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Post about your pee!

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I had a day yesterday where I was on my own for large parts of the day on and off and didn't use the toilet at all until my bedtime pee at 11pm.

Morning pee was in the garden at about 6am - I went outside and stood in the garden and peed on the grass.

Later on about 9:30am I was doing some washing, so I took a pair of my wife's leggings, put them on then sat in the garden and wet through them, soaking the front and back.  I then stood up and some ran down the legs.   I went inside, took them off and put them in the wash with a load of other stuff.   I didn't bother putting any clothes back on my lower half.

The next time I needed to pee was about 12:00 and coincided with when I was changing the washing over.   I had the washing sorted into piles on the kitchen floor, so I picked the next pile that I was going to wash (happened to be whites) and stood astride them, peeing a full bladder onto the pile.   The top garments got soaked and pooled.  The pee ran off the edge of the pile onto the floor tiles and the splatter also spread over quite a wide area, but I just stayed in that position and finished my pee.   I loaded the washing machine with the wettest clothes, then used the drier clothes at the bottom of the pile to dry the floor before adding them to the machine also.

About 2pm I went out on my bike for an hour.   I had been drinking plenty so needed to pee before I set off and I had another pint of water for good measure.   I got to the off road part of my ride and pulled off the track and got off my bike to pee.   Before I was in position, two ladies walked past pushing babies in buggies.   If I'd been a bit quicker, they would have got a good view, but I couldn't really whip it out and pee once they were obviously there, so I let them pass and then proceeded to pee on the bushes.  If they had turned around then they would have seen what I was doing.

Just before I got home I stopped and put one foot down and peed into the vegetation at the side of the path.   Having been not that long before, I didn't need to pee much, but it was good to release what I had before I got home.

About 5pm I had to take my wife to an appointment and I went for a walk whilst she was in there.  I ended up walking round a park and then up to a canal.   I peed in the trees in the park whilst a lady was walking past on the path nearby.   I don't know whether she saw me as there were a few trees between us, but I could see her whilst I was peeing so there is a good chance she could see.  When she passed, I cut the flow to keep some in stock for later.

Just before I went back to the car at nearly 7pm, I had a pee on the towpath of the canal.  Nobody around, but it was a very exposed position.   Just after I finished and started walking again, a guy came past on his bike.

That was it for the day and the last pee before bed was, unfortunately, in the toilet.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Went out to dinner with friends. Peed against the walls under the sink in the men's room, with not a drop into the toilet and not a drop into the sink.  There was one light, over the sink, so it was very dark (and a black floor) under the sink so not easy to see the puddle.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/17/2022 at 7:34 PM, gottapee87 said:

I am quite desperate to pee at the moment but I'm going to try to hold it in for another hour or two. I'll probably piss in a measuring jug, but I'm going to try to delay that as long as I can...

Did you make it 

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Just now, Aussiepeeguy3 said:

If I posted a pee vid who would rate it for me

Chill man....     We're not like other sites, just relax - post it in the Men Peeing section and people will enjoy seeing it.

(You'll have to host it elsewhere and can then post a link to it.  Photos can be posted on this site but not videos).

But we're a community of friends, don't worry about competing for likes or pushing for people to chat.  We're about all enjoying the same thing in a relaxed way.

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47 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Chill man....     We're not like other sites, just relax - post it in the Men Peeing section and people will enjoy seeing it.

(You'll have to host it elsewhere and can then post a link to it.  Photos can be posted on this site but not videos).

But we're a community of friends, don't worry about competing for likes or pushing for people to chat.  We're about all enjoying the same thing in a relaxed way.

Sorry just curious. Just remember peeing comps as a teen with a mate

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3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

I woke up feeling a little horny and decided to have a little bit of a holding contest with myself. @Maclir was there in the chat holding with me for a bit, but he let go first. I had to get up and make pancakes for one of my sick babies who stayed home from school and successfully held through that, but when I went to lay back down in bed with him I found I had gone from a 6 to about an 8. Florida man tried to get me to hold it for longer but eventually my toes started to curl and I really couldn't hold it anymore. 

I shuffled my way (trying to make it look like I wasn't about to wet my pants 🤣) to the closest bathroom but my husband was in there using it for non pee related reasons, so I had to quickly shuffle my way to the one in the back. 

When I got there I sat down and my bladder pulsed, all while I was pulling the stop watch up on my phone. I was bouncing on the toilet flipping through my apps, then the modes on the timer and right as soon as I had it pulled up my bladder started to empty on its own. I hit start just in time and finally let the hold on my bladder go 😮💨, then just peed as I normally would. I had held for so long my bladder was kinda sore as I peed and when I was finished, and I ended up with this!


Almost 37 seconds worth of pee for me this morning! It was a great way to start out my day.

Wonderful @Bacardi - sounds like a lot of fun was had with that hold 🙂 And that's how it should be. Thanks for sharing it with us x 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/18/2022 at 8:57 PM, Peesfully said:

 Peed against the walls under the sink in the men's room, with not a drop into the toilet and not a drop into the sink.

You must have very good aim, no pee in the toilet or even the sink. Every drop where it should go!

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45 minutes ago, Chrissy89 said:

I’m new here but I’d like to share my pee from this morning. I got woken up too early this morning by the little’un and realised that I had went to bed without peeing. I was BURSTING! 

I got up, pulled down my trousers just enough to get things done, sat down and had the best relief ever. It started off loud and going straight down. I beared down a little, this changed the trajectory of it a little to go forward and that’s when it started on the porcelain. It must have lasted for about 30 seconds!

I will admit, with the force I felt some of the spray. 

felt so good afterwards.

quick wipe and wash of the hands and I was done. 

Lovely! Thanks for sharing 💖 - it's *so good* when you really need to go isn't it?

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2 hours ago, Chrissy89 said:

I’m new here but I’d like to share my pee from this morning. I got woken up too early this morning by the little’un and realised that I had went to bed without peeing. I was BURSTING! 

I got up, pulled down my trousers just enough to get things done, sat down and had the best relief ever. It started off loud and going straight down. I beared down a little, this changed the trajectory of it a little to go forward and that’s when it started on the porcelain. It must have lasted for about 30 seconds!

I will admit, with the force I felt some of the spray. 

felt so good afterwards.

quick wipe and wash of the hands and I was done.

Wow, it turns out you were pissing very powerfully. You probably have a pretty big and roomy bladder, since you've been pissing in a powerful stream for about 30 seconds and there's really a lot of urine accumulated in it. And if you didn't take a piss before going to bed and you still have accumulated during the night, then it must have been a strong desperation to take a piss. I'm sure you've experienced incredible pleasure from relief.

Oh, there's probably nothing more beautiful than a girl pissing with a powerful stream and pissing with such a powerful stream for quite a long time. It looks so hot and exciting when a girl really wants to piss, feeling desperate, sits down and releases a powerful and long stream, feeling great relief.

Thank you for sharing your experience 💖, I imagined it as you were pissing - it's very hot 💦 🔥

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