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Who would you be more comfortable telling about your pee fetish?

Who would you be more likely to tell about your pee fetish?  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you be more likely to tell...

    • A casual sexual encounter with someone you're unlikely to see again
    • A long-term partner

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There have been discussions here before about who you tell about your interest in pee (or if you don't anybody at all). But I think an interesting question is who you would be more likely to tell?

Would you prefer to tell a partner who you're very unlikely to see again so "it doesn't matter" too much that they know (or if they don't respond well)?
Or would you prefer to only confide in someone you've been with a long time who you really trust?

Definitely pros and cons for both. 


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One day I might (or might never) confess to my longtime partner, but the partnership is far too valuable to risk my reputation which might disappear overnight! The only ladies I share it with are girls I might meet in a night club, my g/f who I met on an adult website, and girls on chatting websites, if they look as if they would be receptive to the idea. Almost without exception they always are, and always love the conversation because they find it is refreshingly different from what they term 'the usual stuff'. There is huge potential for getting more females into peefans because although they have never thought of peeing in a sexual way, when they do think about it they really love it!

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Between these two options I would have to go with short term sexual partner. The one and only long term partner I've told was an ex boyfriend and he shamed me so bad I didn't even want to have a pee fetish anymore. My husband, as far as I know, doesn't know and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm perfectly fine indulging myself here when I can. 

But, if there were to come a time where I had a new short term partner that I was unlikely to see again, I'd have less qualms about telling them.

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I have chosen a long term partner. Peeing is something that is deeply personal to me and I would only reveal it to someone I deeply trust. 

Although saying that, I wouldn't have a casual sexual encounter with someone I'd likely never see again. 

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If I start to post about my current home situation yet again people will start to roll their eyes.

The 'sexual' encounter with a stranger seems unlikely too (although there is provision for that in our relationship) but in terms of bringing up the subject, it definitely seems easier to think about with a stranger than with someone who knows me, someone with mutual contacts etc where word could so easily spread.

What I mean is, the casual 'Sorry, I'm bursting for a wee' conversations that random strangers mention - it seems much easier to get into a discussion over.  Maybe not a discussion where I bluntly admit it turns me on, but the sort of discussion to reassure that it's ok, just nip down that alley, and comparing anecdotes type discussion.

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I chose a long term partner as I'm not into casual encounters. Broaching the subject though is a real toughie because of possible ridicule etc. but I find pee play to be very intimate and personal and sharing that kind of intimacy is very special and also very erotic. Even in today's society there are certain 'taboo's' that are just misunderstood but I think it's mostly that people fear or reject what they don't understand or have never experienced. I see pee play as akin to masturbating in front of or watching a partner masturbate, which is usually viewed a s a personal or private thing but the sharing of what you would do in private with someone you really love and care about can be a real spiritual thing!

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I chose long term partner because i trust my wife with my life. but also in casual encounters i always used the same tactic, there was an easy way to see if they’d be willing or not. Wheter you’ve already slept with them or not people don’t tend to see it as weird if you spark an conversation about what they’re into or what they’d like to try. This way they’re bound to ask you too and i alwyas said that: ”well lately i’ve kinda been fascinated by pee i stumbeled upon it and it seemed kinda interesting” if they react well then there you go you can tell them about your fetish easier and if they react like this one girl i was with who genuinly seemed really disgusted you can just play it off saying that you were ”just curious” worked for me everytime.

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I chose casual partner as I once revealed my peeing enthusiasm to my girlfriend in college. She was a very sexual person, loved to experiment and thought she would enjoy the experience. So when I brought it up to her she thought it was a horrible idea. Funny thing is she was all in on anything sexual; all types of anal play, fisting, S&M, group sex, exhibitionist, outdoor sex, you name it. But wanted nothing to do with peeing and subsequently decided my "request" was too much for her and she left about a month later.  She also decided to "out" me to everyone she/we knew. It was rather interesting to find out what people thought about peeing.  Everyone, both men and women, who spoke to me about it was perfectly fine with her enjoying group sex or being an exhibitionist (she would literally walk down the street and flash people or play with herself on a park bench), but not my peeing! oh well...

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I have never had casual sexual partners so I had to go with long term, but I can see why people would be less concerned telling a casual partner.  Also, if pee is important then it is probably best to talk about it early in the relationship as it may help decide if the relationship is worth pursuing.   On the other hand, if pee is not the most critical thing then maybe you wouldn’t want to risk telling your partner for fear of losing them over it.

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21 hours ago, Alfresco said:

I have never had casual sexual partners so I had to go with long term, but I can see why people would be less concerned telling a casual partner.  Also, if pee is important then it is probably best to talk about it early in the relationship as it may help decide if the relationship is worth pursuing.   On the other hand, if pee is not the most critical thing then maybe you wouldn’t want to risk telling your partner for fear of losing them over it.

Spot on - that's exactly how I feel. I can't see myself having a casual sexual partner to be honest. But there might be others I might tell (that is, people who wouldn't be sexual partners either in the long term or casual) - though I realise the poll isn't about them 🙂 

Edited by Kupar
I was wrong
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@hank23, I experienced a similar, strongly negative reaction from a Platonic female friend, whom I had known since my early teen years, and with whom I had discussed all kinds of sexual subjects. We had confided intimate details to each other during our teen years, although we never became lovers. Fortunately, she didn't out me to other people, and we remained friends. But her reaction was totally unexpected, and came as a profound shock to me, which inhibited me from revealing or discussing my fetish for at least ten years, afterward. Unfortunately, I met and dated a woman who may have been into pee, during those ten years, since she always left the bathroom door partly open when she peed, while we were together. But I never dared to reveal my interest to her, due to the negative reaction I had experienced, with the previous woman.

