage". This was probably ages 6-10 or so. Before the age of 6, I had peed outside many times just like all little boys do. I dunno how the embarrassment around outdoor peeing and "visible peeing" like at urinals, started for me. I guess it's some sort of sense of modesty that got really strong in me: you know how little kids aren't ashamed of being naked around other people but they start getting embarrassed about it when a bit older. Peeing is sort of similar, it's a private thing.

As I got a bit older (like 11-12 years old), I started to shake off the old embarrassment and tried using a urinal at school. I remember it, there was three single-user porcelain urinals in a row in the boys room. No dividers so it was a big step for someone who was previously pee shy. I peed there (quite often next to other boys) and everything went well each time, we even had some conversations at the urinals with other boys. I felt like a real man now that I had started going to the urinal. My shyness level started to drop and I began using urinals in other restrooms too every single time instead of the stall. I even went to a trough a few times when I encountered one. Previously troughs had felt awkward but these times they felt exciting in a good way. I felt manly aiming my pee on the stainless steel wall of the trough, moving my stream up and down and side to side. I also began peeing outside every chance I had and really started to take advantage of having a penis. I chose the places carefully so nobody would see me. After getting more used to it, I also peed outside standing right beside my friends who were also peeing with me. At the same time, I got more interested in girls and their bodies and especially how they answer the call of nature when outdoors...

I guess it all started from some sort of embarrassment or shyness around peeing.

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  • 2 months later...

I was fairly young. The film “Scary Movie” had come

out and I watched it at home one evening. There’s a scene where a girl who was a bit older than me at the time pees on the floor. If you know the scene, duration of time she urinates is impossibly long; played for laughs. She’s leaves a huge puddle on the floor and steps in it a few time. 

The next day after school when I was alone I watched it. I began to masterbate for the first time. I had no idea. Suddenly, I felt a huge urge to pee. I sprinted to the bathroom, stood over the toilet and came. First time cumming ever. 

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