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pee experience when you were a kid

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When I was young, I remember intentionally peeing myself a little.  Several times.  I think I thought I could get away with it if I just did a little, but obviously, my friends saw that I was wet.  And my grandmother went into Piss Nazi mode when I came home wet.  So I finally stopped doing it.  About a year later, I'm pretty sure I peed in a neighbor's pool for the first time. About a year after that, we moved to North Miami Beach, and I was always wet from the pool or the ocean.  And I quickly discovered the convenience, and the wonderful feeling, of peeing in my wet shorts, both in and out of the pool.  In my first wet dream, I was watching a pretty girl pee, and I came in my undies.  So somehow, pee was associated with sex before I even know what sex was.   The last time I talked about this, the post was deleted, so I've intentionally left out a lot of specifics, in the hope that this post meets site requirements.  

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4 minutes ago, PixieRyder said:

When I was in the 5 - 7 age group I played with the neighborhood girls who were 3 - 5 years older. As long as I was with them I could roam the multi acr

e high school campus on the shore of a Great Lake as well as the playground next to it. They showed me how a girl could have fun peeing without a toilet!

We sat on the edge of steps, hid in shrubbery, compared puddles in the back parking lot. 

Isn't a great feeling to know that some of the things you learned in your early years remain useful for the rest of your life 🤣

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My very first experience with this was when I was about 6 and I used to play with the neighbor girl she was the same age. Often times we would be playing and she would never stop and take time to go to the bathroom and would pee in her pants. Her mother used to get so mad at her. There were a couple times I was at her house and we would be playing and all of a sudden she would start squirming and holding herself and a couple times her mom would yell Janie go potty. One time we were sitting in there living room and they were hardwood floors and all of a sudden there was a puddle and her mother pulled her across the floor to change her pants. Another time she was at my house and she peed her pants and my mom had to call her mom. Her mom came over really mad and she brought a change of clothes and ended up changing Janie pants right in front of all of us on the living room floor. I look back now and I think this is probably what started me on this fetish.

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  • 1 month later...

Since my earliest memories I’ve always found the act of peeing fun, I’d pee anywhere and loved doing it outdoors. If I was on a country walk or outing with my parents I would convince them I was busting and they’d let me go in the bushes, or would just wait until I was desperate, pee myself, enjoy having to walk back to the car wearing wet clothes and often be naked from the waist down for the trip home.

Peeing outdoors extended to the seaside and I loved wearing swimming trunks as it felt like I was in underwear and somehow “naughty”, as I was supposed to keep everything covered up when I was away from home. Our family had an annual seaside holiday that lasted until I was aged 10 and a lot of time was spent on the beach. Whenever I needed to pee, instead of making the trip to find toilets (which were some distance way) they just told me to either do it through my trunks sitting on the sand, or go in the water.

Bath-time was another chance to mess around. The bathing ritual always started with being put on the toilet, however around the age of 4 or 5 I began deliberately not doing anything and then having fun in the bath, peeing under water without my Mum noticing (bubble bath was great for hiding what I was up to!).

Once I was having baths on my own I was able to openly pee, having fun spraying it around.

I have no recollections of being a bedwetter (so must have been dry at an early age) but up to the age of about 9 I would deliberately pee at night if I was in a different bed, mostly if we stopped over at grandparents or in a hotel. Parents thought they were just accidents because I was in a strange bed (they were always sympathetic, never the sort to tell me off for doing it) but it was deliberate enjoyment of pee flowing over my groin and being naughty, peeing where I shouldn’t.

One of the hobbies I started in secondary school (aged 11) was trainspotting and a small group of us would spend our weekends at a viewpoint that overlooked the local railway depot. This was on some wasteland so was easy to toilet whenever we needed to, often peeing in a circle watching each other as we created a puddle.

Days out at other railway stations in the area were common, with one particularly large station being a favourite where we would sit on the end of a platform in a less-used area. If there were only two or three of us there, we would not bother making the trip to the toilets, instead lying face-down on the platform and doing it through a crack in the slabs.

At home if my parents were out I would often pee in the garden, either standing on the edge of the lawn and seeing how far I could get or walking around with my penis out, randomly peeing without holding on to it.

Once into my teens the “accidental” wetting wasn't possible (too many questions for a teenager!), instead I took every opportunity to pee in my clothes if I was soaked either by rain or in water fights and other wet outdoor games and activities. I would just let go whilst continuing to play and was turned on by the naughtiness of doing it without anyone being aware.

