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Feelings on Circumcision


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3 hours ago, likesToLick said:

I was circumcised in my late 30s for medical reasons.  I can testify that sensitivity is definitely lost.  I would much prefer to have remained intact.

Doing it for cosmetic reasons is completely barbaric,  and circumcising children without their consent ought to be a criminal offence.

Sorry you had to have it done. You could look into restoration. Some guys have had success with it. I may try it myself one day.

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 8/2/2017 at 8:57 PM, Brutus said:

For the record, I am circumcised. I wish it would've been my choice to make when grown. That being said, a coworker of mine has a daughter that just gave birth recently. The next day, another woman in the office said "she had him circumcised right?" and the other woman replied "oh yeah, he's all set." Then she continued on laughing about how the boy screamed in pain and how much blood there was. The other women found this funny as well. I've always hated how male genital cutting is mocked and written off as something to laugh at. In the spirit of equality, it should be met with as much disgust as female circumcision. It sickened me that these women were laughing at a baby experiencing so much suffering, just because they like the cut look. I've seen videos of the procedure and find it disturbing. Aesthetics is not a valid reason, nor is the so called hygienic benefits. With such logic, it would make sense to cut girls breasts out to prevent breast cancer, or removing teeth because brushing them is so much work. Yes these are extreme examples but the reasoning is the same.

Some doctors have enough nerve to say that no sensation is lost in the procedure. The same doctors will freely admit that foreskin develops from the same sensitive tissue as the clitoris. Others say it's no big deal since the boy won't remember. Still not a valid reason because that is no different than striking the baby or an Alzheimer patient because that also will be forgotten. There is new research coming out revealing how the procedure alters the nervous system and pain perceptions permanently and the additional pain of urine pouring over the open wound as it heals. Circumcision rates are going down so that eases my mind to a degree but still the fact that it is still allowed and parents, particularly mothers still often want this done to their sons gets under my skin. Sorry for the rant but it was all relevant. Bottom line, nature put it there for a reason and no one should have a right to alter the most intimate part of a child's body in the name of personal preference. This is a gross violation in my view. I am not starting this topic to argue but to allow others to say where they stand. Agree or disagree? 

I'm with you 100 percent on this issue. For the record, I'm intact. Also against female genital mutilation in it's many justifications.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was uncircumcised and went to 2 schools in NZ and 1 in Australia where I seemed to be the only one plus another in Aus. where there was one other guy uncircumcised.

To round it off I should have been cut because the hole in the end of my foreskin closed up to smaller than the hole in the end of my dick! I was about 4 then. Mother was too embarrassed to do anything about it. I didn't get it cut until I was a lot older. For me the cut life is seriously better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm uncut and will remain so.  I can understand the process for medical reasons, as @sven22 mentioned, but can't see any other reason.  I'm with @Scot_Lover, automatic circumcision of children, male or female is, barbaric.

 I am convinced that having a full hood has made the glans more sensitive but I could be wrong.  Regardless, I will die uncut.  Thank you, mum and dad, for not following the herd.

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Totally agree that this should not happen at birth.  I am not circumcised and am quite happy that way.  

I did have an issue when I was much younger that my foreskin didn't contract correctly as it was stuck to the head of the penis.  I had to go through some very careful exercise to gradually release it a bit at a time.  It was painful but worth it in the end.

I don't think it is fair to modify any person's anatomy without their consent.  It should be their choice when they are old enough.

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 9/12/2017 at 2:15 PM, Sexismygod said:


 I am convinced that having a full hood has made the glans more sensitive but I could be wrong.  Regardless, I will die uncut.  Thank you, mum and dad, for not following the herd.

The incredible sensitivity of the glans penis and it's underside "male clit" need a covering to keep it  moist and unchapped by clothing. Some of the most delicate sensations, such as applying the head to a nipple, then pulling down the skin to cover both the head and the nipple, and then releasing either pee or cum can't be done when circumsized. Likewise a pointed tongue inserted between the foreskin and the cockhead is simply exquisite. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The foreskin was invented specifically to protect the bell end.  And in the case of the one to the left there, it's actually more sensitive than the rest of me.

Unless there is a pressing medical need, it should be left alone.  I've never understood genital mutilation of ANY gender, for any reason (other than medical, as I suspect I mentioned).

Edited by WetKecks
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  • 2 months later...

I think to do this to children for religious reasons is barbaric and should be stopped.If it has to be done it should only be for unfortunate medical reasons,or individual choice,for whatever reason you would want this.

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  • 6 years later...

I'm cut myself, but I would never do it to my own son (I'm still young and don't have kids yet). 

It should be illegal to circumcise a minor, except as a last resort to treat a life-threatening medical problem that cannot be treated in a less invasive manner (i.e. in the very rare case that an underage boy had a cancerous foreskin tumor). Things like phimosis and hypospadias are not life threatening, and thus, don't justify circumcising someone too young to consent. 

And religion isn't an excuse, either. Your right to swing your fist only extends as far as someone else's nose, and your right to practice your religion only extends as far as someone else's penis. 

