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Feedback / Idea Anonymous Poll - Peefans Private Messaging

Anonymous Poll - Peefans Private Messaging - Open to all, please let us know your experiences:  

112 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever received Peefans Messages from other users which were 'unexpected' - for example a message from someone you don't know or hadn't expected to receive?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not Sure
  2. 2. Have you ever received Messages on Peefans which you thought were inappropriate, or caused you some level of concern? (please tick any which apply)

    • Yes - Negative or insulting comments about something I'd previously posted on the site.
    • Yes - Negative or hurtful comments about me personally or my beliefs / attitudes.
    • Yes - Unwanted suggestive advances, inappropriate crudeness, unwanted pictures or links.
    • Yes - Requests for information I didn't feel was appropriate (eg. contact details, personal questions)
    • Yes - Something else
    • No
    • Not Applicable - or prefer not to say.
  3. 3. If you answered Yes to any parts of Q2 - What were your thoughts?, how did messages affect you? what was the outcome?

    • Chose to ignore the messages.
    • Entered into a conversation with the sender.
    • Reported the messages to a member of staff.
    • Requested removal of your content from the site based on comments received.
    • Considered or did actually use the Ignore User facility to prevent further messages from that user.
    • Was put off making further contributions to Peefans as a consequence.
    • Considered requesting cancellation of your membership.
    • Something Else.
    • Not Applicable
  4. 4. If you answered Yes to any parts of Q2 - What would stop you taking action and reporting the issue?

    • Thinking it's not really that big an issue.
    • Being concerned about getting someone into trouble.
    • Thinking that it's all part of being in an online community.
    • Worry that it would come back on you in some way.
    • Something else
    • Don't know
    • Not applicable

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Hi folks,  I have a bit of a survey here - Please would you have a quick look and answer any or all of the questions you feel relevant.

You can tick as many boxes as apply, apart from on the first question.

Hopefully it's all simple to understand, but please feel free to get in touch if you'd like any guidance.

Like they say on the TV - 'If you feel you've been affected by any of the issues discussed here...'  please do get in touch.   You can CLICK HERE to send a message which will be shared with @Admin @Sophie @Scot_Lover and myself @gldenwetgoose.  We will treat anything you tell us in complete confidence.

If you prefer you can message any one of us.  If you're unable to send messages, just reply to this thread with a post which says 'please contact me'.

You can also use the 'Report' facility to let us know about any messages you're concerned about - just click on the three dots whilst viewing the message and then click 'Report' just like you would for any unacceptable site content.

If you have any particular experiences or concerns please do feel free to discuss with the staff privately.

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42 minutes ago, Paulypeeps said:

The poll does not work - Q3 requires an answer, but there is no answer if you answer no to question 2!

You cannot start a question with 'If' and require an answer!

Thanks - I've added a 'Not Applicable' response option on Q3.

I imagined the poll would let you skip over any questions, but clearly not - sack the Beta Tester (ie me).

  • Haha 3
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I’ve never received anything untoward either, maybe male/mod thing too. 
The only unexpected message received was a polite request for a video link, which I had no problem with. 

Looking at the poll results, it seem some people have had problems, please report any of these to the mod group. As stated, these will be dealt with.

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Guest ShyPeeMan

I haven't had any problems and I've recently had a very pleasant friendly chat with a fellow fan. It's been a very welcoming site and long may it continue

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Guest ShyPeeMan
2 minutes ago, mrfox said:

I have neither received any private messages nor had anyone reply to mine. I'm not sure why the feature exists

I've had a nice chat with a few members now and a few no replys, guess not everyone chatty or they are not on here very often. 

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Very good points raised there @ShyPeeMan & @mrfox

Of course the site provides the ability to send what are termed 'Messages' from one member to others.  Think of that as email in the way it's written, given a title and posted.  It appears in your message inbox. (I have mentioned before that an envelope icon on the top line of the site rather than chat bubble would be more accurate).

Then there is the Live Chat facility which everyone can take part in, with the Live Chat window on the homepage, the Live Chat page itself and depending on your theme with the Chatbox tab on the bottom right of the site.  Messages there are more transitory of course and seen by everyone - although users can be tagged to direct a comment in their direction.

The thought I had in mind when raising the poll was definitely more towards the Messages - and wondering if there may be any abuse happening where members were receiving unwanted approaches or inappropriate content.  We'd all see it of course in Live Chat.  I wasn't clear in the wording I used, but then I didn't want to lead the witness too much either.

(There is the third form of messaging, in that Gold Members can also have one-to-one live chat messages with other Gold Members.  I must admit I hadn't really thought about this, given the relatively smaller numbers of people in that category - but no reason why it couldn't be considered too).

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Good to see that you guys are keeping on top of this sort of thing 👍, it's never been an issue for me probably a gender thing as mentioned earlier, it's actually so rare for a PM notification to pop up for me that its a pleasant surprise 🙂.  Over the years I've very occasionally had suggestions via PM that I wasn't interested in but always very polite and never persistent.  


Edited by mickymoist
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Thanks all for the feedback in filling in the forms and commenting on it.