Reactions to our fetish are unpredictable, even when coming from women who appear to be very adventurous, and liberal in their other sexual preferences. I subsequently "came out" to several long term female sexual partners, relatively early in the relationships, with a variety of generally favorable results, ranging from amused tolerance to enthusiastic acceptance. So, for the record, I would only consider sharing my fetish with potential or actual long term partners.

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I’ve never had either one, but with a hookup I might be afraid that the perception of weirdness would turn her off from doing normal things as well.

A long-term relationship with someone who doesn’t know about it, on the other hand, would be impossible.

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On 2/9/2021 at 1:29 PM, steamlover6 said:

There is huge potential for getting more females into peefans because although they have never thought of peeing in a sexual way, when they do think about it they really love it!

Excellent statement, if You ask me! This is a theme for a completely new topic, I guess..

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I would love to find the right time to tell my wife, to have her acceptance, understanding, and ultimately her participation. I tried a few times by giving her hints but she never has a good reaction, so I back down

If I ever find a partner on the side, yes, I will mention it and hope for similar interest!

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Neither. If I am to tell either one, they had to have proven their kink friendly to me first. So far, casual strangers seem more trustworthy than long-term partners, but to those casual strangers, there was always an air of kink friendliness of them. Some of those strangers are good friends today and know about my kink, just don't share it.

EDIT: I'm sorry, I keep forgetting someone I slept with who was a not-so-close friend for a while until a few years ago. Very intelligent, kink friendly, hot as fuck. Wasn't into pee like I was but sent me a few vanilla videos of her pissing. Let me watch her a couple times too. We're still friends to this day, but it's as I said, I already knew about her. Not sure if I would tell someone I'm about to fuck around with. Too risky, and I have other kinks that compensate for me not telling anyone about my primary.

Edited by pguy2981
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  • 7 months later...

I wouldn't want anyone in my close environment to know about my kink, so trust is key. If I have confidence she either won't tell or won't meet my family and friends, I can be open.

In the past, I have not regretted when I was open. I remember one woman telling me pretty early in my probing that she found this kind of stuff totally disgusting, so I knew to keep it to myself. In other cases, my desire to watch them peeing or include watersports in our sex life have generally been met with loving acceptance, but not enthusiasm. I've yet to meet the woman who enjoys peeing out of her own motivation (sexually or not) and not because she likes the effect it has on me...

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I'm definitely more in the "casual sexual encounter" group. If I'm having a discreet one-night stand it doesn't matter to me if they know, because my reputation is unlikely to be ruined in the aftermath. If I have a long-term relationship with someone (which frankly I'm not a big fan of doing these days!) there would be too much to risk if I were to admit my fetish. I prefer to embrace my pee fetish the only way I know how, which is by hiring someone and tailoring the encounter to my needs.

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7 hours ago, Peewee123 said:

Definitely long term partner but I’d still be reluctant. I think I’d test the water by saying I was desperate to pee while out in the woods or car or while in bed or playing and seeing what the response was. 

Testing the water is always a great idea. Now, we've got to get you out in the woods more. 

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I've never had the nerve to come right out and tell anyone.  I'm in the "test the waters" camp.  The subject has come up in multiple conversations, with casual encounters and long-term partners, but the response has always been disinterest or some level of disgust before I got to the point of outing myself.

Overall, I think I'm more likely to try with a casual encounter unless they are a member of my wider social circle (don't need that story doing the rounds).  Telling a long-term partner is safe, in terms of the secret getting out, but risks the relationship to some extent.  I would choose to protect the relationship if I have strong indications the response would be negative.

As a result of all this, my fantasies about pee sex remain fantasies ... but I still hope   😉


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Definitely a long-term partner. As I am socially rather awkward and not big on the bar/party scene, I can't imagine myself having many sexual encounters with people I will never see again, and in the event I did, I wouldn't find it natural at all to bring up a pee fetish just out of the blue. Certainly in the one instance I've had anything at all along those lines, it didn't occur to me to bring it up. The only way I could see that working is if circumstances made it so one of us peed in front of the other just because of necessity or convenience, and that broke the ice so to speak.

With long-term partners it's quite different, as I don't think I could be in a really long (as in years) relationship with someone who I knew would never pee in front of me. I don't care if she wants privacy most of the time she pees, I may well end up wanting the same, but there should be enough openness that we could show each other at least once. Of course I couldn't--and wouldn't--expect this from a "booty call".

One thing you didn't mention was friends, especially friends with "benefits". In those kinds of relationships I'm likely to find it especially easy to bring up my interest. There's not the romantic need to be a perfect lady/gentleman in those friendships and not "ruin the mood", and if you're close enough friends to undress, then discussing pee doesn't feel too far out of reach for me. I'm quite sexually inexperienced, but nearly all of the experiences I have had (including someone I dated romantically for a short time) have been with people with whom I was already on friendly terms (and in most cases who stayed friends afterward). I have mentioned my interest in peeing to most if not all of these people, and none of them rejected me as a weirdo afterward.

Part of it is that as I said I'm socially an outsider so the people I connect with tend to be outsiders themselves and more accepting of something possibly "weird". I don't mean they were sexually super wild and daring, in fact they tend to be quite repressed/shy due to lack of social connections, just not big on conformity and image. And I almost wonder if some of the people I'd connect with on a friend level and then possibly more would actually find it easier to talk about peeing than about sex, with it being more "innocent" a subject.

Edited by Carb0nBased
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