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Would you rather pee in public or pee you pants when desperate

Guest Pee girl 1234

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18 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

And of course this all relates to uncontrolled desperation - there may be planned situations which completely change the thought processes...

Good point. I was about to say that it's generally pee in public rather than wet trousers, but then I thought that I actually enjoy wetting ... but much more so when the circumstances are controlled, such as on a hot day in the garden. So back to peeing in public I think. But it's a close call.

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Defo go in public don’t like wetting myself and walking around with a stain or cold wet patch. Done it before by pulling over onto hard shoulder and peed right there cos there was no pit stop for miles so it was an emergency then. 

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35 minutes ago, pop-a-squat said:

Absolutely piss in public. I like the idea of being seen and relieving myself wherever I need to go.

I wish we lived in a society where it was acceptable for people to just pee where they needed too when they needed too

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i'd say it depends on the situation. i've purposely wet myself in public before but i was more confident with the risk and could quickly go away after. it would be different if i was stuck somewhere like a long line in the bank and not intending to wet myself although, not entirely ruling that out lol if unplanned i'd prefer to find a place lift my skirt or lower my pants and pee there. but now that i think about it, if there was nowhere to discreetly go in public i might wet myself - it looks more like an accident that way compared to taking your pants down and going on the floor

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For me, I would generally much prefer a quick pee in public - even if some people could see me.  I'd be far less embarrassed about someone seeing me peeing for 30 seconds than countless people seeing me in wet clothes for the rest of the day.

The only exceptions would be (a) On a beach - I'd wet myself through my shorts as people wouldn't think anything of wet shorts on a beach. (b) Wearing dark trousers in a place where I thought I could get away with it and they would either not look too wet or would be dry before anyone is likely to see them.  (c) Where there really isn't anywhere to go discretely and peeing in view would be bound to cause problems with people who could see. (d) when wearing a wetsuit and it is easier to pee down the inside of the legs than take it off - I have done this many times even in close proximity to people when not in the water.  Pee just comes out of the legs at the bottom, so just stand on a suitably absorbent surface like grass.

I have peed in public hundreds of times, but apart from swimwear or wetting for fun, I have only wet myself twice without planning it.   Once was on a train where a woman was asleep in the aisle seat and I was trapped in the window seat.  Rather than wake her, I peed into the seat through my trousers, then when I got up at the end of my journey I put a long coat on to hide the back of my trousers and put a newspaper on the seat.   The other time was walking in London.  I had every intention of finding a quiet alley for a pee, but I left it too late and I was searching for somewhere suitable but there were no quiet places and lots of people.  I ended up sitting on a wall in front of some office property and peeing through my trousers with the pee falling down to a gravel area in front of the basement windows.  I sat there for a while so I stopped dripping, then I walked to the underground station.   My trousers were wet but I couldn't do anything about it.  Nobody said anything.  When I sat on the underground, my trousers were still very wet and I left a wet patch on the seat.

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In addition to the post above, I remembered that actually there was a third time I wet myself in an unplanned situation.  I had been driving for two hours and was almost home, but needed to fill up my car with fuel so it was ready for next day.  I needed a pee, but it was manageable, so I went to the petrol station and when I got out of the car my need to pee multiplied by about 5 times.   Whilst pumping the fuel in it doubled again. I knew I was in trouble and I couldn't leave the car/pump unattended.  I tried to hold it in - I knew I only had to manage five minutes to pump the fuel and then 10 minutes to get home, but it just wasn't happening. 

A spurt released, then another.  I tried desperately to hold it back but it was no good, I did think about trying to sneakily pull my dick out to pee next to the car whilst pumping the fuel, but there were people at the other pumps and CCTV everywhere, with at least two cameras covering my position.  I was still working out whether I could get away with it when the floodgates opened and by then it was pointless doing anything else as my trousers were soaked anyway.   I ended up standing there peeing down the legs of my (thankfully dark) trousers.  The only good things were that it felt nice, was a wonderful relief and I was doing pay at pump so I didn't need to go into the cashier. 

It left a puddle on the floor, so I wonder whether the attendants later thought that it was spilt fuel or whether they realised what had happened.

The bad news was my adult daughter was in the car, so I had to explain what happened to her!  Thankfully she wasn't too bothered and just said I guess that's what happens when you get old (Cheek! - I was  50!).  I then got home and had to bypass my wife and mother in law to go upstairs and get cleaned up and changed.   My wife thought it odd that I'd gone up with no hello or anything so I had to explain to her as well, although she was quite sympathetic.

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I feel like your account their @Alfresco is more a case of needing a hug emoji rather than the 'love' or 'hot'.

My nearest similar case is one which I've posted about before in other topics (so apologies).  I was travelling in the UK on business, had been at a company for the day with the usual boring meetings, biscuits and lots of coffee. Then a rush hour drive with delays to my hotel where I arrived pretty desperate.  Now with what I know now, and who I am now the obvious thing would have been a pee in the car park, if necessary pretending to sort something out in the hire car.  As it was though back then, my kink wasn't as developed an the idea of getting to my room seemed the solution.  That and as I recall it was raining and windy, so I didn't want to be out in it a moment longer than necessary.

So I grabbed my briefcase and overnight bag and rushed into the hotel reception. Fortunately there was noone else waiting, it was one of those small travel lodge type places, so just a single receptionist behind a high counter. High enough for me to clutch myself desperately through my suit trousers pocket with one hand whilst she called up my reservation. She was fairly efficient, but my need was worse - and possibly also worsened by that feeling of standing waiting, with relief so close.

Fortunately I was able to stand very close to the counter and when the dam started to burst it wasn't a full on flood - wet enough to leave a fist sized wet stain on my trousers and dribbles down the legs though.

Once I was past the moment of having to stand at the reception desk and walking down the corridor to my room that made things easier.  More clutching as I fumbled with the room key and switching on the light, then I threw myself into the bathroom, hurriedly opening my belt and zip to let fly to the rest of my full bladder into the sink - far quicker then fumbling with the toilet seat.

My next concern was that on this trip with two back to back days of meetings I had a clean shirt, socks and boxers but only those suit trousers. Not even a pair of jeans to wear for dinner...   Thank you Corby for your heated trouser presses. 

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3 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I feel like your account their @Alfresco is more a case of needing a hug emoji rather than the 'love' or 'hot'.

It's fine - at the time I was finding I had a bit of mixed feelings.  In some ways I quite enjoyed it and I was more concerned about what my wife and daughter would think, but both of them were fine and have never mentioned it since, so all is well.

And I've had a similar thing in a hotel reception - I've reported it here somewhere before.  Basically similar situation to you, but the receptionist realised what was going on actually said something.  She suggested she paused check in and pointed me in the way of the toilet.


Edited by Alfresco
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100% go somewhere in public rather than wet myself. I'd much rather risk a few people at most seeing me pissing somewhere publicly than wet myself and have everyone I pass till I can get home and change know I couldn't hold it. Besides, pissing in public is fun 

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  • 11 months later...

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