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Cut or uncut guys?


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Bit of a divisive issue... Guys don't often get a say in the decision as it is usually done so young .?

!I've not been cut and I rather quite like my foreskin and I am pleased I still have it. I have a few of friends who have been cut.

Couple of comments were,,, :

1. Cut from being V young... Yeh, was OK with it. He thought it made him a little less sensitive, so could fuck for a longer time which was good for mutual pleasure for him and his GF

2.  Had a car accident in his early yrs which ripped his foreskin. Scar tissue caused problems, so he had to have a circumcision beyond his teens. Bit painful, 28 stitches around his helmet MUCH ! Ouch ! 😞

  I'm a little uncomfortable about the idea that your parents have the right to decide for what ever reasons to cut the foreskin from their male child

It's always difficult to have an opinion one way or the other. The subject of Female circumcision and its extent Is also very ???!!!  In a global sense ! Guys also mainly don't have much say in the matter either..

Any comments opinions?


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Uncut here... The doc told my Mother at my birth that there was no need, medical or otherwise, for cutting the foreskin. I had the same doctor into my teen years and he always told me the same thing, keep it clean, keep it problem free. Most of my male friends with the exception of one, are cut. No problem with women, they are all attracted to my uncut dick, and that makes me happy. I  feel for the guys who had no choice in the matter.

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Fortunatelly, I come from a culture where circimcision is not the cultural standard like in the US and is only done for religious reasons after birth, or due to health complications in older children (extreme cases of phimosis etc.)

I like it that way and if I ever have a son I won't be cutting him. Really see no point in doing so.



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1 hour ago, kinkyplaypal said:

I didn’t realise until recently that most men in the US are circumcised (I live in Europe). Came up in conversation with my wife and I didn’t believe it at first.



The moment that clicked to me was when I realized that some of the large (US based) porn sites have a separate category for 'uncut' and not 'cut' lol.

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While I wouldn't ever say no to any guy's dick, I much prefer uncut ones.

Not only can foreskin cause messier pee streams, but you can also do some fun thing with it (try to get your tongue under there without pulling it back, sharing it when docking, etc).

Also, the whole 'health' thing seems rather nonsensical to me. My second (online) boyfriend never even thought about pulling his one back once in his life because it was super tight and his only previous attempt had been somewhat painful. Well, I always had somewhat of a dommy side, so I asked him to do it anyways (and document it with lotsa pics), and despite being covered for 22 years, the area below still looked perfectly clean and healthy. If that didn't cause issues, then I doubt there are many 'normal' cases with health issues.

Random fun fact: According to a librarian of the Vatican, Saturn's rings are actually Jesus' foreskin that ascended to heaven.

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Uncut, and can't say what goes around here, being a very diverse country, both cultural and religion wise, we have a mix of both lots of cut and uncut penis around here, fortunately in my family is not a custom to cut, mine stayed and i love ot just like that!

Edited by AWN_84
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Thanks for the responses. I was a little unsure what the reactions to my OP would be after I had written it. I would love to hear more on the matter, but respect it is a difficult subject.

To continue a previous fun remark...

2 hours ago, TMN_Femboi said:

Random fun fact: According to a librarian of the Vatican, Saturn's rings are actually Jesus' foreskin that ascended to heaven.

I wonder if there is an explanation, scientific or otherwise for the rings around Uranus.... 🙂 ...    Nooo don't go off topic...

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9 hours ago, TMN_Femboi said:

While I wouldn't ever say no to any guy's dick, I much prefer uncut ones.

Not only can foreskin cause messier pee streams...


Luckily you can pull back the foreskin when you want better pee aim, haha.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/11/2023 at 8:23 PM, Bacardi said:

I prefer uncut men, and have subsequently not had my son cut as it's his penis and his decision, not mine. 

I don't have children yet, but if I were to have a son, I wouldn't cut him for the same reason

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I was cut as a baby, so obviously I had no say in the decision.

I'm legally qualified, and in Australia (and possibly other countries that use the English common law system) it's questionable whether or not parents have the right to consent on behalf of their children to elective surgery such as circumcision.

The result of circumcision is that the head of the penis, which would otherwise be covered by the foreskin, rubs on underwear/clothing, and I think this likely reduces sensitivity and pleasure.   

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17 hours ago, UnauthorisedGuy said:

The result of circumcision is that the head of the penis, which would otherwise be covered by the foreskin, rubs on underwear/clothing, and I think this likely reduces sensitivity and pleasure.   

Interesting point in my OP??  Is reduced sensitivity .. good or bad? Could you fuck longer and please your partner more?  How to compare a level of pleasure is kinda really difficult to measure . I really don't know. My general opinion is the lack of my decision about if someone else has the apparent authority to cut bits off my body for ?? reasons before I can have an informed opinion??

Female circumcision is a Very !!! QQQ? Which socially is somewhat Hmmmm????!!!  to put it politically politely.

Thanks to all for your comments As a male it is an issue which slips under the social radar and needs plenty more of open debate

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On 4/8/2023 at 2:12 AM, Xanthous Gaze said:

I don't believe the reduced sensitivity thing. It's non-sense in my opinion just from my own experience having sex. I don't know about any other men. But after having sex I have to apply moisturizer to my genitals otherwise, my wife's cum dries my cock out so badly that I could tear my already thin skin. 😑 Otherwise sensitivity isn't a problem, I get just as excited as any other man.

I already said, I not crazy about not having a fair say in having part of my body removed. But there isn't anything I can do about it. 😒 just have to put lotion on.

I have no opinion or belief either on the matter of sensitivity. I have little clue as to how it could be compared in any real sense other than what people have said about what they think and feel.  Circumcision is a very difficult issue for all sorts of reasons. I really appreciate you posting your experience, thoughts and feelings on the matter. I do hope others will follow suit and express their points of view as well.

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I'm the typical British uncut kind of guy, and love having my foreskin.  I must admit if I'm sat at my desk with one hand steering the mouse, I'll sometimes be playing with my foreskin whilst soft and I do enjoy the feel of it's movement when hardening up.

I think the 'reduced sensitivity' in cut guys is a perception we as uncut have - we do have a basis for comparison.   The foreskin has its fair share of nerve endings, but in comparison the glans is far, far more sensitive.   I think we all share that incredible tingle of it being touched, licked or whatever or feeling the warmth of penetration on it.

But as an uncut guy, if I happen to pull back my foreskin and get dressed, so my bare glans is rubbing against even the softest fabric, that touch is an irritant to the point of almost getting painful - feeling like it's being rubbed raw even though it surely isn't.   And that is the basis for thinking it's so sensitive to me because it's a new touch, not a normal everyday experience of being cut.  Surely I'd be used to that feeling and wouldn't notice it in the slightest.    And presumably in turn the intimate touches would be equally reduced in their impact?

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1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I'm the typical British uncut kind of guy, and love having my foreskin

… uncut dick in one hand, pulled discreetly out of boxer shorts bedecked with the Union Flag, cup of tea in the other hand … 😉

Edited by oliver2
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Uncut here.

My Dad was cut but for whatever reasons my parents didn't have me cut, and I'm very grateful to them for not doing so.

Ever since being aware of circumcision (early teens) I've considered it a barbaric act on someone who can't make their own decisions yet. It should be a personal and private decision you make as an adult, if you so wish.

I wouldn't remove my foreskin as it plays a significant part of my masturbation pleasure, but it's impossible to experience what it would like to be cut so there's no way of comparing.

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