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I remember being intrigued by it when younger but it was all done in the bathroom. Bending over and watching the pee come out as I sat on the toilet, starting and stopping my flow to see what it felt like, putting my hand under my stream to feel the warmth, peeing with my knickers on while sat on the toilet, standing over the toilet and peeing, and when a bit older peeing in the shower. I only did each thing once or twice but I do think it was related to the fetish and enjoying the feeling and wanting to explore it more. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My parents were also very open minded towards peeing. When driving on the highway they just stopped at a parking to let me pee in the grass and when camping they told me just to go behind the tent.
I remember I was camping in a cottage once. I was playing outside and my dad was sitting in the garden of the cottage. When I wanted to go inside for the bathroom, my dad told me I could just go in the bushes in the garden. Of course I did.  


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On 4/22/2022 at 12:37 PM, stan4444 said:

My interest in girls wetting started with my mates younger sister, who often seemed to have wet pants but no one seemed to notice or care, she would just sit there and wet her pants.


This has sparked a lifetime of interest.

What a great place to grow up in. My childhood was super boring compared to that :D. Thanks for the amazing story. 

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On 4/25/2022 at 12:35 PM, Mr_Slash said:

I find this a fascinating topic because I am sure, probably like most of us here, that my fascination (obsession?) with peeing started from my early childhood experiences which started as a subject genuine curiosity.

I can relate to so many of other peoples' accounts here.
Mine was similar. My earliest memory goes back to when i used to spend a lot of time at my neighbours house. She was a similar age to me and I have memories of us often spending time in her bedroom playing with toys and games in the usual way that you do. I dont remember any actual dialogue but all I do recall is that we were both fascinated by the whole process of peeing and where it came out of each of us. As a result we were regularly take a break, go into the bathroom together and watch each other pee. I just wish i could remember how the conversions went! A couple of years later we moved house. Again I had another neighbour who I used to play with a lot. There was a building site nearby and new houses were being built. It was in the days before health and safely when you could easily walk all round a building site! I remember one time when my friend and I went into one of the houses that was still in the early stages of construction. I remember this  being fascinating in itself to be able to do this.  I have a distinct memory of needing a pee and my friend encouraged me to pee there and then in the room. So  I willingly dropped my trousers and stood in full view for her to watch as i peed a big puddle on the floor. She then lifted her skirt, squatted and did the same for me. I think we both loved the forbidden nature of doing this and the fascination of watching each other. I am sure these experiences go a long way to explaining why i now love to both watch a women pee and to also pee for a woman to enjoy the view.

I bet I am not alone in wondering if our childhood friends who we experienced these episodes with, are also now into this fetish!

What I find so exciting from participating on this forum is to find that women are just as likely to have a love and fascination of peeing, in it various forms, as men. Its such a refreshing revelation to find women here who are as keen to discuss the subject and share their experiences and fantasies.

As kids we used to play on a building site near us (was so much better before H&S spoiled it).   We also used to go into the houses and pee in the rooms - It was always fun to leave puddles on the walls or the floors and also we sometimes peed out of upstairs window apertures and watched it fall to the ground below.

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Outdoor peeing has been normal my entire life.  I and my friends would always pee outside when playing.  Going inside would interrupt whatever we were doing so we didn't.  My family was very outdoorsy.  We were less obvious about it but just stepping behind a bush or tree was completely normal.

I'm not sure where the idea of naughty indoor peeing came from but I started indulging when I was probably about 8.  It was always a secret thing, the risk being a big part of the thrill.  I don't remember doing it much in high school but did a fair amount around the dorms in uni.

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- Back in school I had already stopped using the actual toilets when I had to go and just peed on the floor or walls in the bathroom

- My first (and forever last) gf always peed pretty much everywhere, and we only did proper sexual stuff after quite a while, so the first few times I saw the someone else's genitals, it was pee-related. That 'relationship', despite being something exceptionally fucked in hindsight, might have opened me up to more stuff than just pee btw, since I occasionally tried on her underwear 😼

- On long drives with my family I was never allowed to pee outside, so I had to always go in a bottle. Always stuck my little willy inside of the bottle until it got too large (which was the case surprisingly quickly), so while it lasted the feeling of 'penetrating' something combined with peeing might have influenced me.

- Wetting myself idk how many times as a kid because I wasn't allowed to go anywhere decently might have lowered my inhibitions towards trying it as an adult... and it feels amazing.

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I swear this site is dislodging some core memories...

When I was in grade school, I had this "friend" named Alex. I guess you could call him that, I'm not sure. I do however remember quite alot of pee antics tied to him. One time we were in the bathroom and he wanted to show me how far he could pee into the urinal. He backed up some feet away, nearer to the wall than the urinal, and tried to pee. Obviously no kid has that kind of distance, so he began to pee on the floor. He stopped himself and started pissing in the urinal. At least he tried lol, I did not as I knew my limits and my limit was using a urinal in the first place.

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Peeing outdoors has never been an issue for me or my family, we've always done it, from when we were kids into teens and adulthood and in front of each other if the needed to pee. Our parents were very open about it and  seeing each other genitals seemed quite normal. 

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