I'll come clean on my reasons for creating it, in that I'm sure we can all think of members who are active and fun in the forums, who've maybe posted content we've enjoyed.  Then one day we realise they've stopped posting, stopped visiting the site, maybe even requested deletion.  There's nothing in their posts and interactions to show why - are they ill?  Have they got a new partner or job, are they too busy now?   Or has somebody been inappropriate in a way that's led them to leave?

There's now over 50 people filled in the survey, so that seems a reasonable sample size to give a spread of results (although the site population is 30,000+  the actual current active population is much less).

- Over half of the people have received an unexpected message (6 out of 10 people) - either from someone they don't know, or just unexpected from someone they already are acquainted with.  I guess every conversation has to start with someone making the first move, so maybe that's just to be expected?

- But 15 people (that's about 3 in every 10) have received a message which they felt was inappropriate - either suggestive, crude, unwanted images, or asking for personal information - those sorts of things which are against site rules.

- Most worrying are the responses to the next question, where several people were either put off posting further site content or considered leaving.  This is NOT acceptable.

- Only one person out of 52 considered or did actually report the offensive post, with people worrying about getting someone into trouble, or it being obvious it was them that had made the report.   When a member's content or activities are reported the staff will never reveal who has reported them.

- A little more encouraging is that 1 in 10 people knew about the 'Block' facility and did or would consider using it.


The staff at Peefans are completely committed to making this a fun and friendly place to hang out. There are site rules which apply equally to the chat and private messaging just as they do to the main posts.

So if you receive something which upsets or concerns you, please please do report it to staff.  Don't suffer in silence, or escalate into an argument with other members.  The important point here is that you may laugh it off or consider it all a part of a NSFW online site, but other members may not be so strong.  Report it for them even if not for yourself.  The report button is there for messages, just hit the three dots to the right of the individual thread of that message and please use it.  Be strong for others.

The Block facility is there for you to use too.  On a desktop browser click on your own username at the top right, then on 'Ignored Users'.  On a mobile click the three bars on the top right, then 'Account' to find the 'Ignore Users' link.  Just type the letters of their username until the actual name appears, select it and choose which bits of contact with them you want to block.

Hope that helps - fundamentally though, if it feels wrong it probably is and please bring it to staff attention.

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7 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

A little more encouraging is that 1 in 10 people knew about the 'Block' facility and did or would consider using it.

Thanks for flagging this - it seems a useful, powerful and subtle tool, and I think it would be good if more people knew about what it can do 🙂 

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Guest ShyPeeMan
1 minute ago, Kupar said:

Thanks for flagging this - it seems a useful, powerful and subtle tool, and I think it would be good if more people knew about what it can do 🙂 

I hadn't noticed it so will look for it.


I have messaged people and been messaged by people who I don't know and I hope I have been polite in the way I have spoken with them because that's how I want to be treated myself. It doesn't seem right to be rude.

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30 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

Most of the people I have encountered here have been wonderful and supportive. I'm happily involved for like the first time in my 65 years (he's not abusive), and most people here respect that. But there's always some dweeb who thinks his penis or ego is the answer to every unasked question, and I have a tendency to avoid them at the first provocation. I love watching men pee and once I finally get to see my own guy do it, the novelty of watching others may dwindle. But until then, I'll be watching.

And wishing you every success in coaxing him into doing so.  Until then as you say we're happy to be second best.   But far better to have content online for when you want it rather than those dweebs you mention.  Please don't ever hesitate to bring those dweebs to our attention - we have a special anti-dweeb spray for those occasions.

(Dweebs is one of those words which doesn't get anywhere enough usage these days).

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah,  It is freaky but as much as maybe it shouldn't be you just learn that that's the way it is and learn to accept it.

I try to keep up to date but the more people pressure me to talk the more likely I am to shut down and ignore them tbh.
I'm not ignoring you I've just got other things to do right now.  If I didn't want to chat with you anymore I hope I'd have the decency to message you and say so.

It's sad when we have to celebrate common decency to one another as something special but *shrugs* it is what it is.  I'm so used to the toxic crap now that it's refreshing to find this place seems to be different.

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I’d say that the majority of my messages on this site have been unexpected. Fortunately almost all of them have been positive. The only ones I have received that I have disliked are when people ask me if I want to “talk about pee” which is fine except when I have no prior relationship to the person in question. I have also received two messages from two different people talking about their/my kids and where they pee, etc. I ignored these messages and the people in question left me alone. 

In general I am always welcome to friendly messages from all. This site has long been one of my favorites and I’ve lurked here for years before finally signing up almost 4 years ago.  

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9 hours ago, durianfury said:

I have also received two messages from two different people talking about their/my kids and where they pee, etc.

So I still receive the random messages with questions about where I pee/what I do and what not but I have never received anything like this and I am so horrified! I'm so sorry you had to deal with this! It would have been an instant block and report from me! 

On a different note, my inbox is filling quickly too and I feel bad that I can't get back to everyone in a timely manner. I'm always down to making new friends as well but life gets in the way sometimes 😔

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