There's really no excuse to do it anymore, and in a society where pretty much everyone has access to the internet, being ignorant is a choice, and not an excuse. I'm inclined to give a pass to people who had sons decades ago, though, since through the 60s, doctors did it without even asking or telling the parents.

Here's a good presentation about the history and harms of infant circumcision.

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  • 5 months later...

Adding on to this because I recently noticed something interesting - the base of my penis appears to have basically no pleasure receptors up until the cut line where the circumcision was. Then the skin after that towards the tip is suddenly very sensitive. Anyone else have such a sharp difference in sensation there?

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Cut here, and I definitely think that should have been my decision (I would NOT have it done unless necessary).  It's a completely unwarranted mutilation of a child who has no say in the matter.

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The things parents do to their children for aesthetic, religious and/or social reasons are numerous and horrifying.  I am happy to be completely as I was born ... I even have my appendix and tonsils!

Inflicting pain and suffering on a child should be illegal.  The laughter described by the OP is nauseating.  Human history is replete with examples of needless cruelty to infants.  I sometimes think there's something seriously wrong with our species.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unless for genuine medical reasons, circumcision of a child is barbaric and should be treated as intentional grievous bodily harm with those involved prosecuted. Any mutilation of the female genitalia (at least in the UK) is treated as such, so why is circumcision different.

Thankfully I wasn't cut, my dad was (no idea of the background, never had the conversation with him) and I really respect my parents for not continuing that with me.

Edited by InOddPlaces
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I was circumsiced when I was about ten or so, for medical reasons. The procedure took place during another operation when I was fully under anastesia. I remember it took some days to recover. Since it was before I was sexually active/aware I can not tell if it had any effect on it. I'm just used to it as it is and never had any problem with it. Reading some of the replies here makes me wonder though....

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In Germany, when they outlawed female mutilation, they had very strong pushback from religious groups and so they didn't include male circumcision in the law even if they were aware that it is essentially the same thing as labiaplasty. I find it horrifying that religious freedom comes before the health of children. Children must have a right to proper healthcare (incl. vacination etc.) and upbringing (including schooling, learning how to swim etc.) independent of their parents "religious" choice.

There's no reason to forbid aesthetical interventions, but let's put the same age barrier as for other stuff like watching porn or having sex, which are clearly much less dangerous to your health and wellbeing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't cut because the hospital because I was born at did not carry out that procedure. When I went to middle school my mother sat me down and told me that I was different and explained it to me, say it may cause other guys to question me in Gym. She asked if I would like to be circumcised.  I said yes, but she never did make the appointment.  When we had to shower for Gym, several guys asked me if I was deformed. I explained to them that i was not circumcised, educating them. They just accepted that. It wasn't traumatic as I originally thought it would be. 

  We had our son cut, only because that was the popular thing to do at the time. If I had it to do over again, with the information that is now out there, I would not have had it done.

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On 7/14/2024 at 12:02 PM, hold_on said:

Adding on to this because I recently noticed something interesting - the base of my penis appears to have basically no pleasure receptors up until the cut line where the circumcision was. Then the skin after that towards the tip is suddenly very sensitive. Anyone else have such a sharp difference in sensation there?

It sounds like you had one of the circumcisions done where the cut is made relatively far up the shaft, as opposed to near the tip--see the "high" style described here: https://www.dr-kuehhas.at/en/the-different-styles-of-circumcision/. In case you don't know since you're cut, the foreskin when intact is less a "flap" of skin and more like a "fold" of skin where the crease is at the tip and there are inner and outer layers that can slide over one another, with the inner layer normally facing the penis itself, but able to be exposed as the foreskin retracts, in other words rolls up away from the tip. The outer layer isn't too different from any other loose skin on the body, but the inner layer is more delicate, supple, and sensitive, a bit like the inside of the lip vs. the outside. In a "high" circumcision, rather than lopping the end of the fold off and creating a new "crease" where the shaft meets the head, the skin is cut on the shaft and the foreskin is effectively retracted to seal the gap, turning much of the inner layer outward. So probably you're feeling the difference between these skin layers.

Edited by Carb0nBased
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7 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

It sounds like you had one of the circumcisions done where the cut is made relatively far up the shaft, as opposed to near the tip--see the "high" style described here: https://www.dr-kuehhas.at/en/the-different-styles-of-circumcision/. In case you don't know since you're cut, the foreskin when intact is less a "flap" of skin and more like a "fold" of skin where the crease is at the tip and there are inner and outer layers that can slide over one another, with the inner layer normally facing the penis itself, but able to be exposed as the foreskin retracts, in other words rolls up away from the tip. The outer layer isn't too different from any other loose skin on the body, but the inner layer is more delicate, supple, and sensitive, a bit like the inside of the lip vs. the outside. In a "high" circumcision, rather than lopping the end of the fold off and creating a new "crease" where the shaft meets the head, the skin is cut on the shaft and the foreskin is effectively retracted to seal the gap, turning much of the inner layer outward. So probably you're feeling the difference between these skin layers.

Oh that totally makes sense. And my penis does have that two-toned look they describe. I wondered why the sensation was so different right after that line.

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